Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus
Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus

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Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus

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Now I got carried away with ferns and found an explanation for these two lines. I'll post it here in case I forget later. In this section, besides the obvious words: " fo + uger + es ", " po + in + te ", BASTARD , " en + tre + ra ".

3-18 … En plusieurs lieux de Reims le ciel touché:

O quel conflict de sang pres d'eux s'apreste,

Peres & filz roys n'oseront approcher.

3-19 En Luques sang & laict viendra plouuoir,

Vn peu deuant changement de preteur,

Grand peste & guerre, faim & soif fera voir,

Loing, ou mourra leur prince recteur.

3-20 Par les contrees du gran d fleuue B ethique,

Loing d'Ibere, au royaume de Grenade,

Croix repoulsees par gens Mahometiques,

Vn de Cordube trahira la contrade.

3-21 A u crustam in par mer Hadriatique,

A pparoistra vn horrible po isson,

D e face hu maine , & la fin aquatique,

Qui se prendra dehors de l'amecon.

3-22 S ix iour s l'assault deuant ci te 'donne,

Liuree sera f rte & aspre bataille:

T rois la rendront & a` pardonne,

Le reste a` feu & sang tranche traille.

3-23 Si France passes oul tre mer lygustique,

Tu te ver ra s en isles & mers en clos:

Mahommet contraire : plus mer Hadriatique,

Cheuaux & d'asn es tu ro uger as les os.


The next and subsequent quatrains under consideration will bring to this book something, as yet unknown to me, an inexplicable coincidence of random circumstances.

8-45 La main escharpe & la iambe bandee,

Longs puis nay de Calais portera,

Au mot du guet la mort sera tardee,

Puis dans le temple a` Pasques saignera.

A hand tied and a leg tied,

Long younger born in Calais will wear,

At the word of the guardian, death will be delayed,

Then, in the temple on Easter he will bleed.

Literally in the next quatrain 8-46, Tarasc will appear – the legendary dragon, whose name is the French city of Tarascon. And so, in the process of searching for answers to the problems of quatrain 8-45, I stumble upon a quatrain with the city of Calais, in which I find not a leg or an arm, for example, but TARASC – TARASC . Some kind _ paradox .

9-88 Calais , A rras secours a` T heroanne,

Paix & semblant simulera lescoutte,

Soulde d' A labrox descendre par R oane.

Destornay peuple qui desfera la routte .

Coincidences are excluded, six of the eight capital letters are involved, an echo is the presence of the word Arras in the quatrain .

Maybe the legend about him will reveal this secret?

The dragon lived on the banks of the Rhone near modern Tarascon. It was larger than a bull. Half beast – half fish, with sharp teeth, he, hiding in the water, killed and devoured all passers-by and sank ships. He especially liked the girls. In general, the monster brought a lot of evil in places close to Nostradamus. Nobody was able to deal with him. Only Saint Martha could. After the residents turned to her for help, she came to the banks of the Rhone and sang. As it turned out, Tarasque was very fond of singing beautifully. He floated ashore, lay down at the feet of the girl and fell asleep. Then Martha put a collar on him and brought him, tamed, to the inhabitants, … who, however, out of fear, attacked him and killed him. Since then, a celebration has been held in Tarascon in honor of the victory over Tarasco. A giant stuffed dragon is dragged on a chain through the city, through crowds of celebrating residents.

Maybe Nostradamus knew something more? Don't know. I don't have any more leads. I post it as is. The fact that this Tarasque was born in Calais is a fact.

The third line of quatrain 8-45 is a completely different story. In quatrain 9-53 – the phrase " mort guet ter " – "to wait for death." Death has been seen.

The fourth line leads to another section of the ninth Centuria. Here, probably, without any special comments, again this quatrain (8-45) is followed by another, very well-coordinated " tara + sc ". So, really, there are no such obvious coincidences. The connecting thread itself has not yet been found, but the mysterious result is evident. How much in the Centuries is still unknown, disordered!

9-29… feu nef par saignes , bitument _ a`Charlieu ,

_ _ S er ont Quintin Balez reprins .

9-30 Au port de PVOLA & de saint Nicolas,

Perir Normande au goulfre Phanaticque,

Cap. de Bisance raues crier helas,

Secors de Gaddes & du grand Philipique.

9-31 Le tremblement de terre a Mor tara ,

Cassich saint George a` demy perfondrez:

Paix assoupie la guerre esueillera,

Dans temple a` Pasques abysmes enfondrez.

9-32 De fin porphire profond collon trouuee,

Dessoubz la laze e sc riptz capitolin…


The next quatrain 8-52 is unusual in its last line. It consists of only two words and does not rhyme at all. Which causes were at Author on is it ?

8-52 Le roy de Bloys dans Auignon regner,

D'amboise & seme viendra le long de Lyndre: Ongle a` Poytiers sainctes aesles ruiner, Deuant Boni.

The King of Blois in Avignon rules,

From amboise and sema it will pass by the extent of Indra:

The claw in Poitiers destroys the holy wings,

Before Bonnie.

The feeling – that there was nothing more to say … The first line is also an exact copy of the first line of quatrain 8-38. Here, either everything is too simple, or vice versa – it is complicated and misunderstood. It is noted that in this place it is almost assembled from capital letters BoNI and there is the word " deuant ", but nothing more.

8-37 Vn deuant mort, puis dans le fort barre'.

8-38 Le Roy de B loys dans Auignon regner

Vne autre foys le peuple monopolle ,

Dedans le Rosne par murs fera baigner I usques a cinq le dernier pres de N olle.

The nearest " O " is in quatrain 8-42, it's far away. The words " ambois ", " seme ", and " Lyndre " – with their echoes, redirect almost to the very end of the "Prophecies". And here, at first, the words “seducers” are striking, they do not correspond a little, they distort the words of quatrain 8-52, but they attract the eye: “ Baisser ”, “ rabaissant ”, “ Ce mal ". Later, the correct forms are revealed here: “ am + bo + is ”, “ se + me ”, “ Au + ign + on ”, “ ong + le ”, “ po + it + ie + rs ”, together with the last in centuria with "wings" – " aesles " and "Indra", in a more correct form – " Indre ". However, even at the end of all Centuries, there is still an opportunity to see the missing " ly -" (10-99).

10-94 … Six eschappez en hab it seraphicque.

10-95 Dans les Espa ign es v ie ndra Roy trespuissant,

Par mer & terre subiugant or midy:

Ce ma l fera, ra bais sant le croissant,

Bais ser les aesles a` ceux du vendredy.

10-96 Religi on du nom des me rs vaincra,

Contre la secte fils Adaluncatif,

Se cte obstinee deploree craindra

Des deux blessez par Aleph & Aleph.

10-97 Triremes pleines tout aage captif,

Temps bo na` mal, le doux po ur am ertume:

Proye a` Barbares trop tost seront hastifs,

Cupid de veoir pla indre au vent la plume.

10-98 La splendeur claire a pucelle ioyeuse

Ne luyra plus, l ong temps sera sans sel…

The word “ Bo + ni ” also has one last chance to be assembled according to the rules introduced by the Author. The missing "– ni -" is in quatrain 10-98.


For a long time there were no different kinds of calculations. Probably, the impression was created that the Author moved away from them for a while, paying more attention to other tasks. No, of course, I did not clutter up the text with them. But sometimes I will.

In one of the editions of 1568, the first line of quatrain 8-53 has a small error. The word " Dedans " is written in it with a gap: " De dans Bolongne vouldra lauer ses fautes … "– this typo gives a topic for my fantasies, because in such a phrase a different meaning appears, for a French speaker, probably completely unacceptable, but … "De" – in Bologna he wants to wash away his sins … We will now talk about basic pretexts, for this now is the time.

According to my data, the preposition " de " is present 900 times in all the prophecies. It's perfect, I think it should be. The texts with which I worked, as I have repeatedly written here, are the edition from Utrecht of 1557, and starting from the eighth Centuria, one of the editions of 1568.

And everything could be taken as a mere coincidence, but: the prepositions " la " for all Centuries – 595, " le " – 703, " du " – 299, " par " – 597, and " des " – 109. Isn't it very everything suspiciously tends to round numbers? Considering that all errors could have arisen mainly by replacing one pretext with another, I deduced their total number. It is equal to 3203, which confirms my assumption.

I return to the phrase: “ De ” – in Bologna he wants to wash away his sins … This pretext is the most quantitative. Statistics show that in almost every quatrain it is present, somewhere and more than once. Only in two quatrains – five " de " each (4-44 and 9-13). Six is nowhere to be found. And here is one of these quatrains. In it – Bologna, five " de " and the washing away of sins: " fa + ut + es lau + er ".

9-13 Les exilez a ut our de la Soulongne

Conduis de nuit pour marcher a` Lau xois ,

Deux de Modene truculent de Bologne ,

Mys d es couuers par feu de Burancoys.

9-14 Mys en planure chaulderons d'infecteurs,

Vin, miel & huyle & bastis sur forneaulx

Seront plongez sans mal dit mal fa cteurs…

Yes, I understand how hard it is to believe. This is almost on the verge of the possibilities of that time. Maybe it's just my imagination after all?

… Quatrain 9-34:

Le part soluz mary sera mittre',

Retour conflict passera sur le thuille: Par cinq cens vn trahyr sera tiltre'

Narbon & Saulce par coutaux auons d'huille.

I translate the highlighted text like this: " Par " – five hundred. This is the 500th occurrence of the preposition " par " in the Centuries!


The gang , the crowd, will seize the earth …” – such a gloomy prediction is made by Nostradamus in the next quatrain.

8-56 La bande foible la terre occupera,

Ceux du hault lieu feront horribles crys: Le gros troppeau d'estre coin troublera, Tombe pres D.nebro descouuers les escris.

A weak group will capture the earth,

Those from a high place will utter terrible cries:

A large herd will disturb the corner with its essence,

The grave near D. will not open the letters.

Group, crowd – " bande " – in the same quatrain with the ground – " terre " in quatrains 5-64 and 9-52. In quatrain 10-78 the same situation with the word " cris ". Nearby, on the last section, the words " horrible " (10-81), " lieu " (10-81) and " hault " (10-84).

In quatrain 10-48 – "gang" with "herd" – " trope + au ".

10-48 … Trouble s passant au pres du pont de Laigne,

Sera deffaicte par bande sa grand trope

The fourth line of quatrain 8-56 is reflected in perhaps the most interesting part of this topic. Below – "D ne + bro", even With two graves .

8-34 … Sus la montaig ne de IVRA Seca tombe

D elues & bro des septieme million

Lyon, Vlme a` Mausol mort & tombe .

A little lower is another secret gang – BANDE .

8-35 … E t la forest non loing de D amazan

D u marsaues gelees, puis gresle & bize

D ordonnois gelle par erreur de mezan.

8-36 Sera commis conte oingdre aduche'

D e Saulne & sainct A ulbin & Bell l'oeuure

Pauer de marbre de tours loing espluche' N on B leteram resister & chef d'oeuure.

The meaning of highlighting " D " as a separate letter, apparently, is to designate a large number of them in this area. Immediately five capital " D " here.


O successive brothers divide the kingdom, being in a quarrel. This has probably happened more than once in history. Quite yourself plausible quatrain .

8-58 Regne en querelle aux freres diuise',

Prendre les armes & le nom Britannique: Tiltre Anglican sera tard aduise', Surprins de nuict mener a`l'air Gallique.

The kingdom is divided by brothers in a quarrel,

Take their weapons and the name British:

The title of Anglican will be noticed late,

Suddenly, at night, the Gaulish is brought into the air.

There are several quatrains supporting this theme. In 2-95 the kingdom is already divided among the brothers: " diui + se ".

2-95 Les lieux peuples se ront inhabitables:

Pour champs auoir grande diui s ion:

Regne s liures a` prudents incapables:

Lors les grands freres mort & dissention.

In the next quatrain – brothers, kingdom and quarrel.

3-98 Deux royalz freres si fort guerroyeront

Qu'entre eulx sera la guerre si mortelle,

Qu'vn chacun places fortes occuperont:

De regne & vie sera leur grand querelle .

In the next section, in addition to explicit words – ARMES (6-6), Gallic air, in the form of AER (6-6, 6-7), in this form it is in the Centuries in quatrain 6-27, and the word " Ang + li + can ".

6-5 Viuront sans loy, exempt de pol li tique.

6-6 A pparoistra vers le S eptentrion

Non loing de Can cer l'estoille cheuelue:

Suze, Sienne, Boece, E retrion,

M ourra de Rome grand, la nuict disperue.

6-7 Norneigre & Dace, & l'isle Britannique ,

Par les vnis freres seront vexees:

Le chef R omain issu de s ang Gallique

E t les copies aux forestz repoulsees.

6-8 Ceulx qui estoient en regne pour scauoir,

A u Royal change deuiendront apouuris…

Thus, the topic turned out to be a composite one, but literally everything in it was confirmed.


Attention ! Now the last Centurian, His Eminence Rooster, will appear on the Centurian arena. We meet .

8-61 Iamais par le decouurement du iour,

Ne paruiendra au signe sceptrifere:

Que tous ses sieges ne soyent en seiour,

Portant au coq don du TAG amifere.

Never, with the coming of the day,

The scepter-bearing sign will not reach:

Since all his places will not happen in such a stay,

Bringing the gift of TAGA (friend-bearing?) to the rooster.

The narration of the first line is reflected in quatrain 10-50.

10-50 La Meuse au iour terre de Luxembourg,

Descouurira Saturne & trois en lurne…

The action of this coming day – “ iour ”, will last until quatrain 10-80 with the next “day”. During this thirty-quarter day, a scepter will appear – " sceptre " and will never meet " signe " – a sign, a signal. This word will come up with the onset of the next day, in quatrain 10-83. IN German it even will shoot twice .

10-83 De batailler ne sera donne' signe ,

Du parc seront contraint de sortir hors:

De Gand lentour sera cogneu l'en signe ,

Qui fera mettre de tous les siens a` mors.

The battle will not be given a signal,

From the fenced-off place will be forced to leave:

From the vicinity of Ghent a sign will be recognized,

Who puts all of his people to death.

Quatrain is a godsend for a spy. Speaking and suggestive. The words " Signe " finally came out of the corral in which they had been for a long time. The "sign" is recognizable somewhere in the vicinity of " Gand " (almost Gang ).

Yes, quatrain 2-60 with the Ganges and its environs will reveal the following details. In the quatrain itself, Ghent, transformed into “ Ga + nd ”, and “ Tag ”, and around – death, death and SIGNE .

2-57 …Le grand a` mort , mort trop subite & plainte:

Nay imparfaict: la plus part nagera,

Aupres du fleuue de sang la terre tainte.

2-58 Sans pied ne main dend aygue & forte,

Par globe au fort de porc & laine nay:

Pres du portail desloyal se transporte,

Silene luit, petit grand emmene.

2-59 Classe G auloise par apuy de grande garde

D u grand N eptune, & ses tridens souldars:

Ronsgee Prouence pour soustenir grand bande,

Plus Mars N arbon. par iauelotz & dards.

2-60 La foy Punicque en Orient rompue,

Gang . Iud . & Rosne, Loyre, & Tag changefront:

Q ua nd du mulet la faim sera repue,

C lasse espargie, sang & corps nageront

2-61 E uge, Tamins, G ironde & la Rochele:

O sang Troien Mort au port de la flesche…

The mysterious word " amifere ", from the fourth line of quatrain 8-61, is conventionally presented by me as " ami + fere " – "other-nosed", by analogy with "scepter-bearing". “ Tag ” and “ fere ” can be seen in this form – in a single quatrain 10-93, as part of the words – carriers of these two inseparable friends – cohabitants. This case, indeed, can be considered unique, since “– fere -” exists eight times in the Centuries, and “– tag -” – seven times.

the gift to the rooster of the word " Tag ". Yes, there he is – COQ , crows from quatrain 2-60, accepting the gift – DON (2-59 – 2-60) from " Tag " (2-60). Above is the entire picture.


Horrible pictures of the future again emerge from the next quatrain. From the current news – the desecration of shrines, the looting of the temple and the plague. The standard set of horrors seen by a time traveler.

8-62 Lors qu'on verra expiler le saint temple,

Plus grand du rosne leurs sacrez prophaner

Par eux naistra pestilence si ample,

Roy fuit iniuste ne fera condemner.

Then, when they see the sacking of the holy temple,

Very great on the rone, their shrines are defiled

From them will be born a pestilence so vast,

The king, avoiding injustice, will not condemn.

In quatrain 9-68, exactly the same river Rhone flows, also referred to with a lowercase initial letter “ r ”, and in 9-69 a great one appears – “ grand ( e )”, which in quatrain 9-71 becomes very ( plus ) great. Everything described in the first three lines of quatrain 8-62 takes place on that site. Apart from whole words – "prop + ha + ner" and " plague " – PESTE.

9-70 … Ceux de Vienne seront trestous ha chez,

P ar les cantons Latins Mascon ne ment.

9-71 Aux lieux sacrez animaux veu a trixe,

Auec celuy qui n'osera le iour,

A Carcassonne pour disgrace prop ice,

Sera pose' pour plus ample seiour.

9-72 Encor seront les sainct 's temple 's pollus,

E t expille z par Senat Tholossain ,

S turne deux trois cicles reuollus.

Dans Auril, May, gens de nouueau leuain.

9-73 Dans Fois entrez Roy ceiulee Turbao,

Et reg ner a moins reuolu Saturne…

The fourth line predicts what will happen at the end of the tenth century. The king really runs away here – " fu + it ". "Unrighteous" – it is found in this small area in the form in which it is described in the second line of quatrain 8-62 – " PLVS grand ".

10-93 La barque neu fu e receura les voyages,

L a & aupres transfereront l'empire:

Beaucaire, Arles retiendront les hostages,

Pres deux colomnes trouuees de porphire.

10-94 De Nismes, d'Arles, & Vienne contem ne r,

N'obey tout a` l'edict Hespericque:

Aux labouriez pour le grand condamner ,

S ix eschappez en hab it seraphicque.

-95 Dans les Espaignes viendra Roy trespuissant…


Oh , the serial drama played out in the next quatrain is a very terrible story. Already a tear welling up .

8-63 Quant l'adultere blesse' sans coup aura,

Meurdry la femme & le filz par despit, Femme assoumee l'enfant estranglera: Huit captifz prins, s'estouffer sans respit.

When adultery is wounded without a blow,

He will kill his wife and son because of malice,

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