The Prince of Parthia
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The Prince of Parthia

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Thomas Godfrey

The Prince of Parthia A Tragedy



Thomas Godfrey, Jr., was born in Philadelphia, on December 4, 1736, the son of a man who himself won fame as an inventor of the Quadrant. Godfrey, Senior, was a friend of Benjamin Franklin, the two probably having been drawn together by their common interest in science. When Godfrey, Senior, died, December, 1749, it was Franklin who wrote his obituary notice.1

Young Godfrey was a student at the College or Academy of Philadelphia, and when his education was completed, he became apprenticed to a watch-maker, remaining in that profession until 1758. As a student at the Academy, he came under the special influence of Dr. William Smith, the first Principal or Provost of that institution,2 and it was Dr. Smith who not only obtained for Godfrey a lieutenancy with the Pennsylvania troops in 1758, which sent him in the expedition against Fort Duquesne, but who, likewise, as the Editor of The American Magazine, was only too glad to accept and publish some of Godfrey's poetical effusions.

That the young man was popular, and that he associated with some of the most promising figures of the time, will be seen from the fact that, although he was only twenty-seven when he died, he was counted among the friends of Benjamin West and John Green, both portrait painters, of Francis Hopkinson, who was a student at the College of Philadelphia, and of Nathaniel Evans, a young minister whose loyalty found outlet after Godfrey's death in the Memorial Edition of Godfrey's works. Evans himself wrote poems and dialogues. In his confirmation of the fact that, as a poet, Godfrey was regarded favourably by the Philadelphians of the time, he quotes from the diary of one Miss Sarah Eve, who referred to him as "our poet."

Godfrey's reputation, as a young man with musical talents and a decided taste for painting, has come down to us. Certain it is that, during all of this time of varied occupation as a watch-maker and a soldier, he must have been courting the poetic Muse. There are some who speculate, without authority, on his having been a theatre-goer, and having become inspired as a playwright by the work of the American Company, in Philadelphia; especially by the good work of Douglass. Because of insufficient evidence, that is a question which remains unproven. Nevertheless, it is certain, from an extant letter written by Godfrey on November 17, 1759, and quoted by Seilhamer, that he must have had his attention turned to playwriting as a special art. He says to his correspondent, writing from North Carolina:

By the last vessel from this place, I sent you the copy of a tragedy I finished here, and desired your interest in bringing it on the stage; I have not yet heard of the vessel's safe arrival, and believe if she is safe it will be too late for the company now in Philadelphia. [Meaning, of course, Douglass's company.]

There are two facts to be noted in this communication: first, that it was written from North Carolina, where, in 1759, Godfrey had gone on some plantation business – probably as factor; and second, that it must have been penned with the idea of immediate production by the actors in Philadelphia. According to Seilhamer, Godfrey remained in North Carolina for three years. He did not write the entire manuscript of "The Prince of Parthia" while living in the South but, as he definitely states in his letter, finished it soon after his arrival.

There is no evidence as to why Godfrey sailed to the Island of New Providence in the last year of his life, and then returned to Wilmington, N.C. There is no definite statement as to whether he contracted fever and had a sunstroke on that expedition, or after his return home. But, nevertheless, he did contract the fever and have a sunstroke; with the result that he succumbed to his illness, and died near Wilmington, North Carolina, on August 3, 1763.3

After his death, Godfrey's friends decided among themselves that the young man was too much of a genius for them to allow his productions to remain scattered and unrecognized. Evidently, correspondence regarding this must have taken place between Dr. Smith, Nathaniel Evans, the young minister, and John Green, the portrait painter. For, in 1765, a book was published, entitled "Juvenile Poems on Various Subjects, with the Prince of Parthia," printed in Philadelphia by one Henry Miller.4 The volume contained a life written by Evans, a critical estimate written by Dr. Smith, of the College of Philadelphia, and an Elegy from the pen of John Green, who had been previously complimented by Godfrey in a poem entitled "A Night Piece." The whole spirit of the publication was one of friendly devotion and of firm belief in the permanency of Godfrey's position in the literary world. As was the custom of the time, the Edition was issued under the patronage of subscribers, a list being included. We know, for example, that Benjamin Franklin subscribed for twelve copies, his own private, autographed copy having been put on sale a few years ago.

As yet, no concerted effort had been made for the production of Godfrey's "The Prince of Parthia." We do not know if, during this time, the American Company had any claim on the manuscript, or whether, after Godfrey's death, it was again submitted to the theatrical people. But this much we do know, that, very hastily, the American Company, headed by David Douglass, who was playing at the Southwark Theatre in Philadelphia, decided that they would put on "The Prince of Parthia" in place of "The Disappointment; or, the Force of Credulity," a comic opera which will be noted in my introduction to John Leacock's "The Fall of British Tyranny." This musical piece had actually been put into rehearsal in 1767, when it was withdrawn. Immediately, the Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser for April 23, 1767, contained an advertisement of the forthcoming production; it ran as follows:

By Authority./Never Performed before./By the American Company,/at the New Theatre, in Southwark,/On Friday, the Twenty-fourth of April, will be/presented, A Tragedy written by the late ingenious/Mr. Thomas Godfrey, of this city, called the/Prince of Parthia./The Principal Characters by Mr. Hallam,/Mr. Douglass, Mr. Wall, Mr. Morris,/Mr. Allyn, Mr. Tomlinson, Mr. Broad/belt, Mr. Greville, Mrs. Douglass,/Mrs. Morris, Miss Wainwight, and/Miss Cheer./To which will be added, A Ballad Opera called/The Contrivances./To begin exactly at Seven o'clock. —Vivant Rex & Regina./

In the Pennsylvania Gazette, for the same date, appears an advertisement, without the cast of characters.

The production occurred on April 24, 1767.

Seilhamer gives a probable cast of characters, although only the list of actors is given in the advertisement. Apart from this, little is known of the production: whether or not it pleased the theatre-goers of the time. We can judge, however, from the reading of the play itself, that there was little of extreme dramatic excellence in the situations, the chief claim, from the actor's point of view, being the opportunity to deliver certain very highly coloured, poetical lines modelled after the manner of the Elizabethan drama.

In the publication of "The Prince of Parthia," we have the first printed American tragedy in existence, and in its production we have one of only two plays, written by Americans, and presented on the stage before the Revolution. The other play is George Cockings's "The Conquest of Canada; or, The Siege of Quebec," printed for the author in 1766, and presented in Philadelphia in 1773. We note, in Dr. F. W. Atkinson's estimable Bibliography of American Plays in his possession, that Cockings later described himself as "Camillo Querno, Poet Laureate to Congress."

The interest in the early history of the American drama, which has become evident within recent years, and nowhere more evident than among the student body in our American colleges, induced the Zelosophic Literary Society, encouraged by the University of Pennsylvania, to revive "The Prince of Parthia," which was written by one of their alumni. The production was consummated on March 26, 1915. Even though we have no statement as to the actual manner in which the Douglass Company presented the play originally, we are given every evidence, by those who witnessed the revival, that the play, while containing many excellences, was not of a dramatic character according to modern ideas of stage effectiveness.

The only portrait of Godfrey known to have been in existence was that painted by Benjamin West, in his earlier years. It is interesting to note that in commemoration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the original production of this play, Dr. Archibald Henderson, of the University of North Carolina, issued an édition de luxe of "The Prince of Parthia," with an extended introduction, historical, biographical and critical (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1917).


Our Author has made Use of the licentia poetica in the Management of this Dramatic Piece; and deviates, in a particular or two, from what is agreed on by Historians: The Queen Thermusa being not the Wife of King Artabanus, but (according to Tacitus, Strabo and Josephus) of Phraates; Artabanus being the fourth King of Parthia after him. Such Lapses are not unprecedented among the Poets; and will the more readily admit of an Excuse, when the Voice of History is followed in the Description of Characters.




Scene I. The Temple of the Sun

Gotarzes and PhraatesGotarzesHe comes, Arsaces comes, my gallant Brother(Like shining Mars in all the pomp of conquest)Triumphant enters now our joyful gates;Bright Victory waits on his glitt'ring car,And shews her fav'rite to the wond'ring croud;While Fame exulting sounds the happy nameTo realms remote, and bids the world admire.Oh! 'tis a glorious day: – let none presumeT'indulge the tear, or wear the gloom of sorrow;This day shall shine in Ages yet to come,And grace the Parthian story.PhraatesGlad Ctes'phonPours forth her numbers, like a rolling deluge,To meet the blooming Hero; all the ways,On either side, as far as sight can stretch,Are lin'd with crouds, and on the lofty wallsInnumerable multitudes are rang'd.On ev'ry countenance impatience sateWith roving eye, before the train appear'd.But when they saw the Darling of the Fates,They rent the air with loud repeated shouts;The Mother shew'd him to her infant Son,And taught his lisping tongue to name Arsaces:E'en aged Sires, whose sounds are scarcely heard,By feeble strength supported, tost their caps,And gave their murmur to the gen'ral voice.GotarzesThe spacious streets, which lead up to the Temple,Are strew'd with flow'rs; each, with frantic joy,His garland forms, and throws it in the way.What pleasure, Phraates, must swell his bosom,To see the prostrate nation all around him,And know he's made them happy! to hear themTease the Gods, to show'r their blessings on him!Happy Arsaces! fain I'd imitateThy matchless worth, and be a shining joy!PhraatesHark! what a shout was that which pierc'd the skies!It seem'd as tho' all Nature's beings join'd,To hail thy glorious Brother.GotarzesHappy Parthia!Now proud Arabia dreads her destin'd chains,While shame and rout disperses all her sons.Barzaphernes pursues the fugitives,The few whom fav'ring Night redeem'd from slaughter;Swiftly they fled, for fear had wing'd their speed,And made them bless the shade which saf'ty gave.PhraatesWhat a bright hope is ours, when those dread pow'rsWho rule yon heav'n, and guide the mov'ments here,Shall call your royal Father to their joys:In blest Arsaces ev'ry virtue meets;He's gen'rous, brave, and wise, and good,Has skill to act, and noble fortitudeTo face bold danger, in the battle firm,And dauntless as a Lion fronts his foe.Yet is he sway'd by ev'ry tender passion,Forgiving mercy, gentleness and love;Which speak the Hero friend of humankind.GotarzesAnd let me speak, for 'tis to him I oweThat here I stand, and breath the common air,And 'tis my pride to tell it to the world.One luckless day as in the eager chaceMy Courser wildly bore me from the rest,A monst'rous Leopard from a bosky fenRush'd forth, and foaming lash'd the ground,And fiercely ey'd me as his destin'd quarry.My jav'lin swift I threw, but o'er his headIt erring pass'd, and harmless in the airSpent all its force; my falchin then I seiz'd,Advancing to attack my ireful foe,When furiously the savage sprung upon me,And tore me to the ground; my treach'rous bladeAbove my hand snap'd short, and left me quiteDefenceless to his rage; Arsaces then,Hearing the din, flew like some pitying pow'r,And quickly freed me from the Monster's paws,Drenching his bright lance in his spotted breast.PhraatesHow diff'rent he from arrogant Vardanes?That haughty Prince eyes with a stern contemptAll other Mortals, and with lofty mienHe treads the earth as tho' he were a God.Nay, I believe that his ambitious soul,Had it but pow'r to its licentious wishes,Would dare dispute with Jove the rule of heav'n;Like a Titanian son with giant insolence,Match with the Gods, and wage immortal war,'Til their red wrath should hurl him headlong down,E'en to destruction's lowest pit of horror.GotarzesMethinks he wears not that becoming joyWhich on this bright occasion gilds the court;His brow's contracted with a gloomy frown,Pensive he stalks along, and seems a preyTo pining discontent.PhraatesArsaces he dislikes,For standing 'twixt him, and the hope of Empire;While Envy, like a rav'nous Vulture, tearsHis canker'd heart, to see your Brother's triumph.GotarzesAnd yet Vardanes owes that hated BrotherAs much as I; 'twas summer last, as weWere bathing in Euphrates' flood, VardanesProud of strength would seek the further shore;But ere he the mid-stream gain'd, a poignant painShot thro' his well-strung nerves, contracting all,And the stiff joints refus'd their wonted aid.Loudly he cry'd for help, Arsaces heard,And thro' the swelling waves he rush'd to saveHis drowning Brother, and gave him life,And for the boon the Ingrate pays him hate.PhraatesThere's something in the wind, for I've observ'dOf late he much frequents the Queen's apartment,And fain would court her favour, wild is sheTo gain revenge for fell Vonones' death,And firm resolves the ruin of Arsaces.Because that fill'd with filial piety,To save his Royal Sire, he struck the boldPresumptuous Traitor dead; nor heeds sheThe hand which gave her Liberty, nay rais'd herAgain to Royalty.GotarzesIngratitude,Thou hell-born fiend, how horrid is thy form!The Gods sure let thee loose to scourge mankind,And save them from an endless waste of thunder.PhraatesYet I've beheld this now so haughty Queen,Bent with distress, and e'en by pride forsook,When following thy Sire's triumphant car,Her tears and ravings mov'd the senseless herd,And pity blest their more than savage breasts,With the short pleasure of a moment's softness.Thy Father, conquer'd by her charms (for whatCan charm like mourning beauty), soon struck offHer chains, and rais'd her to his bed and throne.Adorn'd the brows of her aspiring Son,The fierce Vonones, with the regal crownOf rich Armenia, once the happy ruleOf Tisaphernes, her deceased Lord.GotarzesAnd he in wasteful war return'd his thanks,Refus'd the homage he had sworn to pay,And spread Destruction ev'ry where around,'Til from Arsaces' hand he met the fateHis crimes deserv'd.PhraatesAs yet your princely BrotherHas scap'd Thermusa's rage, for still residingIn peaceful times, within his Province, ne'erHas fortune blest her with a sight of him,On whom she'd wreck her vengeance.GotarzesShe has wonBy spells, I think, so much on my fond father,That he is guided by her will alone.She rules the realm, her pleasure is a law,All offices and favours are bestow'd,As she directs.PhraatesBut see, the Prince, Vardanes,Proud Lysias with him, he whose soul is harshWith jarring discord. Nought but madding rage,And ruffian-like revenge his breast can know,Indeed to gain a point he'll condescendTo mask the native rancour of his heart,And smooth his venom'd tongue with flattery.Assiduous now he courts Vardanes' friendship,See, how he seems to answer all his gloom,And give him frown for frown.GotarzesLet us retire,And shun them now; I know not what it means,But chilling horror shivers o'er my limbs,When Lysias I behold. —

Scene II. Vardanes and Lysias

LysiasThat shout proclaims[Shout.Arsaces' near approach.VardanesPeace, prithee, peace,Wilt thou still shock me with that hated sound,And grate harsh discord in my offended ear?If thou art fond of echoing the name,Join with the servile croud, and hail his triumph.LysiasI hail him? By our glorious shining God,I'd sooner lose my speech, and all my daysIn silence rest, conversing with my thoughts,Than hail Arsaces.VardanesYet, again his name,Sure there is magic in it, Parthia's drunkAnd giddy with the joy; the houses' topsWith gaping spectators are throng'd, nay wildThey climb such precipices that the eyeIs dazzl'd with their daring; ev'ry wretchWho long has been immur'd, nor dar'd enjoyThe common benefits of sun and air,Creeps from his lurking place; e'en feeble age,Long to the sickly couch confin'd, stalks forth,And with infectious breath assails the Gods.O! curse the name, the idol of their joy.LysiasAnd what's that name, that thus they should disturbThe ambient air, and weary gracious heav'nWith ceaseless bellowings? Vardanes soundsWith equal harmony, and suits as wellThe loud repeated shouts of noisy joy.Can he bid Chaos Nature's rule dissolve,Can he deprive mankind of light and day,And turn the Seasons from their destin'd course?Say, can he do all this, and be a God?If not, what is his matchless merit? What dares he,Vardanes dares not? blush not, noble Prince,For praise is merit's due, and I will give it;E'en 'mid the croud which waits thy Brother's smile,I'd loud proclaim the merit of Vardanes.VardanesForbear this warmth, your friendship urges far.Yet know your love shall e'er retain a placeIn my remembrance. There is something here —[Pointing to his breast.Another time and I will give thee all;But now, no more. —LysiasYou may command my services,I'm happy to obey. Of late your BrotherDelights in hind'ring my advancement,And ev'ry boaster's rais'd above my merit,Barzaphernes alone commands his ear,His oracle in all.VardanesI hate Arsaces,Tho' he's my Mother's son, and churchmen sayThere's something sacred in the name of Brother.My soul endures him not, and he's the baneOf all my hopes of greatness. Like the sunHe rules the day, and like the night's pale Queen,My fainter beams are lost when he appears.And this because he came into the world,A moon or two before me: What's the diff'rence,That he alone should shine in Empire's seat?I am not apt to trumpet forth my praise,Or highly name myself, but this I'll speak,To him in ought, I'm not the least inferior.Ambition, glorious fever! mark of Kings,Gave me immortal thirst and rule of Empire.Why lag'd my tardy soul, why droop'd the wing,Nor forward springing, shot before his speedTo seize the prize? – 'Twas Empire – Oh! 'twas Empire —LysiasYet, I must think that of superior mouldYour soul was form'd, fit for a heav'nly state,And left reluctant its sublime abode,And painfully obey'd the dread command,When Jove's controuling fate forc'd it below.His soul was earthly, and it downward mov'd,Swift as to the center of attraction.VardanesIt might be so – But I've another causeTo hate this Brother, ev'ry way my rival;In love as well as glory he's above me;I dote on fair Evanthe, but the charmerDisdains my ardent suit, like a miserHe treasures up her beauties to himself:Thus is he form'd to give me torture ever. —But hark, they've reach'd the Temple,Didst thou observe the croud, their eagerness,Each put the next aside to catch a look,Himself was elbow'd out? – Curse, curse their zeal —LysiasStupid folly!VardanesI'll tell thee, Lysias,This many-headed monster multitude,Unsteady is as giddy fortune's wheel,As woman fickle, varying as the wind;To-day they this way course, the next they veer,And shift another point, the next another.LysiasCuriosity's another name for man,The blazing meteor streaming thro' the airCommands our wonder, and admiring eyes,With eager gaze we trace the lucent path,'Til spent at length it shrinks to native nothing.While the bright stars which ever steady glow,Unheeded shine, and bless the world below.

Scene III. Queen and Edessa

QueenOh! give me way, the haughty victor comes,Surrounded by adoring multitudes;On swelling tides of praise to heav'n they raise him;To deck their idol, they rob the glorious beingsOf their splendour.EdessaMy royal Lady,Chace hence these passions.QueenPeace, forever peace,Have I not cause to hate this homicide?'Twas by his cursed hand Vonones fell,Yet fell not as became his gallant spirit,Not by the warlike arm of chief renown'd,But by a youth, ye Gods, a beardless stripling,Stab'd by his dastard falchin from behind;For well I know he fear'd to meet Vonones,As princely warriors meet with open daring,But shrunk amidst his guards, and gave him death,When faint with wounds, and weary with the fight.EdessaWith anguish I have heard his hapless fate,And mourn'd in silence for the gallant Prince.QueenSoft is thy nature, but, alas! Edessa,Thy heart's a stranger to a mother's sorrows,To see the pride of all her wishes blasted;Thy fancy cannot paint the storm of grief,Despair and anguish, which my breast has known.Oh! show'r, ye Gods, your torments on Arsaces,Curs'd be the morn which dawn'd upon his birth.EdessaYet, I intreat —QueenAway! for I will curse —Oh! may he never know a father's fondness,Or know it to his sorrow, may his hopesOf joy be cut like mine, and his short lifeBe one continu'd tempest; if he lives,Let him be curs'd with jealousy and fear,And vext with anguish of neglecting scorn;May tort'ring hope present the flowing cup,Then hasty snatch it from his eager thirst,And when he dies base treach'ry be the means.EdessaOh! calm your spirits.QueenYes, I'll now be calm,Calm as the sea when the rude waves are laid,And nothing but a gentle swell remains;My curse is heard, and I shall have revenge;There's something here which tells me 'twill be so,And peace resumes her empire o'er my breast.Vardanes is the Minister of Vengeance;Fir'd by ambition, he aspiring seeksT'adorn his brows with Parthia's diadem;I've fann'd the fire, and wrought him up to fury,Envy shall urge him forward still to dare,And discord be the prelude to destruction,Then this detested race shall feel my hate.EdessaAnd doth thy hatred then extend so far,That innocent and guilty all alikeMust feel thy dreadful vengeance?QueenAh! Edessa,Thou dost not know e'en half my mighty wrongs,But in thy bosom I will pour my sorrows.EdessaWith secrecy I ever have repaidYour confidence.QueenI know thou hast; then hear:The changeling King who oft has kneel'd before me,And own'd no other pow'r, now treats meWith ill dissembl'd love mix'd with disdain.A newer beauty rules his faithless heart,Which only in variety is blest;Oft have I heard him, when wrapt up in sleep,And wanton fancy rais'd the mimic scene,Call with unusual fondness on Evanthe,While I have lain neglected by his side,Except sometimes in a mistaken raptureHe'd clasp me to his bosom.EdessaOh! Madam,Let not corroding jealousy usurpYour Royal breast, unnumber'd ills attendThe wretch who entertains that fatal guest.QueenThink not that I'll pursue its wand'ring fires,No more I'll know perplexing doubts and fears,And erring trace suspicion's endless maze,For, ah! I doubt no more.EdessaTheir shouts approach.QueenLead me, Edessa, to some peaceful gloom,Some silent shade far from the walks of men,There shall the hop'd revenge my thoughts employ,And sooth my sorrows with the coming joy.

Scene IV. Evanthe and Cleone

EvantheNo, I'll not meet him now, for love delightsIn the soft pleasures of the secret shade,And shuns the noise and tumult of the croud.How tedious are the hours which bring himTo my fond, panting heart! for oh! to thoseWho live in expectation of the bliss,Time slowly creeps, and ev'ry tardy minuteSeems mocking of their wishes. Say, Cleone,For you beheld the triumph, 'midst his pomp,Did he not seem to curse the empty show,The pageant greatness, enemy to love,Which held him from Evanthe? haste, to tell me,And feed my gready ear with the fond tale —Yet, hold – for I shall weary you with questions,And ne'er be satisfied – Beware, Cleone,And guard your heart from Love's delusive sweets.CleoneIs Love an ill, that thus you caution meTo shun his pow'r?EvantheThe Tyrant, my Cleone,Despotic rules, and fetters all our thoughts.Oh! wouldst thou love, then bid adieu to peace,Then fears will come, and jealousies intrude,Ravage your bosom, and disturb your quiet,E'en pleasure to excess will be a pain.Once I was free, then my exulting heartWas like a bird that hops from spray to spray,And all was innocence and mirth; but, lo!The Fowler came, and by his arts decoy'd,And soon the Wanton cag'd. Twice fifteen timesHas Cynthia dipt her horns in beams of light,Twice fifteen times has wasted all her brightness,Since first I knew to love; 'twas on that dayWhen curs'd Vonones fell upon the plain,The lovely Victor doubly conquer'd me.CleoneForgive my boldness, Madam, if I askWhat chance first gave you to Vonones' pow'r?Curiosity thou know'st is of our sex.EvantheThat is a task will wake me to new sorrows,Yet thou attend, and I will tell thee all.Arabia gave me birth, my father heldGreat Offices at Court, and was reputedBrave, wise and loyal, by his Prince belov'd.Oft has he led his conqu'ring troops, and forc'dFrom frowning victory her awful honours.In infancy I was his only treasure,On me he wasted all his store of fondness.Oh! I could tell thee of his wond'rous goodness,His more than father's love and tenderness.But thou wouldst jeer, and say the tale was trifling;So did he dote upon me, for in childhoodMy infant charms, and artless innocenceBlest his fond age, and won on ev'ry heart.But, oh! from this sprung ev'ry future ill,This fatal beauty was the source of all.Cleone'Tis often so, for beauty is a flow'rThat tempts the hand to pluck it.EvantheFull three timesHas scorching summer fled from cold winter'sRuthless blasts, as oft again has springIn sprightly youth drest nature in her beauties,Since bathing in Niphates'5 silver stream,Attended only by one fav'rite maid;As we were sporting on the wanton waves,Swift from the wood a troop of horsemen rush'd,Rudely they seiz'd, and bore me trembling off,In vain Edessa with her shrieks assail'dThe heav'ns, for heav'n was deaf to both our pray'rs.The wretch whose insolent embrace confin'd me(Like thunder bursting on the guilty soul),With curs'd Vonones' voice pour'd in my earsA hateful tale of love; for he it seemsHad seen me at Arabia's royal court,And took those means to force me to his arms.CleonePerhaps you may gain something from the CaptivesOf your lost Parents.EvantheThis I meant to try,Soon as the night hides Nature in her darkness,Veil'd in the gloom we'll steal into their prison.But, oh! perhaps e'en now my aged SireMay 'mongst the slain lie welt'ring on the field,Pierc'd like a riddle through with num'rous wounds,While parting life is quiv'ring on his lips,He may perhaps be calling on his Evanthe.Yes, ye great Pow'rs who boast the name of mercy,Ye have deny'd me to his latest moments,To all the offices of filial duty,To bind his wounds, and wash them with my tears,Is this, is this your mercy?CleoneBlame not heav'n,For heav'n is just and kind; dear Lady, driveThese black ideas from your gentle breast;Fancy delights to torture the distress'd,And fill the gloomy scene with shadowy ills,Summon your reason, and you'll soon have comfort.EvantheDost thou name comfort to me, my Cleone,Thou who know'st all my sorrows? plead no more,'Tis reason tells me I am doubly wretched.CleoneBut hark, the music strikes, the rites begin,And, see, the doors are op'ning.EvantheLet's retire;My heart is now too full to meet him here,Fly swift ye hours, till in his arms I'm prest,And each intruding care is hush'd to rest.
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