Best Friends…To Lovers
Best Friends…To Lovers

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Best Friends…To Lovers

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Jenna remained frozen at his side and he knew she was struggling with how to explain this scenario to her family. Coming to her defense was easy.

“Martin is an ass,” Mac stated. “Jenna and I have danced around our attraction for years and we thought spending some time here away from work and reality would help us figure out if we should take things to the next level.”

“What are you two doing here?” Jenna croaked out.

Mary nodded. “I thought we could get some girl time in before the guests started arriving. I didn’t know you’d already had company, but I’m glad Mac is with you. Martin was a nice guy, but Mac is...well, you know I love him.”

Mary smiled and Mac knew he had them fooled. These three women were strong, united and had a bond that rivaled that of his own family. He hated lying to Jenna’s family. But it was necessary and nothing he and Jenna couldn’t get out of later.

Amy let out a little squeal as she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Jenna, spinning her in a circle. “I knew you two would end up together. I’m so happy for you guys. I’m sorry Martin is the best man and you have to walk with him, but I promise you and Mac will have an amazing time.”

Jenna glared at Mac over her sister’s shoulder and he knew he’d crossed the line. He was going to have some explaining to do once they were alone.

He sent her a wink and a grin, which only earned him a narrowed gaze. Oh, yeah. This boyfriend scenario was going to be fun.


“What the hell was all of that?”

Okay, he’d expected her to be pissed. He’d kissed her, lied to her family and then she’d had time to stew about everything once her mother and sister had whisked her away for a family dinner. The ladies’ dinner conversation was a no-brainer. He had no doubt Jenna had been bombarded with questions that she likely didn’t have answers to all because of that kiss.

He wasn’t sorry.

Mac quirked a brow, knowing his silent action would get under her skin. It was just too easy to push her buttons...and she was sexy as hell all fired up like this.

Throwing her arms in the air, Jenna growled and slammed the door to their hut. “Do you have any idea what I just had to endure, all because you couldn’t keep your lips and hands to yourself?”

So what? She had to discuss the kiss with her sister and mother. He’d had to sit here in the silence and replay it over and over in his head. He could still taste her if he licked his lips, could still feel her when he clenched his fists.

“Are you going to say anything?”

“Did you bring me anything to eat?” he asked. “I’m starving.”

She crossed the room in two strides and shoved at his chest. “My mother wants to know how serious we are and my sister is already making plans for a double date with her fiancé and us. Are you ready for this?”

Mac wouldn’t be pushed, literally or figuratively, by anyone—even his best friend. He gripped her wrists, tugging on her until she fell against him. Perfect.

“You got this ball rolling, I only gave it an extra nudge. If you want your ex to believe we’re lovers, then practicing on your family is the perfect place to start.”

Jenna stared into his eyes. “I don’t like lying to them.”

“We’re not lying. I fully intend to take you for my lover.”

Her body stilled against his, her eyes widened. “Wh-what?”

“You heard me.” He was confident the shock in her eyes only masked her desire. She’d kissed him with too much passion, had practically melted against him. No way could he ignore her response. “I plan on fully experiencing being your lover, and when the week is over we’ll go back to being friends. That way nobody will be lying to your family.”

She jerked away from him, raking her shaky hands through her hair. She twisted it up into a knot and closed her eyes. Mac crossed his arms while he waited for her to process the kink he’d just put into her plans.

With a sigh, she dropped her arms and her hair fell all around her shoulders in messy waves. “We aren’t sleeping together. I need a friend, Mac. I take sex seriously. I know you can detach yourself from the emotions that come with intimacy, but I can’t.”

Knowing he was on shaky ground here, Mac closed the gap between them until he was so near she had to tip her head to look up at him. Her face was totally devoid of makeup, yet the tan she’d gotten was all the glow she needed to be even more radiant. Women he dated tended to use spackling to enhance their beauty, but Jenna needed nothing extra. He preferred a woman who wasn’t all made up in an attempt to gain attention.

“I know you want long term, Jenna. But this week is all about special circumstances. You invited me here.” He purposely used a softer tone. “Let’s see where this goes. I promise, when this is over we’ll go back to being friends. Nobody will get hurt, Jenna.”

“Says the man who has women strewn throughout the world.”

He suppressed a smile. “Despite what you think of my travels, most of the time it’s business and I’m too damn tired to entertain.”

She shook her head and took another step back, hitting the wall by the front door. “Sex implies...”

He quirked a brow. “Lust, desire, passion? I’m willing to admit you’re hot and any man would be lucky to have you in his bed.”

She put her hands on his chest. When she didn’t push him away, he reached out, curling his fingers around her bare shoulders.

“Don’t,” she warned. “We’re not sleeping together. We’re not doing anything but pretending to be lovers. After this week, my family will think we just decided to stay friends. That’s all. I can’t do more and if you’re honest with yourself, you can’t, either.”

Oh, he could do plenty more. Starting with peeling that dress from her curvy body. But he wouldn’t push her. She was already feeling stressed and recovering from the betrayal of her asshat ex. The last thing she needed was for her best friend to force her into anything. But that didn’t mean he would stop his attempts to get her into his bed. For years he’d wondered how it would feel to have his best friend in every way possible and now he had this week to seduce her. Bora Bora provided the perfect backdrop for temptation, with its sultry nights and lazy days on the beach. Seducing Jenna would be so easy, so perfect. Before these seven days were up, he’d know exactly how amazing they were together.

But Mac didn’t want her to feel forced, to feel pressured. He wanted her willing and aching for him. He wanted her to admit that the attraction was mutual. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind she wanted him. She may be lying to herself, but her actions spoke volumes.

Stroking his thumbs along her delicate skin, Mac bent slightly to hold her gaze. “I’m not putting any pressure on you. You’ve got enough going on now.”

Beneath his palms, her shoulders relaxed. “I still have all those flowers to do and Amy has changed her mind about the arrangements twice already. My ex will be showing up any day and I’m exhausted from my mother’s questions. If you add more stress on me, I’m going to smother you in your sleep.”

Laughing, Mac pulled her in and wrapped his arms around her. She literally fell against his chest as if the fight had gone out of her. This would be the perfect opportunity to seduce her...if he wanted to be a complete, uncaring jerk. He’d already planted the seed. She knew exactly what he wanted. Now he had to let his actions speak louder than his words. Not a problem at all. In his line of work, actions always got the job done.

“Why don’t you go out on the deck and relax?” he suggested, rubbing his hand up and down her back. “I’ll bring you some tea. I’m sure you packed an assortment.”

Jenna wasn’t a drinker, not of alcohol, anyway. Her mother had once battled alcoholism, but had been clean for the past several years. So, while booze was off the table for Jenna, Mac knew the girl never went out of town without her tea collection. It was one thing she took quite seriously. No doubt she’d brought the antique tin that he’d gotten her for Christmas several years back. She’d seen the piece before an auction and had coveted the item, so Mac had anonymously placed the bids and gotten it for her as a surprise.

Nearly all bidding was anonymous.... But in this instance, he’d simply done something for his best friend, not for a billionaire client or the good of the family business.

Jenna pulled away and offered him a tired smile. “You’re too good to me.”

“I’ll let you return the favor one day when I need you to pretend to be my fiancée,” he joked. “Do you want a particular flavor?”

He watched the sway of her hips as she walked away. “Surprise me.”

Mac laughed. She’d better watch what she asked for. Because by the end of this week, she’d be surprised all right. Seduction would never taste sweeter.

This might be the only chance to be this close to her, at her invitation. He planned to take full advantage of this week posing as her boyfriend. This was the exact opportunity he needed to get closer, by her invitation. He planned on playing his role flawlessly every minute of the next seven days.

* * *

Jenna crossed her ankles and stared out at the sparkling water just beyond her deck. With bright blue skies, the sun just on the horizon and her best friend brewing her tea, Jenna should be the most relaxed woman in the world.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t relax when her lips were still tingling, her body was still aching and her mind was still reeling from her best friend’s bombshell admission that he wanted to sleep with her.

She hadn’t seen that coming. Yes, he’d tried to pick her up with some overly cheesy line many years ago, but Mac was a professional flirt. And they’d agreed not to take things in that direction back then. She’d told him she only wanted long term and she knew he couldn’t offer permanence. No way would she make herself vulnerable when she knew nothing serious could come of her attraction to Mac.

But the way he’d kissed her, held her and stared into her eyes when he delivered that shocking blow...this man wasn’t joking anymore. He was full-on trying to get her into his bed, and if she wasn’t careful that’s exactly where she’d find herself. Talk about an awkward morning after, and she just couldn’t risk their friendship.

Stretching her arms out, she clasped her fingers behind her head. She really needn’t get too worked up, though. Mac loved women and women, understandably, loved Mac. He had charm, power, a killer body and a smile that could melt the clothes right off your body.

But she had to remind herself the proposition had nothing to do with her personally. Mac was a world-renowned playboy. He’d earned his reputation by his actions over the years and Jenna wasn’t naive. She’d seen firsthand what a damaging relationship could do. Granted, her parent’s situation was much different, but her mother had still been crushed, destroyed and ultimately had turned to the bottle when Jenna’s father walked out. Jenna didn’t think she’d ever be dependent on alcohol, but she was vulnerable to the same emotional damage her mother had suffered. Jenna knew if she allowed herself to be intimate with Mac two things would happen: she would love every single erotic moment, and he’d leave her wanting more as he walked away. She refused to be dependent on her feelings, to let her emotions lead her common sense around on a leash. Jenna had to keep a level head about this and remember everything going on here was all for show.

So, while her lips may still be tingling from their earlier encounter, she had to ignore the urge to take what he so eagerly offered.

Mac’s heavy footsteps hit the wood deck. “Here you go.”

After handing her a glass of iced tea, peach she guessed from the scent, he walked to the edge of the deck and took a seat. With the huts and decks built right on the water, his feet rested in the crystal-clear ocean. His black T-shirt pulled across his broad shoulders. His dark, unruly hair curled just slightly on the ends. Jenna didn’t care that she was checking out her best friend. She’d done it for years, and the older he got, the sexier Mac O’Shea became. This combination ocean/hottie view was definitely one she would be enjoying all week.

“So, tell me what’s on the agenda for tomorrow.” He threw a glance over his shoulder, offering her an evil, lopsided grin. “Kissing on the beach, you unable to keep your hands off me, frolicking in the ocean?”

Jenna took a hearty drink of her iced tea and rolled her eyes. “I think we’ll stick with hand holding, a few hugs and some lingering glances. Can you handle that?”

With a shrug, he turned back to the ocean. “I can handle anything. I’m in Bora Bora with my best friend and I have everything under control with the upcoming auction. I could use a few days to rest up, even if I’m pretending to be in love.”

A sliver of guilt started to course through her. “I know I’m putting you in a weird position, so if you want to back out, do it now before we get too far.”

Mac turned, rested his back against one of the posts and drew one knee up as he met her gaze. “Jenna, I came here for you. If you need me to hold your hand, literally, to get through this next week, that’s what I’m going to do. Stop worrying about my feelings or whatever else is going through that head of yours.”

She sat up in her lounge chair and swiveled her legs to the side. Clutching her glass, she watched the drops of condensation slide down it, disappearing beneath the pads of her fingers. Worry gnawed at her and she knew she could be totally honest with Mac about her deepest concern.

“I don’t want things to get awkward between us.”

“Then stop analyzing it to death,” he commanded. “We’ll be fine. The ex will think you’ve moved on, your sister’s wedding will be over and done, and you’ll be back in Miami by next week.”

In theory everything sounded so perfect and easy. Reality always had other plans, though.

Jenna took another drink before looking over to Mac, who was still staring at her. “Do you want something to eat? The resort actually stocked our kitchen. I don’t even want to know what Amy paid for all of this.”

Mac shook his head. “Nah. I was joking earlier. I’m too tired to eat, anyway. That whirlwind trip to Barcelona wiped me out.”

“I’m sure the lovely Lolita you left behind with a smile would take that as a compliment.”

Mac pulled his other foot from the water and hopped to his feet. “Lolita was nowhere to be found,” he retorted as he took a seat beside her on the lounge chair. “The trip was all business. I didn’t see one naked woman the entire time.”

Gasping, Jenna mocked him. “No wonder you’re so cranky. And here I’m putting a damper on your social life because you have to pretend to be taken.”

“We don’t have to pretend,” he replied with raised brows. “Say the word and we’ll make use of this lounge chair.”

Jenna sprang to her feet and headed toward the open doorway. “Chill out, stud. I have enough to handle without feeding your overactive hormones.”

Mac followed her into the hut. Jenna rinsed her empty glass and just as she went to set it on the counter, it slipped from her hands and shattered all over the ceramic tile.

Cursing beneath her breath, she glanced down, trying to figure out how to get out of the mess without cutting her bare feet.

“Don’t move.”

Mac stepped carefully around the shards and seconds later lifted her into his arms.

“Put me down. I’m heavy.”

Halting his steps, Mac met her gaze, his face mere inches above hers. “You’re not heavy, Jenna. You’re perfect. I won’t want to hear that from your mouth again.”

Closing her eyes, praying for the humiliation to pass, Jenna sighed. “Just put me down. I’ll put some shoes on and get this mess cleaned up.”

“I can get it.”

“You’re going to cut yourself,” she argued, though the point was moot now.

“Better me than you.”

He placed her on the sofa and stood back, his hands on his hips, his narrowed eyes daring her to argue. Jenna held her hands up in defeat. She wasn’t fighting with him. She chose her battles wisely. Besides, she had to admit she rather liked this whole knight-to-her-rescue thing.

Moments later, once the glass was all discarded and he’d swept the floor thoroughly, Mac returned and sat on the table in front of the sofa. Straddling her legs, he reached down and placed one of her feet on his leg. When he started to examine her, she pulled her foot away.

“I’m fine. I wasn’t cut.”

“You’re sure?”

Jenna snorted. “I think I’d know, Mac. Calm down. Were you cut?”

He merely shrugged. The man was infuriating at times.

“You know, you could’ve called someone to come clean that up.”

Shaking his head, he replied, “By the time someone came, I would’ve been done. It’s not a big deal.”

Mac O’Shea might have been a billionaire, he might have been a mysterious, powerful man, but he wasn’t lazy. He worked hard and always remembered that just because someone had money didn’t make them better than anyone else. His father had instilled that value in all of the kids, and Jenna admired Mac and his siblings for being so conscious of other people’s feelings...unless those people crossed the line. Then the O’Sheas left no room for negotiation, if the rumors were correct. Still, overall they were good people. She knew about the charities they silently donated to. She’d overheard Mac talking on the phone once to Laney, his sister, but Jenna hadn’t said a word. She was proud the family didn’t boast about the fact they shared their wealth. That’s what giving was all about.

The sun had sunk lower, sending a soft glow into the hut through the wide opening leading to the deck. Fatigue was starting to take over and she was running out of steam. She needed to rest up if she was going to pull off this charade for the next seven days. Who knew when Martin would arrive, and she wanted to be ready.

“I’ll sleep here on the sofa,” she told Mac. “Actually, I’m so tired, I think I could pass out on that hammock out on the deck.”

Mac simply shook his head. “You’re sleeping in the bed and so am I. We’re adults, Jenna. We’ve been friends for years.”

Yeah, well, she’d never lain next to her best friend and attempted to sleep after he kissed her as if he needed her more than air. How could she sleep if his hard body brushed against hers in the middle of the night? What if she rolled over and her parts touched his parts? Because then a new level of awkward would settle in and that was the last thing she wanted.

“Whatever you’re worried about, stop.” His demand was loud and clear. “Go to bed. I’ll be in later.”

Yeah, that’s precisely what she worried about.


“We may have found something.”

Mac sat up straighter and glanced toward the closed bedroom door where Jenna had disappeared over an hour ago.

“The scrolls?” he asked his associate Ryker in a hushed tone. But Ryker was so much more than an associate. He was a brother, a friend, an enforcer. He might not share the same blood, but he was practically family.

And he’d found information on the infamous scrolls. The nine pieces of family heritage they’d been chasing for decades. Their ancestor was an Irish monk who’d been chosen to transcribe Shakespeare’s early works. The scrolls were invaluable...and still missing. They’d been in the O’Shea family up until they’d lost everything in the Great Depression, then they’d vanished.

Under the direction of their father, they’d followed countless leads. Once Patrick had passed and Braden had taken control, he’d gone to the point of origin at an old estate in Boston that used to be owned by the O’Sheas. The scrolls were last known to be there, yet his family was still on a damn wild goose chase. Granted, had he not gone to the starting point, Braden never would’ve met Zara, the love of his life. Zara now owned the home which used to be in their family. Even she had searched her home, but nothing had turned up.

Mac, his brother Braden and their sister Laney were ready to fulfill their late father’s request and find these missing heirlooms, but so far they’d had no luck. Ryker, the go-to guy who was more like a brother than an employee, had proved himself to be relentless in finding the scrolls, in fulfilling a dying man’s wish—no matter where in the world he had to follow the trail.

“I’m actually boarding the jet now,” Ryker stated. “I’ll be heading to Chicago on a tip from McCormick’s.”

McCormick’s. If the O’Sheas worried about rivals, McCormick’s would be top of the list. But, Mac’s family had been in the industry much longer and had far longer reaches into that world...both political and civilian. That, coupled with everything they had going on behind the scenes, definitely made them the most sought-out auction house in the world. They could get the job done, fly under the legal radar and have transactions completed quickly and efficiently. Their clients never knew the details of how things were handled, they only knew O’Shea’s was discreet and got things done.

“Is this tip from a reliable source?” Mac asked.

“Reliable enough,” Ryker said. “I’ll keep you posted, but Braden was busy at some event with Zara and they couldn’t be bothered, so I had to act fast. Where are you, anyway? Still in Barcelona?”

Mac came to his feet and glanced out the open doorway toward the inky water, shimmering only slightly from the moon peeking from behind the clouds. Bora Bora was one of the most beautiful places on the was also one of the most romantic. Not that he did the whole candlelight-on-the-beach kind of thing. He was more of a slam the bedroom door with his foot as he plastered a willing woman against the wall and claimed her type of guy.

“I’m in Bora Bora with Jenna. She had a family emergency.” Sort of. “I’ll be home in a week, but let me know as soon as you discover anything, no matter how minor.”

“Will do.”

Mac disconnected the call and gripped his cell in his hand. Every time there was another lead, he got anxious. After years of letdowns, Mac knew he shouldn’t get his hopes up, but all of this searching had to pay off at some point, didn’t it? Because none of them would stop until these scrolls were found. Unfortunately, Patrick O’Shea had passed before he could fulfill that vow. The heart attack that claimed his father was sudden. He’d gone in for surgery, knowing there was a risk, but it was his only option for survival. They’d lost him on the table.

Mac didn’t know if he’d ever get used to the idea of his father not being around. Then again, he didn’t want to get used to the loss. He wanted to remember his father for the powerful, loving family man he was. He may have been a hard-ass outside his inner circle, he may have had more blood on his hands than a corrupt politician, but Patrick O’Shea was loyal to those close to him. Mac missed that man every minute of every day and would continue to honor his father’s legacy and work with his siblings to make the O’Shea name as reputable as ever.

With his mind spinning in so many directions, Mac was too wound up to go to bed. Well, he was too wound up to sleep. Getting between the sheets with Jenna right now wouldn’t be wise. He wanted her so damn bad, with a fierceness he’d not allowed himself to feel before. She wasn’t ready, though.

His priority for the next few days was to make Jenna smile, to make her life worry-free and to get her to see just how easy it would be to be intimate and still be friends. He wasn’t looking for a lifetime commitment; they were already best friends and that was about as close to someone as he was willing to get.

Given the family business, he was used to keeping certain things close to his chest. He didn’t want to get too involved with anyone because he doubted there was a woman in the world who would put up with his lies. And he would lie to Jenna—he had lied to her. He had no choice with his lifestyle, and he wasn’t about to apologize for it.

He’d been born an O’Shea, born into a world that was glamorous, powerful and, more often than not, deceitful. He was proud of his name, dirty rumors be damned. Because, overall, the name O’Shea brought prestige and power. No one questioned them to their faces. And Mac would stop at nothing to help fulfill his father’s dying wish in getting back the scrolls. At all costs. They’d been missing long enough and he wanted to be the one to bring them back to their rightful place.

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