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His Wicked Charm
“About what?” he asked innocently, moving closer.
“You know what.” She scowled. “What we—the other evening on the terrace.”
“Ah.” He leaned in, far too close for polite behavior. “You mean when we talked?” His eyes widened in mock shock. “Unchaperoned.”
“Yes.” Her word came out in little more than a whisper. Irritated, she cleared her throat and went on in a firm voice. “No. I mean it was more than that. We were—we almost…”
“Yes?” His eyes danced. “We almost…”
She had known he would tease her. She should not have come here. “Oh, stop it. Just leave me alone.”
“Of course.” He sighed and stepped back. It was what she wanted, yet perversely she felt let down at his easy acquiescence.
She should go now. It was silly to be so reluctant. Lilah drew a breath to say goodbye but was brought up short by a shout from upstairs. “Reed! Someone!”
“Anna!” Con ran from the room.
Lilah followed him. When she reached the bottom of the staircase, Con was already halfway up the flight to his sister-in-law, who stood still and staring, her face deathly white.
“They’ve been taken!” Anna cried. “You have to save them.”
She folded after that pronouncement, and Con grabbed her, easing her down to sit on the stairs. “Here, put your head down. Just breathe. Slowly now.”
Steps pounded down the long stretch of the gallery, and Reed burst into view, his face almost as drained of color as his wife’s. “Anna! What happened? What’s the matter?”
Reed leaped up the stairs, pulling his wife into his arms and cradling her against his chest. Con stepped back. “Reed, she was saying—I think she’s having one of her visions.”
One of her visions?
Con’s words didn’t seem to shock Reed, who only cursed and continued to stroke Anna’s back. “It’s all right, sweetheart. Everything’s fine.”
“No!” Anna pulled back. She had regained some of her color and her eyes were no longer wild, but she was clearly distressed. “You have to find them. You have to—”
“Who?” Con asked, his voice sharp. Lilah could see that his body was suddenly coiled tight as a spring. “Who is in trouble, Anna?”
“All of them!” She looked from her husband to Con and back. “The duchess. Kyria. Olivia. All of them. They’ve been kidnapped!”
CON WHIRLED AND ran from the house. Lilah followed right on his heels. Signaling a hack, he ran out into the street and jumped into it before it completely stopped. Lilah climbed in after him. Con cast a glance at her, and for a moment Lilah thought he was going to protest her presence, but he only turned and called out an address to the driver.
He looked nothing like he usually did, his eyes as fierce as they were normally laughing, his mobile face stern and set, his body taut. He had undergone the same transformation two months ago when he had raced to free his twin.
Lilah wanted to ask him about Anna’s bizarre pronouncement. Anna seemed the calmest of all the Morelands, but nothing could have been madder than her staring eyes and terrifying words. Yet Con and his brother Reed, while alarmed, had not appeared surprised. Moreover, it was clear that Con believed what she said, dashing off immediately to his mother and sisters.
But that was absurd. Wasn’t it? Anna couldn’t have actually seen something happening in another place. No doubt Lilah and Con would arrive at their destination to find the women unharmed and exactly where they were supposed to be. They would all laugh over it. “Anna must have had a nightmare. It was her headache. One often has strange dreams when one is ill.”
Con shook his head. “She saw it.”
That was nonsense of course, but she didn’t want to argue when he was so worried. “Why would anyone want to harm the duchess?”
He cast her an eloquent glance.
“Well, yes, the duchess could have antagonized a number of people over the years, but surely not enough to harm her.” Lilah frowned. “Do you think the police arrested the suffragists? For simply standing in front of someone’s house?” She realized that now she was talking as if it had really happened.
“Lord only knows what they were doing. But no, I doubt it was the police,” he replied grimly.
The carriage had been traveling at a fast clip but now, after careening around a corner, came to an abrupt stop. Lilah looked out the window and saw a number of women milling about in the street in front of a stately residence. Signs were tossed here and there, and everyone was talking excitedly. A policeman was arguing with one of the women, and several other women were clustered around something on the sidewalk. Was that a body?
Con let out an oath and threw open the carriage door, running to the constable. Lilah cast another quick glance around as she stepped down from the vehicle. She could see none of the Moreland women.
“Here, now!” The cabdriver protested at Con’s abrupt departure without paying him.
“Stay here,” Lilah ordered crisply. They would need transportation home as soon as Con found his family.
She caught up to Con at the side of the policeman. He was barking questions at the man. “What the devil happened here? Where is the duchess?”
“Wh-who? I don’t know, sir! I just arrived.”
The woman who had been talking to the constable, a solid woman dressed in the style of the rational dress movement, let out a snort. “You’d do better if you tried listening, young man.”
“Mrs. Ellerby.” Con moved to the woman’s side.
“Lord Moreland! Thank heavens you’re here. They attacked us!”
“The police, most likely.” She turned to glare at the unfortunate policeman, who began to splutter.
“No, there weren’t any uniforms!” another woman put in.
“It was a gang of ruffians! I saw them. All in black, with masks on.”
“Oh, Ernestine, what rubbish,” Mrs. Ellerby declared. “There weren’t any masks, just caps pulled down so you could barely see their faces.”
“They might as well have been masks.”
“Mrs. Ellerby,” Con said through clenched teeth. “Where is my mother?”
“She’s gone! They drove up and jumped out and grabbed them. The duchess and her girls, all of them—except for Lady Raine.” She gestured toward the women hovering over the thing on the sidewalk.
“Megan!” Con went pale and whipped around.
It was a body. Lilah’s breath caught, and she ran after Con. The women stepped aside at Con’s approach, revealing the woman on the ground. It was indeed Megan, but she was now sitting up.
“Thank God. Megan.” Con scooped Megan up and set her on the low stone wall that edged the property. He squatted down to look her in the eye. “Are you all right?”
“Of course she’s not all right.” Lilah sat down beside Megan. “Why do people always say that?”
Dirt and grit decorated Megan’s dress. There was a large red spot on her cheekbone, and the skin around it had started to swell. The other side of her face was scraped and dirty. Her hat hung down, barely anchored by the long hatpin, along with strands of reddish-brown hair. Her eyes had a glassy look that worried Lilah. Lilah pulled out her handkerchief and began to gently brush the grime from Megan’s face.
“Megan.” Con took one of her hands. “Say something. Anything. Tell me to hush, even.”
That brought a faint smile to Megan’s lips. “I’m fine.” She cleared her throat and straightened. “Really. I—I’m just a little woozy. I think I hit my head.” She gestured toward the back of her head.
Lilah twisted around to look and let out a gasp. “Con! Her hair is bloody.”
Con was instantly up and bending over Megan. He pulled out a pristine white handkerchief from his pocket and pressed it gently against Megan’s wound. His voice was as gentle as his hand as he went on, “What happened, Megan?”
“I heard someone scream, and I turned around. And I saw these men—they’d grabbed Kyria, so all the others were trying to stop them. I ran to help, but I was too far away. So I picked up some rocks and started throwing them at the man Thisbe was fighting. Olivia was trying to free Kyria. Then he came after me and punched me.”
Lilah saw fury light up in Con’s eyes, but he kept his voice even. “He knocked you down?”
Megan nodded, then winced at the movement. “Yes. I hit the ground. I remember that but nothing afterward. I must have hit my head when I fell. Next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground and Miss Withers here was trying to awaken me.”
Con looked at the other women. “What happened after that?”
“Those men threw all of them in the carriage and took off. They were gone before any of the rest of us could move a muscle. I’m so sorry.” Tears sprang into Miss Withers’s eyes. “I wasn’t any use at all.”
“Which way did they go?”
“Down the side street.” She pointed.
“They turned left at the first street,” one of the other women offered. “Then they were out of sight.”
Con shoved the handkerchief into Lilah’s hand and took off at a run.
“He won’t see them. They must be long gone.” Lilah watched Con as she held his handkerchief to Megan’s head.
“That won’t keep him from trying,” Megan replied, a thread of amusement in her voice. Lilah looked into Megan’s eyes and saw that they were clearer.
Con stopped at the end of the block and stood for a long moment, looking to his left, before he loped back to them. With Lilah’s help, Megan rose to meet him.
Con’s jaw was set and his eyes blazing. “Lilah, take Megan back to the house. I’m going after them.”
“How do you intend to do that?” Lilah asked. “You don’t know where they’ve gone.”
“I’ll figure it out.”
“That sounds excellent,” Lilah said crisply, taking Megan’s elbow and turning toward the carriage. “Find a carriage and head off in the general direction they took sometime ago. No planning, no information, no idea what the duke or any of the other husbands think or why your mother and sisters were taken. I’m sure you will do wonderfully well.”
Beside her, Megan snickered. Con’s face was a study in frustration, but he scooped Megan up and strode toward the waiting hack, saying in an aggrieved tone, “Yes, I know. I’m impulsive and quick-tempered, and you, of course, are logical, rational and right.”
The coach took off as soon as they were settled. Con leaned back against the seat, arms crossed, sunk in a deep study. The driver set a pace fast enough it made Megan wince as they rattled over the cobblestones, but she didn’t protest. When they reached the house, Megan handed back Con’s bloody handkerchief and insisted on walking into the house unaided.
“You are not carrying me in like some invalid. Theo will treat me as if I’m at death’s door.”
They found a thoroughly distressed Smeggars hovering in the entryway. He greeted them with a cry of delight and hustled them down to the Sultan Room. Even before they reached the salon, Lilah heard the agitated male voices. Inside, the room seemed to be filled with large men—standing, pacing, arguing, looking grim.
The butler, adept at gaining attention from years spent in the Morelands’ service, stepped in, announcing grandly, “Gentlemen! The Marchioness of Raine.”
Silence fell instantly and they all swung around to stare at Megan, flanked by Lilah and Con.
“Thank God!” Theo crossed the room in two strides and pulled his wife into his arms, squeezing her so hard she let out a squeak of protest.
“What happened, Con? What’s going on?” Reed came forward. Lilah saw for the first time that his wife, Anna, was also in the room, sitting against the wall. She was still pale, her face stamped with worry.
While Theo fussed over his wife’s injuries, the rest of the men bombarded Con with questions. Lilah left him to the interrogation and made her way to Anna. “How are you?”
The other woman attempted a smile. “Better. The headache’s gone. It usually disappears. But it always leaves me tired.”
“Perhaps you should rest.”
“Thank you. I’ll be fine here. I couldn’t lie down and sleep, knowing they were still out there. I feel so awful that I didn’t go with them. If only I’d realized earlier—”
“You mustn’t blame yourself. If you had been there, how could you have prevented it? It’s far better that you and Megan aren’t missing, too.”
“No doubt you’re right. Tell me what happened. You found only Megan?”
Lilah related to her everything they had done and discovered, a good deal more quickly and in better order than Con was managing with the frantic and furious men across the room. Fortunately, Smeggars wheeled in the tea cart, along with iodine and bandages for Megan’s injuries.
“This is no time for tea,” Kyria’s husband, Rafe McIntyre, protested.
“Oh, no, sir, I think you’ll find it’s exactly the right time.” Smeggars smiled benignly.
“Yes, yes, you’re right, Smeggars, as always,” the duke agreed. “We’re accomplishing nothing this way. Let’s sit down and think this thing through. There has to be a way out of this. They won’t hurt my girls.”
Rafe started to object, but Stephen St. Leger clapped a hand on his shoulder and cast a meaningful glance at the duke. Rafe nodded and subsided.
“You’re right, sir,” Stephen said. “We shouldn’t panic. That’s what they want—to rattle us so much we can’t think.”
As Smeggars served the tea, Uncle Bellard slid forward on his chair, gazing at Megan in his mild way. “Now, Megan, dear, is there anything else you can tell us about these men? Now that your mind is clearer. I’m sure your skills as a reporter enabled you to notice more details than the average person.”
Megan took a breath. “You’re right. I should think like a reporter.” She closed her eyes. “There were three of them. They wore workingmen’s sort of clothes, dark, and they had on soft caps, pulled low to conceal their faces. Their carriage—no, wait, it wasn’t a carriage, it was more of a wagon. But enclosed like a…” Her eyes popped open and she sat up straight. “Like a Black Maria.”
“A what?” The duke and others stared in confusion.
“A police wagon,” Rafe explained. He set aside his tea and stood up, an almost-palpable energy pouring out of him. “It’s a nickname in the United States for the vehicles they carry prisoners in. They’re painted black, and they’re made to keep prisoners from escaping. The doors in the back open from the outside only, and the windows are small, high and barred.”
Megan nodded. “Yes. That’s it. It was smaller than most I’ve seen, but I’m sure it had high barred windows.”
“No wonder some of the women thought they were the police,” Con commented. “But at least a vehicle like that should be easier to track.”
“What else can you remember?” The usual lazy drawl was missing from Rafe’s speech now, his words as hard and sharp as steel. He began to prowl around the room, reminding Lilah of a tiger in its cage. “Was it Kyria he was after? Con said he was dragging Kyria away.”
“I—I’m not sure,” Megan faltered. “When I first saw them, they were pulling Kyria and the duchess toward the wagon. Of course, they were all fighting them. I don’t know if they meant to take one or two or everybody.”
“It’s clear it was planned,” Reed said. “They had the prisoner wagon. They went straight for the Moreland women. They moved quickly.”
“That sort of demonstration was an excellent place to take them. People thought they were the police, so they hesitated to step forward and stop it.”
“One man stayed up on the wagon seat at first—I presume so they could get away quickly,” Megan said. “He didn’t get down until the women swarmed the first man. How could they think two men could take them all?”
“How could they think even three could?” Stephen spoke up. “There were four women—five counting you, and it would have been six if Anna had been there.”
“Perhaps they didn’t know the Moreland women well enough to realize they wouldn’t go easily,” Theo guessed. “They might have thought the ladies would be so shocked and frightened they wouldn’t struggle.”
“How did they take them?” Lilah, caught up in the conversation, jumped in. When the others turned to look at her, it occurred to her that she had crashed into the family discussion. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. It’s just—how did they manage to fight five women and get four of them into the wagon so quickly?”
“True.” The duke frowned.
“Chloroform!” Megan popped to her feet. “The man holding Kyria had his hand over her face. I thought he was trying to muffle her screams, but I remember now, there was a handkerchief in his hand. She went limp almost immediately.”
“I’ll kill that sorry son of a bitch,” Rafe said in a low voice that was more frightening than a shout. He looked at the duke. “How long are we going to sit around here, yammering about it? I’m going after them.”
“How do you intend to do that? We’ve no idea where they went, and they’ve a long head start on us,” Reed said reasonably.
“I’ll find someone who’ll talk. Trust me, I can be very persuasive.”
“Rafe, wait.” Stephen stepped into his path.
“It’s the Dearborns,” Con said flatly.
“What?” Rafe swung around. “How do you know?”
“I don’t know. But who has a grudge against the Morelands? Who is in desperate need of money? Who likes to abduct people to get their way? The answer to each of those questions is Niles Dearborn.”
“I would have recognized the Dearborns,” Megan pointed out.
“They wouldn’t do it themselves. They hired someone.”
“It’s what they did with Alex,” Theo agreed.
“Then that’s my first stop,” Rafe said.
Everyone began again to talk at once.
“Quiet!” Thisbe’s husband, Desmond, jumped to his feet. He was normally such a quiet man that his outburst shocked all of them into silence. “We can’t go running off in all directions. We need to get organized. Maybe it’s the Dearborns and maybe it’s just some men hoping to make a profit. We need to be ready for all contingencies, including a ransom demand. We haven’t received one yet, but I would wager we will—no matter who took them. Let’s divide up. Rafe, you and Stephen go confront the Dearborns. Theo, Alex showed you where they held him. You and Reed make sure they don’t have Thisbe and the others there.” The men left immediately as Desmond went on, “The duke should stay here because he’ll be the one they ask for ransom. The same for Uncle Bellard because we need his brain.”
“And you, as well,” Con told him. “To keep us all straight.”
Desmond sighed, casting a glance at the duke, who was pale and shaken. “Yes. I’m afraid I must stay. Con, can you follow the kidnappers?”
“I intend to. That wagon Megan described will make it easier.”
“I’ll go with you.” Megan stood up.
“What?” Con whirled on her. “No. Absolutely not.”
“Are you saying that I’m not capable?” Megan’s chin thrust out. “That I’m too delicate?”
“I’m saying that Theo will have my head if I drag you around the city when you’re bloody, bruised and concussed.”
“It’s smart,” Lilah said, rising to her feet. “Megan, you have been through enough today to fell anyone. You’re sore. You’re tired. You would slow Constantine down. Think of all the time and effort that would be wasted if you should lose consciousness again and he had to bring you back.”
Megan regarded her stonily for a moment. “Oh, hell…” She sank back down on the couch.
“Anna, too,” Lilah went on before Anna could speak. “You both need to recover.”
“Exactly.” Con turned toward the door.
“That’s why I am going to accompany you,” Lilah continued.
Con stopped abruptly. “No.”
“Why not? I trust you’re not going to say because I’m a woman.”
Megan snorted with laughter. “Yes, Con, why not? I think she should. Don’t you, Anna?”
“Yes, indeed.”
“After all—” Lilah plowed ahead “—as you said, I am logical, rational and right. It will be an excellent counterpoint to your qualities.”
Con glowered. “Blast it, Lilah, you’ll slow me down. What if we catch up with them? What if there’s a fight?”
“Then you’ll have someone to help you. I kept up with you when we went looking for Alex, didn’t I?”
“Yes, but…what about your aunt? Won’t she wonder what’s happened to you?”
“I can send my maid back to tell her I’ve been invited to stay for tea.”
“I’ll send her a note extending our invitation to you for dinner and the evening,” Anna offered. “Or, even better, Megan can. A marchioness is much more impressive.”
“There, you see? Think of the advantages if I go with you.” Lilah continued her list of reasons. “You’ll have another person to look for them, to question people. And—” Her face lit triumphantly. “If you find your mother and sisters and need reinforcements, you’ll have someone who can go for help while you keep watch to make sure they don’t escape.”
“Oh, for…” Con looked at Desmond.
“I agree.” Desmond shrugged. “It’s better if you have two people.”
“The devil.” Con looked back at Lilah. “Very well. You’re coming with me.”
IT WAS A mistake to take her. Con knew it as soon as he said it. Lilah Holcutt never made anything easier. She would fuss; she would question; she would need looking after. But there was no way out of it now. Strangely, deep down it didn’t really bother him.
Con sent a footman to have one of their vehicles brought round, then walked over to Anna. Squatting down beside her, he said, “I need you to tell me everything you remember about your vision.”
Anna nodded. “I had a headache, so I was lying down. I dozed off, I think, because suddenly I woke up with a jolt. And I saw your mother and the others.”
“You saw them being taken?” He was a little surprised to see Lilah sit down beside Anna and take her hand.
Anna shook her head. “No. I didn’t realize that before. It wasn’t in London. It was in the country. There were no other houses around, but there were trees. I saw Thisbe and Olivia being pulled out of—of something. It was rather dark inside the vehicle.”
“A carriage?”
“I’m not sure. It was enclosed, but it opened in the back. It had a set of two doors, and they opened outward.” She demonstrated. “Two men were carrying the duchess and Kyria. They were very still. I wasn’t sure if they were asleep or—” Her voice caught.
“I’m sure they’re fine,” Con said soothingly. “Kyria was chloroformed. Probably Mother was, as well. The men want money for them. They wouldn’t risk killing them.”
She nodded. “Yes, you’re right. There was a third man, who had a gun aimed at Thisbe and Olivia. They were all walking somewhere.”
“Where? Could you see where they were?”
Anna shook her head. “There was a house, and I assume they were going there, but the vision ended before I could see them enter it.”
“What did it look like?”
“Two floors tall, but not a big house. Very plain. It was stone—a beige sort of color—or maybe just aged and dirty white stone. There was an outbuilding, a shed or small barn, off to one side. There was ivy growing up one wall. It—I had the impression nobody lived in the house.”
Anna shrugged. “I’m not sure. I… It looked untended. The smaller building was very weathered and leaned to one side. There wasn’t any garden. The ground was dirt and weeds and such.” She closed her eyes for a moment. “Oh! And there was a shutter half-off one of the downstairs windows.”
“Did you have any idea what part of the country it was in?”
“No. I’m sorry. I’m afraid this isn’t very helpful.”
“It is. Every scrap of information will help me. Was there anything more you saw? You said there were trees.”
“Yes, but not right next to the house. There was, um, a very large tree about twenty or thirty feet away. But in the distance I could see thicker trees. Like woods.” She paused, thinking. “Oh! Right next to the vehicle was a large stump, as if a big tree had been cut down in the past.”