Полная версия
Fortune's Mergers
Gina knew she shouldn’t. Not when she knew what making out might lead to.
But before she could tell him no, he cupped a palm over her breast and her resistance slipped away. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled his face closer.
His kiss seemed to last forever. Little nips of his teeth; deep, greedy thrusts of his tongue. Whispered words that had no meaning, save her name. Hands that stroked and kneaded her breasts. The weight of his leg over hers. The steel-like column of his erection growing against her hip.
Emitting a low groan, he buried his face in the curve of her neck, his breath fanning warm and moist against her skin. He remained in that position for a full minute, before he finally lifted his head with a sigh and met her gaze. “I better go, while I can still walk.” He gave her breast a last regretful squeeze and dragged his hand from beneath her sweatshirt. Heaving himself up and over her, he stood, taking a moment to adjust his slacks before turning to face her again.
His smile soft, he leaned down to press a lingering kiss against her lips, then withdrew to meet her gaze. “I’ll call you tomorrow,” he promised.
Then he was gone.
Gina had heard the phrase “sexually frustrated” before, but she’d never truly known what it meant … until now. Hours after Case had left and she still burned with need, her body all but aching with it. She couldn’t believe Case would arouse her to such a level, then leave without ever attempting to satisfy her—or himself, for that matter. And he’d been aroused, too. She knew, because she’d felt his erection lengthen and harden against her side.
Why hadn’t he pressed her to have sex with him? she asked herself in frustration. Hadn’t he realized that she was as aroused as he was? That she wouldn’t have been able to stop him, even if she’d wanted to? Five more minutes at the mercy of his unbelievable sensual torture, and she would’ve stripped him naked and had her way with him.
I’m saving myself for marriage.
She rolled to her stomach with a groan and buried her face in her pillow, remembering what she’d told him the previous times he’d attempted to seduce her.
It’s all my fault, she thought miserably. By leaving, he was demonstrating his willingness to abide by the rules she’d set. If nothing else, she should admire his nobility.
But acknowledging he was noble didn’t take away the ache he’d left her with, or the need.
Across town, Gina’s father, Curtis Reynolds, knelt on the kitchen floor, his head gripped between his hands. Dizzy. He was so dizzy. And the pain! It was blinding, debilitating and growing stronger by the day. Unable to sleep, he’d been on his way to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of juice, when the pain had first hit him.
“Mr. Reynolds? Are you all right?”
It took a moment for his housekeeper’s voice to penetrate the dark bounds that vised his mind.
He drew in a deep breath, then another, before carefully lifting his head to find his housekeeper stooped over him. “I’m all right, Mary,” he assured her.
“Are you sure?” she asked in concern. “I can get you another pain pill, if you want.”
He shook his head, as much to clear the webs from it as in response to his housekeeper’s question. “No more pills. They muddle my mind.”
“But the doctor said—”
“I know what the doctor said,” he snapped, then softened the reprimand by giving her hand a reassuring pat. “When a man doesn’t have much time left, he should be able to live it with a clear mind, not in a damn fog.”
“Let me call Gina,” she suggested hesitantly. “If she knew—”
He shook his head. “No. I left her a message asking her to call and she hasn’t. If she came at your request, I’d know it would be out of pity, not because she cared.”
“But she’s your daughter,” she said in frustration. “She should be here with you.”
He shook his head sadly. “No. I was never there for her when she needed me. I can’t very well ask her to come running just because I need her.”
Case had called Gina, as promised, just before noon. After talking for a few minutes, he had invited her to a dinner party at his parents’ home. Still suffering the same sexual frustrations that had kept her awake half the night, she’d been tempted to tell him to forget the party and come to her loft instead, as she had different plans for him that night.
Coward that she was, she’d accepted his invitation instead, then prayed that she wouldn’t embarrass herself by groping him in front of his family. How could she do anything less, she asked herself, when she’d had nothing but sex on her mind since he’d left her the night before?
Thankfully, selecting the proper outfit consumed most of her afternoon and took her mind off her sexual frustrations. Case had mentioned that it was a black-tie affair, which didn’t help at all, as that could mean anything from a cocktail dress to a ball gown, considering the crowd he ran with. Hoping to err on the underdressed side of black-tie, rather than the over, she’d chosen a winter-white pant suit and dressed it up with a pearl-beaded shell to wear beneath the mandarin-style jacket.
She’d spent an hour on her hair, trying to find a style that made her look more glamorous and less like Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. Deciding that was impossible, she’d finally swept her hair up in a loose knot and secured it with pearl-studded hairpins.
When Case knocked at her door at precisely seven, she was sliding her feet into heels the same winter-white as her pantsuit. Out of breath—and a whole lot nervous—she hurried to the door.
Her first glimpse of Case nearly brought her to her knees. He was dressed in a dark brown dinner jacket, and had left the collar of his cream-colored shirt open. The contrast in formal versus casual proved devastating to her system, leaving her mouth dry and her speechless.
He gave her a slow look up and down. “Wow. You look like a snow princess.”
Pleasure warmed her cheeks. “And exactly what does a snow princess look like?”
He slipped his hands around her waist and clasped them behind her back. “Like something that would melt in my mouth, if I dared taste her.” He lifted a brow. “Is there any danger of that happening?”
Emboldened by his appreciative look, she smiled coyly. “I don’t know. I guess you’ll have to find out for yourself.”
Taking the challenge, he stroked his tongue in a lazy arc over her lips that sent a jolt of desire all the way to her toes.
When he withdrew, she inhaled a ragged breath, then blinked open her eyes. “Did I melt?”
Frowning thoughtfully, he swept his tongue over his lips. “Can’t tell. Maybe we should try again.”
She pressed a hand against his chest to stop him from kissing her again, fearing that if he did, they’d never make it to his family dinner.
“Maybe we shouldn’t,” she said with regret. “We don’t want to be late.”
Gina gave Case’s arm a tug, stopping him before he could open the front door of his parents’ home.
“Skylar is the one with the long, light brown hair, right?” she asked in a frantic whisper. “Kind of a tomboy?”
“More than kind of. There’s nothing frilly or fussy about our Skylar.”
“And Eliza has blond hair and blue eyes?”
Chuckling, Case bussed her a quick kiss. “Quit obsessing. No one is going to be offended if you forget his or her name.”
His assurance did little to ease Gina’s nervousness as she followed him inside.
“Sounds as if everyone is in the den,” he said, guiding her in that direction.
Gina’s uneasiness increased ten-fold, when she saw the number of people already gathered. Besides the members of Case’s family she’d already met, there were some new faces, as well.
Tightening her grip on Case’s arm, she nodded toward the fireplace. “Who is that with Maya?” she whispered.
Case followed her gaze. “Her boyfriend, Brad.”
Gina watched Maya and Brad for a moment, then lifted her face close to Case’s ear. “If Brad’s her boyfriend, why does she keep sneaking peeks at Creed?”
Chuckling, Case shook his head. “You women. Always trying to stir up trouble.”
“I’m not trying to stir up anything,” she said indignantly, then poked her elbow against his ribs and tipped her head discreetly toward the couple again. “See for yourself. She may be talking to Brad, but it’s Creed she’s got her eye on.”
Case followed her gaze and frowned thoughtfully. “It does appear that way,” he replied, then shrugged. “It’s probably nothing. Come on,” he said, drawing her further into the room. “Let’s get something to drink.”
Though Gina didn’t agree with Case’s assessment of Maya’s covert interest in Creed, she kept her opinion to herself and allowed him to lead her to the bar.
As he handed her a flute of champagne, Eliza joined them, slipping an arm through Gina’s. “Better watch him,” she warned, eyeing Case suspiciously. “He tries to get women drunk so that he can have his way with them.”
Gina blinked, then sputtered a laugh, when she realized that Eliza was teasing her. “Don’t worry. I’m wise to his devious ways.”
Smiling, Eliza stretched to her toes and planted a kiss on Case’s cheek. “Hi, big brother.”
He made a show of wiping away her kiss. “Don’t try buttering me up now.”
Laughing, Eliza caught the hand of a woman passing by and drew her into the group.
“Gina, I’d like for you to meet a friend of mine, Diana Young. Diana, this is Case’s current flavor-of-the-month, Gina Reynolds.”
“Would you stop?” Case complained. “You make me out to be some kind of playboy.” Turning to Diana, he smiled warmly and extended his hand. “It’s always a pleasure seeing you, Diana,” he said, then shot Eliza a scowl and added, “in spite of the company you keep.”
Laughing gaily, Eliza looked around the room. “Quite a crowd, huh?”
Gina followed her gaze and stifled a shudder at the number of unfamiliar faces. “And then some.”
“Oh, look!” Eliza cried excitedly. “The Australians have arrived!” She lifted a hand high, catching the attention of the two men who had entered the room and motioned for them to join her.
“You’re going to love these guys,” she said in an aside to Gina and Diana. “Max is a cousin of ours. Mom and Dad met up with him while they were in Australia and invited he and his business partner, Zack Manning, to visit us in the States. They’re interested in horse breeding and want to check out Skylar’s setup.”
As the men made their way through the crowded room, Gina noticed the recognition that flared in Diana’s eyes, as well as the shock.
Eliza caught Max’s hand and pulled him into the group. “You already know Case,” she said, beginning the introductions. “And this is his date, Gina Reynolds, and this,” she said draping an arm at her friend’s waist and hugging her to her side, “is Diana Young.”
Diana tipped her head in greeting. “Hello, Max.”
Max muttered something that Gina couldn’t quite hear, then said to the group as a whole, “If you’ll excuse me, I need to speak to Patricia and Nash.”
Gina watched him stride quickly away, his friend Zack following, and wondered at the odd exchange.
“Let’s mingle,” Eliza said, and turned away, with her friend Diana in tow.
“That’s odd,” Gina said, with a frown.
“What’s odd?” Case asked.
“Judging by Diana’s expression when Eliza first pointed Max out, I would’ve sworn she already knew him. Yet, they greeted each other as if they were total strangers. And did you notice his expression? He looked almost … angry.”
Case reared back to look at her suspiciously. “Are you sure you’re a children’s author and not a detective? That’s two clandestine incidences you’ve noticed since arriving.”
She gave her chin a haughty lift. “Can I help it if I’m more aware of my surroundings than you are? And I was right about Maya,” she added stubbornly. “Something is definitely going on between her and Creed.”
“Oh really,” he said doubtfully.
She tipped her head discreetly toward Creed. “If you don’t believe me, look for yourself. Creed’s giving Maya’s boyfriend the evil eye.”
“What?” Case glanced toward Creed. He studied his brother for a moment, then stubbornly shook his head. “He’s probably got his mind on something else and is totally unaware of who he’s looking at or his expression.”
“I don’t think so,” Gina said doubtfully.
Teasing her with a smile, he leaned close to whisper, “Since you seem determined to stir up a romance, real or imagined, you might want to check out Max’s friend, Zack, and Skylar.”
Gina scanned the room until she saw the two standing near the doorway, openly flirting. Her eyes shot wide. “Why, they’ve only just met!” she whispered in return.
Laughing, he slung an arm around her shoulders. “Come on, Super Sleuth. I’ve got something even more surprising I want to show you.”
When he reached the center of the room, he stopped and drew her to his side.
“Could I have everyone’s attention a moment?” he called loudly.
Conversations slowly dwindled as people turned to see what was going on.
Uncomfortable at being the center of attention, Gina turned her face against Case’s shoulder. “What are you doing?” she whispered frantically. “Everyone’s staring.”
He looked down at her and smiled. “Of course they are.”
“Case …”
Ignoring her pleading look, he turned his attention to the crowd again and directed his next words to them.
“As you all know, family is very important to me. The Fortunes have been blessed with one of massive size, with branches that literally stretch all over the world. Over the years, we’ve had our share of misfortune, as well as success, and through it all we’ve stuck together, offering each other whatever support and encouragement was needed at the time. We’ve laughed together, cried together, and celebrated together.
“Growing up in this house we’re gathered in this evening, I’ve taken part in quite a few celebrations, everything from births to deaths and everything in between. Tonight I’m asking my family and friends to share in a special celebration with me.”
A sliver of apprehension snaked down Gina’s spine as Case turned to face her. Taking her hand in his, he slipped his other into his jacket pocket, then slowly sank to one knee, pulling out a ring.
Gina gaped, too stunned to speak.
His gaze on hers, he slid the ring onto her finger and said in a voice loud enough for everyone in the room to hear, “Gina Reynolds, would you do me the honor of marrying me and becoming my wife?”
The room was so quiet, she heard the wood shift in the fireplace. Everyone seemed as shocked by Case’s proposal as she was. She didn’t know what to say. Yes? No? Are you crazy?
But he didn’t seem to need an answer.
With his gaze on hers, he stood and pulled her into his arms. With everyone in the room watching in shocked silence, he kissed her with a passion that stole her breath.
A single clap of hands sounded, as the guests slowly absorbed the unexpected announcement. Others gradually joined in, until applause rolled like thunder through the cavernous room.
Case spent the drive home on his cell phone, talking to someone about a business deal that he and Creed were putting together. It wasn’t exactly the behavior one might expect from a man who’d just proposed, but it was just as well, because Gina couldn’t have carried on a coherent conversation if her life depended on it.
While he conducted business, she sat in the passenger seat of the Escalade, her hands gripped in her lap, her thumb pressed against the ring that circled her finger, still trying to sort through what had just occurred.
Why had he proposed? she asked herself for what seemed like the millionth time since Case had popped the question. He’d never once hinted at marriage, never so much as whispered the words “I love you.” They weren’t a couple … or at least she’d never considered them as such. The length of their relationship—if one could call it that—certainly didn’t lead a woman to expect a proposal. Two weeks was hardly enough time for two people to become acquainted, much less engaged.
She glanced down at her hand and the ring that adorned her left finger. The setting was gorgeous, with rows of baguettes surrounding a huge center diamond. Any woman who received such a stellar engagement ring should be ecstatic, over-the-moon in love.
Gina felt only nausea.
She needed answers, an explanation, but hadn’t a clue how to phrase them … or the opportunity to ask them, since the man with the answers was currently on the phone.
Case ended his call just as they stepped into her loft.
Gathering her nerve, she turned to face him and asked the single most question that burned in her mind. “Why did you ask me to marry you?”
He frowned, as if puzzled that she’d ask, then opened his hands. “I’d think that would be obvious.”
“Maybe to you it is, but it isn’t to me. My, God, Case! We’ve known each other less than two weeks!”
“I wasn’t aware there were time restrictions on how long a man had to wait before proposing.”
“That isn’t an answer,” she said impatiently. “And why did you propose in front of all those people? Everyone was staring at me. It was embarrassing.”
His smile indulgent, he crossed to her and caught her hands in his. “Gina, Gina, Gina,” he scolded gently. “There was no reason for you to be embarrassed. Those people, as you referred to them, are my family and friends. Becoming engaged is a big step, a milestone in my life, in our lives. I wanted them present to share in the occasion.” He gave her hands a tug, drawing her to him, then released them to wrap his arms around her. “Don’t be angry with me, darling.” He pressed a kiss against her forehead and her nose, then tipped her face up to his. “I wanted to make this special for you, for us. An event we would always remember.”
He tipped her face higher and she watched his face drift down, until his lips touched hers. “Please tell me you’re not angry with me,” he murmured. “I don’t want anything to mar this night.” He rained kisses over her face. “Please, Gina,” he begged softly.
Weak, she clung to him, all resistance melting from her. “I’m not angry. It’s just that … it was so totally unexpected.”
He withdrew slightly and caught her left hand. With his gaze on hers, he lifted her hand and pressed his lips against the ring he’d placed there. “Do you like your engagement ring?” he asked.
She shivered, as he stroked his thumb over the back of her knuckles. “I-it’s beautiful.”
He smiled, as if her response pleased him. “When I saw it, I knew it was meant for you.” He slipped his hands inside her jacket and rested them on her shoulders. “Did I tell you that you look beautiful tonight?” he asked softly. He dipped his head to nibble at her throat.
Closing her eyes, she let her head fall back, giving him easier access. “I-I don’t remember.”
“Then I’ll tell you now. You look beautiful.” He swept his hands out, easing her jacket over her shoulders. “Gorgeous, as radiant as any bride on her wedding night.”
Goose bumps pebbled her flesh as he smoothed his hands down her arms, relieving her of her jacket and letting it fall to the floor in a heap at their feet. Her breath was coming faster and faster, heat danced beneath her skin. She wanted to open her eyes, anchor herself on something substantial to still the dizziness, but her lids were simply too heavy to lift.
She felt his fingers at the back of her neck, heard the soft scrape of her shell’s zipper, as he pulled the tab down.
“Case,” she said breathlessly. “Stop. Please.”
He closed his mouth over hers and peeled the shell from her body, tossed it aside. “There’s no reason to stop,” he said, nipping at her lips. “We’re engaged now. Remember?”
She gulped, remembering she’d told him that she wouldn’t sleep with a man until she was married to him, or at the very least engaged.
And, as of three hours ago, she was engaged to Case Fortune.
“Feel this?” he asked, rocking his groin against hers. “That, my darling, is passion, what you do to me.”
A knot twisted in her belly, fear of the unknown. She was grossly inexperienced when it came to sex. Yet, her body responded to his caresses, to the heat that burned between them. Her hands itched to touch him, as he was touching her, to explore his body in the same way he was exploring hers. Her breasts ached for his touch, her lips for his kiss. She wanted him, what pleasure he offered, the secrets he could show her, there was no questioning that.
Growing bold, she slid her hands to his waist and, with trembling fingers, eased his shirttail from his slacks. She felt the quickening of his body as her fingers brushed his skin, the rapid rise and fall of his chest against her breasts.
“I want you in bed,” he murmured against her lips and began backing her in that direction as he stripped off his dinner jacket. “I want you naked beneath me, your legs spread beneath mine, your arms around me.”
His whispered list of wants made her pulse kick into a faster beat, her womb throb in anticipation. By the time her legs bumped the side of her bed, his jacket and shirt were gone, his chest bare. She gulped, watching, as he unfastened his slacks, pushed them down his legs. His erection pushed at the fly of powder blue boxer shorts.
Swallowing hard, she lifted her gaze to his. “I’ve never done this before,” she said uneasily.
His lips curving in a tender smile, he cupped a hand at her cheek. “Don’t worry. I’ll teach you all you need to know.”
She gulped again, then stepped out of her heels and slacks. Down to her bra and panties, she had to fight the urge to wrap her arms around her middle to cover herself as she watched Case pull back the covers.
When he turned back to her, her heart shot to her throat. His eyes, always a gorgeous blue, seemed to have taken on a darker hue, one that smoldered and burned. He reached out and placed a hand on her cheek. “Make love with me, Gina.”
His voice was husky, his touch gentle, as he cupped her face. Helpless to do anything else, she stepped into his embrace, his kiss.
His lips were first soft, then commanding, as he used his chest to force her back on the bed. She felt as if every nerve ending in her body was cued to register each new sensation. The weight of his body sinking against hers, the heat that seeped into her skin, the sweep of his tongue around her mouth. With a hand cupped on her breast between them, he kneaded the mound, making her nipple ache to be touched as well.
Within minutes, she was writhing beneath him, her body demanding a satisfaction she had no idea how to ask for.
“Case,” she begged breathlessly. “Please.”
“Give me a minute.” He rolled off her and stretched to retrieve something from the pocket of his slacks. A condom, she realized nervously, and gulped, as she watched him open the package and slip it into place.
Protected now, he slid a hand down her back and rolled her to her side to face him. With his gaze on hers, he stripped off her panties, then settled his hand between her legs.
She tensed, gasping, as his fingers brushed her center.
“Ssh,” he soothed, kissing her. “I won’t hurt you. I just want to make sure you’re ready.”
She nodded, then closed her eyes on a groan, as he began to stroke her, slow, feather-light brushes of his fingers along her femininity. She felt the heat rising deep inside her, the softening of her walls. Fire burned behind her eyes, in her lungs, beneath her skin.
This is torture, was all she could think. The most unbelievable pleasure-evoking, mind-numbing torture she’d ever experienced in her life and she wanted more. She felt the tip of his finger slide inside and tensed against the pressure.
“Relax,” he soothed.
His voice became both balm and sorcerer, calming her fears, even as it fanned the flames higher. Her breath grew labored, her womb throbbed for release.