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Family Ties
Having met Michael and Katherine Carlson before, Flynn felt a little more comfortable with them. Michael in turn introduced him to Tom Sanders, clearly a good friend, also a casual, warm person. Then he met Gregg Rosentreter, Roger Dalton, Don Westien and Gary Simpson. All the men, obviously good friends, were welcoming.
The fact that it seemed everyone at the party attended Rosewood Community Church wasn’t lost on Flynn.
Seeing Cindy heading toward the kitchen, Flynn followed her, relieved to see no one else was in the room. “How’d you go about assembling the guest list for tonight?”
She thought for a moment. “Well, you’d met Michael and seemed to like him. I thought you might have something in common with the other guys he’s friends with—also, they’re people I especially like.”
“No other motive?”
Frowning, she narrowed her eyes. “Such as?”
“They all go to your church.”
She relaxed a fraction. “That’s where I met my friends.”
“All of your friends go to your church?”
A touch of exasperation entered her expression. “It’s not a requirement. I’m friends with some of my neighbors, other people I’ve met in town. But, yes, my closest friends are those from the church. You’ll notice I did invite most of the people who live on this street, as well.”
“To throw me off the scent?”
Something flickered in her green eyes, a flash she quickly disguised. “The sole purpose of tonight’s party is to introduce you to people in the town you’ve chosen to call home. I’m sorry it bothers you that so many of them attend my church. But I could hardly walk the streets and invite total strangers.”
Looking at her, the evidence of her temperament, as fiery as her hair, challenged him. Again, he couldn’t help comparing her to Julia, remembering how his late wife would never have confronted him. “No, I don’t suppose you could. Cindy, I do appreciate your effort but—”
“You didn’t ask for a party. I know. Just me being me again.”
The tall swinging door pushed open. “Here you are,” Katherine exclaimed. “Can I help do anything?”
Flynn watched as Cindy reluctantly pulled her gaze away. “Yes,” Cindy replied shortly. “Keep Flynn entertained. I’ll take some more punch into the dining room.” The door swung smartly behind Cindy as she exited.
Uncomfortably Flynn studied Katherine, wondering if he was about to get a sermon.
Katherine strolled over to the oven, opening it to peek inside. “Cindy makes killer crab puffs.”
“Pardon me?”
“Her crab puffs—they’re great. I know she’s into granola and nuts, but she can cook up a storm of gooey, good stuff when she wants to.”
“Oh. Well, we’ve gotten used to her cooking.”
Katherine laughed. “Better you than me. When she and I go out, I pick the restaurant and you should see her put away a hamburger and shake.”
Flynn suspected Katherine wanted to talk about more than food, yet he stuck to the safety of the subject. “The main course tonight is vegetable lasagna.”
“Now that’s one of her healthy creations I love.” Katherine closed the oven door. “But that’s our Cindy, a mass of contradictions.”
He should have escaped right after the crab puff remark. Now he was stuck. “Yeah, I suppose so.”
“How many trust fund kids do you know who devote their lives to volunteer work instead of shopping and gliding around the world?”
Flynn stiffened. Apparently Katherine didn’t know her friend as well as she thought. “For the time being, anyway.”
But Katherine didn’t immediately rebut the reply. “So, that’s how it is.”
“Excuse me?”
“Nothing. I’m glad you and your daughters are getting settled in.”
“Well, we will when my house is finished.”
“Of course. It’s always difficult to blend two lives.”
Flynn remained cautious. “Cindy’s been patient, but we’re intruding on her routine.”
Katherine shrugged. “I haven’t heard that from her. It’s a difficult time for you and your daughters and I know she’s thrilled to be able to help out. But you know Cindy, she just wishes she could do more.”
Flynn studied her, wondering at any hidden meaning. “I’m not sure what that would be.”
Katherine’s smile, however, was enigmatic. “She probably doesn’t, either.”
The kitchen door was pushed open again. Without looking at Flynn, Cindy walked over to the oven.
“They looked almost done when I checked them,” Katherine offered.
Katherine nodded, then left the room.
The remaining silence was a palpable thing.
Flynn felt forced to end it. “Katherine says you make killer crab puffs.”
“Yeah, well, Katherine tends to be a bit prejudiced.” Cindy withdrew the baking sheet, transferring the appetizers to a porcelain tray. “We’d better get back in there.”
She didn’t meet his eyes. “Yes?”
“I seem to have a way of irritating you on a daily basis. I guess I’m just not used to someone taking control of things, offering so much. It was really great of you to arrange this party tonight.”
This time, she did raise her eyes, her green eyes darkened to the color of sheltered, unlit forests. “So what else is new? I’ll never be like Julia and everything I do is a daily reminder of that.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Cindy walked toward the door, one hand on the old wood, prepared to push it open. “Yes, it is. Even if you don’t want to admit it.”
Flynn followed her slowly. Why did Cindy think he would want her to behave as Julia had? Julia was his wife and Cindy was…Cindy.
Walking into the crowded parlor, he was immediately swept into the group of people. Michael made a point of including him in his conversation with Tom Sanders.
It was a friendly gathering. Everyone seemed genuine, most made hospitable offers ranging from baby-sitting services to help on the house he was building. It was rather amazing.
“We start softball practice this Saturday,” Michael was telling him.
“I’m not sure I have time to—”
“We don’t take no for an answer. Just ask Michael,” Tom Sanders added.
Michael’s grin was wry. “I can vouch for that. It’s a lot of fun. And we can always use another player.”
Flynn looked from one determined face to the other. “Why don’t we see how Saturday shapes up? I don’t want to dump the kids on Cindy for the day.”
“Are you kidding?” Tom asked. “She’s nuts about your girls.”
Puzzled Flynn stared at him. “And you know that…how?”
“She talks about them constantly,” Tom replied. “She’s as proud of them as any parent.”
Unconsciously Flynn stiffened. “She’s their aunt.”
Tom shrugged. “I wish I’d had an aunt like Cindy, someone who makes everything seem like a treat. I think Cindy could make fun out of a pile of sticks in the rain.”
Flynn studied Tom, wondering if the man had more than friendly feelings for Cindy. “So, you and your wife have been friends with her for a while now?”
“I’m not married,” Tom replied. “Not anymore.”
Which meant he and Cindy could well be more than friends. Funny, he didn’t seem like her type. Flynn shook away the thought. It wasn’t any of his business whom Cindy chose to date. Yet he found himself observing Tom, evaluating the other man.
As the evening drew to a close, all the departing male guests reminded Flynn of the upcoming weekend softball game. And, oddly, he was tempted to go.
When the door closed behind their last guest, Flynn watched as Cindy began to quietly collect bowls and trays. He joined her, filling his hands with the delicate china Cindy treasured. “So what do you think about their insistence that I play softball?”
“I think you should do what you want to.”
Flynn angled his head. “That doesn’t sound like you.”
She turned briefly. “How would you know?”
“You don’t know me at all. How could you possibly think you would recognize when I’m being myself?” Not waiting for an answer, she disappeared into the kitchen.
Flynn was left holding the delicate china, as deceptively fragile, it seemed, as Cindy herself.
The softball field was much like Rosewood itself, old-fashioned and appealing. A small shack sold ice-cream cones, canned soda and homemade hot dogs.
Cindy made sure the triplets held hands, an uneven line of rambunctious little bodies. She’d been surprised that Flynn had agreed to come to this first practice. Reluctant to the point of reticence, she had expected him to find a thousand excuses not to go.
She wondered if Michael’s unscheduled, unexpected visit the previous night had made a difference. Busy with the triplets, she hadn’t heard their discussion. And then this morning, Flynn had announced his intention to attend the game.
Seeing her friend, Cindy waved at Katherine, who waved back while angling her head in Flynn’s direction.
No need to be subtle, Cindy wanted to shout. But Flynn hadn’t seemed to notice. Relieved, she walked the girls around the small field.
Tom approached with a grin. “So, how are the four most beautiful women in town?”
Cindy winked, recognizing Tom’s harmless teasing.
He responded by tugging her pert ponytail, making the girls giggle.
Since Tom was much like a brother, she only shook her head in bemusement.
He knelt down, bringing his gaze eye level with the triplets. “So. You going to clap and cheer for Daddy or for me?”
“Daddy!” they chorused loyally.
He whistled. “Tough crowd.” Standing back up, Tom reached for Cindy’s cooler. “I’ll carry this over to the bleachers.”
“Thanks. That gives me at least one free hand.”
“Cute kids, Cindy.”
“Yeah, they really are.”
Tom glanced down, seeing that the girls weren’t paying attention. “Lucky break Flynn decided to move to Rosewood.”
Cindy withheld the sigh that had been building inside since Flynn’s first mention of relocation. “Yeah, lucky.”
Tom slowed his steps. “Everything okay, Cin?”
She met his concerned gaze. “I finally have some family here. It’s spring. What could be wrong?”
He hooked his arm with her free one. “Remember, you can tell me if something’s wrong. I have a sturdy shoulder.”
She glanced up at him with a heartfelt smile. “So you do.”
“Cindy?” Flynn snagged her attention.
Startled, she glanced at him, not aware he’d walked over to their little group. “Yes?”
He glanced at her arm, still loosely linked with Tom’s. “Are you sure you can handle all the girls by yourself?”
Tom discreetly dropped her arm and self-consciously she pushed at the hair that fell across her forehead. “Of course. Why?”
Flynn glanced once again at Tom. “They can be a handful.”
She shrugged. “I brought treats.” She motioned with her head to the swing set, slide and seesaw in the park beside the softball field. “And there’s plenty to keep them busy. Besides, they can’t wait to see you play.”
“Daddy play!” Beth demanded.
Flynn scooped her up. “In a few minutes.”
Mandy tugged at his pants leg, as well, but Alice hung on to Cindy’s hand. Flynn obliged by picking up Mandy, giving both girls a hug, then putting them back down.
“We have to let Daddy go practice,” Cindy explained.
“Me play, too,” Beth demanded.
“No,” Cindy told her firmly. “This is Daddy’s day.”
“She could walk to the field with me for a few minutes,” Flynn replied.
Cindy wanted to thump him. And he thought she was spoiling them? “I spent quite a bit of time explaining to the girls that this is a grown-up game, that little girls don’t get to play.”
“I didn’t intend to let her play.”
“No, but I’ll spend the entire time keeping her off the field if you take her out there.”
“That’s an exaggeration,” Flynn replied.
Tom cleared his throat. “I’d better get back to the practice.” He held up the cooler. “I’ll put this on the bleachers.”
“Thanks,” Cindy replied, wondering why Flynn was scowling as though he had ants in his shoes.
“Sure,” Tom replied, walking away quickly.
“What’s with you?” Cindy asked.
Flynn’s scowl didn’t lighten. “Problem?”
“You just chased away one of the nicest people here. Some special reason why?”
“You tell me.”
Puzzled, Cindy grasped Alice’s hand a little tighter. “So, are we going to grapple over taking the girls on the field?”
He looked at her for a long moment. “No, I don’t guess we will.”
Then his gaze shifted toward Tom. “Nothing to argue about at all.”
Confused, Cindy stared after him as he stalked on to the field. And for the life of her, she couldn’t imagine why he hadn’t taken to Tom.
“Men,” she muttered.
“Men?” Beth asked.
“Yes, sweetie. We’ll talk more about them when you’re older. For now we’ll stick to Cinderella and Prince Charming.”
Mandy drew her brows together. “Like Daddy?”
Yep. However, Cindy was the only girl in the world whose glass slipper wouldn’t fit. At least not for Prince Flynn.
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