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Studies in the Theory of Descent, Volume I
Since the appearance of the German edition of this work many new observations respecting the markings of caterpillars have been published, such, for example, as those of W. H. Edwards and Fritz Müller. I have, however, made but little use of them here, as I had no intention of giving anything like a complete ontogeny of the markings in all caterpillars: larval markings were with me but means to an end, and I wished only to bring together such a number of facts as were necessary for drawing certain general conclusions. It would indeed be most interesting to extend such observations to other groups of Lepidoptera.
The third essay also, for similar reasons, is based essentially upon the same materials, viz. the Lepidoptera. It is therein attempted to approach the general problem – does there or does there not exist an internal transforming force? – from a quite different and, I may say, opposite point of view. The form-relationships of Lepidoptera in their two chief stages of development, imago and larva, are therein analysed, and by an examination of the respective forms it has been attempted to discover the nature of the causes which have led thereto.
I may be permitted to say that the fact here disclosed of a different morphological, with the same genealogical relationship, appears to me to be of decided importance. The agreement of the conclusions following therefrom with the results of the former investigation has, at least in my own mind, removed the last doubts as to the correctness of the latter.
The fourth and shortest essay on the “Transformation of the Axolotl into Amblystoma,” starts primarily with the intention of showing that cases of sudden transformation are no proof of per saltum development. When this essay first appeared the view was still widely entertained that we had here a case proving per saltum development. That this explanation was erroneous is now generally admitted, but I believe that those who suppose that we have here to deal with some quite ordinary phenomenon which requires no explanation, now go too far towards the other extreme. The term “larval reproduction” is an expression, but no explanation; we have therefore to attempt to find out the true interpretation, but whether the one which I have given is correct must be judged of by others.
These four essays lead up to a fifth and concluding one “On the Mechanical Conception of Nature.” Whilst the results obtained are here summed up, it is attempted to form them into a philosophical conception of Nature and of the Universe. It will be thought by many that this should have been left to professed philosophers, and I readily admit that I made this attempt with some misgiving. Two considerations, however, induced me to express here my own views. The first was that the facts of science are frequently misunderstood, or at any rate not estimated at their true value, by philosophers;2 the second consideration was, that even certain naturalists and certainly very many non-naturalists, turn distrustfully from the results of science, because they fear that these would infallibly lead to a view of the Universe which is to them unacceptable, viz. the materialistic view. With regard to the former I wished to show that the views of the development of organic Nature inaugurated by Darwin and defended in this work are certainly correctly designated mechanical; with reference to the latter I wished to prove that such a mechanical conception of the organic world and of Nature in general, by no means leads merely to one single philosophical conception of Nature, viz. to Materialism, but that on the contrary it rather admits of legitimate development in a quite different manner.
Thus in these last four essays much that appears heterogeneous will be found in close association, viz. scientific details and general philosophical ideas. In truth, however, these are most intimately connected, and the one cannot dispense with the other. As the detailed investigations of the three essays find their highest value in the general considerations of the fourth, and were indeed only possible by constantly keeping this end in view, so the general conclusions could only grow out of the results of the special investigations as out of a solid foundation. Had the new materials here brought together been already known, the reader would certainly have been spared the trouble of going into the details of special scientific research. But as matters stood it was indispensable that the facts should be examined into and established even down to the most trifling details. The essay “On the Origin of the Markings of Caterpillars” especially, had obviously to commence with the sifting and compilation of extensive morphological materials.
August Weismann.Freiburg in Baden,
November, 1881.
I. The Origin and Significance of Seasonal Dimorphism
The phenomena here about to be subjected to a closer investigation have been known for a long period of time. About the year 1830 it was shown that the two forms of a butterfly (Araschnia) which had till that time been regarded as distinct, in spite of their different colouring and marking really belonged to the same species, the two forms of this dimorphic species not appearing simultaneously but at different seasons of the year, the one in early spring, the other in summer. To this phenomenon the term “seasonal dimorphism” was subsequently applied by Mr. A. R. Wallace, an expression of which the heterogeneous composition may arouse the horror of the philologist, but, as it is as concise and intelligible as possible, I propose to retain it in the present work.
The species of Araschnia through which the discovery of seasonal dimorphism was made, formerly bore the two specific names A. Levana and A. Prorsa. The latter is the summer and the former the winter form, the difference between the two being, to the uninitiated, so great that it is difficult to believe in their relationship. A. Levana (Figs. 1 and 2, Plate I.) is of a golden brown colour with black spots and dashes, while A. Prorsa (Figs. 5 and 6, Plate I.) is deep black with a broad white interrupted band across both wings. Notwithstanding this difference, it is an undoubted fact that both forms are merely the winter and summer generations of the same species. I have myself frequently bred the variety Prorsa from the eggs of Levana, and vice versâ.
Since the discovery of this last fact a considerable number of similar cases have been established. Thus P. C. Zeller3 showed, by experiments made under confinement, that two butterflies belonging to the family of the ‘Blues,’ differing greatly in colour and marking, and especially in size, which had formerly been distinguished as Plebeius (Lycæna) Polysperchon and P. Amyntas, were merely winter and summer generations of the same species; and that excellent Lepidopterist, Dr. Staudinger, proved the same4 with species belonging to the family of the ‘Whites,’ Euchloe Belia Esp. and E. Ausonia Hüb., which are found in the Mediterranean countries.
The instances are not numerous, however, in which the difference between the winter and summer forms of a species is so great as to cause them to be treated of in systematic work as distinct species. I know of only five of these cases. Lesser differences, having the systematic value of varieties, occur much more frequently. Thus, for instance, seasonal dimorphism has been proved to exist among many of our commonest butterflies belonging to the family of the ‘Whites,’ but the difference in their colour and marking can only be detected after some attention; while with other species, as for instance with the commonest of our small ‘Blues,’ Plebeius Alexis (= Icarus, Rott.), the difference is so slight that even the initiated must examine closely in order to recognize it. Indeed whole series of species might easily be grouped so as to show the transition from complete similarity of both generations, through scarcely perceptible differences, to divergence to the extent of varieties, and finally to that of species.
Nor are the instances of lesser differences between the two generations very numerous. Among the European diurnal Lepidoptera I know of about twelve cases, although closer observation in this direction may possibly lead to further discoveries.5 Seasonal dimorphism occurs also in moths, although I am not in a position to make a more precise statement on this subject,6 as my own observations refer only to butterflies.
That other orders of insects do not present the same phenomenon depends essentially upon the fact that most of them produce only one generation in the year; but amongst the remaining orders there occur indeed changes of form which, although not capable of being regarded as pure seasonal dimorphism, may well have been produced in part by the same causes, as the subsequent investigation on the relation of seasonal dimorphism to alternation of generation and heterogenesis will more fully prove.
Now what are these causes?
Some years ago, when I imparted to a lepidopterist my intention of investigating the origin of this enigmatical dimorphism, in the hope of profiting for my inquiry from his large experience, I received the half-provoking reply: “But there is nothing to investigate: it is simply the specific character of this insect to appear in two forms; these two forms alternate with each other in regular succession according to a fixed law of Nature, and with this we must be satisfied.” From his point of view the position was right; according to the old doctrine of species no question ought to be asked as to the causes of such phenomena in particular. I would not, however, allow myself to be thus discouraged, but undertook a series of investigations, the results of which I here submit to the reader.
The first conjecture was, that the differences in the imago might perhaps be of a secondary nature, and have their origin in the differences of the caterpillar, especially with those species which grow up during the spring or autumn and feed on different plants, thus assimilating different chemical substances, which might induce different deposits of colour in the wings of the perfect insect. This latter hypothesis was readily confuted by the fact, that the most strongly marked of the dimorphic species, A. Levana, fed exclusively on Urtica major. The caterpillar of this species certainly exhibits a well-defined dimorphism, but it is not seasonal dimorphism: the two forms do not alternate with each other, but appear mixed in every brood.
I have repeatedly reared the rarer golden-brown variety of the caterpillar separately, but precisely the same forms of butterfly were developed as from black caterpillars bred at the same time under similar external conditions. The same experiment was performed, with a similar result, in the last century by Rösel, the celebrated miniature painter and observer of nature, and author of the well-known “Insect Diversions” – a work in use up to the present day.
The question next arises, as to whether the causes originating the phenomena are not the same as those to which we ascribe the change of winter and summer covering in so many mammalia and birds – whether the change of colour and marking does not depend, in this as in the other cases, upon the indirect action of external conditions of life, i.e., on adaptation through natural selection. We are certainly correct in ascribing white coloration to adaptation7– as with the ptarmigan, which is white in winter and of a grey-brown in summer, both colours of the species being evidently of important use.
It might be imagined that analogous phenomena occur in butterflies, with the difference that the change of colour, instead of taking place in the same brood, alternates in different broods.8 The nature of the difference which occurs in seasonal dimorphism, however, decidedly excludes this view; and moreover, the environment of butterflies presents such similar features, whether they emerge in spring or in summer, that all notions that we may be dealing with adaptational colours must be entirely abandoned.
I have elsewhere9 endeavoured to show that butterflies in general are not coloured protectively during flight, for the double reason that the colour of the background to which they are exposed continually changes, and because, even with the best adaptation to the background, the fluttering motion of the wings would betray them to the eyes of their enemies.10 I attempted also to prove at the same time that the diurnal Lepidoptera of our temperate zone have few enemies which pursue them when on the wing, but that they are subject to many attacks during their period of repose.
In support of this last statement I may here adduce an instance. In the summer of 1869 I placed about seventy specimens of Araschnia Prorsa in a spacious case, plentifully supplied with flowers. Although the insects found themselves quite at home, and settled about the flowers in very fine weather (one pair copulated, and the female laid eggs), yet I found some dead and mangled every morning. This decimation continued – many disappearing entirely without my being able to find their remains – until after the ninth day, when they had all, with one exception, been slain by their nocturnal foes – probably spiders and Opilionidæ.
Diurnal Lepidoptera in a position of rest are especially exposed to hostile attacks. In this position, as is well known, their wings are closed upright, and it is evident that the adaptational colours on the under side are displayed, as is most clearly shown by many of our native species.11
Now, the differences in the most pronounced cases of seasonal dimorphism – for example, in Araschnia Levana– are much less manifest on the under than on the upper side of the wing. The explanation by adaptation is therefore untenable; but I will not here pause to confute this view more completely, as I believe I shall be able to show the true cause of the phenomenon.
If seasonal dimorphism does not arise from the indirect influence of varying seasons of the year, it may result from the direct influence of the varying external conditions of life, which are, without doubt, different in the winter from those of the summer brood.
There are two prominent factors from which such an influence may be expected – temperature and duration of development, i.e., duration of the chrysalis period. The duration of the larval period need not engage our attention, as it is only very little shorter in the winter brood – at least, it was so with the species employed in the experiments.
Starting from these two points of view, I carried on experiments for a number of years, in order to find out whether the dual form of the species in question could be traced back to the direct action of the influences mentioned.
The first experiments were made with Araschnia Levana. From the eggs of the winter generation, which had emerged as butterflies in April, I bred caterpillars, and immediately after pupation placed them in a refrigerator, the temperature of the air of which was 8°-10° R. It appeared, however, that the development could not thus be retarded to any desired period by such a small diminution of temperature, for, when the box was taken out of the refrigerator after thirty-four days, all the butterflies, about forty in number, had emerged, many being dead, and others still living. The experiment was so far successful that, instead of the Prorsa form which might have been expected under ordinary circumstances, most of the butterflies emerged as the so-called Porima (Figs. 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9, Plate I.); that is to say, in a form intermediate between Prorsa and Levana sometimes found in nature, and possessing more or less the marking of the former, but mixed with much of the yellow of Levana.
It should be here mentioned, that similar experiments were made in 1864 by George Dorfmeister, but unfortunately I did not get this information12 until my own were nearly completed. In these well-conceived, but rather too complicated experiments, the author arrives at the conclusion “that temperature certainly affects the colouring, and through it the marking, of the future butterfly, and chiefly so during pupation.” By lowering the temperature of the air during a portion of the pupal period, the author was enabled to produce single specimens of Porima, but most of the butterflies retained the Prorsa form. Dorfmeister employed a temperature a little higher than I did in my first experiments, viz. 10°-11° R., and did not leave the pupæ long exposed, but after 5½-8 days removed them to a higher temperature. It was therefore evident that he produced transition forms in a few instances only, and that he never succeeded in bringing about a complete transformation of the summer into the winter form.
In my subsequent experiments I always exposed the pupæ to a temperature of 0°-1° R.; they were placed directly in the refrigerator, and taken out at the end of four weeks. I started with the idea that it was perhaps not so much the reduced temperature as the retardation of development which led to the transformation. But the first experiment had shown that the butterflies emerged between 8° and 10° R., and consequently that the development could not be retarded at this temperature.
A very different result was obtained from the experiment made at a lower temperature.13 Of twenty butterflies, fifteen had become transformed into Porima, and of these three appeared very similar to the winter form (Levana), differing only in the absence of the narrow blue marginal line, which is seldom absent in the true Levana. Five butterflies were uninfluenced by the cold, and remained unchanged, emerging as the ordinary summer form (Prorsa). It thus appeared from this experiment, that a large proportion of the butterflies inclined to the Levana form by exposure to a temperature of 0°-1° R. for four weeks, while in a few specimens the transformation into this form was nearly perfect.
Should it not be possible to perfect the transformation, so that each individual should take the Levana form? If the assumption of the Prorsa or Levana form depends only on the direct influence of temperature, or on the duration of the period of development, it should be possible to compel the pupæ to take one or the other form at pleasure, by the application of the necessary external conditions. This has never been accomplished with Araschnia Prorsa. As in the experiment already described, and in all subsequent ones, single specimens appeared as the unchanged summer form, others showed an appearance of transition, and but very few had changed so completely as to be possibly taken for the pure Levana. In some species of the sub-family Pierinæ, however, at least in the case of the summer brood, there was, on the contrary, a complete transformation.
Most of the species of our ‘Whites’ (Pierinæ) exhibit the phenomenon of seasonal dimorphism, the winter and summer forms being remarkably distinct. In Pieris Napi (with which species I chiefly experimented) the winter form (Figs. 10 and 11, Plate I.) has a sprinkling of deep black scales at the base of the wings on the upper side, while the tips are more grey, and have in all cases much less black than in the summer form; on the underside the difference lies mainly in the frequent breadth, and dark greenish-black dusting, of the veins of the hind wings in the winter form, while in the summer form these greenish-black veins are but faintly present.
I placed numerous specimens of the summer brood, immediately after their transformation into chrysalides, in the refrigerator (0°-1° R.), where I left them for three months, transferring them to a hothouse on September 11th, and there (from September 26th to October 3rd) sixty butterflies emerged, the whole of which, without exception – and most of them in an unusually strong degree – bore the characters of the winter form. I, at least, have never observed in the natural state such a strong yellow on the underside of the hind wings, and such a deep blackish-green veining, as prevailed in these specimens (see, for instance, Figs. 10 and 11). The temperature of the hothouse (12°-24° R.) did not, however, cause the emergence of the whole of the pupæ; a portion hibernated, and produced in the following spring butterflies of the winter form only. I thus succeeded, with this species of Pieris, in completely changing every individual of the summer generation into the winter form.
It might be expected that the same result could be more readily obtained with A. Levana, and fresh experiments were undertaken, in order that the pupæ might remain in the refrigerator fully two months from the period of their transformation (9–10th July). But the result obtained was the same as before – fifty-seven butterflies emerged in the hothouse14 from September 19th to October 4th, nearly all of these approaching very near to the winter form, without a single specimen presenting the appearance of a perfect Levana, while three were of the pure summer form (Prorsa).
Thus with Levana it was not possible, by refrigeration and retardation of development, to change the summer completely into the winter form in all specimens. It may, of course, be objected that the period of refrigeration had been too short, and that, instead of leaving the pupæ in the refrigerator for two months, they should have remained there six months, that is, about as long as the winter brood remains under natural conditions in the chrysalis state. The force of this last objection must be recognized, notwithstanding the improbability that the desired effect would be produced by a longer period of cold, since the doubling of this period from four to eight weeks did not produce15 any decided increase in the strength of the transformation. I should not have omitted to repeat the experiment in this modified form, but unfortunately, in spite of all trouble, I was unable to collect during the summer of 1873 a sufficient number of caterpillars. But the omission thus caused is of quite minor importance from a theoretical point of view.
For let us assume that the omitted experiment had been performed – that pupæ of the summer brood were retarded in their development by cold until the following spring, and that every specimen then emerged in the perfect winter form, Levana. Such a result, taken in connexion with the corresponding experiment upon Pieris Napi, would warrant the conclusion that the direct action of a certain amount of cold (or of retardation of development) is able to compel all pupæ, from whichever generation derived, to assume the winter form of the species. From this the converse would necessarily follow, viz. that a certain amount of warmth would lead to the production of the summer form, Prorsa, it being immaterial from which brood the pupæ thus exposed to warmth might be derived. But the latter conclusion was proved experimentally to be incorrect, and thus the former falls with it, whether the imagined experiment with Prorsa had succeeded or not.
I have repeatedly attempted by the application of warmth to change the winter into the summer form, but always with the same negative result. It is not possible to compel the winter brood to assume the form of the summer generation.
A. Levana may produce not only two but three broods in the year, and may, therefore, be said to be polygoneutic.16 One winter brood alternates with two summer broods, the first of which appears in July, and the second in August. The latter furnishes a fourth generation of pupæ, which, after hibernation, emerge in April, as the first brood of butterflies in the form Levana.
I frequently placed pupæ of this fourth brood in the hothouse immediately after their transformation, and in some cases even during the caterpillar stage, the temperature never falling, even at night, below 12° R., and often rising during the day to 24° R. The result was always the same: all, or nearly all, the pupæ hibernated, and emerged the following year in the winter form as perfectly pure Levana, without any trace of transition to the Prorsa form. On one occasion only was there a Porima among them, a case for which an explanation will, I believe, be found later on. It often happened, on the other hand, that some few of the butterflies emerged in the autumn, about fourteen days after pupation; and these were always Prorsa (the summer form), excepting once a Porima.