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And if you look closely at what Bluff does in the movie, you’ll notice a characteristic detail: he’s never late, the fucker. Always just in the nick of time… As soon as the security officer looks away for a second to think about the meaning of life, Bluff shows up out of the blue and, to take advantage of the security officer’s temporary helplessness and save Bluff’s bullets for the other 149 security officers, clouts him right on the head – there you go, your soul is floating up to hea – … I mean hell, of course.

As soon as the pretty lady feels an attack of female dizziness coming on, Bluff is right there to help as if he had seen it coming all along, the bastard.

That’s just the way he is – no sooner do you stop to take a yawn than he’s there to take care of things. Even Homer sometimes nods – when the day of villainy is done, the villains need a minute’s rest, too. Bluff shamelessly takes advantage of that respite, and the next thing you know, his shameless face looks into your eyes and says insolently, “The name is Bluff. James Bluff.”

What an asshole, right?

But the most interesting thing is that he takes his one-in-a-million chance as an accuracy on par with the Swiss time-pieces and invariably moves on from episode to episode, maneuvering deftly in the machine-gun fire and sliding between the pretty legs in those rare moments when they’re loose and defenseless.

Or take Next, starring Nicolas Cage.

In that movie, Nic is able to tell the future in all of three minutes, and the spell is long enough for him to bend his head low and lift it back up as necessary.And he’s as deft maneuvering in the gunfire. When I first saw him I thought, All right, Bluff is back from another plastic surgery. You see, their tricks looked too much alike, and they contrived to knock the enemy all over the place without as much as shooting a gun.

It logically follows that if Nic doesn’t brandish a gun in Next and Bluff isn’t a frequent shooter either, then their main weapon is knowing how to be in the right place at the right time, smiling their bulletproof, white-teeth cover-boy smiles at the bullets coming their way…

Maybe that’s what gets the bullets blinded – or how else can you explain that they miss the target all the time?

To put it scientifically for all of you nerds out there, the high probability of success in a situation where the probability of survival is negligently low is guaranteed for these individuals by either congenital or acquired ability to synchronously interact with aggressive agents, thereby allowing the individuals to attain their goals and use their capabilities in the most optimal manner possible.

Anybody get that?

That’s what the distinguishing feature of stalking is – the absolute synchronization with the world and the use of power, aggression, and weapons kept to a minimum.

A poem – by Guberman, I think – comes to mind.

I had a friend who fed himself to lice

Mending his rags as old as life

Cut out Creation’s likeness nice

And hunted God… without a knife

Chapter 5. Look what the cat coughed up…

What does it mean to be in the right place at the right time?

In the nerdy parlance of overly smart mathematicians, this means having the right space and time coordinates at a given moment.

That is, F (x, y, z, t) = f (t), where f (t) is that tricky function essential to success and to the feeling of deep mental satisfaction.

Anybody get that?

To put it simply, here’s an example: Say a cat runs across the road, escaping the cars prone to hit her any second.

Three things have always amazed me:

1. As a rule, the cat runs without looking around, instead looking steadily at some point ahead.

2. But if it stops and takes a look around, the cat is bound to be run over.

3. A simple yet amazing fact: a car drives through the spot where the cat was a second ago, but the cat is already not there.

Here, the following analogies offer themselves:

1. A person crossing the road of life looks at a point ahead of them like the cat. They can only see their ultimate goal and trot toward it.

This sort of obsession is a distinguishing trait of so-called ambitious people. That is, those who achieve success, for it is ambitious people that do.

There’s a certain secret to it, and in fact it’s a property of human consciousness. You can look at thousands of things, but you can only see those that your eyes search for, and once you see them, you just keep on looking at them. That’s as simple as that, and everyone knows it, but…

…Duck hunters know a funny thing: a duck shot while flying falls into the grass, and as the duck falls, the hunter mechanically follows its path with his eyes. Every hunter sees the spot the duck has fallen onto and then goes there to pick it up, but they won’t find it unless they look steadily at the spot as they approach it.

But if they only remember the spot approximately and go searching for the duck on the just assumption that their six to eight pounds of brains guarantee locating a lousy duck in the grass, ninety-nine percent of them will never find it, dead or not dead.

Why do they find no duck? The duck can’t have crawled away to heaven, right?

2. If you look away from your initial goal and start to have your doubts when you’re half way there, you’re not likely to succeed – remember what happens to the cat when it freezes in front of the speeding car.

But the overwhelming majority of people doubt things all the time. THINGS… AND PEOPLE… but why?

There’s a good saying that cowards die many times before their deaths.

And if you ask women, who in fact stand behind the natural selection of homo sapience males, what a “cool” man is, they’ll give you thousands of answers, but each will be sure to mention confidence.

Confident is an antonym for tentative. Women believe that a man can be anything – a sadist, a murderer, a bastard, a pauper – and still be attractive to them. But strip a man of his confidence, and no woman will ever look his way.

The instinct of selecting a potential mate unerringly tells a woman that a male lacking confidence will achieve nothing – he has no prospects.

Hero, the laughing stock of the neighborhood, can only be a hero for a girl who’s a laughing stock herself. People of this kind never make it unless they’re characters in a book, a drug for losers. In real life, someone who is confident scares predators away with their confidence alone.

That’s why little kids (and professional dog trainers) can, without an ounce of fear, approach a big mean dog to pet it (unless the dog is chained up). Their absolute faith and fearlessness don’t provoke the dog to bite them.

“If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move.” Let me just add that faith is not a thought nor kung fu theory but the special state that stalkers learn first, a real feeling as opposed to mumbling, “I do believe, I do believe, I do!”

To those with extrasensory perception skills, one can simply say that energy is perception, the twenty-second Tarot trump (the Fool), the dude with a bindle, looking up to the sky to see his way up there, not down on Earth.

This Arcanum is the beginning and the end of Tarot studies.

It is this Arcanum that describes stalking on Earth.

And it is its energy and the perception of it that yield faith and all the resulting consequences, including the blinding bulletproof white-teeth smile.

“Fools get all the luck,” as the Russians say.

And that’s quite true.

They sure do!

By the way, in the runes, this Arcanum corresponds to Raidho.

Chapter 6. What’s it mean… ormagic gray, white, and speckled reddish-black pink

We’re getting closer and closer to the secret stalking techniques. The ones that let you control the future with your strict yet definitely just hand. But first let me give you a little preface. Don’t worry – just five or so lectures more and you’ll be right in the swing of all things stalking. How would you like a symphony without an overture? You wouldn’t have the luxury of running half an hour late or the time to go to the snack bar or preen yourself in the mirror.

So, before we get down to the nitty-gritty of stalking, we need to understand which kind of magic stalking is. Here’s an interesting thing, though: we’ve yet to see a clear classification of magic as such. This leaves us the one option of sorting out the mess that is the existing magical literature. First of all, I have to say that magic is the work of the worm, or the superlarva, that lives in everyone’s spine. The worm is called Kundalini. All the tricks of magic are his doing (or “their” if the magician belongs to several religions). Every magician’s (medium’s, sorcerer’s, witch’s – you name them) Kundalini works out through chakras and the colors corresponding to them.

Here are the basic colors of an awakened Kundalini (and the colors of magic and chakras involved):

Red – through the first chakra, Muladhara, the center of health and power (making you able to, say, lift a 1,000 lb weight).Berserkers, knights, and other murderers of minors.

Orange – through the second chakra, Svadhisthana, the center of sexuality, emotions, perception, and speed. It enables you to hear the grass grow, run faster than the wind, and live out your most time-consuming sexual fantasies. E.g., witches, sorceresses, ninjas, and tantrics.

Yellow (not to be confused with golden) – through the third chakra, Manipura, the center of clear thought and guidance. E.g., hypnosis, telepathy, control of animate and inanimate nature. E.g., yogis, chan buddhists, conjurers, and hypnotists.

Green – through the fourth chakra, Anahata, the center of love, unity, and holiness, used for spellcraft and transformation. E.g., spellcasters, sorcerers, saints, and mediums.

Light blue – through the fifth chakra, Vishuddha, the center of chaos and order as well as of chance, used for fortune telling and prophecy and to control the future and fate. E.g., fortune tellers, stalkers, soothsayers, and prophets.

Blue – through the sixth chakra, Ajna, the seat of pure magic. E.g., magic and prophecy.

White – through the seventh chakra, Sahasrara, which connects us with the universe and the divine. E.g., yoga, holiness, and insanity.

There are also mixed kinds of magic; for example, rainbow magic – taking place when several Kundalinis are at work all at once or at several levels – such as the rainbow magic of sorcerers, Christians, and spellcasters.

There’s also the magic of necromancy, which is generally mist silver.

The magic that opens into hell worlds is, as a rule, black or dirty gray.

The magic that opens into heaven worlds is, as a rule, goldish.

But pure color is quite rare, and the color of a specific ritual is actually a bunch of colors as when you invoke someone dead to spark hatred between a married couple.

All this presents the evident conclusion that stalking relates to the magic of chaos and order, the magic that rests on the Vishuddhi chakra. This kind of magic controls, and allows you to sense, cause-and-effect relationships. For instance, with it you can feel which slot machine you can win on at a particular moment or who will live to become great and who will shortly become a corpse. Furthermore, those proficient in stalking can even control events. How strong their influence is depends on the individual talent and abilities of the stalker at the given time and on how large the entity is that they’re dealing with. Controlling a kid’s toy is one thing, and controlling Mount Fuji with a print by an unknown hero is quite another.

To practice stalking, you should preferably have your Vishuddhi or Ajna as pure and charged up as possible, keeping in mind that there are deeds that can clog them, causing them to be blocked. Things like lies, blasphemy, broken oaths and promises, and adultery close these chakras, making stalking impossible. The obvious hallmarks of stalking skill is truthfulness and the ability to “caw.” As well as knowing how to pray (in a way that works). An extreme case is the stalking of intention – all that you don’t want comes along “of its own accord” with no prayers said.

There are also special techniques for beefing up and developing your stalking abilities, even from scratch. These techniques are closely connected with Tarot cards and their use. I will discuss them much later in this book. Because first of all, before we flaunt it, we need to understand what the stalker’s hands hold, lest the decent public leave us both armless and unarmed before you can say Jack Robinson.

Chapter 7. Whos witches the tracks, or what causal magic is

The previous chapter poked at things with a stick, as is customary in Russia, to explain that stalking is a branch of magic based on the Vishuddhi chakra. This type of magic appreciably differs from the stereotype of magic as we know it, so we should look at this in more detail.

Take a love spell, for example. As a rule, it works at the level of Svadhisthana, the second chakra.

Easy-peasy, as the saying goes. Take a larva and throw it at a picture of whoever it is you want to put a love spell on. This gets the mechanism unleashed: as the larva is ravenous and has no way out, it will tickle the target’s privates until Patient No. 1 comes running to Patient No. 2 to the satisfaction of everyone concerned, including the larva.

This kind of magic takes place at the level of emotions and astral interactions, taking as little as a couple of hours to produce the desired effect. But your astral plane continuously changes, taking, as a rule, less than forty days to renew completely. That’s why, unless you use Voodoo dolls, most such love spells crumble down in a month or two, though clients rarely complain (by that time, the hots will have dwindled to the vanishing point).

And the funniest thing is that under certain conditions (fistfight, war, heroism), the process runs naturally in a similar way …almost… but who can spot the difference these days?

Things are quite different with the fifth chakra, Vishuddha – it works causally. The causal level is significantly different. A love spell at this level works something like this.

1. Patient No. 1 is not doing great – say, their beloved dog has fallen sick, and they hold the dog dear as the only creature who loves and values them, bringing them deep mental and sexual gratification and a salary paid in euros.

2. It so happens that the only way to get the dog back on track is to have it healed by the One and Only, a veritable Bond, James Bond.

3. All he has to do is wave his big, kind hand, for he… you know the rest.

4. And the story would see a happy ending but the darn dog (at this point, unlike other types of magic, causal magic churns out new scenarios of “if… then,” since the previous cause is now used up and not recycled), now fully recovered from the disease, turns out to be pregnant (or goes missing or gets kidnapped by the Criminals as the unique descendant of the dog bred by the legendary… add salt, sugar, and species to taste).

5. And, strange though it may seem, help can only come from him as he happens to be into canine obstetrics, working exclusively with the dogs he operated on, or to know someone he went to school with who works at a detective agency, and it’s a sheer coincidence that today he’s having those Criminals over for his birthday party, and they promised they’d give him a dog for a gift…

6. When the whole thing turns full circle three or four times, the patients take to staying overnight at each other’s houses, sharing beds, to spare themselves the trouble of coming over, or start to thrash violently in the trap of Karma, viciously tearing off their bodies everything sticking to them. Those too stubborn and stupid end up with their heads ripped off (basically, they don’t need those useless things anyway).

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