Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus
Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus

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Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus

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In 1557, again in Lyon, the French industrial and commercial center of those years, in another publishing house, Antoine du Rosne ", the second, expanded edition of the Prophecies is published, extended to the forty-second (40?) quatrain of the seventh Centuria. Moreover, the sixth Centurion, instead of the hundredth quatrain, had an unnumbered quatrain-spell in Latin.

To date, only three or four copies of the 1557 issue have been seen on the Internet. All of them are different from each other. Copies stored in Moscow and Budapest contain only forty quatrains of the seventh Centuria, and do not contain the spell "number 100" of the sixth. They are dated November 3, 1557.

By some irony of fate, the next copy of the "Prophecies", stored in the Netherlands, in the library of the city of Utrecht, dated September 6, 1557, is more complete. As I have already indicated, there are two more quatrains in it, and there is a spell in Latin. The fact that it is this edition, the most authentic, will be proved by me later. As for others – a huge question for the Author – WHY? Fear, because everything conceived and stated will be quickly revealed? …May be!

There are several main differences between the editions of 1555 and those of 1557. I will give some of them as an example.

Perhaps the main, and, as will be shown later, intentional difference is contained in quatrain 3-18, all attention is on its third line.

Option editions of 1555 :

Apres la pluie laict asses longuete,

En plusieurs lieux de Reins le ciel touché:

Helasquel meurtre de seng pres d'eux s'apreste,

Peres & filz roys n'oseront approcher.

Option more late editions :

Apres la pluie laict asses longuete,

En plusieurs lieux de Reims le ciel touche':

O quel conflict de sang pres d'eux s'apreste,

Peres & filz roys n'oseront approcher.

" Seng " is an untranslatable word, and most likely means " sang " – blood. Such a "mistake" for this book, as it turned out, is very significant. In addition, these editions differ from each other by words composed entirely of capital letters. One example is in quatrain 3-51: " PARIS " (1555), " Paris " (1557)

Another distinctive feature of the 1555 editions is the replacement of words with symbols, as, for example, in quatrain 4-30: "The Moon and the Sun" ( Luna Sol ) are replaced with drawn symbols.

And, of course, there have been cases of substitution of the main prepositions ( de , du , la , le , etc.).

It is possible that the next, already complete edition of the Prophecies, was published in 1558 or 1559, which has not come down to us. At present, the earliest complete Les Propheties " are copies of the year 1568, i.e. published after the death of the Author, in Lyon, by the Benoist Rigaud .

The book contains:

Preface dedicated to the Author's son Cesar;

The first seven Centuries: the first five have 100 quatrains each, the sixth has 99 quatrains plus an unnumbered quatrain – a warning written in Latin, the seventh consists of 42 quatrains;

Quite capacious Epistle to Henry the Second;

The last three Centuries, 100 quatrains each.

Total 941 full-fledged quatrain.

Linguistic analysis of the 1568 editions gives reason to believe that this is an amended version of the 1557 edition with forty-two quatrains in the seventh centurion (Utrecht).

What is this book? As the name implies, this is a collection of short, four-line poetic prophecies. Unlike other works of Nostradamus, they are simply replete with disastrous and terrible events. Plague, famine, death, blood, flood, fire – this is the future the Prophet foretells to mankind. The lack of dates, with rare exceptions, gives interpreters a reason to tie "liked" quatrains to various events that happened. The vague style of writing and the complexity of translation contribute greatly to this. In general, it all depends on the imagination of the interpreter.

The Author himself, which can be seen in the Preface to Cesar, assured that: “I compiled books of prophecies, each of which contains a hundred astronomical quatrains, composed of prophecies that I wished to compose a little vaguely, these are continuous predictions from the present time to the year 3797.” It was this date, openly named, that captivated all those who were eager to reveal the secrets of the future. It took me quite a long time.

A huge number of books have been published on this subject. I read somewhere that the "Prophecies" are, after the "Bible", the most mysterious book in the world.

It took me a very long time to come to an understanding of the secret writing of Nostradamus, but the beginning of this process gave such a rapid acceleration to everything that followed, which cannot be described in words.


In from him, quatrain is the motivator of everything else:

1-15 Mars nous menasse par sa force bellique,

Septante foys fera le sang espandre: Auge & ruyne de l'Ecclesiastique, Et plus ceux qui d'eux rien voudront entendre.

Mars leads us with its military power,

Seventy times blood will be shed:

Apogee and destruction of the Church,

And more than those who do not wish to hear anything from them.

Yes, a gloomy, but rather inconspicuous-looking quatrain. Prophetic, this is clear at once. But what historical event, past, present, or future, could fit such a description? If you count all the bloodshed that took place in the world, or Europe, or in France, then from what date do you start? “Nostradamus, you outdid yourself with this quatrain,” I thought, “that's exactly seventy, no more, no less, you should have counted the bloodshed. Have you made a mistake in the calculation? Feeling that with this quatrain there was a complete dead end, out of desperation, I started counting all the blood – “ sang ” in the Centuries. So, manually, with a pencil, I began to highlight these words right in the book …

As is probably already clear, there were exactly seventy of them in the first seven centuries.

Quatrain 1-15, as an introductory one, did not participate in the calculation. It mentions " sang " for the first time, and the countdown starts right after it. It was a real breakthrough! The book of Nostradamus has finally spoken. The lines of other quatrains began to be perceived differently. For example , the line quatrain 4-1:

Sela du reste de sang non espandu…

This is the remnant of unshed blood…

Or the line of quatrain 8-1, which begins the second stage of the "Prophecies":

PAV, NAY, LORON plus feu qu'a sang sera…

PO, NAY, LORON, there will be more fire than blood …

Now I want to return to the previously mentioned quatrain 3-18. In the edition of 1555, one blood is “killed” in this quatrain, changing “ sang ” to a mangled, incomprehensible word “ seng ”. Considering such a "murder", the blood already sounds seventy times already in the first seven Centuries, even taking into account quatrain 1-15. This, apparently, is the formation of the "rules of the game", not otherwise. What can I say, the Author himself claims this. The line of quatrain 3-18 in the version of the 1555 edition:

… helasquel meurtre de seng press d' eux _ s ' apreste …

…It’s a pity what kind of murder is being prepared because of the “ seng ” around them…

The same line from the 1557 edition:

…O quell conflict de sang pres d'eux s'apreste…

…Oh, what a bloody conflict is being prepared around them…

Murder is replaced by a simple conflict, which, I think, is also settled.


After the first success, I, of course, rushed to look for something similar in other quatrains, and hoped for the same results. Everything turned out to be more complicated and interesting. Nostradamus, apparently, set the task of consistently raising the bar, leading deeper and deeper into the secrets of his texts.

Literally a stone's throw from the quatrain with seventy " sang ", obviously, the following task was located:

1-17 Par quarante ans l'Iris n'aparoistra,

Par quarante ans tous les jours sera veu: La terre aride en siccite croistra, Et grans deluges quand sera aperceu.

In forty years, Irida will not appear,

Forty years from now, all days will be visible:

The earth parched with dryness will grow,

And big floods when seen.

It would seem that there is a correspondence with quatrain 1-15, but here everything is not so simple and unambiguous. The level of the task is completely different. « L ' Iris » – Irida, a rainbow, appears in the Centuries further only in quatrain 6-44, in a slightly different form, which is a common thing for the times of the Author. " Lyris " – that's what she is in it. All attempts to find at least some connection with the statements of quatrain 1-17 failed.

Much later, the solution was nevertheless found, therefore, this episode of my book is inserted here artificially, without my personal chronological order, which I wrote about earlier, wanting to reflect here all the stages of my comprehension of the works of Nostradamus in real time. Wanting, and not worrying about my mistakes of the past, to lay out my thoughts and conjectures in full, in chronological order, knowing that the scales on which this work will eventually be placed will outweigh the cup of criticism against me.

So – my judgments from my own future.

The differences between quatrains 1-15 and 1-17, however, are significant. At 1-15 – 70 times, at 1-17 – 40 years. Moreover, a very specific goal appears in quatrain 1-17: to find Irida – a rainbow linked to forty years. Until I went all this long way to today's understanding of everything that happens in the Centuries, I could not comprehend the Author's intention, now I can.

In order to get to the desired section of the Centuries, in order to contemplate the secret radiance of the rainbow, it is only necessary to count forty "– ans -" that happened from the beginning of the Centuries. Moreover, as well as as separate words, and as part of others. True Scripture is the 1557 edition (Utrecht). Editions of 1555, based on my conclusions, are just some "reconnaissance before the battle."

This place is found in quatrain 2-13. It is in it, in the composition of the word " sans ", that the fortieth "– ans -" Centurius is concluded.

2-11 … S on aspre gloire vn chascun la craindra,

Mais ses enfantz du regne gettes hors.

2-12 Y eulx clos, ouuerts d'antique fantasie

L'habit des seulz seront mys a` neant,

Le grand monarque chastiera leur frenaisie:

R avir des temples le tresor par devant

2-13 L e corps s ans ame plus n'estre en sacrifice.

I our de la mort mys en native …

“ LYRIS ”, composed of the capital letters of the shown section of the Centuries, is revealed by means of the secret writing method conceived by Notre Dame a long time ago, one might say, at the time of his first literary experience, in a slightly different format, not so obvious, because in the “Prophecies” it is too light decisions are not to be expected.


And the game in counting years will be continued by the next quatrain of the first centurion.

1-48 Vingt ans du regne de la Lune passes,

Sept mil ans autre tiendra sa monarchie:

Quand le Soleil prendra ses iours lasses,

Lors accomplit & mine ma prophetie.

Twenty years of the reign of the moon have passed,

Seven thousand years another will hold his monarchy:

When the sun takes its tired days,

Then my prophecy will be completed and fulfilled.

From the vague and, obviously, very long lines of this quatrain, two amazing “coincidences” were revealed.

Twenty "– ans -": according to the 1557 edition, it turns out that it is the twentieth such combination of letters from the beginning of the first Centuria that falls on the first line of this quatrain. So the author is absolutely right.

Seven " mil ans ": the result of putting these two words together will give " milans ", the city of Milan in the plural. Exactly seven Milans are found in the first seven Centuries.

I will add that this word, perhaps intentionally, is played up by the Author later. In the ninth Centurion, in quatrain 95, the mysterious “ Milannoile ” appears, and in the eighth Centurion, in quatrain 13, the mysterious “fleet of a thousand years” appears – “ classe ' a ` mil ans ".


The following interesting quatrain that I want to consider will certainly be greatly appreciated by fans of fantasy. Closing your eyes, you can imagine how nine brave daredevils are flying in a space rocket to unknown planets.

1-81 D'humain troupeau neuf seront mis a` part,

De iugement & conseil separes: Leur sort sera divise' en depart, Kappa, Thita, Lambda mors, bannis esgares.

Of the human herd, nine will be separated,

From judgment and advice are separated:

Their fate will be different from the start

Kappa, Theta, Lambda are dead, banished, lost.

As a child, I, like, probably, all the boys of the Earth, dreamed of becoming an astronaut. Fate decreed otherwise for me, and today I walk on the ground with my feet, as Nostradamus walked.

This quatrain is about the nine – “ neuf ”, which the Author “separated”, “placed aside, in “ part ””. The number of " part " in the singular in seven centuries is exactly nine.

In addition, a little later, at the beginning of the second Centuria, such an interesting section was discovered, on which, in the most wonderful way and in full accordance with the methods of Nostradamus, “PART”, and “ humain ”, and “ neuf ”, and even “ tr + oup + eau ":

2-8 … Reieteront les goffes fondements:

Prenant leurs loix premieres & humain es,

Chassant, non tout, des sainctz les cultements.

2-9 Neuf ans le regne le maigre en paix tiendra,

P uis il cherra en soif si sanguinaire:

Pour luy grand peuple sans foy & loy mourra ,

T ue' par un b eau c oup plus debonnaire.

2-10 A uant long temps le tout sera range'

Nous esperons un siecle bien senes tr e:…

Kappa, Theta, Lambda are the letters of the Greek alphabet, known for the fact that the letters in it also have numerical values. Kappa=20, Theta=9, Lambda=30. It would be too obvious and easily accessible if in this quatrain they carried precisely this meaning. Everything is very close, but somewhat different and more interesting. In the alphabet, as you know, all the letters are also in order. Serial number of Kappa=10, Theta=8, Lambda=11. This is the true meaning of the lines of this quatrain. Everything is very simple, why it remained unnoticed by anyone before – it is not clear.


Since I have already touched on the topic of the Greek alphabet, I will dwell on two more quatrains, close in spirit, but completely different in content.

1-42 Le dix Kalendes d'Auril de faict Gotique,

Resuscite' encor par gens malins: Le feu estainct, assemblee diabolique, Cherchant les or du d'Amant & Pselin.

Ten Kalends of April of the Gothic fact,

Resurrected again by evil nations:

The fire is extinguished, the assembly of the devil,

In search of the gold of Amant and Pselin.

Calends is an ancient Roman term for the first day of each month. April kalends are the first of April. The counting of other dates, for example, preceding the calendars, was carried out in the reverse order, i.e., for example, "ten days before the April calendars." Thus, it is very tempting to modify the phrase of the first line by adding the preposition "before", but it is not there.

"Gothic" or "Gothic"? From the point of view of modern vision, given the "diabolical assembly", etc., "Gothic" suggests itself. But, firstly, it would be correct – " Got h ique "; secondly, probably, the modern meaning of the word "Gothic" had a slightly different meaning in the time of Nostradamus.

"Gothic", i.e. belonging to the Goths, the ancient Germanic tribes who kept all of Europe in fear from the 2nd century AD. up to the VIII . An interesting fact: the Goths originally used runic writing, but in the middle of the 4th century AD. a certain bishop Wulfila created a special, Gothic alphabet, based on Greek with borrowings from Latin. The letters in it, as in Greek, were also used as numbers.

So – the first line, with my proposed emphasis on the word " dix ": "Ten – Kalends of April from the Gothic fact …". Already knowing about the secret love of Nostradamus for the number nine, I dare to suggest that in this case we are talking about ten.

The April Kalends fall on the 91st day of the year, starting on January 1st. The statistics on the numerals " dix " in the first seven Centuries is as follows: in 1-42, 7-31, 7-37 – " dix ", in 5-71, 5-92, 6-59 – " dixsept ", i.e. . "seventeen".

It suggests adding the findings together: 10+10+10+17+17+17=81. Before the "April Kalends" one ten is missing. Perhaps it is the "Gothic Fact" – the Gothic alphabet, that will give a hint. It contained analogues of many Greek letters, including Kappa, however, unlike the Greek Kappa, which is the tenth in the alphabet, in the Gothic letter “Kusma ( Chosma) – an analogue , was the eleventh, but had a real numerical value, like in the Greek Kappa, i.e. 20. But did Nostradamus know about this?

So – "Kappa", – the last missing "ten", consisting of letters, albeit not French – but a dozen. As a result, the number inherent in the April Kalends has developed. At the end of this topic, I want to lay out the same quatrain in the version of the 1555 edition:

1-42 Le dix Kalendes d' Ap uril de faict Gotique,

Resuscite encor par gens malins: Le feu estainct, assemblee diabolique ,

Cherchant les or du d' A mant & P selin.

\ It differs only in the spelling of the word "April". But "how much is in this word." Not otherwise than hidden from prying eyes " KApPA " manifested itself! Sometimes, however, it is useful to look into the earliest editions of the Prophecies.


the " alphabetic" theme, the ideas have not yet dried up.

1-98 Le chef qu'aura conduit peuple infiny

Loing de son ciel, de meurs & langue estrange:

Cinq mil en Crete & Thessalie finy,

Le chef fuyant sauue' en marine grrange.

The head that will guide the people of the endless

Far from one's own sky, from the manners and language of a stranger:

Five thousand in Crete and Thessaly finished,

The head of the escapee is rescued in the sea shed.

Neither Crete nor Thessaly are mentioned again in the first seven Centuries. It is possible to link these toponyms only to something Greek, given the mention in the quatrain of a “foreign language” – to the Greek language.

At the time of the compilation of the Prophecies, Crete and Thessaly were part of the Ottoman Empire, but the population is Greek, and from time immemorial the Greek language has been spoken.

On this basis, according to the third line of this quatrain, "Five thousand in Greek is finished." Finished, obviously, with the help of a chapter.

Now, you should pay attention to the peculiarity of the old Greek alphabet, and the alphabet itself will not be superfluous to review.

























Ϝ ϝ




z z




Η η








Ι ι




Κ κ
















Ξ ξ




Ο ο




Π π




Ϙ ϙ












Τ τ




Υ υ


And psilon














Ω ω




Ϡ ϡ




The sum of the meanings of all the letters of this old Greek alphabet is…. 4995 . It remains to wait for the help of the "head". The first " Chef " from quatrain 1-98 is the sixth in the Centuries. Therefore, this whole, as it turned out, “popular” mass, under the leadership of the “head”, is gaining a numerical value equal to 5001 .

Everything turns out in accordance with the third line of quatrain 1-98, and after all this action, the mysterious "head" will run away, as unnecessary, having already done his glorious work. And the people – Crete-Fesulano-Greek, for which he is still grateful.


The next topic, based on the numbering of the quatrain, should have been somewhere at the very beginning of my story, but, due to complexity, I had to slightly postpone the moment of its appearance.

1-7 Tard arriue' l'execution faicte,

Le vent contraire, lettres au chemin prinses:

Les coniures. xiii. dune secte:

Par le Rousseau senez les entreprinces.

Arrived late, deed done

Head wind, letters intercepted on the way:

Conspirators XIII , from the same sect:

Through Rousseau, the two sixes are their case.

For a long time this quatrain was impregnable. Despite the presence of a numeral in it, nothing in my head connected with it. As it turned out, it is useful to rustle with dictionaries sometimes quite simply. The word “ senez ” was very confusing , well, very straight. The modern verb " sener " – (to castrate) – clearly did not fit, it was out of place. In the end, I rustled this: " senes " – " double six ” – two sixes in card games. Next, I went over the definitions of the number fourteen.

"Fourteen": (game Picket( Jeu de Piquet )) – a combination consisting of four aces, or four kings, queens, jacks, or tens. The presence of such four cards together is worth fourteen points. It remained, based on the meaning of quatrain 1-7, to find such a combination in the texts of even earlier quatrains. And she was found! A combination of four aces ( as ) was found: 1-1 ( as sis ), 1-2 ( as sied ), 1-5 ( Ch as ses and Carc as ).

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