Полная версия
A Mother in the Making
“But did you get my message? I’ll be home in a bit. And there’s fresh pasta and deli sauce, one of those creamy ones you like.”
“I’m not going to wait. I’m going out. Courtney’s picking me up. Well, her boyfriend.”
“Courtney’s boyfriend is picking you up. Where are you going?”
“Just out.”
“Is there a plan?”
“Just out, Carmen!”
“Wait, okay? I’ll be there in ten minutes.” Well, twenty, at least, but if she said twenty she knew Kate wouldn’t even consider waiting. On the other hand, if she didn’t keep to her golden rule of honesty with her baby sister, then what was left? “Actually, not ten, I guess. Longer. But I’d like to eat with you.”
This was honest.
And I don’t want you out drinking again, especially not on an empty stomach. You’re under the legal drinking age for another two years and ten months!
Which was even more honest, but blatantly counterproductive, so she kept it to herself.
“I hate cooking,” Kate whined, her voice rising in volume and pitch. “I mean, you’re not here, Carmen, the house is cold and dark, and now I have to cook, too? I’ve been serving burgers all day.” Kate had dropped out of college a few months ago, and was working at a local fast-food place almost full-time. Her pay was the pits. “I stink of them. If I don’t hit the shower in thirty seconds, I’m going to throw up. And I’m not staying to eat with you. I’m going out. You only want me at home because you don’t like Courtney’s boyfriend and you don’t want him picking me up.”
“That’s not true!”
Carmen heard footsteps behind her, and Terri’s voice. “If you could excuse me?” She shifted her backside from the center of the steps to the side, and Terri passed.
“Kate, why do you make this complicated when it’s simple? Let’s just eat together before you go out, okay? I love you.”
Terri turned in the driveway with another of her disapproving looks. Apparently this phone conversation was inappropriate, also. Was it because of the emotional tone? Because Carmen was sitting on the steps? Was she holding the cell phone to an inappropriate ear?
“Listen,” she said to her sister, as the BMW left the driveway. “I am leaving here in three minutes. I will cook the pasta. I will make my Ten-Minute Tiramisu recipe for dessert.” She closed her eyes, ashamed of herself. What did parenting books say about using bribery on kids? And they were usually talking about two-year-olds. “If you are not there when I get home, I love you anyway.”
Kate disconnected the call.
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