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The Ceo's Surprise Family
“That one.” She nodded toward the painting. “It would fit nicely in his restaurant so it’s something he’ll like.”
Ethan considered the painting and then nodded. “You’re right. It fits him. Let me grab it before someone buys it. Thanks.” He dropped a kiss on her head and strolled off.
“He’s still making moves on my date,” Jethro drawled close to her ear. “I might have to have a talk with him.”
Lexi jumped and swirled around. “Geez, how long have you been there?”
“I just walked up. Why? Something happen you don’t want me to know about?”
“Nope. You startled me, is all.” Looking to divert his attention from Ethan, she gestured to the crowd. “You must be pleased. Ethan told me you own the gallery.”
“It’s a recent acquisition.”
“Calder.” Her former director and his wife came up to them. They made a stunning older couple. “You’re doing a great job here at the gallery. Ethan Kittrell is quite a find.”
“Thomas and Irene.” Jethro offered his hand to the couple. “Thanks for coming. We’re always pleased to provide something unique for our collectors.”
“Indeed. Irene fell in love with a couple of prints we’ll be taking off your hands.”
“Irene, I’ve always admired your taste.”
The older woman beamed under his approval. “And you’ve redeemed my opinion of yours when it comes to women. Oh, I know how you young men like to play the field, but I hope you realize what a treasure you have in this girl.”
“You know Lexi.” Jethro’s expression went blank.
Oops. Time to do her job. He was either insulted, and trying to find a nice way to tell a good client to mind her own business. Or counting to ten before blasting her, with no consideration of future relations.
“Irene, you’re going to make me blush.” Lexi interceded before Jethro could react. “There’s actually nothing romantic going on. Jethro knew Alliyah and today was her birthday. We’re just celebrating her together this evening.” She smiled through the sadness. “She would have loved this.”
“Oh, my dear.” Sympathy filled Irene’s brown eyes. “She would indeed. My apologies, Jethro. Such a tragedy to lose her so young. Do you know how her—”
“Family is doing?” Lexi quickly interrupted before Irene could mention Alliyah had a daughter. “Yes. Everyone misses Alliyah terribly but we’re doing as well as can be expected.”
“Good, that’s good. She’s lucky to have had you for a friend. You let us know if we can do anything.”
“Absolutely,” Thomas confirmed. “And remember, you’re welcome back with the troupe anytime you want.”
“Thank you both. You have a good evening now.” She gave them both a peck on the cheek and sent them on their way.
“Sorry about that.” She patted Jethro on the arm. “But no harm done.”
She hoped not anyway. She wanted to be the one to tell Jethro about Jazi. To gauge his reaction and sway him to her cause. He was a sharp guy; she didn’t want him to be wondering about a child in Alliyah’s life and start counting down the months.
“What are you after?”
Jethro’s firm grip on her arm gave her no option but to join him in a dimly lit hallway.
“Hey.” She tried to shake her arm loose, but he held on.
“Who are you?” he demanded.
“I don’t know what you mean. I’m Lexi.”
“How is it that you know everyone?”
“I don’t know everyone. That’s crazy.” She pulled against his grip. “You’re hurting me.” Not really, but he had her unnerved and that was close enough.
“Quit squirming and it won’t hurt.” His fingers loosened but he retained his hold, forcing her to follow him down the hall.
“Let me go and I’ll quit squirming.”
He opened the door of a well-appointed office. It had a feminine feel and Lexi guessed it belonged to Lana, the gallery manager.
Jaw clenched, he released her. Then frowned at the red marks on her skin. “Your skin is too delicate.”
She rubbed her arm singeing him with a reproachful glare. “Apology accepted.”
She dropped into a visitor’s chair and crossed her legs.
“Sorry,” he muttered belatedly, grudgingly. He sat on the edge of the desk. “Now tell me how you know so many people. I saw you talking with people all over the gallery.”
“Just because I talked to people doesn’t mean I know them. Is this about me not protecting you from the madding crowd? You seemed fine whenever I glanced your way.”
“Mocking me will not save you. Answer the question.”
“Save me?” She laughed.
He didn’t.
“You targeted me, Ms. Malone. I want to know why.”
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