Полная версия
The Second String
"Splendid," replied Jacob, "and I think we had better clear out for Fremantle as soon as you like. We have several tons of good shell on board, and some hundreds of fair sized pearls besides the seeds. The trip will pan out well and Barry Tuxford will be satisfied. It will not be long before he sends here again with a better equipped lot of boats."
"What do you say, Phil?" asked Jack.
"We cannot safety put much more on the schooners," he replied, "and I think we had better knock off and clear out."
"Then if all are agreeable we will get away at once."
The others signified their assent, and it was decided to sail when all the shell had been safely stowed away in the two schooners.
They were all smoking and chatting after supper when Harry Marton said, —
"You have not told us whether you had any luck to-day; did you find many pearls?"
"Several," said Jack, carelessly, "some a good size and well shaped."
"Let us have a look at them," said Jacob, and Jack went to fetch them. He took out the big black pearl and put it in his pocket.
It happened that Kylis heard Jacob talking about leaving the bay, and he was anxious to learn whether the pearls were valuable. He saw they were all occupied and not likely to keep a sharp look out, and snake-like, he glided behind some of the pearl shell barrels until he was within earshot. The white crew were all at rest, as there was nothing more for them to do. He left Miah on the watch, and told him to make a peculiar bird-like cry if he saw any danger of discovery.
Jack placed the pearls before Jacob, and he pronounced them to be the most valuable yet taken. "We must sort them out before we start," he said, "and stow them safely away; some of these black devils are awful thieves and you cannot be too careful. Those two fellows Amos Hooker sent you are up to no good, I can tell by the way they hang together, and watch us."
Kylis grinned, and showed his teeth in a white gleam.
"I'll take charge of them if you like," said Jack. "Barry gave me a strong box in case we found anything of value, and also a couple of cases which I can carry always with me if it is necessary."
"That's Barry all over, he always looks ahead. I think you are the proper person to look after them, but there is some risk in it."
"How can there be?" said Jack, laughing.
"Listen, and I will tell you," said Jacob. "On one of my voyages, we found amongst the others six fine pearls of value, and my mate decided to do as you suggest, carry them on his person in a small case. They nearly proved the death of him, for one of the crew got wind of it, and attacked him in his bunk, just before we got into port. If I had not come on the scene, he would have had a bad time, but I settled the fellow, he's never been any good since. You'll have to be careful, Mr. Redland, if you carry them about with you always."
"Perhaps you had better put them all in the big box," said Harry.
"I am agreeable, all except one," said Jack, smiling.
They looked at him curiously, he spoke mysteriously, what did it mean?
"I have a little surprise in store for you," went on Jack, and Kylis strained his ears to listen. "I had a find to-day, at least I shall be very disappointed if it does not turn out as well as I expect."
"Discovered a big pearl?" asked Phil, with a laugh. "I hope it is not a fraud."
"It may be for all I know, it is black," said Jack.
Jacob Rank sprang to his feet and said, excitedly,
"A black pearl? you said a black pearl? I have only seen one in my life, and it was sold for a heap of money. Where is it?"
"Here," replied Jack, as he took it out of his pocket and handed it to him.
When Jacob saw the beautiful black egg-shaped pearl, he gasped for breath, and stared at it with wondering eyes. They crowded around him, as he held it in his hand, and all seemed lost in amazement.
"What do you think of it?" asked Jack.
"Mr. Redland, this is one of the rarest pearls that ever came out of a shell. It is perfect, there is not a fault in it, and look at its size. It is worth a heap of money, I dare not say how much, if we had found nothing else, this pearl would have been worth coming for," said Jacob. Phil Danks and Hake Moss were also loud in their praises, and examined it closely.
"This will not need any pearl faker to make it perfect," said Phil.
"No," replied Jacob, "it can be mounted just as it is."
"What is a pearl faker?" asked Jack.
"Pearl fakers are clever fellows, they can remove the defects of a pearl and give it a perfect appearance. Hundreds of pearls have been through their hands, and no one can tell what they have done to them."
"There are all kinds of trades," said Jack, laughing.
"And this is profitable; I know a man who has made a heap of money at it," replied Jacob.
"And so you think the black pearl needs no faking?"
"None at all, the merest attempt would spoil it."
"And do you think I had better carry it on my person?"
"Certainly, I had no idea you had secured such a gem. We must be careful how we part with it, but Barry will see to that, he knows the value of most things," said Jacob.
Jack had forgotten for the moment that the pearl was not his property, that he had only a share in it, and he felt keenly disappointed. This black pearl would have been the very one to send to Winifred, that was his first thought when he found it in the shell.
"Where is the case Barry gave you?" asked Jacob.
"Here," replied Jack, handing him a green leather case with a lock and clasp.
"This looks all right," said Jacob, "will the pearl go in? I see there are compartments, you will have to knock two or three into one for it."
"That is easily done," said Jack, "and I can wrap it up well so that it will take no harm."
Jacob fondled the pearl before he gave it back to him and said, "It is not often a man has the chance of handling such a gem as this, I could look at it for hours. There may be more where that came from."
Kylis heard most of the talk, and knew that the black pearl must be of great value. If Jack Redland always carried it with him, his task would be difficult, but he did not despair; in any case he could try for some of the others. He crawled back to Miah unobserved, but did not tell him about the black pearl, that matter he meant to keep to himself; not even Amos Hooker should hear about it if it came into his possession. If he failed to secure any pearls before they arrived in Shark's Bay, then it would be time enough to give Amos a hint as to the valuable cargo on board, and he could please himself what steps he took to secure any portion of it.
There was much jubilation on board at the success of the trip, and the black pearl put the final touch to their hilarity. Jack Redland placed the pearl in the case, and put it in the belt he wore round his waist.
He had made up his mind to try and buy it right out, and if the amount was beyond his means, he meant to ask Barry Tuxford to buy it for him and keep it until he could pay for it. Winifred should have it some day, he vowed. He had found it, and she would value it all the more on account of the trouble he had taken to get it.
The "Heron" was a faster sailer than the "Wild Cat," and soon left her far behind; as they were both bound for Fremantle this did not matter. The "Heron" was to put in at Shark's Bay, to land the two divers, and this would give the other schooner time to get on terms with her.
Kylis had had no opportunity of attempting to steal any of the pearls so far, and they were nearing Shark's Bay. If he was to succeed there was no time to be lost. The black pearl was his object, but the difficulties to be overcome in endeavouring to secure it were almost unsurmountable. Jack Redland always carried it with him, and slept with his belt on; he was, moreover, a match for such a man as Kylis, being strong and active. In his cabin the whole of the pearls were kept securely locked up, and as Kylis had no excuse for being in that part of the schooner suspicion would at once be aroused if he was seen there.
Now that the chief part of their work was over there was a certain amount of laxity and freedom on board. The crew were allowed more liberty, although Phil Danks took care the schooner should be thoroughly looked after. Jacob Rank was on board, and this relieved Phil from some responsibility, as he was as good a sailor as himself. Jacob often took charge while Phil rested, and this arrangement suited both, as the former did not care to be always idle.
In consequence of this free and easy style of managing the "Heron," Kylis and Miah had very little difficulty in roaming about where they liked, although if they ventured near Jack Redland's cabin, and Jacob caught sight of them, they had to beat a speedy retreat.
Kylis knew the coast well, and saw they would be in Shark's Bay with a fair wind in another four-and-twenty hours. He became desperate, and without telling Miah of his purpose, determined to try and get the black pearl that night.
He was a swimmer of great endurance, and could remain in the water for hours, covering long distances. He knew that about midnight, or shortly after, the "Heron" would pass a spot called Swan Point, and that she would not be more than four or five miles distant from it. Swan Point was a peculiar shaped rock, standing in solitary grandeur, about two miles from the shore, with a deep channel between. Sometimes vessels passed through the channel, but only in daylight. Kylis thought out his plan cleverly. If successful in his attempt, he could slip overboard, swim to Swan Point, remain there and rest, and then swim to the shore. There were sharks about, but he had his knife, and had come off best in a tussle with one of these monsters. If he failed he could still jump overboard, and escape.
Jacob Rank was somewhat hilarious that night, having prevailed upon Phil to let him have a bottle of liquor, some of which he shared with one or two of the crew, who were as lively as himself. A hand at cards being suggested, Phil joined in "just to keep order," he said, and added, "but I do not think it fair to win your money under such circumstances."
"You are welcome to all you can get out of me," said Jacob, "and a game of euchre is what I want. If you win so much the better for you, but I mean to have my game whether you join in or not."
Jack Redland left them to it, and turned in. Euchre was a game he knew very little about, although he had taken a hand on board the "Golden Land" once or twice.
"You fellows look like making a night of it," he said. "As we shall be in Shark's Bay to-morrow I think I had better have a camp, I mean to go ashore."
"All serene," shouted Jacob. "Remember me in your dreams, and don't try and swallow that black pearl in mistake for a pill."
Kylis watched Jack go to his cabin and then, leaving Miah, strolled towards the players. Miah watched him, feeling glad he had gone alone, for he knew there was some devilry afoot.
Jacob being in a good humour – he held a fine euchre hand, looked up and saw Kylis standing near.
"Come here, you black thief, and I'll show you how to play euchre," roared Jacob.
"He probably knows how to handle the cards as well as any of us," laughed Phil. "Can you play euchre, Kylis?"
The black grinned, and said he had often played with Amos Hooker and others at Shark's Bay.
"I told you," said Phil. "Let him play your hand, Jacob."
"I'm dashed if I do, it's too good for a nigger to handle."
"Joker, right and left bower, eh?" asked Phil smiling.
"Not quite so good as that, skipper, but it's tarnation near it."
"Then go ahead, you go alone, I suppose?"
They were playing partners, Phil with one sailor, Jacob with another.
"Yes, I'm going alone," said Jacob, and his partner put down his cards.
Jacob played the joker, and trumps went round, then he played the right bower, the knave of diamonds, and the left bower, the knave of hearts fell on it from Phil. Jacob gave a whoop as he said —
"You can't beat me now, I have the lot," and he threw down the ace, king and queen of diamonds.
"Whew! What a hand," said Phil. "How did you manage it, Jacob?"
"Dry up, no chaff, you dealt," he said.
"And turned it down, worse luck. I might have got through, as yours were all reds."
"Very good hand," said Kylis.
"Oh, oh, my black bird, you think so, do you?" laughed Jacob. "I don't often treat a nigger, but after that hand you shall have a tot, here you are."
He handed the glass to the black, Phil grunting his disapproval, and remarking that it was throwing good stuff away.
Kylis saw they were fixed up for a long sitting, and this favoured his plans. He watched the game for some time and then sneaked away unobserved. In case anyone chanced to see him he went in the opposite direction to Jack's cabin; he returned, crawling along the deck silently and swiftly. In his hand he had one of the big knives used for opening pearl shells. He paused when he neared the cabin, listening, and the steady breathing denoted Jack Redland was sound asleep. The night was not dark, and Kylis had seen the dim outline of Swan Point in the distance before he left the card players. Again he crawled forward until his head reached the door, which was open. Looking in he saw Jack lying half dressed on his bunk, the belt with the case in round him. Kylis could have stabbed him as he slept, and probably would have done so had he not seen the end of the case, in which the black pearl lay, peeping out of the inner side of the belt. For once Jack had evidently been careless, and not fastened it securely in the belt. If he could obtain the case without awaking the sleeper there would be no need for violence.
Kylis crept like a cat to Jack Redland's side, then his big, black hand went slowly up and gently drew out the case. It was locked, but with a quick twist with the point of his knife the black opened it, slipped out the pearl, closed the case, pressed the broken spring in as far as he could, and noiselessly put it back in its place.
Jack Redland slept soundly and did not stir. Kylis did his work cleverly and with marvellous quickness. The black, never losing his caution, or hurrying in any way, glided out of the cabin and along the deck, the pearl in his mouth. If Jack Redland did not discover his loss he was safe, and Kylis determined to take the risk. If there was any danger of discovery he would go overboard with the pearl, no matter where they were.
Luck favoured the black. When Jack Redland got up in the morning the schooner was entering Shark's Bay. He fastened the belt, pushing the case into its place without examining it; he was not likely to suspect the pearl had been abstracted while he slept.
Jacob Rank and his fellow card players were somewhat seedy after their all night sitting, but they soon shook off the effects, and intended going ashore to stretch their legs for an hour or two on land.
Kylis was anxious to get away, but did not show it. He and Miah had been paid, and Phil said they could go ashore in the first dinghy.
However, before a boat was lowered, Amos Hooker put out from the shore, eager to learn what their luck had been, and Phil said the divers might go back with him.
This did not suit Kylis, who was well aware if Amos got on board he would remain as long as they would have him. He must speak to him, quietly, and tell him he had important news, which was better told ashore, out of earshot of anyone on board.
"Safely back," said Amos, as his boat came alongside. "By all the powers, if it's not Jacob Rank!" he exclaimed as he caught sight of him.
"Yes, I'm alive and well," replied Jacob, "but no thanks to the devils who left me in the lurch."
"It was a dirty trick to play you," said Amos.
"And they shall pay for it if ever I lay hands on them," he replied.
Amos was anxious to hear what Kylis and Miah had to report, and as they looked over the side of the schooner he caught sight of them and said —
"I suppose you wish to go ashore?"
"Yes," replied Kylis, eagerly.
"Then jump into the boat and I'll take you, and come back to hear the news."
They dropped from the schooner into the boat, and as Kylis landed, the pearl fell out of his loin cloth, where he had concealed it, into the bottom of the boat. Amos Hooker saw it, and Kylis, with a feeling of rage sweeping over him, knew he had seen it. A glance upwards showed him no one on board the schooner had observed it. He picked it up, concealing it again, and Amos pushed off hurriedly from the schooner.
Kylis knew he must make the best of the situation, Amos Hooker would think he had stolen the pearl, according to his instructions, and he must drive the best bargain he could with him. After all it might be the best way of parting with it, because he would have great difficulty in disposing of it. A black man in possession of such a pearl would be an object of suspicion, he knew that well enough. If he got a fair sum from Amos, and handed the pearl over to him there would not be much danger to himself; it would not be found in his possession if search was made for it, and at the same time the knowledge that Amos Hooker had it would give him a hold over the man.
Miah stared at it in surprise, aghast at Kylis's cleverness, for he had no idea the pearl had been stolen. He was glad no harm had been done to Jack Redland. Cunning as his mate, although not so treacherous, he commenced to think it was due to himself to have a share in the pearl. If Kylis and Amos objected, he could treat with the other side.
Half way to the shore Amos rested on the oars and said —
"Is that a black pearl you dropped in the boat?"
"Yes," answered Kylis.
"Where did you get it?"
"Stole it last night in accordance with your orders."
"I never told you to steal anything."
"What do you call it?" asked Kylis, grinning. "At any rate, I stole it at the risk of my life, and if they find out it has gone before they leave the bay there'll be a mighty row."
"How did you get it?"
Briefly Kylis told him how he abstracted the pearl from the case in Jack Redland's belt, and Amos was surprised at the black's daring and cleverness.
"And he has not missed it yet?"
"No, he thinks it is in the case."
"He may not miss it until after they have sailed."
"All the better for us."
"Let me look at it," said Amos.
"Hand it over, you dirty black thief, or I'll knock you out of the boat," and he raised an oar.
Kylis laughed as he pointed to the schooner, and said —
"They'll wonder what the row is about, it may create suspicion."
Amos saw the force of this remark, and restrained himself.
"When will you hand it over to me? It is of no use to you. I can sell it, you cannot, and it must be worth a lot of money."
"You shall have it when we come to terms, and I know what share I am to have. There must be money down before I give it up."
"Good, money down," said Miah.
Kylis looked hard at him as he said —
"You have nothing to do with it, I got hold of the pearl."
"And I know where it is, and mean to have a share."
"And what will you do if you get no share?" said Amos, savagely.
"Split," replied Miah, and they all knew the meaning of the word well.
The "Heron" remained only a few hours at Shark's Bay, and then proceeded on her way, as they were anxious to reach Fremantle as soon as possible.
It was not until he turned in at night that Jack Redland discovered the pearl was gone. He unstrapped the belt and placed it on his bunk, taking out the case in order to look at the treasure he thought it contained. He saw at once it had been tampered with, and pulling the spring found it was broken; a glance inside showed him it was empty, the pearl was gone.
For some moments he was stupefied, overwhelmed with dismay, and unable to act. It was difficult to believe the pearl was missing, yet there was no doubt about it. Who had taken it? Where was it now? These were questions he could not answer. He rushed on deck, half dressed, and encountered Jacob Rank.
"What's up now?" asked the astounded Jacob, recognising something serious must have occurred.
"The pearl's gone," gasped Jack.
"The pearl! Which pearl?" asked Jacob.
"The black pearl. It is not in the case."
"Then it must have fallen out. Have you looked about your cabin?"
"The lock has been forced; someone has stolen it," said Jack.
"How could anyone steal it when you had the belt round you?"
"I do not know, but it has gone. What are we to do?"
"Find it," said Jacob. "It will be in your cabin somewhere. We will go and search for it."
"Where's Phil Danks?" asked Jack.
"Having a rest. We can tell him what a fright you had when we have found it."
They went to Jack's cabin and turned everything out, but no black pearl could they find.
Jacob sat on a chest and looked at his companion.
"Hand over the case," he said.
Jack gave it him, and he examined it carefully.
"It has been forced with a knife, here are the scratches on it. How did the thief get hold of it? Have you ever left it off when you turned in?"
"No," replied Jack. "I always took the precaution to sleep with it on."
"Could anyone take the case out of your belt and replace it while you were asleep?" asked Jacob.
"Impossible. I am a light sleeper, and the slightest touch would rouse me."
"We'll go and see what Phil has to say about it," said Jacob.
The skipper of the "Heron" was dozing on his bunk when they roused him.
"What do you want?" he growled. "Cannot you let a fellow have a decent night's rest?"
"You'll not rest much when you hear what has happened," said Jacob.
"Then keep the news till morning," replied Phil.
"It is not the sort of news to keep. We must act at once. Sit up and listen. The black pearl has been stolen."
Phil Danks was wide awake now, and sprang out of his bunk.
"What's that you say?"
"The black pearl has been stolen," said Jacob.
"It is quite true," said Jack, showing the empty case, and proceeded to explain how he discovered his loss.
"I can't make it out," said Phil. "If you had the belt on at night, how the case was got at. When did you see it last?"
"When I went into my cabin the night before we entered Shark's Bay."
"Then it must have been stolen during the night. I have it," he said, excitedly. "I'll bet a trifle one of those black fellows has it. They are as cunning as dingoes."
"You're right," said Jacob. "I ought to have thought of that before, and I know which of 'em it is – Kylis. Why did he come sneaking round to see us playing cards? He was hanging about half the night, watching his chance."
"But how could he take the case out of my belt, without waking me, open it, and replace it?" asked Jack.
"There's no telling what a black thief like him can do. They're clever all of 'em, and Kylis is about the smartest of the lot. It's my belief he's in with Amos Hooker over this job. I had my doubts when you told me who got you the men. Now I am certain Amos had a hand in it. Why did he not come back to the schooner again after taking them ashore? I thought it strange at the time, but I see his reason now. He thought if the loss of the pearl was discovered he might be asked nasty questions, difficult to answer."
"Had we better put back and try and recover it?" asked Jack.
"There's not much chance of that," said Phil. "You see, we have no proof they have it, and even if we had we should not be able to recover it without paying a big reward. The best thing we can do is to get to Fremantle as quickly as possible, lay the whole circumstances before Barry Tuxford, tell him our suspicions, and hear what he has to say."
Jack felt relieved. He had great faith in Barry, and thought he might probably devise some means to recover the pearl.
"He'll be very angry about it, I expect," said Jack.
"Oh, no, he won't. You do not know Barry as well as I do," said Jacob. "He seldom gets ruffled. We have a rich cargo on board, that will pay us all well without the black pearl, and he'll be satisfied. I'll tell you what he will do. He'll set himself to get that pearl from Amos Hooker, if he has it, and he knows the way to put the screw on."