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The Millionaire's Contract Bride
Then he had chastised himself for even thinking along those lines. His idea that the two of them marry was a business proposition. Nothing more, nothing less. Far better that he didn’t even think of Casey Bridges’ undoubted beauty, or the possible allure of her with a fuller, more curvaceous body…
No, thinking about her like that certainly wasn’t a good idea. Not if she agreed to marry him.
And he had every intention, now he had actually voiced the idea, of making sure that she did!
Casey looked up at Xander from beneath long golden lashes, easily recognising his leashed strength as he paced the room restlessly. He was a man who wielded power along with supreme self-confidence. A man, she was sure, who never took no for an answer. A man who had just suggested, with the offer of a financial incentive, that she marry him!
She moistened stiff, unyielding lips before speaking. ‘I think you had better leave now.’
‘I’m afraid I can’t do that, Casey. You and I have a lot more to say to each other before I agree to go anywhere.’
‘But you can’t have seriously just suggested the two of us get married?’
‘Oh, I’m serious,’ he replied grimly. ‘Very much so.’
‘But you don’t even know me—’
‘I know all I need to know,’ he declared. ‘You’re hardworking. Independent. A good mother—’
‘My teeth are sound, too,’ she put in sarcastically.
Xander gave an appreciative grin. ‘There—you have a sense of humour as well!’
‘It’s hysteria, Mr Fraser, not humour,’ Casey pointed out, sitting up straighter in the armchair to look at him searchingly. ‘Why?’ she finally voiced in a guarded tone.
‘Add astute to your list of attributes!’ he teased, not unkindly.
‘Well, I certainly know you aren’t suggesting I marry you because you’ve suddenly decided you’ve fallen madly in love with me!’ she retorted.
‘No,’ he acknowledged seriously. ‘Do you want to know why you? Or why I need to get married at all?’
‘Both,’ Casey snapped.
‘Does Josh have any paternal grandparents?’ he asked, instead of answering either of those questions.
Casey looked surprised. ‘Yes.’
‘And have they ever considered trying to take Josh from you?’
‘After the way their son behaved? They wouldn’t dare!’ she assured him, wings of angry colour appearing in those pale cheeks.
‘Well, Brad feels no such scruples where his granddaughter is concerned,’ Xander said coldly.
‘Your father-in-law wants to take Lauren away from you?’ Casey gasped. ‘But why?’
Xander raised an eyebrow. ‘Why does he want Lauren? Or why does he think he has reason to take Lauren from me?’
‘Either. Both!’ Casey frowned her agitation at his habit of answering her questions with more questions, at the same time wondering how she would have felt if Sam’s parents had ever threatened to try and take Josh from her.
As desperate as Xander Fraser obviously did, if his marriage proposal to her was anything to go by!
He sighed. ‘Brad is hurting very badly at the moment. His daughter—his only child—died four months ago, and now that his initial shock has receded I believe he sees Lauren as a replacement in his life for Chloe. He informed me on Sunday that he intends applying for custody of Lauren. I tried reasoning with him, and pointed out that he isn’t thinking rationally at the moment. He isn’t listening,’ Xander concluded darkly.
Casey gave him a searching look, knowing by the grimness of his expression that he took his father-in-law’s threat seriously. But surely Brad Henderson, no matter how rich and influential, could never succeed in such a threat?
‘You didn’t answer my other why,’ she prompted.
Xander Fraser’s eyes flashed. ‘Why does he think he might succeed in such a claim?’ His lips briefly compressed into a tight line before he continued. ‘Whether you believe me or not, I consider myself a good father. But there have been—problems since Chloe and I separated. I’m away on business a lot, obviously. Lauren has been—difficult at school. She has also managed to dispatch the four nannies I’ve employed in as many months. Brad intends using all of the above as a way of proving he would be a better guardian for Lauren than I am.’
‘But those things don’t mean anything.’ Casey shook her head. ‘Josh has been a little—troubled at school, too. But with his father leaving, the strangeness of having another woman in his father’s life, and then their sudden deaths—it’s only natural that there should be some sort of reaction. I’m sure that’s all that’s happening with Lauren, too.’
He shrugged. ‘You know that. I know that. Brad obviously sees things differently. He’s angry, upset, and he’s blaming everything and everyone, including me, for Chloe’s death. At the moment he simply doesn’t see that he helped form Chloe into the selfish person she undoubtedly was. And no doubt he would make Lauren equally selfish if he were to get his hands on her.’
It wasn’t too difficult for Casey to imagine the scenario Xander described.
It was difficult, however, to understand how proposing marriage to her was going to solve his dilemma!
‘So you think marrying a complete stranger is going to stop him from going ahead with a custody battle?’ she said with a frown.
‘I think marrying a woman whose young son is already friends with my daughter—she’s talked about Josh incessantly the last four months!—and providing Lauren with a stepmother and the stability of a proper family life, is going to stop him from even trying, yes!’
‘One big happy family, hmm?’ Casey grimaced.
‘Can you come up with a better idea?’ Xander snapped.
‘How about marrying someone you actually love?’
He gave her a pitying glance. ‘Don’t tell me, after seven years of marriage to a man like Sam Bridges, that you still believe in the love myth? Any more than I do after seven years of marriage to Chloe?’
Her eyes flashed deeply green. ‘I think we should leave my marriage out of this.’
‘How can we?’ Xander asked. ‘It’s because your marriage was as disastrous as mine that I believed you might be receptive to my proposal—’
‘That I might be financially desperate enough to be “receptive” to your proposal you mean, don’t you?’ Casey bridled angrily, standing up to glare at him. ‘I’m sure there must be dozens of women you could find who would marry you without the offer of financial inducement!’
‘Someone who would expect more from me than I’m willing to give, you mean?’ His mouth twisted cynically. ‘I would rather pay up front for the privilege, thank you very much. At least that way we would know exactly where we stood!’
‘I don’t need your damned charity—’
‘No—you’re managing just fine on your own, aren’t you?” he taunted. ‘You’re working at two jobs and you still don’t have enough money to feed both Josh and yourself. And from the looks of things you’ve been selling off the furniture a piece at a time, too—’
‘Get out, Mr Fraser.’ Casey cut him off with quiet determination, her hands clenched into fists at her sides. ‘Take your offer and—’
‘But you haven’t heard what my offer is yet, Casey.’
‘I don’t need to hear it—’
He ignored her protest. ‘As my stepson, Josh would go to the same private schools as Lauren. University later, too. And I would put funds in trust for him to receive when he’s twenty-one. Neither he nor you would ever have to worry about money ever again.’
‘And in return for all that, what do I give you?’ Casey asked, with more than a touch of sarcasm.
‘Just your name with mine on a marriage certificate.’
Casey shook her head. ‘I understand why you’re doing this, Mr Fraser—I really do,’ she reiterated as he gave a derisive snort; if anyone tried to take Josh away from her she would do what she had to do to keep him, too. ‘But Brad Henderson would never believe in a marriage between the two of us.’
‘You’re wrong there, Casey,’ Xander contradicted her flatly. ‘I’ve had four days to think—to worry about this—and after my seven hellish years of marriage to Chloe, I can assure you I’ve made my views on marrying again only too plain. Which is why I think a marriage between the two of us—Sam’s deserted wife and Chloe’s deserted husband—is the only one that Brad would even half believe in.’
‘If it was so hellish, why did you stay married to Chloe for so long?’ she snapped, stung by how he’d described her as deserted; he made her sound like a pair of old shoes Sam had simply laid to one side and forgotten!
‘Why did you stay married to Bridges?’ he retorted.
But Casey knew the answer to the question even before they both answered at the same time.
‘Because of Lauren!’
‘Because of Josh!’
Xander gave a mocking inclination of his head. ‘And then, as it turned out, our fears were all for nothing—because when they did both finally leave neither of them wanted Lauren or Josh! They only wanted each other.’
It was true, Casey acknowledged painfully. Whatever it was that had burnt so fiercely between Sam and Chloe—love, lust, whatever—everything else had been surplus to requirements. Including their two children.
‘All I’m asking right now is that you think about marrying me, Casey,’ Xander encouraged. ‘Think of what the two of us marrying could mean to you and Josh, of what I could give you—’
‘I said I don’t want to hear any of that!’ Casey cut in shakily, disturbed by his offer in spite of herself.
Because, the offer of financial security for herself apart, she wanted all those things he had mentioned for Josh, and she hated the fact that she was never going to be able to provide them for him.
And Xander Fraser had to have known that perfectly well when he made his outrageous offer of marriage…
Four days he had said he’d had to think about a solution to his problem, whereas she had only had a matter of minutes to accept that this man really was proposing marriage to her. That the only reason he had chosen her was because he knew she was desperately in need of the financial security he offered.
That he felt confident in making the offer to her because he knew her circumstances were such that he wouldn’t need to pretend a love for her he would never feel.
Xander watched the conflicting emotions flickering across Casey’s face, realising she was both tempted and repelled by his offer.
He had no idea which emotion was going to win…
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