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The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 35, September, 1860
"6. Discoursing on the elasticity of the air, the writer styles it 'the most compressible of bodies,'—as if it had any advantage in this respect over the numerous other species of gaseous matter. As to the illustration which he gives, namely, that 'a glass vessel full of air, placed under a receiver and then exhausted by the air-pump, will burst into atoms,' we can only say, what every schoolboy knows, that the bursting would be inwards, unless, indeed, our meteorologist means that the external receiver was to be exhausted, and in that case he should so have expressed himself."
[The theory of exhausted receivers is, in our opinion, worthy only of the childhood of science, when chemistry and astronomy were alchemy and astrology, and people would believe anything. In this enlightened age of the universal subscription-paper, exhausted givers are familiar objects, but a receiver who finds the labors of his calling excessive is as non-existent as the harpy, his mythological prototype.]
"7. In regard to the extent to which the compression of air has been actually carried, he tells us that 'Brockhaus says that air has as yet been compressed only into one-eighth of its original bulk.' Is it possible that a writer on Meteorology is unacquainted with the well-known experiments of Dulong and Arago, and the more recent ones of Regnault, in which the compression was three times the amount here stated, or that he requires to be referred to those of Natterer, who, by a powerful condensing apparatus, has lately compressed seven hundred and twenty-six volumes of air into a single volume?"
[Any man who has succeeded in condensing seven hundred and twenty-six volumes into one deserves the applause of the reading public. We trust M. Natterer will extend his benevolent labors to all the great libraries. With the most perfect apparatus of compression, however, we doubt if contemporary literature will yield anything like so high an average as 1 in 726.]
"8. In the paragraphs devoted to the optical relations of the atmosphere, our author has shown a happy faculty for making his subject obscure. After suggesting that the refraction of the rays in the atmosphere may be due to what he calls its 'lenticular outline,' he defines refraction to be 'the bending of a ray passing obliquely from a rarer into a denser medium,'—a good enough popular definition, but for its sad defectiveness. Is he not aware that the light is also bent in penetrating obliquely from a denser into a rarer medium, as in passing from the surface of a low plain to the eye of a spectator on a neighboring mountain, and that the bending is just as great in this direction of its motion as in the other? And does he not know that it changes its course whenever it passes from a vacuum into any ponderable medium or in the opposite direction? In future attempts to make science easy, let him remember that these are all equally instances of refraction, and should be included in its definition.
"Under the same head, we are led to infer that it is only in 'the warm and moist nights of summer,' that 'the moon, as she rises above the horizon, appears much larger than when at the zenith'; and we are taught, in connection with the origin of the mirage and the spectre of the Bracken, that 'rainbows are due to this condition of the atmosphere.' If, instead of rainbows, we may be allowed to read halos, we can understand the writer, who, instead of thinking of summer showers, appears to have had a haze in his mind while penning this and other paragraphs."
[The dictum of our correspondent in regard to light passing from a ponderable medium into a vacuum requires some qualification. An exception should be made of "Spiritual Mediums," who, being flesh and blood, are of course ponderable. Now, if we represent the Medium by A, and the head of any one consulting her by B, there can be no doubt that the latter is an absolute vacuum; but it is demonstrable that nothing like light ever passed from the former to the latter. There is a closer analogy between refracted light and a Brocken spectre than our scientific friend seems willing to admit. For what follows we refer our readers to the remarkable essay of Alderman Moon, "On the Identity of Halocination and Lunacy."]
"9. As our author advances in this branch of his subject, he grows far too profound for our scientific apprehension. Giving him all credit for wishing to be clear, we confess to a sad mystification as to what he calls the 'Polarity of Light,' where a beam is described as 'revolving around poles peculiar to itself' and as producing 'beautiful spectres,' and we want new illumination from him as to his theory of colors. We agree to the statement that 'each object has a particular reflecting surface of its own,' as we cannot see how its particular surface could be the property of another,—but why this should make the surface 'throw back light at its own angle' we do not exactly fathom, and we are puzzled to know which is the owner of the said angle, the light or the surface. No one doubts that 'the modest blush which crimsons the cheek of beauty,' to use the author's words, is caused by a rush of blood to the skin; but how this produces 'a corresponding change in its angle of reflection,' and what such a change has to do with the result, are problems too transcendental for the exact sciences."
[On all questions relating to the Poles we reserve our opinion till the return of Dr. Hayes's expedition. But we think they have little to hope from any future attempt at revolution, especially with such insufficient weapons as their axes, which, though they keep up a constant stir about them, have been long superseded by the improvements of modern military science. We think our correspondent hasty in admitting that "each object has a particular reflecting surface of its own." A little inquiry among his neighbors would have satisfied him that the human brain seldom possesses anything of the kind.]
"But these specimens must suffice as indications of the general character of this attempt at popularizing science. To do this without misleading and confounding the general reader is a task which claims the largest and most exact knowledge, and the greatest perspicuity of statement, no less than a flowing style and felicitous illustration. It is a task in which true success, though apparently frequent, is in reality extremely rare."
"P.S. I had written thus far, when the fire suddenly penetrating, I suppose, to the nervous system of the poodle, he ran off, leaving me in total darkness and with no hope that his tail (like too many in the 'Atlantic') would be continued. By the brief candle of a match I manage to add this, and to subscribe myself
"Yours ever."
RECEIVED BY THE EDITORS OF THE ATLANTIC MONTHLYIda Randolph, of Virginia. A Poem in Three Cantos. Philadelphia. Hazard. 16mo. pp. 60. 50 cts.
Science a Witness for the Bible. By Rev. W.N. Pendleton, D.D.
Philadelphia. Lippincott & Co. 16mo. pp. 350. $1.00.
Map of the Mountain and Lake Region of New Hampshire. Concord. E.C.
Eastman. 32mo. 25 cts.
Lichen Tufts, from the Alleghanies. By Elizabeth C. Wright. New York.
Doolady. 12mo. pp. 328. 75 cts.
The Rock of Ages; or, Scripture Testimony to the One Eternal Godhead of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. By Edward Henry Bickersteth, M.A., Incumbent of Christ Church, Hampstead. With an Introduction by the Rev. F.D. Huntington, D.D., Late Preacher to the University and Plummer Professor of Christian Morals in Harvard College; Rector of Emmanuel Church, Boston. Boston. Dutton & Co. 16mo. pp. 214. 75 cts.
The Words of Jesus. By the Author of "The Morning and Night Watches," "The Faithful Promiser," etc. Boston. Dutton & Co. 18mo. pp. 128. 25 cts.
How to Enjoy Life; or, Physical and Mental Hygiene. By William M.
Cornell, M.D. Philadelphia. Challen & Son. 12mo. pp. 360. 75 cts.
God, Religion, and Immortality. An Oration delivered at the Paine Celebration in Cincinnati, January 29th, 1860. By Joseph Weat.
Cincinnati. Published for the Author. 8vo. paper, pp. 63. 25 cts.
Books and Reading. A Lecture. By W.P. Atkinson. Published by Request.
Boston. Crosby, Nichols, Lee, & Co. 16mo. paper, pp. 60. 20 cts.
Bracebridge Hall; or, The Humorists. A Medley. By Geoffrey Crayon. Gent. Author's Revised Edition. Complete in One Volume. New York. Putnam. 8vo. pp. 465. $1.50.
The Adventures of James Capen Adams, Mountaineer and Grizzly Bear Hunter, of California. By Theodore S. Hittell. Illustrated. Boston.
Crosby, Nichols, Lee, & Co. 12mo. pp. 378. $1.25.
Course of Ancient Geography. Arranged with Special Reference to Convenience of Recitation. By H.J. Schmidt, D.D., Professor in Columbia College, Author of "History of Education," "Plan of Culture and Instruction," etc. New York. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. xii., 328. $1.00.
Count Filippo; or, The Unequal Marriage. A Drama in Five Acts. By the Author of "Saul." Montreal. Printed for the Author. 8vo. pp. 153. 50 cts.
Memorials of Thomas Hood. Collected, arranged, and edited by his Daughter. With a Preface and Notes by his Son. Illustrated with Copies from his own Sketches. In Two Volumes. Boston. Ticknor & Fields. 16mo. pp. xviii., 310; viii., 327. $1.75.
The Lady of Lyons. A Drama in Five Acts. By Sir K. Bulwer Lytton. With Introductory Notes, etc., by O.J. Victor. New York. J. Emmons & Co. 18mo. paper, pp. 59. 10 cts.
Appleton's Companion Hand-Book of Travel: Containing a full Description of the Principal Cities, Towns, and Places of Interest, together with Hotels and Routes of Travel, throughout the United States and the Canadas. With Colored Maps. Edited by T. Addison Richards. New York.
Appleton & Co. 16mo. paper, pp. 288. 50 cts.
Ethica; an Outline of Moral Science for Students and Reflecting Men. By John H. Stinson. New York. A.B. Kitson. 16mo. pp. 102. 50 cts.
History, Theory, and Practice of the Electric Telegraph. By George B.
Prescott. Boston. Ticknor & Fields. 12mo. pp. 468. $1.75.
La Question Irlandaise. By Jean de Paris. Boston. P. Donahoe. 8vo. paper, pp. 12. 10 cts.
A Journey in the Back Country. By Frederick Law Olmsted. New York. Mason Brothers. 12mo. pp. 492. $1.25.
Studies in Animal Life. By George Henry Lewes. New York. Harper & Brothers. 16mo. pp. 146. 40 cts.
The Queens of Society. By Grace and Philip Wharton. Illustrated by Charles Altamont Doyle and the Brothers Dalziel. New York. Harper & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 488. $1.50.
A Run through Europe. By Erastus C. Benedict. New York. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. 552. $1.26.
Centennial Anniversary of the Foundation of Germantown Academy. 1860.
Philadelphia. C. Sherman & Son. 8vo. paper, pp. 58. 25 cts.
Currents and Counter-Currents in Medical Science. An Address delivered before the Massachusetts Medical Society at their Annual Meeting, May 30, 1860. By Oliver Wendell Holmes, M.D. Boston. Ticknor & Fields. 8vo. paper, pp. 48. 25 cts.
Chambers's Encyclopaedia; a Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for the People. On the Basis of the Latest Edition of the German Conversations-Lexicon. Illustrated with Wood Engravings and Maps. Parts XVI. and XVII. New York. Appleton & Co. 8vo. [each part] pp. 64. 15 cts.
Letter of W. H. Prescott to Miss Preble, dated Boston, February 28, 1845. Memoir of Harriet Preble, by Professor R.H. LEE, p. 285-6.
See Lossing's Life and Correspondence of General Schuyler, and Professor Moore's paper on Charles Lee.
As the reader may never have seen this unique volume, and will be amused by a specimen of its grammar, rhetoric, wisdom, and learning, let him take a morceau or two from the commencement of a chapter entitled, "Naturalists.—Their Classification of Man and Beasts."—"We look upon the animal in no different light from that of a vegetable, a plant, or a rock-crystal, which forms under the Creative hand, performs its part for the use of man, dissolves and reproduces by its parts another comfort for him. The animal bears no resemblance to man, not even in his brain."—"One tree may bear apples, and another acorns, but they are not to be compared, the one as bearing a relation to the other, because they have each a body and limbs. They are distinct trees, and one will always produce apples and the other acorns, as long as they produce anything." (Indeed!)—"The usual classification of animals, is that of Vertebrata, Articulata, Mollusca, and Radiata. This is not only offensive to man,—but is impiety towards God." (Why?)—"We are told by these naturalists that man belongs to the class called 'Vertebrata.' So does the snake, the monkey, the lizard and crocodile, and many other low and mean animals.—Have these creatures the reasoning faculties of man? Do they walk erect like man? Have they feet, hands, legs, arms, hair upon their heads, or beards upon their faces? Do they speak languages and congregate and worship at the altar?" (!!)—"Those who are ambitious of such relations, may plant their heraldic coat-of-arms in the serpent, the lizard, the crocodile, or the monkey, but we disclaim such relationship—we do not think it good taste or good morals to place the fair daughters of Eve on a level with horrid and hideous animals, simply from some apparent similarity, which we are certain never existed."
Beaumont and Fletcher: The Tamer Tamed.
MISS-INFORMATION. A higgledy-piggledy want of intelligence acquired by young misses at boarding-schools.—Supplement to Johnson's Dictionary.