Parsec to Earth
Parsec to Earth

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Parsec to Earth

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He placed the teleporter in the garage in "home" mode, but the neighbor's garage remained standing crookedly in the middle of the road.

– If anything, I wasn't here, – the homegrown astronaut thought, and got into his old car and drove home.

He got to work on time, even managed to sleep at home.

From work, he called Jessica, who had recently quit and wanted to become a writer. He told her everything as it was, but she laughed and said that she would probably start her literary work with a fantasy novel, although she was going to start with romance novels. Alois had never felt so funny, he wanted to fly through space with a teleporter, then tell and prove his flight with the flag and marry Jess. As a result, she laughed at him, and the neighbor will also try for a long time to find out the reason why his garage first disappeared, then appeared, while he saw him Aloyza often in the garage, and he will definitely pry him. – I haven't been anywhere, I haven't seen anyone, that's all! – I said aloud this time and, getting into my old car, after work, I drove towards the river port in the hope of meeting a girl.


Vlad walked slowly, even though he was already late for work. He worked as a designer in the construction and repair department of a large company. It was wet, and small streams trickled down the sidewalk.

At the back of the bus stop there was a sewer manhole, or it was a manhole of an underground heating main, it was not immediately clear.

Vlad stood on this cast-iron trapdoor and decided to transfer the pen and ink from his breast pocket to a small plastic briefcase, which usually carries a single package of documents. It was inexpensive, and Vlad didn't try to look more presentable than he really was. His department was located in the back office of the office, and very rarely did anyone come to see him. Customers of the design rarely visited, because the design was ordered, and he processed it for several weeks.

For some reason, I pressed the fountain pen button, and suddenly I was at home in front of the TV in my house tights and chips.

He closed his eyes and pinched himself, but nothing changed, the TV was still playing, and it was dark outside.

– So-o-o-o-o! Did I eat today, or did I get poisoned, or did I die?

The clock read 19: 03.

– I need to call my brother, I don't understand what's going on.

Vlad finds his brother's number and calls him, to which he quickly answers him and says that he is very busy, and said that he got his feet wet in a ditch on the street today.

– Rain, ditch, I remember that. I need to call my office.

– Seryoga, what's going on at work today?

– Vlad! The day went great after the clients came out of your office and ordered the design of one house with finishing, they found us seven more customers, okay, that's it, bye, see you tomorrow. Without waiting for Vlad's reply, Sergey hung up.

Vlad after the call sat in complete incomprehension of what was happening, how all this can happen. Okay, I'll go cook dinner, maybe he'll let me go.

After dinner, he had already forgotten about today's incomprehensible time paradox and was about to go to bed.

– What's going on? – Okay, maybe I'm overworked, I have to go back to work tomorrow, I need to sleep.

The next day, he also went to the bus stop, but nothing happened, he even tried to stand on the hatch on the sidewalk, but again nothing happened. A trolleybus arrived, and he silently got on and drove off, paying for the trip with a bank card.

At work, when he went into the office, he saw a couple of new folders of papers. Turning on the co-computer, I started working on the sketches that were in these folders. He didn't remember being at work yesterday, and that was a big problem. Therefore, the subtleties of the design and the wishes of customers must be taken into account, otherwise it always ends in a scandal at the end of the work.

He didn't remember yesterday. I tried to find out more information about yesterday in the corridor, but no one said anything, and everyone behaved normally.

I went home on the usual route, and all the time I was thinking, why did yesterday happen like this and whether it is possible to repeat it and immediately be at the TV after work?

The next morning, he walked confidently to the bus stop, thinking not about how it happened, but about how to repeat it.

As a person with a technical background as an architect, he immediately began to spin different combinations in his head, that you need to do the same thing that he did the day before yesterday morning.

I stood on the hatch, but, as expected, nothing happened.

– A pen, really? – Less often…

And clicked. He pulled out some notes from the small bundle in which he usually carried them, and pressed a button.

He was immediately in front of the TV with chips in his hands.

– Ye-e-e-e-h-u-u-u! Eureka! – for some reason Vlad added to his interjections, which he pronounced very long.

Tomorrow, he already knew what he would do in the morning, so in the evening he even stopped thinking about work and started watching a new series that was released recently in several seasons at once.

The next day, he stood on the hatch, pressed the fountain pen button, and found himself in front of the TV, and this continued every day, of course, on weekends he did not go anywhere at all. But he stopped shaving and kept up a routine, because he wasn't interestedin it anymore, no matter. His salary was paid, as usual, and even an additional bonus for work that he did not even do, he did not even see clients, but it was as if it was being done. Sometimes his friends from work called him, and they went to a club or just to a cafe to relax, everythingthat concerns his life after work has not changed, it's just that work time has ceased to exist in his life. Sometimes he didn't push the handle and drove to work just for fun. In a month, sometimes he did not go to work even once and even began toforget a little who he was working at all. So a long time passed, and one morning, when he reached the bus stop, he did not see the hatch, it was rolled up tightly on top of fresh asphalt. Vlad started frantically looking around to see if he had confused the bus stop, the street, or something else. But the hatch wasn't there. He even forgot about the pen and, when he came to work, sat down at his workplace, where there was already a separate cabinet with new folders. Vlad sat and stared absently at the files and the desktop. He didn't know what to do and where to start, where the order was, and in general, at work, he saw a lot of new people when he went out into the corridor. When he started to go back to his own office, he saw an inscription where "purchasing director"was written on the place of the position with his last name. – What purchases? I'm a designer…

He went into the office and found the right handle, and began to press it automatically, one after the other. Pressing it for the forty-ninth time, he suddenly found himself in a queue somewhere. After looking at the inscriptions, he saw a window-registration of a pension.

– Vladislav Igorevich, come to window number 17, – a pleasant voice came into a small speaker.

Vladislav, notfully aware of what was happening, began to search his pockets for a fountain pen. He found it on the breast pocket of his suit, which was too small for him. The uncomfortable feeling of stiffness that a patient in a straitjacket might have experienced did not leave him.

And finally, he found this pen and, sitting in front of the window of a cute girl who was filling out some electronic papers on the keyboard, he began to press the fountain pen button. He lost count, but kept doing it, but nothing happened.

– You are worried, don't worry, you will soon start going fishing and relaxing, – the girl tried to calm down, watching how Vladislav presses the fountain pen over and over again.

– That damn hatch, – he said, looking down the long corridor, still pressing the button.

The girl who was hastily typing on the computer stopped for a while, turned in his direction and continued to click.

But at some point, something cracked, and the fountain pen broke in half, where the spring flew out and small parts fell to the floor, scattered in different directions…


An attempt at the seventh flight on HT39 of the manned spacecraft was successful, and the astronaut managed to land on this planet. Initially, they planned to send three astronauts, but then they reduced the volume of the internal location of the spacecraft module for habitation for the sake of a more powerful engine and larger food supplies.

But it was this launch that was successful, although it was an interim project, involving an increase in the entire ship on a different principle of operation.

– Nikolai, we can hear and see you! – reported from a video call session from Earth.

– I can hear you perfectly well, too, the life support module has deployed automatically, and everything is working.

In the next few months, Nikolai became popular in all Internet resources, his interviews were broadcast, entire communities were created, and talk shows about him were discussed, where experts in various fields of science constantly spoke.

The topic was popular everywhere, and earnings from advertising such sites grew significantly, almost everyone was talking about a person on HT39.

T-shirts were produced, a clothing line was made, a movie was made, all this gave income to various companies for a huge amount.

But one day, Nikolai received a message on the monitor that the next module was delayed in sending, because they found errors in calculations when developing a new type of engine, and the old one had long been abandoned.

Nikolai sat down on a chair that was very comfortable in the life module and started flipping through the paper books that he had brought with him from home, but things were very sad.

He was popular on Earth, he was the idol of the young, but here, being one parsecs away from Earth, he could not go back and no further help could be expected.

He became the most popular and richest blogger on Earth. His dream of youth came true. A special bank account was opened for him to collect interest on broadcasts and souvenir sales, but he could not use it to save his position.


The guy wearily got behind the wheel of his new car, preparing to go to work. The car was bought recently, bought on credit and did not particularly please him, so that he could feel more confident at work while communicating with colleagues. Soft music played in the background, but his thoughts were much louder. As he slowly moved through the bustling streets of the morning, the past slowly and gently entered his mind.

He thought back to his childhood, the days when the world was simple and carefree. Memories were exploding in his head, causing a warm feeling of nostalgia. He thought aboutendless summer adventures with friends, fun family trips to the sea, the smell of grass while playing soccer in the field behind the house. He remembered the day when he caught a carp in the pond, but he couldn't unhook it, it broke free, and he never went fishing again in his life.

Every cartoon he watched, every book he read, every song he fell madly in love with, it all came back to him in that moment. He felt those moments of youth when he dreamed of becoming a winner, when he believed in his invulnerability.

People were smiling at him from the next row, looking at his car.

In the complete silenceof the car, after Sasha turned off the radio, his lost youth came back to life even more strongly, as if he was standing on a street corner again, chewing the same gum for the second day, with a big smile on his face. However, his memories were only of happy moments.

He tried to remember the bad stuff, but he couldn't remember anything.

As his hands maneuvered confidently on the roads, his thoughts conversed with the past. Thesememories gave him a certain calmness and confidence. He realized that everything that happened in his life led him to this moment: he, a representative of the logistics profession, who is busy all day organizing a business for production and delivery to the customer.

When he parked his car in the parking lot before work, the guy felt deeply disappointed that he missed something very important in his childhood.

He closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the moment before embarking on a new day of work. The sun shone through the windows of the car, reminding him of the opportunities and new challenges that lay ahead.

Alexander's day was measured, his colleagues made a lot of noise in the corridors when they saw each other, but he found it ridiculous and almost did not leave his office for the whole working day.

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