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Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus
Du Ryn & hister qu'on dira sont venus,
Crys, pleurs a` Malte & coste' ligustique.
In a year very close, not far from Venus,
Two very great ones from Asia and Africa
From the Rhine and Istria, as they say, they will come,
Screams, sobs in Malta and the Ligurian coast.
Katren itself is not far away.
5-11 Mer par Solaires seure ne passera,
Ceulx de Venus tiendront toute l' Affrique :
Leur regne plus Sol, Saturne n'occupera,
Et changera la part Asia tique.
I also note that in neighboring quatrains, surprisingly, the theme is supported by the words " Malthe " (5-14) and " Ryn " (5-12). (Well, yes, the site was identified correctly. “ Hi + st + er ” in quatrain 5-12 could not be discerned then):
5-12 Aupres du lac Leman s er a conduite,
Par garse e st range cite' voulant tra hi r…
I really wanted to reach out to quatrain 4-73. The culprit of this is the word "pantomime" from it. I really wanted to find out how, why it appeared in the Centuries?
4-73 Le nepueu grand par forces prouuera,
Le pache faict du coeur pusillanime:
Ferrare & Ast le Duc esprouuera,
Par lors qu'au soir sera le pantomime.
The great nephew will affirm with strength,
An agreement made with a fainthearted heart:
Ferrara and Asti the Duke will test,
Then, when there will be a pantomime in the evening.
" Pantomime " is not found anywhere else in the Centuries, but since there is nothing accidental in this book, it is simply necessary to find some kind of connection. And it was found: apart from " Panta " from the wonderful quatrain 4-32, there are simply no options.
4-32 Es lieux & temps chair au poisson donra lieu,
La loy commune sera faicte au contraire: Vieulx tiendra fort puis oste' du milieu,
Le Panta choina philon mis fort arriere.
In places and times, the flesh in the fish will give place,
The law of the commune will be drawn up in opposition to:
The old one will hold strong, then torn out of the environment,
“Friends have everything in common” is heavily delayed.
This is where my posts on this topic end. Since my interest in “pantomime” has not faded even now, I will show how things are going with it in this section, along with other little things: “ Pan + to + mi + me ”, “ so + ir ”, “ DVC ”, “ Es + pr + ouue + ra ", " Fer + ra + re ", " Ast ".
4-29 … De Vulcan Hermes sera faicte pa ast ure,
Sol sera veu pur rutilant & blond .
4-30 Plus vnze fois Luna Sol ne vouldra,
To us aug me ntes & baisses de degre':
Et si bas mis que peu or on coudra,
Qu'a pr es faim, peste descouuert le secret.
4-31 La Lune au plain de nuict sur le hault mont,
Le n ouue au sophe d'vn seul cerueau la veu:
Par ses disciples estre immortel semond ,
Yeulx au midy , en seins mains, corps au feu.
4-32 Es lieux & temps cha ir au pois so n don ra lieu:
La loy commune sera faicte au contraire:
Vieulx tiendra fort puis oste 'du milieu,
Le Pan ta choina philon mi s fort arriere.
4-33 Iupiter ioinct plus Venus qu'a la Lune,
Apparoissant de plenitude blanche: V enus cachee soubz la blancheur Neptune
D e Mars frappe par la granee branche.
4-34 Le grand mene' captif d'est ra nge ter re ,
D'or enchaine ' au roy C HYREN of fer t…
In this section, as seen above, the Author drew inspiration for the last two lines of quatrain 4-73. Time to go back to the past.
The still mysterious character "Celine" is mentioned ten times in the first seven Centuries. Below is one from quatrains With him .
4-77 SELIN monarque l'Italie pacifique,
Regnes vnis Roy chrestien du monde: Mourant vouldra coucher en terre blesique, Apres pyrates auoir chasse' de l'onde.
SELIN – the monarch of peaceful Italy,
Kingdoms united, Christian King of the world:
Dying, he wishes to lie in the land of blessing,
Then the pirates will get exiled from the wave.
Italy – " Italie , Italies , Itaille " – is also present ten times in the first cycle of the book. The phrase “United Kingdoms”, obscure at first glance, takes on meaning in this context. All "Italy" Celine united himself. The same result can be obtained by summing all " chrestien " and " monde ".
The next quatrain 4-78 exposes the numeral 79 to the public, and although the quatrain following it with the same serial number is just a distraction.
4-78 La grand armee de la pugne ciuille,
Pour de nuict Parme a l'estrange trouuee, Septanteneuf meurtris dedans la ville, Les estrangiers passez tous a` l'espee.
Big city battle army,
Because of the night, Parma is found in someone else's,
Seventy nine killed inside the city
The foreigners have all been handed over to the sword.
Obviously, 79 is tied to " ville " – the city. Katren is clearly "urban". Even ' pugne ciuille " – "civil battle" or "city battle" in Latin – the same thing. But "city" – as " ville ", is mentioned infrequently in the Centuries, but "city" – " cite '", " cites " – by the result of ten! Centurius, will show a rating of 79, taking with him for beauty the Latin analogue " cita ".
In quatrain 4-80, everything is pure truth.
4-80 Pres du grand fleuue grand fosse terre egeste,
En quinze pars sera l'eau diuisee: La cite' prinse, feu, sang, crys, conflict mettre Et la plus part concerne au collisee.
Near the big river there is a big ditch, the earth is dug out,
The water will be divided into fifteen parts:
The city is taken, fire, blood, screams, conflict
And most of them are involved in conflict.
Nostradamus took a shovel, and divided the streams of river water into fifteen parts. In this quatrain – the fifteenth Centurian river – " fleuue ". There is nothing to add to this, the Author speaks the truth. And then, apparently, he reports on his work already done, suggesting that, in addition to rivers, he involved the words “ cite ”, “ feu ”, “ sang ”, and, at least, “ crys ” into the collision.
I don’t want to waste a lot of paper, in the next quatrain 4-80 there is a phrase: “ sept a ` picque " – literally – "seven in (at) the peak." Exactly seven times in the first cycle of the Centuries the word " picque ( pique )" is used.
Quatrain 4-84 seems to me much more interesting.
4-84 Vn grand d'Auserre mourra bien miserable,
Chasse' de ceulx qui soubz luy ont este': Serre' de chaisnes, apres d'vn rude cable, En l'an que Mars, Venus & Sol mis en este'.
The great of Auxerre will die very unhappy,
Cast out by those below him:
Tightened with chains, then with a rough rope,
In a year in which Mars, Venus and the Sun are placed in summer.
In the fourth line of this quatrain – an indication of where to search. The combination of Mars, Venus and the Sun in one quatrain is found only in quatrain 5-25. And it develops a situation similar to quatrain 6-35 with the word CLIMAT assembled from capital letters .
5-25 Le prince A rabe Mars , Sol , Venus , Lyon,
R egne d' E glise par mer succombera:
D euers la Perse bien pr es d'vn million,
Bis an ce, E gip te , ver. serp. inuadera.
Only in this case there is one nuance. The city " AVSERRE " is almost going here, the second capital " R " is missing . I think there is an explanation for this. Auxerre, now – Auxerre , earlier (well, in the 14th century – for sure) was called Ausedre . This is how he is presented in this quatrain: " AVSEDRE "
Another interesting observation. I don't know how unlikely it is to find " es + te " in this quatrain, which make up the words " este '" (see line 4-84), but they are here, as well as, of course, " an ". Of course, this is more like going somewhere away from the right direction, but on paper I will keep it. Would it come in handy?
B exactly in the next quatrain, probably something similar.
4-85 Le charbon blanc du noir sera chasse',
Prisonnier faict mene' au tombereau:
More Chameau sus piedz entrelassez,
Lors le puisne' sillera l'aubereau.
Coal white black will be pursued,
The prisoner is dragged in a cart:
Moor Camel on legs bound together,
Then the younger one will sew up the eyelids of the Hobby Falcon.
Camel – " Chameau " – the word is a conductor, which is present in another quatrain 5-68.
The expression " sillera l ' aubereau ", as I found out, a special term inherent in falconry. The eyelids of a bird of prey were sewn together so that it lived in complete darkness for a certain time of its training.
The whole full-fledged word " charbon " in quatrain 5-68 is not found, only part of it is " char ", but it is quite beautiful.
5-68 Dans le Dannube & du Rin viendra boire,
Le grand Cha meau ne s'en repentira:
Trembler du R osne & plus fort ceulx de loire
Et pres des A lpes coq le ruinera.
My fantasy, of course, has no limits, but it seems that Nostradamus, having arranged the necessary letters so closely that it immediately catches your eye, did it – so that even a falcon with sewn eyelids could see “ChaR” or “ChAR” through the gap .
I could not resist – "future – today." These two topics are the second kick in my ass for overclocking. In my opinion, he did. Halfway through the Centurian, everything began to come to life, even if not in all its glory, which, of course, I regret, but everything turned out quite productively. Further – the continuation of the second topic is still from my past.
… By the way, “ char ” is a cart, a chariot, in this regard, I draw attention to the “prisoner dragged in a cart” from 4-85. This quatrain turned out to be very "prolific". Having settled down between two quatrains with "years" – " an " (4-84 and 4-86), he gave rise to increased attention. From the dictionaries, I found out that " charbon blanc "-" white coal "– this is the old name for the disease of leprosy -" lepre ". Thus, the secret of quatrain 4-7, which previously baffled, was revealed.
4-7Le _ mineur filz du grand & hay prince ,
De lepre aura a` vingt _ ans grande tache :
De dueil sa more mourra bien triste & mince .
Et il mourra la ou tombe chet lache .
Youngest son of a great and hated prince,
Because of leprosy, at the age of twenty he will receive a big spot:
His mother will die of grief, very sad and thin,
And he will die where the traitor fell – the lover.
" Chet " – from Old French. " escheotiter " – to change, deceive.
" Lache " – from Spanish. – " lacho " – lover.
Of course, it has long been suggested to count twenty " ans " – "years" from the beginning of the Centuries, and get to the right place (quatrain 4-84). But, in fact, nothing was tracked there compatible with the words of quatrain 4-7 (… Neither " grand prince " from 4-81, neither " filz " from 4-83, 4-87, nor " tombe reau " from 4-85? Oh, me!) … I didn’t know this about leprosy – leprosy – “ charbon blanc " (4-85). Conclusion – more often it is necessary to delve into dictionaries.
And the strict conjunctions of the next quatrain should certainly lead to the goal. Even V sky look Not certainly .
4-86 L'an que Saturne en eaue sera conioinct,
Auecques Sol, le Roy fort & puissant: A Reims & Aix sera receu & oingt, Apres conquestes meurtrira innocens.
In the year when Saturn in water is conjunct,
With the Sun, the King is strong and mighty:
In Reims and Aix will be received and anointed,
After the conquests, he will kill the innocent.
Again, as in a cheat sheet, you should look for "Saturn", "water" and "Sun" in close contact. Such a place was found in quatrain 5-11, with the next "Saturn" in a row.
5-11 Mer par Solaires seure ne passera,
Ceulx de Venus tiendront toute l' A ffrique:
Leur regne plus Sol , Saturne n'occupera,
E t ch an gera la part Asiatique.
From the three capital letters of this quatrain, “water” is assembled – “ EAV ”, so that it becomes exactly like in quatrain 4-86 – it is necessary to take into account “ Ve ” – “ EAVe ”. (I still can’t go beyond one quatrain and see what’s around. In the fourth line of quatrain 5-10 there is a missing “ E ”, and there’s nothing useful nearby!).
The next parsed quatrain gives numerical information.
4-96 La soeur aisnee de l'isle Britannique,
Quinz ans deuant le frere aura naissance :
Par son promis moyennant verrifique, Succedera au regne de balance.
The elder sister from the British Isle,
Born fifteen years before her brother:
Through its promised through verification,
Will follow in the realm of scales.
The first thing that is required is to find the "brother's sister" – " seur le frere". Here This place .
5-36 De soeur le frere par simulte faintise
Viendra mesler rosee en myneral:
Sur la placente donne a vieille tardifue,
Meurt le goustant sera simple & rural.
From here, according to quatrain 4-96, it is necessary to count back fifteen " ans ". Having done this, and having got into quatrain 2-39, it is necessary to find out in what interval to continue searching, i.e., step back for another “year” – “ ans ”. In this interval (2-9 – 2-39) something thematic should appear, connected again with "sisters and brothers." AND Here What found .
2-20 Freres & seurs en diuers lieux captifz,
Se trouueront passer pres du monarque:
Les contempler ses rameaux ententifz, Desplaisant voir menton, front, nez, les marques .
In this case, the conditional "sister" – a really delayed, healed old woman, the next one – will appear only in quatrain 4-96. I suppose that the connection with the British Isle is manifested in the very first line of quatrain 2-1: “Vers Aquitaine par insults Britaniques ”, is it possible to assume that the second Centuria, beginning with such a line, is “British Island”?
It is interesting that in the Centuries the "sisters" are presented in two images: " seur " is "correct", and " seur " is "wrong". Moreover, the very first "sister" – in quatrain 1-63 – is most likely not a "sister" at all: "Seur marchera par ciel, terre, mer, & onde" – "the sister will pass through the sky, earth, sea and wave." Not too relevant, in my opinion. Finally – about how the "sister" will follow into the realm of "scales" – " balance ". After quatrain 4-96, all the remaining three “ balances ” are in the fifth Centurion (5-42, 5-61, 5-70). Probably, she is – "the kingdom of scales." The “sister” will follow there, where it will “end” according to the results of the first seven Centuries.
About operating with relatively small numbers, comparable to the number of words, maybe – letters, theoretically possible. How to be with a case when it is a question of one million? There are no comparable values, nothing to cling to.
5-25 Le prince Arabe Mars, Sol, Venus, Lyon,
Regne d'Eglise par mer succombera:
Deuers la Perse bien pres d'vn million,
Bisance, Egypt, ver. serp. inuadera.
Prince Arabian Mars, Sun, Venus, Leo,
The kingdom of the Church from the sea will perish:
Regarding Persia – very close to a million,
Byzantium, Egypt, ( ver . Serp .?) will invade.
I think the author did not plan millions of victims in his fictional world. Unlike the real world, his universe turns out to be much more humane and happy.
In quatrain 1-72 – the first million is " million " in Centuries, and in quatrains 1-73 and 1-70 – "Persians" and "Persia", respectively. By the way, the quatrain 5-25 itself is close to "Persia" (5-27).
Another quatrain with "million" – 1-92. "… Mors & captifz le tiers d' vn _ million " – "… A third of a million dead and captured." The word " tiers " can be translated both as "third" and as " third ".
The next "million" is in quatrain 2-94. "… Sans escaper vn quart d' vn _ milion " – "…A quarter of a million has not been saved." A similar situation, " quart " – "quarter" and " fourth ". This sequence draws attention to itself. In fact – in quatrain 1-92 – the second "million" Centurius, and it is argued that the third. In quatrain 2-94 – the third "million", but the Author claims that he is the fourth.
The fourth, in fact, "million" – in the considered quatrain 5-25, well, then, for a greater effect, you will have to cross the threshold of the second cycle of the Centuries. It is there, starting from quatrain 8-21, that the "millionth" theme gets its interesting continuation: "… Passant le pont mil milles embleront …" – "… Passing the bridge, a thousand thousand will be carried away … "A thousand thousand" is the next, veiled, fifth in fact "million" in the Centuries.
In quatrain 8-34 – the sixth "million": "Delues & brodes septieme million". The first two words are arguably translatable, but the last two are translated as " seventh million". There are no options here, definitely – the seventh.
A few words about "Delues & brodes". All letters, with the exception of " O ", are capitalized in quatrain 5-25.
5-25 L e prince Arabe Mars, S ol, Venus , Lyon,
R egne d' E glise par mer succombera:
D euers la Perse bien pres d'vn million,
B isance, E gipte, ver. serp. inuadera.
So – the sixth in a row and the last "millionth" quatrain, as well as the two considered above, stubbornly insists that there is another "million" hidden from prying eyes in the Centuries. The only thing left is to find him.
The boundaries of the searches are not too large. Since already in quatrain 1-92 – "the third million", then from the beginning of the Centuries – to it.
Surprisingly, it exists almost almost at the very beginning of the Centuries – it is in quatrain 1-2: " milli + on ".
1-2 La verge en main mise au milli eu de BRANCHES
De l' on de il moulle & le limbe & le pied…
I specially checked the entire given area, there are no more such variants of assembling this word on it. With the finding of this, the very first "million" in the Centuries, absolutely the entire chain is lined up in an ideal way.
I want to finish this topic after considering one more quatrain, so as not to return to it again. IN it , by the way , another hidden "milli+on".
10-74 An reuolu du grand nombre septiesme,
Apparoistra au temps Ieux d'Hacatombe:
Non esloigne' du grand eage milli esme,
Que les entres sortir on t de leur tombe.
Year of completion of the great number of the seventh,
Appears during the Hecatomb Games:
Not far from the great age of the thousandth,
When the buried come out of their grave.
It clearly refers to the seventh "million" quatrain 8-34.
Apres victoire du Lyon au Lyon
Sus la montaigne de IVRA Se catombe
Delues & brodes septieme million
Lyon, Vlme a Mausol mort & tombe .
M ost and the pontiff, what can be common between them? Any French speaker will immediately give the correct answer to this question, because the bridge is “ pont ”, and the pontiff is “ pontife ”.
5-44 Par mer le rouge sera prins des pyrates,
La paix sera par son moyen troublee: L'ire & l'auare commettra par fainct acte, Au grand Pontife sera l'armee doublee.
At sea, red will be captured by pirates,
The world will be disturbed by it:
Anger and greed will cause a deceitful act,
The great Pontiff will have an army doubled.
Yes, the reality is that during the pontificate of Pope Julius II (1503-1513), there appeared its own Papal army – the Swiss Guard of the Vatican, consisting of 150 guards. Yes, pirates have captured someone at all times, be it red, black, green, etc. But the Prophecies are not so boring as to write about it.
So – "pontifex". Historians – researchers see the origin of this word from " pons " – bridge and " facio " – "one who makes (bridge)", explaining that initially the holders of this position were obliged to oversee the construction and repair of the Pile Bridge in Rome ( Pons Sublicius ), which was considered sacred. Yes, this is valuable information. We'll have to trace the interest of Nostradamus to bridges-pontiffs.
The first mention of the "bridge" appears already in the early quatrain 1-33.
1-31 Pres d'vn grand pont de plaine spatieuse…
Near the big bridge of the spacious valley…
Further, already in quatrain 1-37, the task for the seekers of secret tombs, and, it turns out, bridges, is visible.