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Cowboy Fantasy
What would she do this time if he tried? What would she say? What would he do if she ever let him? He’d wanted her so damn much. He’d waited so long.
Maybe he would have held himself in check if Melody hadn’t reached up and brushed her fingertips against the crisp black hair above his white collar. Maybe. But even though her touch was light and tentative, he felt her feverish response behind it, and that alone set him off.
He seized her shoulders to pull her toward him, wondering if this time she’d—
His head came down. Her lips pursed eagerly as she lifted them. In the fraction of a second before their mouths touched, he thought she whispered, “I’m sorry, North. So, sorry.”
But before he could deepen their kiss, he heard the brisk patter of Dee Dee’s footsteps. Quickly he straightened, and Melody twisted her crimson face away, so her mother couldn’t read her.
“Is that you, North!” Dee Dee shrieked from the other end of the hall as she rushed down the hall that was papered to look like a voluptuous garden gone wild in spring.
He froze.
Melody jumped free and began smoothing her hair.
Dee Dee, who was golden and gorgeous and looked years younger than she was, smiled as they hastily backed away from each other and began to fidget—Melody with her sash after she’d finished on her hair and he with his tight collar.
“It’s so good to see you, dear.” Dee Dee smiled knowingly as she came forward and stretched on tiptoes as if to peck his dark cheek. All he felt when her glossy lips hovered close was the stir of her warm breath against his skin. “I’m the chairman of the charity ball, so I was on the phone and couldn’t get the door.”
“You said Melody was in Austin.”
“Did I?” Dee Dee smiled up at him artlessly. “You know Melody. She’s as fickle as Texas weather, and I suppose we’re about due for a norther.”
“After this hellish summer, something a little cool…and frosty might be a welcome change,” he agreed thickly, his eyes on Melody.
“Sam’s out back,” Dee Dee said. When an alarm buzzed in her kitchen, she started. “Why don’t you join him, dear? And while you’re outside, make sure he doesn’t burn up my rib eyes. Meanwhile, I’ll go get you a beer out of the fridge.” Then she flew to the kitchen to check on whatever she had in the oven.
“It’s only one evening together,” North muttered in a hoarse whisper to Melody. “Surely we can be civil and behave ourselves in front of your parents for a few hours—for their sake. For ours, too.”
“Only one night?” Melody looked a little strained as she smiled up at him. “Oh, no, North. I quit my job. I’m home to stay. Or at least I’ll be at Nana’s. You and I could see each other anytime—that is, if we wanted to.”
“Which we don’t.”
“Speak for yourself. The last thing I intend to do where you’re concerned—is behave myself.”
Nana was her grandmother.
“I thought south Texas bored you.”
“I was wrong…about a lot of things.”
He remembered her apology right before their kiss. “What things? What do you mean?”
“I’ll be around. That’s all.”
“You said you loved Austin because it was wild. That south Texas and I bored—”
Her parting shots had cut him to the quick. At one point she’d said he was so ultraconservative that she felt stifled and dead anytime she was anywhere near him.
“Well—” She paused. “I’m here for a while. Not because of you, but because I’m going back to school. To get a masters and a teaching certificate.”
“Teaching? You said you didn’t want to settle for any sort of traditional roles like wife or teacher that women used to be forced into by macho men.”
“I was a child. Naturally I wanted to be glamorous and special.” She paused. “I guess I figured out I like kids. I figured out some other stuff…that I like, too.”
Like men? Like sex? Like me?
As if she read his mind, Melody notched her chin upward a bit defiantly, and he found himself drinking in the beauty of her long slender neck and wondering if she really might be referring to sex.
“With this degree and certificate,” Melody continued, “I can work anywhere in the world. I’ll be independent.”
So that was it! She hadn’t come back because of him. This was about her infernal determination to be independent of him. To stay single.
Not that he cared.
“So you still want to travel?” he whispered, making his voice both insolent and admiring. “To see the world?”
“To be free,” she agreed, but her tone was low and urgent as if this really was important to her, as if making him understand mattered.
“Sexually free?”
She turned red again. “Is that all you ever think about?”
“That does seem to be a burning issue when you’re around.”
“Which is why I wanted to get as far away from you as I possibly could!”
“To have more of your little adventures?”
Her eyes blazed. “You don’t get me at all. I should’ve known better than to try to talk to you. You wouldn’t understand.”
He understood, all right. She teased him. Did she want real adventures with other, wilder men, who weren’t so predictable, who didn’t bore her—as he did?
“You might get into trouble. I worry about you.”
“Well, don’t.” Her eyes smoldered. “This isn’t about you, North.”
Something cold coiled around his heart, and then he saw that she was trembling.
“You’re right, of course,” he forced himself to agree. “We broke up. Or rather, you broke up with me. You said we’re—”
“Finished. And you said—” Her voice was tight and sad, and he realized his parting shots had hurt her, too.
He’d said she was doing him a favor.
She was right. They were finished. It was what she’d wanted, what he wanted, too. He was a rancher, born and bred—traditional to the core. He couldn’t change that. He couldn’t—not for her, not after everything she’d done.
Even so, the thought of other men touching her…of her touching them…
That shouldn’t have bothered him. But his stomach twisted, and a bleak, lonely wave of despair washed over him as he considered working his ranch, dating other women, even Maria—while Melody had romantic adventures.
“I—I guess I’ll go and get dressed,” she said after an awkward spell.
When she left him, North’s gaze followed her. Her waist was slim, the flare of her hips and thighs enticingly sweet. That short red silk thing made her look leggy and coltish. He couldn’t seem to move till she disappeared from his view.
Then he adjusted his collar and raked his hand through his hair. So what if he had to endure one miserable night with her?
They’d catch up on old times. Then he really would forget her. He’d see Maria on Saturday, and maybe he’d find a bad girl on the side to sleep with. From now on, he’d drown himself in other women instead of work.
The only reason Miss Melody Woods was getting to him tonight was that she’d burned him so bad, he’d avoided all women since her.
Until Maria, he reminded himself. Maria was perfect for him. At least Jeff said so.
Could he help it if Melody looked good enough to eat, and that he was starved?
One night with her.
What could possibly go wrong?
Smile. It’s the second best thing you can do with your lips.
Why did those infernal words keep repeating themselves like a broken record? Why did he keep imagining her mouth on his body?
He didn’t like the heat those images brought.
One night.
That was all.
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