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A Sweet Magnolias Novel
Of course, he couldn’t help remembering that she’d kissed him back. In fact, she’d kissed him with such unexpected heat and passion, it had sent him running for cover. He hadn’t run from a female since Susie Mackinaw had planted an unwanted kiss on him in third grade to the accompaniment of jeers from his friends.
No, he amended, pouring himself a cup of coffee and drinking it as he methodically began to clean the kitchen. The truth was he’d been running from women since his wife had died in childbirth. An EMT in Atlanta at the time, he’d been with Samantha in the ambulance after she’d gone into premature labor and begun hemorrhaging. The ride to the hospital had taken an eternity, and even before they’d arrived in the emergency room, he’d known it was too late. Sam had lost way too much blood, her vitals were fading and the baby was too early to be saved.
That was the day his heart had been ripped from his chest, right along with his ability to function in his job. If an EMT couldn’t do something to save his own wife, how could he ever trust himself to help anyone else?
After a month’s leave, during which he’d drunk himself into a stupor every single day, he’d walked into his boss’s office and quit. Gabe Sanchez had argued with him, pleaded with him to get some counseling and then come back, but Erik had known that his days in any career tied to health care were over.
He might have drifted aimlessly after that, but a friend of his wife’s had suggested he go to the Atlanta Culinary Institute. Erik had laughed at the idea at first, but Bree had kept badgering. Her husband had added his support for the idea as well.
“Out of our entire crowd, you’re the best cook, hands down,” Bree had told him. “More important, you enjoy it. If nothing else, taking the classes will get you out of this funk you’re in. Once you graduate, who knows? Maybe you can open your own restaurant or become a caterer or just come to my house once a month and cook for Ben and me and the kids. It doesn’t matter. The distraction is what’s important. Sam would hate what you’re doing to yourself. She wouldn’t want you to grieve forever.”
Erik might have dismissed the whole idea if Bree hadn’t shown up on his doorstep a few days later with application forms. She’d sat right there while he filled them out, then written a check herself, tucked it all in an envelope and taken it with her to mail. Obviously she hadn’t wanted to leave anything to chance.
“Consider it a gift toward your future from Ben and me,” she said. “When you’re running your own restaurant, you can pay us back with free dinners on our anniversaries.”
A few weeks later, he’d been accepted and shortly after that he’d taken his first classes. By the end of the first month, he knew it was the best decision he’d ever made, next to marrying Samantha. By the time graduation rolled around, he wondered how he’d ever considered, much less worked in, any other field.
Then Dana Sue had contacted the school to find a pastry chef, which was Erik’s specialty. He hadn’t been convinced he wanted to move to a small town in South Carolina, but after he’d visited Serenity and seen Sullivan’s, he’d been hooked. It was just the change he needed, a chance to get away from Atlanta and all of its memories. Moreover, Dana Sue had created something special in a community that was trying to turn itself around after some hard knocks to its economy. As all of the reviews had glowingly stated, Sullivan’s was a rare culinary treasure and he was glad to be a part of it.
As for Dana Sue, she was something special, as well. He’d even harbored a vague notion that someday their relationship might move from professional to personal, but it had quickly become clear that the shapely blonde was still in love with her ex-husband.
Even so, Dana Sue, her daughter, Annie, and even the annoyingly unreliable Karen had become his family. And as hard-hearted as he’d obviously sounded to Helen, when it came to Karen what he most cared about was the toll her problems took on Dana Sue, who simply didn’t need the added stress.
Unlike Dana Sue, Helen was not a woman who needed anyone to look out for her, which was yet another reason Erik was at a loss to explain why he’d kissed her so thoroughly a few minutes earlier. He was by nature a nurturer, a self-proclaimed knight in shining armor. The idea of tough-as-nails Helen needing nurturing was laughable.
Then again, maybe the kiss had been inevitable. She was a gorgeous woman, a little too uptight for him, a lot too opinionated. But sometimes just such a mix guaranteed an explosion sooner or later. Now that the kiss was behind him, the steam was released, and odds were it would never happen again.
He was just congratulating himself for making it all seem reasonable when Dana Sue came into the kitchen and joined him at the sink, where he was scrubbing pans. Picking up another pan from the sudsy water, she nudged him with her hip.
“So, what was that kiss all about?” she asked, keeping her gaze on the greasy pan in her hands.
“Pure impulse,” he said, dismissing it.
“Something tells me the impulse has been coming on for some time. There’s something in the air every time you two are in the same room.”
“Tension,” he suggested.
“Sexual tension, I think,” she retorted, a glint in her eye. “Why haven’t you done anything about it before?”
He rolled his eyes. “Helen and me? Are you crazy?”
“I don’t think so. You’re an incredible man. She’s an incredible woman. Both of you deserve someone special in your lives.”
“I don’t know about Helen, but I’m not looking for a relationship,” he said.
“You used to say you wanted me,” she reminded him.
He grinned. “Because I knew there wasn’t a chance in hell you’d say yes.”
“So you claimed to want me only because I was unattainable?”
“Not buying it. If you like the challenge of the unattainable, then Helen’s an even better bet. Think of the fun you could have trying to change her mind.”
“And then what? Tell her it was all just a game?”
“No, you idiot. Then you fall madly in love and marry her.”
Erik laughed. “I don’t see that happening. Somehow I just can’t picture Helen’s designer duds hanging next to my Levi’s in the closet.”
“After that kiss tonight, I can see it,” Dana Sue told him. “And judging from the way Helen ran out of here, I think she can see it, too.”
“Stop meddling, Dana Sue. She’s your friend and that alone is reason enough for me to stay away from her.”
“Why? I’m giving you my permission to pursue this. In fact, I’m encouraging it.”
“And what happens when one of us gets our heart broken? Whose side do you take?”
She looked vaguely disconcerted by the question. “It would never come to that,” she declared.
“Really? You can see into the future?”
“No, but I have faith in both of you, and I saw something tonight, a spark, that hasn’t been there before in either one of you. Passion—the real deal that leads to love—is a rarity. I’m here to tell you that a spark like that shouldn’t be ignored.”
“Well, I’m ignoring it,” he said flatly.
“We’ll see,” she taunted. “I’m sure I can think of some way to change your mind.” She shrugged. “Or Helen’s. It’ll only take convincing one of you to get this ball rolling.”
“It’s not up to you,” he said, even though he could see he was wasting his breath. He was just going to have to be on high alert from now on.
Damn. That meeting tomorrow. He’d have to be in the same room as Helen and Dana Sue when the memory of that searing kiss was just a little too fresh in his mind.
Karen’s heart was in her throat all during the first part of her shift prior to the meeting Helen had scheduled for two in the afternoon. Erik kept shooting daggers at her, as if he was really ticked off about something. She got the impression he’d been against the meeting. Dana Sue was trying to overcompensate by being extra nice, but the tension in the kitchen was really beginning to take a toll on Karen.
Added to that, they’d had one customer from hell, who’d sent her meal back three times. Erik and Dana Sue had finally drawn straws to decide which one of them would go into the dining room to deal with her and take a stab at making sure she left Sullivan’s happy. Dana Sue had drawn the short straw. Free champagne and dessert for everyone at the table finally soothed the woman, but the whole exchange had ruined Dana Sue’s mood. It was now as dark as Erik’s.
At precisely two o’clock, Helen sashayed in, wearing one of those power suits she favored, a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes that probably cost more than Karen made in a week, maybe even a month, and designer sunglasses that she didn’t remove.
Pointedly ignoring Erik, she smiled at Karen, then turned to Dana Sue. “Where do you want to meet? It’s going to be a little crowded in your office, unless Erik has decided to skip the meeting.”
There was a cool, antagonistic note in her voice that Karen didn’t recognize. Something told her it didn’t bode well for the discussion to come.
“Not a chance,” Erik replied tightly, adding to the tense atmosphere.
“The last of the customers have gone. We can sit in the dining room,” Dana Sue said briskly. “Karen, you want a soda or something? Helen?”
“I’m good,” Karen said, too nervous to even try to swallow something while her future was at stake.
“Nothing for me,” Helen said.
“Then let’s get started, shall we?” Dana Sue said with obviously forced cheer, leading the way.
“Could I see you for a minute first, Helen?” Erik asked, his expression grim.
Dana Sue tucked her arm through Karen’s and immediately steered her through the door into the dining room. “We’ll give you a minute alone,” she said to the two of them.
“What’s that about?” Karen asked in a hushed voice.
Dana Sue grinned. “They had a little disagreement last night. Trust me, it’ll be a whole lot better if they work it out before this meeting.”
Almost before the words were out of Dana Sue’s mouth, though, Helen appeared right behind them, her expression as grim as Erik’s.
Karen leveled a worried look at Dana Sue and leaned close to whisper, “That’s not a good sign, is it?”
Dana Sue sighed. “Not especially,” she said, frowning when Erik emerged from the kitchen right on Helen’s heels, his own expression even stormier than before.
“Okay,” Helen said when they were all seated. “Remember, this is just a conversation among friends. The goal is to work out a solution all of you can live with. Karen’s well aware that her absences lately have put a real strain on the two of you. Karen, why don’t you tell them what’s been going on and why you haven’t spoken up before now?”
Swallowing hard, Karen avoided Erik’s unyielding expression and focused on Dana Sue as she explained about the kids having the measles, the babysitter quitting and the financial stress she’d been under with Ray not sending child-support payments.
“I haven’t told you before because my personal problems shouldn’t be your problems,” she said. “I know I’ve been unreliable and that it’s unacceptable. But I swear to you if you can just bear with me a little longer until I can make permanent arrangements for someone responsible to watch the kids for me, I will be here every single minute I’m supposed to be. I won’t have to hunt for someone new every day.”
Helen held up a hand. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Karen. Let’s face it, being a single mom is unpredictable. Dana Sue, you certainly know all about that. Here’s what I suggest, especially after being here last night. Isn’t it time you considered hiring another chef, or at least some prep staff who can be trained just the way you’ve trained Karen? That way if Karen does have another one of these inevitable crises, you’ll have some backup.”
“Why should Karen’s problems force Dana Sue to hire additional staff?” Erik demanded.
“Because you need the help, anyway,” Helen said before Dana Sue could answer. “Karen wasn’t scheduled last night and it was crazy in the kitchen. If I hadn’t shown up—”
“We’d have managed,” Erik interrupted. “We always do.”
“Come on, Erik, Helen’s right,” Dana Sue cut in. “We really are understaffed for the size of the dinner crowd lately. I’ve interviewed half a dozen people for prep work and given two of them a trial run, but neither one was right for us. I really need to accelerate that search. I’ve been putting off doing anything about it, because I wasn’t sure the popularity of this place would last. That sometimes happens after rave reviews. The kitchen can’t keep up for a few weeks and then people go back to their usual routine and you’ve got more staff underfoot and counting on you than you need and you have to let people go.”
“Hiring someone to do prep work is one thing,” Erik conceded. “But as long as we’re still counting on Karen to be here, how does that solve the problem if she bails?”
“Another trained person can come in if Karen has an emergency,” Helen said.
“And be paid overtime wages?” Erik asked. “How is that fair to Dana Sue? She has to think about costs, you know. And prep work is a far cry from being her assistant or sous chef. We need someone who can move into that position, now that I’m assistant manager.”
Karen studied Erik and Helen and knew there was something going on between them that had nothing to do with her. It was clear, though, that this discussion wasn’t going to work in her favor unless she stepped in with a solution of her own. Fortunately sometime in the middle of the night she’d actually come up with one. Until now she’d been hesitant to offer it, but it was beginning to seem as if she had nothing to lose.
“I have an idea,” she said quietly.
All three of them looked at her in surprise, almost as if they’d forgotten she was there.
“Go ahead,” Helen encouraged.
“I worked with another cook at the diner ’til she had to leave. She had the same problem I’m having now. She was a single mom and her kids had to come first. Doug fired her, just the way I know you two have been debating about firing me. Anyway, Tess was really, really good, but she took a job telemarketing, so she could work at home. I know she hates it and would love to get back to work in a restaurant.”
Erik’s scowl deepened. “If she’s already been fired for being unreliable, why would we ask for more problems by hiring her?”
“Because, frankly, she’s got exactly the skills you need,” Karen told him, determined not to back down in the face of his skepticism. She needed to fight for herself. To do that she had to convince them to at least give Tess a try. “She’s fast. She’s a quick learner. She’s creative. She doesn’t get rattled in a crisis. And she already knows her way around a kitchen.”
“That still doesn’t address the key problem,” Erik said.
“Let her finish, for goodness’ sakes,” Helen snapped.
“Well, pardon me all to hell for wondering how this solves anything,” Erik retorted, his gaze locked with Helen’s.
Suddenly Karen got it. Whatever tiff those two had gotten into, it was because something personal was going on between them. She hadn’t heard anything about them dating, but that didn’t mean it hadn’t happened. There were enough sparks bouncing around to set the tablecloth on fire.
Biting back a grin, she waved a hand to catch their attention. Dana Sue looked equally amused.
“Here’s my idea,” Karen said. “Let me and Tess share the job as sous-chef.”
Helen looked startled, but to Karen’s relief Dana Sue looked intrigued.
“How would that work?” Dana Sue asked. “Don’t you both need a full-time job?”
Karen nodded. “But you’re open six days a week, right? And you’re open more than eight hours a day. One of us could work three days, the other four, and you could schedule our shifts to overlap. You need the extra help anyway on weekends. The sharing part would be that Tess and I would adjust that schedule between us if one of us had an emergency, so you’d never be left without a sous-chef. You’d have two trained people and you’d be covered all the time. The odds of both of us having an emergency on the same day are slight.”
“I like it!” Helen said eagerly. “Dana Sue, what do you think?”
Karen held her breath.
“It could work,” Dana Sue said slowly. “We do need the extra coverage. I’d have to meet Tess and see if she can handle the job or if she even wants it, but it would solve a lot of problems. Erik, what do you think?”
Though his expression remained grim, he nodded. “It has potential, as long as at least one of you shows up, no matter what,” he conceded grudgingly. For the first time, he actually looked at Karen. “That’s one of the traits I’ve always liked about you. You do think outside the box and you’re not afraid to try new things.”
Karen smiled at him. “Thanks. This time it was mainly out of desperation, but I really do think you’re both going to love Tess. She’s bright and energetic and loyal. She’d fit in perfectly here. And I know she and I can work things out so you’re never short staffed.”
“Okay, then, have her call me,” Dana Sue said. “We’ll get her in here and give her a try.”
Helen sat back, a satisfied smile on her face. “A win-win solution. Good job, Karen. Thanks, Dana Sue.”
Karen noticed she pointedly ignored Erik as she stood up. “I need to get back to the office,” Helen said.
This time Erik shot out of the booth. “I’ll walk with you,” he said in a determined tone that silenced any argument. “Back in ten minutes, Dana Sue.”
Dana Sue stared after him. “Take all the time you need.”
After they’d gone, Karen met Dana Sue’s amused gaze. “Are those two…?”
“Not yet,” Dana Sue said. “But I predict it won’t be long.”
“My, my,” Karen murmured, laying on a thick Southern drawl, “I do believe I could use some iced tea. It’s gotten a little warm in here and I’m parched.”
Dana Sue laughed. “Isn’t that the truth? Come on. I’ll join you. Something tells me we’re going to be on our own for a while in the kitchen.”
Helen was sorry she’d walked over to Sullivan’s from her office. If she’d driven, she could have gotten in her car and slammed the door in Erik’s face. Instead, he was walking along beside her in an increasingly awkward silence. Finally she could stand it no longer.
“If there’s something on your mind, just say it,” she demanded. “Otherwise, leave me alone.”
“I’m trying to figure out what to say,” he admitted.
“‘I’m sorry’ has a nice ring to it. Or ‘I was wrong.’ That’s a good one.”
“Okay, both of those,” he said, his lips twitching.
She stopped and whirled around to look him in the eye. “That’s it? I throw you a couple of options and you don’t even repeat them or put your own pitiful spin on them?”
“But you’re the one who’s so good with words,” he returned dryly. “I figured you put it exactly the way you wanted to hear it.”
Helen rolled her eyes. “Oh, for heaven’s sake, do you even know what you’re apologizing for?”
“The kiss?” he suggested uncertainly.
The hint of vulnerability in a man who’d always struck her as supremely confident cut through her defenses. “That would be a good place to start,” she agreed.
“There’s more?” he asked.
Though his tone was perfectly serious, she thought she detected a hint of teasing. “You’re darn straight, there’s more. How about the fact that you were behaving like a horse’s behind about Karen?”
“I was trying to look out for the restaurant’s best interests,” he said. “Something I thought would matter to you, you being Dana Sue’s good friend and all.”
“Of course that matters to me,” she retorted. “So, don’t you think the solution we worked out in there is the best thing for everybody?”
“Possibly,” he said. “But by Karen’s own admission, her friend was fired for being unreliable. In my book, that’s not a terrific recommendation, no matter what her skills are.”
“Not only a horse’s behind, but stubborn as a mule, too,” Helen muttered under her breath.
“I heard that,” he said.
“As I intended,” she replied, then studied him curiously. “I thought you liked Karen.”
“I like a lot of people I don’t want working in my kitchen,” he said. “Not if they’re not going to show up when they’re supposed to.”
Helen’s lips curved in a small smile and she resumed walking. “Does that also mean you don’t mind having someone you dislike working in your kitchen?”
“If they do the job well,” he said, his gaze narrowing as he strode beside her. “What’s your point?”
“You don’t seem overly fond of me at the moment.”
“Because you’re annoying the hell out of me right now.”
“And last night?” she teased.
“And last night,” he agreed.
“And yet we worked so well together. Interesting,” she said thoughtfully.
“What’s so interesting about that?”
“The way your mind works. Can I ask you something else?”
“I don’t imagine I can stop you, interrogation being one of your primary work skills.”
“How did the kiss fit in?” she asked, clearly catching him off guard. Color bloomed in his cheeks.
“I apologized for that,” he reminded her.
“I know, but what sparked it? A sudden attack of lust, the heat of the argument, a desire to get even because of the pie I’d tossed at you?”
“I wish to hell I knew,” he said.
“Come on. Think about it,” she prodded, stopping to look at him. “I just want to know so I can avoid triggering that particular response again.”
“You and me both,” he said, then studied her intently. “You seemed to be into it at the time.”
“I most certainly was not!” she replied indignantly.
“Bet I could prove what a liar you are.”
Now there was a challenge that was best avoided. And since she seemed to be increasingly off balance around Erik, maybe it was time to turn the tables. After all, the man was seriously cute when he was befuddled. Feeling downright daring, she reached up and pressed a kiss to his cheek, hoping to throw him even further off-kilter.
“Let me know when you figure out how we wound up with our lips locked,” she said. “We walked past my office five minutes ago and I need to get back there. See you.”
“Hold it!” he commanded before she could leave. “What about the apology you owe me?”
Helen frowned. “Excuse me?”
“That pie you tossed in my face,” he reminded her.
“You deserved it,” she said.
“Maybe you deserved that kiss,” he said. “Maybe I should take back that apology. After all, it could happen again.”
Helen gave him a hard look. “Don’t even think about it.”
There was a daring gleam in his eye as he took a step in her direction. She backed up and nearly tripped over a crack in the sidewalk.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry about the damn pie,” she said hurriedly. “Now I really do have to go.”
She spun around and took off in the direction of her office as fast as she could, given the three-inch heels she wore. Viewed from Erik’s vantage point, her haste probably wasn’t a pretty sight, but impressing him wasn’t real high on her priority list right now.
“Women!” Erik muttered as he watched Helen cut across the grass in an awkward gait and run up the front steps to her office.
But it wasn’t women in general who made him nuts. It was this woman. He needed to stay as far away from Helen as humanly possible. Maybe he could figure out some way to get Dana Sue to ban her from the kitchen at Sullivan’s. No, that was impossible, given Dana Sue’s apparent matchmaking scheme, which, now that he thought about it, had probably kicked into gear months ago, when Helen had first been drafted into kitchen duty. If he suggested now that Helen didn’t belong in the restaurant kitchen, he could all but guarantee that’s where she’d turn up. Better to keep his mouth shut.
When he got back to Sullivan’s, Karen and Dana Sue both avoided looking at him. He figured that wouldn’t last, either. Dana Sue’s curiosity would eventually get the better of her. When it came to cross-examining, she came in a close second to her attorney pal.