Полная версия
Crash Landing
The resort was at five thousand feet. Gibb knew small planes like this one maxed out at ten thousand feet, but Sophia didn’t even take them that high. She leveled off their ascent so they were just skimming over the cloud-shrouded mountain range.
It was a mystical sight—the smoky clouds, wafting lazily around them, parting here and there to reveal shades of deep tropical green or craggy blue-gray rock formations. The view took his breath away.
Sophia sat relaxed in the seat, her dark hair curling sexy tendrils around her face, an otherworldly smile on her full pink lips, her hands loose on the yoke. The pink-and-white V-neck quarter-length T-shirt that she wore clung snuggly to her smallish but firm breasts. Tanned, shapely legs worked pedals on the floor that controlled the rudders.
He moved his left arm at the same time she moved her right, and their elbows bumped. A staggering streak of lust shot from his elbow to his shoulder and arrowed straight down to his groin. Instantly, he jerked his arm away.
So did she.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, his heart punching hard against his chest.
The seats in a plane this small were disturbingly close. He should have sat in the back. Why hadn’t he sat in the back?
Sophia stared intently out the windshield. She had a delicate profile—a diminutive nose, gently sloped forehead, small but well-formed chin—that complimented her petite stature. Not a complex face that an artist might find a challenge to sketch, but a fun face, an open face, a happy face.
Looking at her made him smile. He did not want to smile.
There was no swelling of peppy music, no Ferris Bueller, “Oh Yeah” deep-based chorus, but the feeling that his life was about to change and change big, dug into Gibb and clung tight.
She guided the plane with what seemed to be an innate ease. Gibb had never thought of flying as anything more than a skill that anyone who put their mind to it could learn, but right now, watching her, his old belief disappeared, replaced by a deep certainty that there was such a think as a natural born pilot. She had an effortless, light touch on the controls and her sense of timing was impeccable. It was as if she’d strapped the airplane onto her, the way an old west gunslinger strapped on a holster, and the plane started to breathe with her.
Something told him he would relive this moment again in his dreams—the point where the cocky cowgirl became the consummate aviatrix and she was transformed. He felt transformed just by sitting next to her. He would be able to lie in bed at night, close his eyes and be with her again on wings of air, floating into a sweet, deep peace. If he could eat this moment, it would taste like one perfect bite of amazing amuse-bouclé—bitter, sweet, salty, sour, savory, piquant.
“I never tire of the beauty.” Sophia breathed.
“Impressive.” Gibb didn’t take his eyes off her.
She turned her head, caught him staring. Her smile deepened. “What would Blondie say?”
He blinked. “Who?”
“Your girlfriend.”
It took him a moment. “Oh, Stacy. She’d probably be texting or tweeting or something and never notice the scenery.”
“I wasn’t talking about the scenery.”
“What would she say about the way you are staring at me?”
“I’m not staring at you. I was studying the instrument panel,” he lied smoothly, his stomach roiling and unsettled.
Well, damn, if she didn’t want men to look at her, she shouldn’t wear shorts like that. “You do have nice legs.”
“So does Blondie.”
He blew out his breath. “I think you must have gotten the wrong idea about Stacy and I.”
“I think I understand it pretty well.”
“We’re just…” What were they?
Sophia turned toward him, arched an eyebrow. “Friends with benefits?”
The benefit part was right, the friend part, not so much. “Could we talk about something else?”
“It is your three thousand dollars. We can talk about whatever you want.”
Silence stretched out wide as the sky. He had to fix that. He should ask Sophia something else. “How long have you been a pilot?”
“I got my pilot’s license when I was sixteen,” she said proudly.
“Wow, that’s young.”
“My father’s a pilot. This was his plane. He gave it to me when he retired.”
“Why did he retire?”
“He’s losing his sight.”
“That’s a shame.”
Sophia nodded. “Yes. Poppy is like a bird with a broken wing. It’s very sad.”
“You speak English like a native,” he said. “Much better than my Spanish.”
“I was bilingual even as a kid. I have dual citizenship. My mother was an American,” she said. “We visited her family in California every Christmas.”
“Where abouts in California?”
“Really? I have a beach house in Santa Barbara.”
“Of course you do,” she said.
“What’s that tone all about?”
“What tone?”
“The tone that says there’s something wrong with having a lot of money.”
She gave a half laugh that sounded more like a snort. “You are imagining things, Mr. Martin. I do not have a tone.”
Was he? “You don’t have anything against wealthy people?”
“Why would I have such an attitude? If it were not for the rich and powerful and famous who come to Bosque de Los Dioses, I would not have a job.”
“Because I know how some rich people can be. They can be very demanding. I’m sure you have to put up with a lot.”
A sly smile flitted across her face. “Ah.”
“Ah, what?”
She shook her head.
“What is it?”
“You are the one with the prejudice against the wealthy.”
“What! That’s crazy. I’m worth over a billion dollars.” Well, until this last investment, but he would be back up there again soon. “Why would I be prejudice against rich people? That’s like saying I’m prejudiced against myself.”
“Are you?”
“Am I what?”
“Prejudiced against yourself?”
What kind of question was that? He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “No.”
“You weren’t born into money,” she said.
How had she guessed? He raised his chin. “What makes you assume that?”
“That chip sitting on your shoulder.”
“I don’t have a chip—” Shut up. Don’t argue with her. It doesn’t matter.
“Were you?” she asked. “Born rich?”
“No,” he admitted.
“So you are a self-made man.”
“There’s that tone again. You’re mocking me.”
“You are mistaking my jovial nature for mocking.”
“Am I?” Gibb shook his head. The woman was turning him inside out and he couldn’t say why. Sure she was cute and sexy, but so were a million other women. What was it about this one that stoked him and frustrated him and challenged him and made him want to grab her up and kiss her until neither one of them could breathe?
“This is going to be a very long flight, isn’t it?”
“It sure is shaping up that way.”
More silence. This time he wasn’t going to say anything. He could sit here forever and be quiet if need be. Not a word. Not another word was going to pass his lips.
She looked out over the nose of the plane, and with the slightest moments, shifted the plane northward. Underneath her breath she was softly humming, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.”
“Okay,” he blurted. “You’re right. Maybe I do have a chip on my shoulder.”
“I know.”
Did she have to sound so damn cheerful about it? Gibb clamped his teeth together. Not another word.
“About that chip on your shoulder?” she ventured.
“It’s due to a sense of inadequacy.”
“Inadequacy? Where are you getting this stuff?”
“Why else would you resent what you are?”
“I don’t resent who I am.”
“Don’t you?”
“Thank you, oh, doctor of psychology.” He wiped his brow. “Okay, I’ll bite.”
“Bite what?”
“The bait.”
“What bait?”
While she might speak English like a native, the idioms seemed to throw her. “You throw out a challenging line like it’s the bait. So here I am, biting it like a fish.”
“Um, all right.”
“What do you mean by the chip on my shoulder is due to a sense of inadequacy?”
Sophia shrugged. She was totally nonchalant. How did one get to be so blasé about everything? “You feel like you don’t deserve your riches.”
Gibb coughed, tugged at his collar. He felt like she’d taken an endoscope and shoved it down his throat and could see everything that was happening inside his gut. Exposed. He felt totally exposed and he didn’t like it, not in the least.
She glanced at him. “Are you all right?”
“Fine,” he said tightly and coughed again.
“Sometimes the high altitude—”
“It’s not the altitude.”
“Maybe if you took off your tie.”
“I’m fine.”
Momentarily, she held up both palms, before her beautiful hands settled back down on the yoke. That smile of hers could seriously blind a guy. It was unnatural to be that happy.
Gibb took off his tie, undid the top button of his dress shirt. Instantly, he could breathe better.
She laid an index finger over her lips. “Shh, I promise that I won’t tell anyone if you take off the jacket, too.”
“I’m good.”
“As you wish.”
A long silence began as they passed over blue water and a lot of land. He hadn’t been this knocked off balance since the last time a corporate spy ripped him off.
She was back to humming, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.” It ought to be illegal for anyone to be this cheerful.
He stared out the side window, studied lush green ground sliding by. How many times had he flown over a place like this, oblivious to the lives of the people below? “How did you know?”
She startled as if she had forgotten that he was in the plane with her. “Know what?”
“That I wasn’t born wealthy.”
She clicked her tongue. “You work so hard. Too hard.”
“Rich people work hard.”
“Old money knows how to relax, new money scrambles. You scramble like you’re afraid someone will take it all away.”
“Now you sound like a fortune cookie.”
She seemed to take no offense at that. “Maybe. And you spend money heedlessly. I saw you give Stacy that limitless black credit card. She is at the spa every day splurging on treatments with your money. People who are born rich tend to be frugal.”
“That’s a generalization.”
“So what if I work hard and spend easily?” Stop being defensive. You don’t owe her an explanation. “I still don’t see how you drew your conclusion.”
“In two weeks time you never took off the suits.”
He ran a hand over the sleeve of his silk Armani.
“Not once.”
“I took them off to go to bed.”
“But not when people could see you. I had to ask myself why. Why does this handsome, successful man drive himself so hard? He’s supposed to be on vacation and he never takes off the suit. What is he so afraid of?” She paused. “And then it hit me.”
“What did?”
“You never felt loved for who you were.”
Goose bumps spread over his arms at the same time the hairs on the nape of his neck lifted. He tried to laugh, but he just exhaled harshly.
“So you drove yourself hard in order to get recognition. Status became everything.”
His throat worked, but no words came out.
“You became adept at charming others. You adopted whatever image worked. It’s why you wear expensive suits—status, attention getting, uniform of the wealthy.”
Gibb’s mouth dropped open. How did she know!
“You came to feel that it was not okay to be who you really were, that in order to be loved, you had to take on the feelings and identity of those whose love you wished to win.”
He wanted to deny it. He felt the need to contradict her, but he was so floored that he simply couldn’t find the words.
“Deep down inside,” she went on, “you believe that no matter how much success you achieve you’ll always be a failure. You feel like a fraud.”
He planned to say, “Hell, no, you’re crazy, you’re nuts,” but instead Gibb simply nodded and said, “Empty.”
“This friend of yours that you’re flying to see. The one you want to stop from getting married. He’s known you a long time?”
“Yeah.” Gibb grunted.
“Before you were rich.”
“He’s the only one who knows who you really are, isn’t he?”
Was the woman some kind of psychic or just perceptive as hell? “How…how can you possibly know this?”
She met his gaze. “Why, it’s written all over you. Anyone who bothers to look past the suit can see it.”
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