11.1 PYCROFT’S PETREL Pterodroma pycrofti [Pétrel de Pycroft] W 53cm. Note small size and narrow black line from wrist to body. In general darker than 10.8 and with less extensive dark patch around eye than 10.7.
Offshore. Nests in burrows in forest.
Very high peepeep-puh (last part much lower).
Main colonies at islands off N NZ 1. R
11.2 MURPHY’S PETREL Pterodroma ultima [Pétrel de Murphy] W 97cm. From 10.4 (dark morph) by indistinct M pattern on upperwings and lack of white primary shafts. Offshore and open seas. Breeds openly on the ground, usually next to some wind protection.
High barking and low, hollow, drawn-out wailing.
Breeds FrPo, Co, Pi.
11.3 HERALD PETREL Pterodroma arminjoniana [Pétrel hérault] W 95cm. Polymorph, most common are intermediates (not shown) between dark (a) and pale (b) morphs. Note underwing pattern.
Offshore and open seas. Surface breeder at sheltered sites.
Drawn-out whinnying and bickering.
Breeds Ton, Co 1, FrPo, Pi.
11.4 GOULD’S PETREL Pterodroma leucoptera [Pétrel de Gould] W 70cm. Note blackish cap, indistinct M pattern on upperwings and broad black mark along leading edge of underwings.
Offshore and open seas. Nests in gullies and on slopes with palm cover.
Very high, sharp, nasal shrieks tfeet-tfeet—.
A.Sa 2, Fi, Co. R (see also 9.3).
11.5 BONIN PETREL Pterodroma hypoleuca [Pétrel des Bonin] W 67cm. Underwing pattern diagnostic.
Offshore and open seas. Burrow breeder in sandy soils with vegetation.
Low, very soft, rattling croaks.
Breeds Ha 13–18, NMa.
11.6 HAWAIIAN PETREL Pterodroma sandwichensis [Pétrel des Hawaï] W 91cm. Note characteristic dark cap and lack of M pattern on upperwings.
Offshore and open seas. Breeds in burrows or crevices under vegetation high on mountain slopes.
High, hollow, three-syllabled hoots and mid-high, slightly squeaking or croaking calls.
Breeds Ha 1,2,4,
7. R E.Ha
11.7 HENDERSON PETREL Pterodroma atrata [Pétrel de Henderson] W 90cm. From dark 10.4 by lack of white primary shafts.
Surface nester in dense forest.
Undulating shivering twitter.
Breeds Pi.
12 Petrels
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