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Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives
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[0705] Charlotte Crabtree papers, 1960-2004, Coll. 1785
Location: Department of Special Collections, Manuscripts Division, Room A1713, Charles E. Young Research Library, University of California, Los Angeles, Box 951575, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575
Description: Charlotte Crabtree (1927-2006) was a Professor of Education at the University of California, Los Angeles. She produced history standards for kindergarten-12th grade education from 1986-1996, after which she coauthored a book about the intense political response from Lynne V. Cheney and others to the newly multicultural history standards. The National Center for History in the Schools was established at UC Los Angeles through Charlotte Crabtree's winning grant proposal. Under her direction in collaboration with UCLA Professor of History Gary Nash, the Center led the creation of the 1995 National Standards for World History and the National Standards for United States History. Beginning in 1994, the standards served as a lightning rod for debates of what have been called the American culture wars. Conservative politicians such as Lynne V. Cheney protested that the standards' multicultural inclusiveness smacked of historical revisionism, lacked proper patriotism, and excessively scrutinized shameful moments in American history. In an editorial for the Wall Street Journal, Cheney criticized the authors of the National Standards for United States History for saving "their unqualified admiration for people, places and events that are politically correct." Collection material includes conference records, meeting records, hearing records, field report feedback, community feedback, clippings of political responses in the media, textbooks, and academic publications. Series 1. National History Standards Project 1983-2004, contains textual and audio cassette records of National Council for History Standards meetings, feedback from focus groups, community groups, and others, political responses to the History Standards, copies of the 1995 World History and United States History Standards, and correspondence. Files on Pat Buchanan, Lynne V. Cheney, conservative political context, Bob Dole, John Fonte, Newt Gingrich, Ken Jost and Congressional Quarterly, Rush Limbaugh, and House Representative Lamar Smith. Series 3. California History—Social Science Framework 1986-1991, contains feedback on the Framework (also referred to as the "History—Social Studies Framework") from teachers, community groups, individuals, and special interest groups, including Creation Scientists and the Traditional Values Coalition. Includes a copy of the 1988 Model Curriculum for Human Rights and Genocide, and right to life group feedback on human rights and genocide.
Lynne V. Cheney, "The End of History," Wall Street Journal, October 20, 1994, http://online.wsj.com/media/EndofHistory.pdf.
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[0706] Calvin Fred Craig papers, 1953-1979, Coll. 612
Location: Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library, Woodruff Library, Emory University, 540 Asbury Circle, Atlanta, GA 30322
Description: The collection consists of papers of Calvin Fred Craig (1928-1998), a dry cleaner by trade who served as Grand Dragon of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan for the state of Georgia. Materials include Klan broadsides, brochures, bulletins, and press releases, constitution and by-laws; membership and information cards; minutes and notes, printed material, photographs, and Klan memorabilia. There are also materials related to the Klan's opposition to homosexuality and "sex deviants," as well as information regarding civil rights activism among lesbian feminist organizations. Files on Eldon Edwards [photos], George C. Wallace [photos], House Committee on Un-American Activities, James R. Venable [photos], J. Robert Jones [photos], National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan [video recordings], Lester Maddox [photos], and Robert M. Shelton. Speech by Tom P. Brady, "The Red Death," 1957. Speech by William J. Simmons, Citizens' Council of America, to the Organizational meeting of the Atlanta Citizens' Council, May 14, 1962. Robert Welch, "The Truth about Vietnam" and "More Truth about Vietnam," John Birch Society, [1967] [video recording]. Copies of American Opinion, Armed Citizen News (Medford, Oregon), Christian Crusade Weekly (Tulsa, Oklahoma), The Free American (Reading, Pennsylvania), The Fiery Cross Newsletter (Tuscaloosa, Alabama), Georgia Klansman, and Imperial Office Newsletter.
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[0707] Barclay Craighead Papers, 1924-1949, MC 182
Location: Montana Historical Society Archives, 225 N. Roberts, PO Box 201201, Helena, MT 59620-1201
Description: Barclay Craighead (1895-1978) served as secretary to U.S. Senator Burton K. Wheeler and secretary of the Wheeler for President Club. This collection consists of correspondence, writings, clippings, printed materials, photographs, and miscellany relating to Craighead's various positions. Correspondents include Jacob Thorkelson and Senator Burton K. Wheeler.
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[0708] Lucille Cardin Crain Papers, 1920-1978, Coll. 95
Location: Special Collections and University Archives, Knight Library, 2nd floor North, Mail: UO Libraries--SPC, 1299 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1299
Description: Lucille Cardin Crain (1901-1983) was an American author, editor, and conservative political activist. From 1949 to 1953 she edited The Educational Reviewer, a quarterly publication published by William F. Buckley, Sr. The Educational Reviewer reviewed high school and college textbooks, analyzing their contents for a "leftist" or "collectivist" bias.. Collection consists correspondence with conservative individuals and organizations, 1920-1978; correspondence (1949-1955) and organizational records of The Educational Reviewer; writings and speeches; and subject files containing articles, brochures, and documents about various individuals, organizations, and topics of interest. Correspondence and subject files include America's Future, Inc., American Economic Foundation, American Education Association, American Forum of the Air, American Conservative Union, American Security Council, John O. Beaty, Arthur G. Blazey, Leo Brent Bozell, Bricker Amendment, William F. Buckley, Jr., Louis Budenz, Howard Buffett, Mary Dawson Cain, William Henry Chamberlin, Frank Chodorov, Christian Freedom Foundation, Citizens Foreign Aid Committee, Kenneth Colegrove, Committee to Restore the Constitution, Communism, Congress of Freedom, Council for Statehood, Mary M. Davison, Robert Donner, Robert B. Dresser, Hilaire du Berrier, Charles Edison, Harry T. Everingham, Bonner Fellers, Firing Line, John J. Fleck, fluoridation, John T. Flynn, Foundation for Economic Education, Inc., The Freeman, Garet Garrett, Genocide Convention, James H. Gipson, Benjamin Gitlow, Goldwater for President Committee, Percy L. Greaves, Jr., Conrad Grieb, Ralph W. Gwinn, Frank C. Hanighen, Walter Harnischfeger, Frank E. Holman, Human Events, James C. Ingebretsen, Intercollegiate Studies Institute, John Birch Society, Harry A. Jung, Verne P. Kaub, Vivien Kellems, Russell Kirk, Alfred Kohlberg, Rose Wilder Lane, Thomas A. Lane, Fulton Lewis, Liberty Lobby, Liberty Amendment, J.B. Matthews, Robert R. McCormick, mental health, Metropolitan government (urban renewal), B.M. Miller, Lucille S. Miller, Minute Women of the U.S.A., Inc., Raymond C. Moley, Ben Moreell, Felix Morley, Mothers' Crusade for Victory over Communism, Karl E. Mundt, National Republic, National Association of Pro America, National Review, National Right to Work Committee, National Economic Council, Network of Patriotic Letter Writers, John O'Donnell, Panama Treaty, Westbrook Pegler, Samuel B. Pettengill, J. Howard Pew, Charles W. Phillips, Plain Talk, Eugene C. Pomeroy, Pro America, George Washington Robnett, Archibald B. Roosevelt, Edith Kermit Roosevelt, E. Merrill Root, Polly King Ruhtenberg, Edward A. Rumley, O. Glenn Saxon, Phyllis Schlafly, Dan Smoot, George E. Sokolsky, Spiritual Mobilization, Walter S. Steele, Supreme Court, The Southern Conservative, The Tablet, United Nations, United World Federalists, Rena M. Vale, Vigilant Women for the Bricker Amendment, George Wallace, We, the People, Robert Welch, Alice and William Widener, Felix Wittmer, Women Taxpayers, Inc., Women for Constitutional Government, Women's National Republican Club, world government, and Young Americans for Freedom.
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[0709] Ralph Adams Cram Papers, 1618-1997 (bulk 1885-1949), FA 2015.01
Location: Fine Arts Department, Boston Public Library, 700 Boylston St., Boston, MA 02116
Description: Cram (1863-1942) was the leading American ecclesiastical architect of the 20th century and a monarchist. The Cram Collection includes correspondence, watercolors, sketches, journals, scrapbooks, photographs, manuscripts, and a genealogy. Series II: Personal Correspondence and Letters, c. 1880s-1997, n.d. Sub-Series 1: Letters written to RAC, 1891-1942, n.d., contains correspondence from Hamilton Holt, Henry Louis Mencken, and Albert Jay Nock. Sub-Series 2: Letters written by RAC, c. 1880s-1941, contains correspondence to Hamilton Holt.
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[0709a] Jasper E. Crane papers, 1893-1970 (bulk 1926-1969), Accession 1416
Location: Manuscripts and Archives Department, Hagley Museum and Library, PO Box 3630, Wilmington, Delaware 19807
Description: Jasper Crane (1881-1969) was an executive with E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. This collection consists largely of Crane's correspondence with public officials and conservative organizations who, like Crane, actively opposed Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal and the activist state that emerged from the Second World War. Crane was prominently associated with the National Association of Manufacturers, the Foundation for Economic Education, and the National Council of the Churches of Christ. Crane was a board member of the latter organization, and his papers include board of directors minutes, budgets, and correspondence which document the organization's role in the anti-Communist crusade of the early 1950s. Crane and J. Howard Pew of the Sun Oil Company underwrote The Freeman between 1950 and 1957. Late in life he established the Curran Foundation to advance conservative principles in education. Files on Everett McKinley Dirksen; John Foster Dulles; Gerald R Ford; Barry M Goldwater; Rose Wilder Lane; Felix Morley; Thruston B Morton; Richard M Nixon; J. Howard Pew; Ayn Rand; Hans F. Sennholz; and Robert B Snowden. Materials on American Economic Foundation; Americans for Constitutional Action; Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America; Mont Pèlerin Society; Republican National Committee (U.S.); Communism and Christianity; Communism and religion; Conservatism; and Free enterprise.
Kim Phillips-Fein, Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan (New York and London: W.W. Norton, 2009).
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[0710] Arthur Whipple Crawford Papers, 1931-1965, Ax 237
Location: Special Collections and University Archives, Knight Library, 2nd floor North, Mail: UO Libraries--SPC, 1299 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1299
Description: Arthur Whipple Crawford (1885-1970s?) was an economist and newspaper correspondent. The collection includes an autobiography, published material, scrapbooks, papers on the World Peace Conference, miscellaneous writings, manuscripts, records of the American Liberty League, anti-New Deal manuscripts, records of the Economists National Committee on Monetary Policy, and other miscellaneous items. Records of the American Liberty League include manuscripts by Crawford and press releases (1934-1938). The records of the Economists National Committee on Monetary Policy include press releases, mimeograph letters to members, objectives and clippings.
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[0711] George A. Crawford Papers, 1854-1861, MS 75-07
Location: Special Collections and University Archives, Wichita State University Libraries, 1845 Fairmount, Wichita, KS 67260-0068
Description: George A. Crawford (1827-1891) was an editor and gubernatorial candidate. While editor and proprietor of the Clinton Democrat (Pennsylvania), Crawford took an active part in politics against the Know-Nothings and in 1855 was a delegate to the Pennsylvania Democratic State Convention. The papers consist of correspondence, excerpts from speeches, and news clippings from 1854 to 1861. Know-Nothingism comprises a prominent part of the collection with extensive portions of speeches, notes and editorials given by Crawford in opposition to the anti-foreign and anti-Catholic policies perpetrated by the secret organization of Know-Nothings.
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[0711a] Crawford et al. v. Board of Education of the City of Los Angeles et al. records, 1976-1980, Coll. 0234
Location: USC Libraries Special Collections, Doheny Memorial Library 206, University of Southern California, 3550 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, California 90089-0189
Description: Crawford et al. v. Board of Education of the City of Los Angeles et al. was a case in which the California Supreme Court ordered the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) to formulate a feasible plan to desegregate its schools. In 1977, the LAUSD devised with a stringent plan that called for mandatory student reassignment. In response to the proposal, the group Bustop Inc. filed two lawsuits which were petitioned to the United States Supreme Court to stop the enforced busing plan. In the lawsuits, each entitled Bustop, Inc. v. Los Angeles Board of Education, the Supreme Court denied the petitions. The collection consists of court case transcripts, court exhibits, depositions, reports, office memos, correspondence, articles clippings, notes, files from the superintendent's office, plans considered in desegregating schools, and other miscellaneous documents from the time the defense was being prepared. Files on "Summary of Integration Proposals by the Citizens' Advisory Committee on Student Integration" (1977 August 5) and "Philosophy" plan submitted by BUSTOP (1977 August 17).
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[0712] George Creel Papers, 1857-1953 (bulk 1896-1953), MSS17210
Location: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE, Room LM 101, James Madison Memorial Bldg, Washington, D.C. 20540-4680
Description: Author, editor, and government official (1876-1953). Scrapbooks and bound volumes of writings by and about Creel form the bulk of the collection. Includes correspondence, notes, speeches, lectures, book reviews, and campaign material. A series on Woodrow Wilson and the United States Committee on Public Information contains correspondence with Wilson as well as his corrections of drafts of Creel's cables, letters, speeches, and other writings relating to the Wilson administration during World War I and subsequent peace negotiations. Correspondence with Harry Flood Byrd, Robert Donner, Garet Garrett, Carter Glass, Henry Hazlitt, Herbert Hoover, William F. Knowland, Arthur Bliss Lane, Joseph McCarthy, Raymond Moley, Felix M. Morley, Karl E. Mundt, J. Westbrook Pegler, Robert A. Taft, Albert C. Wedemeyer, and Burton K. Wheeler.
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[0713] Conrad G. Creitz papers, 1966, RH MS P265
Location: Kansas Collection, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas, 1450 Poplar Lane, Lawrence, KS 66045-7616
Description: Conrad Creitz was a University of Kansas student in the middle and late 1960's. The collection consists of scattered notes on SDS activities in the spring of 1966, a list of right-wing organizations in Houston, Texas, SDS membership card, May 2nd movement membership cards, and a clipping from SDS New Left Notes.
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[0714] Takey Crist Papers, 1944-2002 and undated, RL.00270
Location: Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University, Box 90185, 103 Perkins Library, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0185
Description: Dr. Takey Crist, a long-time supporter of women's reproductive rights, opened The Crist Clinic for Women in Jacksonville, NC, in 1973. The clinic provides a variety of women's healthcare services, including abortions. Accession 2003-0118, comprises materials related to the issue of abortion and the anti-abortion movement, and consists primarily of documents pertaining to lawsuits involving Dr. Crist as a litigant or witness, including correspondence, transcripts, depositions, photographs, and other legal papers (1975-1993). The Abortion Series. [Subseries] Subject Files, includes files on Anti-Abortion Cartoons, Anti-Abortion Counseling Centers, Anti-Abortion Publicity, Robert Bauman, Birthchoice, Jerry Falwell, Jesse Helms, Mary Mason, anti-abortion activist [Mary Kay Mason of Wilmington (N.C.) Right to Life], North Carolina Right to Life, Pro-Life Merchandise, Ronald Reagan, Pat Robertson, Joseph Scheidler, Jimmy Swaggart, and Women Exploited by Abortion (WEBA). The Abortion Series. [Subseries] Organizations, includes files on American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Christian Life Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, Presbyterians Pro-Life, The Christian Activist, and Life and Family News.
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[0714a] Benedetto Croce Collection, 1916-1929, undated, Manuscript Collection MS-0985
Location: Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin, 300 West 21st Street, Austin, Texas 78712
Description: The collection of Italian critic, philosopher, and politician Benedetto Croce (1866-1952) contains two manuscripts by him as well as letters he wrote to Hans Feist-Wollheim and others.
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[0714b] Fondo: Cronache sul Neofascismo, 1/12/1947-4/2/1975; - altre carte sd. [1950-1980]
Location: Istituto storico della Resistenza e della società contemporanea in provincia di Cuneo, Largo Barale, 11, 12100 Cuneo, Italy
Description: A collection of miscellaneous materials, including photocopies, flyers, leaflets, brochures, photographs, and other materials, relating to the activity of the Movimento sociale italiano in the province of Cuneo and beyond from the 1950s to the 1980s, with emphasis on the 1970s.
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[0715] John F. Cronin Papers, 1935-1977 (bulk 1958-1977), CRO
Location: University of Notre Dame Archives, 607 Hesburgh Library, Notre Dame, IN 46556
Description: Father John Francis Cronin, S.S. (1908-1994) was a Catholic priest of the Society of St Sulpice (Sulpicians) and a vocal opponent of Communism during the McCarthy era. He was also director of social action for the National Catholic Welfare Conference (1946-1967) and a faculty member of St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore (1967-1977). Pamphlets, reprints of articles, newspaper clippings, bibliographies, and unpublished papers relating to social issues such as labor unions, Communism, economics, and civil rights, as well as a wide range of topics in moral theology (1935-1977); notes and syllabi for courses Cronin taught at St. Mary's Seminary (1967-ca.1974); copies of Cronin's unpublished report "The Problem of American Communism in 1945" (1945; online at http://mdhistory.net/hiss/cronin-report.pdf) completed for the National Catholic Welfare Conference; correspondence and newspaper clippings concerning his anticommunist activities, particularly his role in the Alger Hiss spy case (1950s-1970s); and occasional letters to and from Richard M. Nixon (ca.1969-1975). Files on Communist Party, Free Enterprise - Individualism, Labor Unions- General Ethics, Joe McCarthy, Richard M. Nixon, Alger Hiss, and Race.
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[0716] Crossroads to Freedom Digital Archive [digital collection]
Location: Rhodes College, 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN 38112-169
Description: Crossroads to Freedom connects the world with Memphis history through an archive of documents, newspapers, images and oral histories. Includes newspaper articles from the Memphis World on such persons, organizations, and topics as American Nazi Party, Gov. Ross Barnett, Bryant W. Bowles, Asa Carter, James A. Colescott, Adm. John Crommelin, Sam Engelhardt, Jr., Gov. Orval Faubus, Sen. Barry Goldwater, integration, John Birch Society, John Kasper, Ku Klux Klan, lynching, William E. Miller, National Association for the Advancement of White People, National State's Rights Party, Ezra Pound, George Lincoln Rockwell, segregation, J. B. Stoner, Tennessee Realm of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and Major General Edwin Walker.