Notes of a naturalist in South America
Notes of a naturalist in South Americaполная версия

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Notes of a naturalist in South America

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2017
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Often during this return voyage my thoughts recurred to an article in some periodical lent to me by my kind friends at Petropolis, wherein the writer, with seeming gravity, discussed the question whether life is worth living. My first impression, as I well remember, was somewhat contemptuous pity for the man whose mind could be so profoundly diseased as even to ask such a question, as for a soldier who, with the trumpet-call sounding in his ear, should stop to inquire whether the battle was worth fighting. When one remembers how full life is of appeals to the active faculties of man, and how the exertion of each of these brings its correlative satisfaction; how the world, in the first place, needs the daily labour of the majority of our race; how much there is yet to be learned, and how much to be taught to the ignorant; what constant demand there is for the spirit of sympathy to alleviate suffering in our fellows; how much beauty exists to be enjoyed, and, it may be, to be brought home to others; – one is tempted to ask if the man who halts to discuss whether life is worth living can have a mind to care for truth, or a heart to feel for others, or a soul accessible to the sense of beauty.

Recurring to the subject, as I sometimes did during the homeward voyage, it seemed to me that I had perhaps treated the matter too seriously, and that the article I had read was an elaborate hoax, by which the writer, while in truth laughing at his readers, sought merely to astonish and to gain repute as an original thinker. However the fact may be, when taken in connection with the shallow pessimism which, through various channels, has of late filtered into much modern literature, there does appear to be some real danger that the disease may spread among the weaker portion of the young generation. A new fashion, however absurd or mischievous, is sure to have attractions for the feebler forms of human vanity. It is true that there is little danger that the genuine doctrine will spread widely, but the mere masquerade of pessimism may do unimagined mischief. The better instincts of man’s nature are not so firmly rooted that we should wish to see the spread of any influence that directly allies itself with his selfish and cowardly tendencies.

To any young man who has been touched by the contagion of such doctrines, I should recommend a journey long enough and distant enough to bring him into contact with new and varied aspects of nature and of human society. Removed from the daily round of monotonous occupation, or, far worse, of monotonous idleness, life is thus presented in larger and truer proportions, and in a nature not quite worthless some chord must be touched that will stir the springs of healthy action. If there be in truth such beings as genuine and incurable pessimists, the stern believer in progress will be tempted to say that the sooner they carry out their doctrine to its logical result the better it will be for the race. Their continued existence, where it is not merely useless, must be altogether a mischief to their fellow-creatures.


On the morning of the 16th of August, all but completing five months since I quitted her shores, the coast of England was dimly descried amid gusts of cold wind and showers of drizzling rain. My winter experiences in the Straits of Magellan were forcibly recalled to my mind, and I felt some partial satisfaction in the seeming confirmation of the conclusion which I had already reached – that the physical differences between the conditions of life in the northern and southern hemispheres are not nearly so great as has generally been supposed.



The remarkable features of the climate of Western Peru referred to in the text seem to me to admit of a partial explanation from the local conditions affecting that region. The most important of these are the prevalence of a relatively cold oceanic current, and of accompanying southerly breezes along the Peruvian coast. These not only directly affect the temperature of the air and the soil in the coast-zone, but, by causing fogs throughout a considerable part of the year, intercept a large share of solar radiation. It has been found in Northern Chili, some fifteen degrees farther south than Lima, but under similar climatal conditions, that, although the land rises rather rapidly in receding from the coast, the mean temperature increases with increasing height for a considerable distance. It is stated on good authority48 that at Potrero Grande, a place about fifty miles distant, and 850 metres above the sea, the mean annual temperature is higher by 2·5 °C. than at Copiapò, or at the adjoining port of Caldera. It is probable that in the valley of the Rimac the mean temperature at a height of 1000 metres is at least as high as it is at Lima. Taking the mean temperature of the lower station at 19·2 °C., and that of Chicla at 12·2 °C., that would give a fall of 7° for a difference of level of 2724 metres, or an average fall of 1° for 387 metres, instead of 1° for 512 metres, as given in the text.

A further peculiarity in the climate, which tends to diminish below the normal amount the rate of decrease of temperature, is the comparative absence of strong winds, and the feebleness of the sea-breezes which are usually so conspicuous in the tropics. For reasons that will be further noticed, the fall in temperature in ascending mountain ranges is largely due to currents of air carried up from the lower region. In mountain countries an air-current, encountering a range transverse to its own direction, is mechanically forced to rise along the slopes, and thus raises large masses of air to a higher level; the same effect in a less degree occurs with isolated peaks. But in the Peruvian Andes, as well as in many other parts of the great range, although storms arise from local causes on the plateau, westerly winds from the ocean are infrequent and feeble; and the sea-breezes, due to the heating of the soil by day, much less sensible than usual in warm countries.

Making full allowance for the operation of the two causes here specified, it yet appears that the difference of temperature between the coast and the higher slopes of the Peruvian Andes is exceptionally small. It is not merely due to the abnormal cooling of the coast-zone, but to the exceptionally high temperature found in the zone ranging from 3500 to 4000 metres. I should not have attached much importance to the few observations of the thermometer that I was able to make during a hurried visit, if the conclusion which they suggest had not been strongly confirmed by the character and aspect of the vegetation.

When I found that the table given by Humboldt, which has been copied and adopted by so many writers on physics, in which the mean temperature at a height of 2000 toises, or 3898 metres, in the Andes of Ecuador, close to the equator, is set down at 7°, while at Chicla, thirteen degrees of latitude south, at a height less only by 174 metres, there is reason to believe that we find a mean annual temperature of not less than 12°, I was led to enter more fully into the subject.

The result of somewhat careful study has been to convince me that, while the physical principles involved in the attempt to discover the vertical distribution of temperature in the atmosphere prove the problem to be one of extreme complexity, the results hitherto obtained from observation are altogether insufficient to guide us to an approximate law of distribution. I may remark that the problem has not merely a general interest in connection with the physics of the globe, but has a direct bearing on two practical applications of science. The observations of the astronomer and the surveyor require a knowledge of the amount of atmospheric refraction, by which the apparent positions of the heavenly bodies, or of distant terrestrial objects, are made to differ from the true direction; and to determine accurately the amount of refraction we should know the temperature of the successive strata of air intervening between the observer and the object. In determining heights by means of the barometer, or any other instrument for measuring the pressure of the air, it is equally necessary for accuracy to know the variations of temperature in the space between the higher and the lower station.

Three different opinions have prevailed among physicists as to the law, or supposed law, of the rate of variation of temperature in ascending from the sea-level. The simplest supposition, and the most convenient in practice, is that the fall of temperature is directly proportional to the height, and this has been adopted in several physical treatises. In English works the rate has been stated at a fall of 1° Fahr. for 300 feet of ascent, and by French writers the not quite equivalent rate of 1 °C. for 170 metres has been adopted. The formula proposed by Laplace for the determination of heights from barometric observations, which has been very generally adopted by travellers and men of science, implicitly assumes that the rate of decrease of temperature is more rapid as we ascend to the higher regions than it is near the sea-level, and this opinion was explicitly affirmed by Biot in his memoirs on atmospheric refraction. A third hypothesis may be said to have originated when, in 1862, Mr. Glaisher made his report of the results of the famous balloon ascents effected by him and Mr. Coxwell,49 and among others exhibited a table showing the average decline of temperature corresponding to each successive thousand feet increase of elevation from the sea-level to a height of 29,000 English feet.

As Mr. Glaisher’s tables showed a gradual decline in the rate of fall of temperature with increasing height, they clearly did not accord with the ordinary assumption of an uniform rate, and still less with the hypothesis of Laplace and Biot. In February, 1864, Count Paul de St. Robert, of Turin, communicated to the Philosophical Magazine a short paper, in which he showed the incompatibility of Mr. Glaisher’s results with the ordinary formulæ for the reduction of barometric observations, and proposed a new formula based on a law of decrement of heat based upon Mr. Glaisher’s tables. In the following June, M. de St. Robert published in the same journal a further paper, in which, still accepting Mr. Glaisher’s results as accurate, he investigated the subject in a masterly manner, as well with reference to the measurement of heights, as in its connection with the determination of the amount of atmospheric refraction. The formula proposed by M. de St. Robert, and the tables subsequently published by him for its adaptation to use, appearing to be at once the most accurate and the most convenient, have been adopted by myself and by many other travellers;50 but it is evident that their value depends on the correctness of the results, above referred to, deduced by Mr. Glaisher, and their conformity with observation in mountain countries.

Before we inquire into the conclusions to be drawn from observation, it may be well to point out how incomplete is our knowledge of the physical agencies which regulate the distribution of temperature in the atmosphere.

The primary source of temperature is solar radiation, and its effect at any given point on the earth’s surface depends on the absolute amount of heating power in the sun’s rays, irrespective of absorption, commonly designated the solar constant, and on the proportion of heat which is lost by absorption in passing through the atmosphere. The temperature of the air at any point will, in the first place, depend on the amount of solar radiation and of heat radiated from terrestrial objects directly absorbed, and next on the heating of the strata near the surface by convection. The amount of heat received from the sun, directly or indirectly, varies of course with the sun’s declination at the time, and the length of the day at the place of observation. When the sun is below the horizon the air loses heat by radiation, and still more, in the strata near the surface, by convection to surfaces cooled by radiation.

It was until lately believed that the experiments of Herschel and Pouillet had given an approximate measure of the absolute intensity of solar radiation, and that the proportion absorbed by the atmosphere at the sea-level at a vertical incidence might be estimated at about one-fourth of the whole. It is not too much to say that the recent researches of Mr. Langley, especially those detailed in his Report of the Mount Whitney expedition,51 have completely revolutionized this department of physics. It now appears that the true value of the solar constant is not much less than twice as great as the previous estimate, and that rather more than one-third is absorbed by the atmosphere before reaching the sea-level. Mr. Langley has further proved that the absorptive action of the atmosphere varies with the wave-length of the rays, and that, omitting the “cold bands” which correspond to the dark bands in the visible spectrum, it diminishes as the wave-length increases. It further appears highly probable that the larger part of the absorptive action of the atmosphere is due to the aqueous vapour, the carbonic acid gas, and the minute floating particles of solid matter, which are present in variable proportions. Allowing for the probable extension of our knowledge by further research, it is yet evident that, even if we had not to take into account the further elements of the problem next to be specified, the distribution of heat in the atmosphere, as dependent on solar radiation, is a question of extreme complexity.

The action of winds has an important effect in modifying the temperature of the air. It is not possible to draw a distinct line between the great air-currents, which affect large areas, and slight breezes, depending on local causes, and limited to the lower strata of the atmosphere; but in relation to the present subject it is necessary to distinguish between them. There is a general circulation in the aërial envelope covering the earth, caused by unequal heating of different parts of the surface. Heated air rises in the equatorial zone, and its place is filled by currents from the temperate and subtropical zones. The heated air from the equator flows at first as an upper current towards the poles, but as it gradually loses its high temperature, it becomes mixed with the currents setting from the poles towards the equator, causing the atmospheric disturbances and variable winds characteristic of the cooler temperate zones. As a rule, bodies of air of different temperatures do not very quickly mix, but tend to arrange themselves in layers or strata in which masses of unequal temperature are superposed. It is obvious that in such a condition, where a layer of colder air lies between two having a higher temperature, the whole cannot be in a state of equilibrium. But in nature we constantly find that equilibrium is never attained. There is a continual tendency towards equilibrium, along with fresh disturbances which alter the conditions.

As Professor Stokes remarks in a letter on this subject with which he favoured me, “to know the temperature of the successive strata as we ascend in a balloon, we should know the biographies of the different strata.” Those which are now superposed may have been hundreds of miles apart twenty-four hours before. It follows that without a knowledge of the course and velocity of the higher currents existing in the atmosphere, we cannot expect to learn the vertical distribution of temperature.

Apart from the effects of the great movements of the air, there is another effect of air-currents to be considered, which tends especially to modify the temperature found at or near the earth’s surface. The heating of the surface by day, and the cooling by night, determine the existence of local currents of ascending or descending air. In rising, the air encounters diminished pressure, and therefore expands, and in so doing overcomes resistance. The molecular work involved in dilatation is performed at the expense of the other form of molecular work which we call heat. In other words, the air in ascending loses heat. It is found that the amount of decrement of temperature due to the ascent of a body of air is nearly exactly 1 °C. for 100 metres. As a general rule, ascending currents arise from the surfaces exposed to the sun during the day, and must largely contribute to produce the rapid decrement of heat which is found in the lower strata near the surface, as compared with the rate of change in the higher regions; but it will be obvious that the amount of effect produced by this cause is subject to continual variation from changes in local conditions. The nature of the soil, the extent and character of the vegetation, the form of the surface, are all elements which modify the amount of disturbance in the equilibrium of the surrounding atmosphere. As above remarked, in discussing the climate of Western Peru, prevailing winds which impinge upon a range of mountains may indirectly affect the temperature of the higher region by mechanically forcing masses of air to rise along the slopes, and ultimately, by expansion, to be cooled much below the temperature which they possessed when they originally flowed against the slopes.

One of the most important agencies affecting the distribution of temperature in the atmosphere arises from the presence of aqueous vapour. In its invisible condition it affects the absorptive power of the air on the solar rays, and, when condensed in the form of cloud, it acts as a screen, intercepting most of the calorific rays which would otherwise reach the earth. But it is especially through the large amount of heat consumed in converting water into vapour, and set free when vapour returns to the fluid state, that the temperature of the air is largely modified. When we consider that in converting a given volume – say, one cubic metre – of water into vapour, enough heat is consumed to lower about 1,650,000 cubic metres of air by 1 °C. in temperature, and that the same amount of heat is liberated when the vapour so produced returns to the liquid state, we perceive how powerfully the ordinary processes of evaporation and condensation must affect the temperature of the air.

It is needless to analyze further the several agencies which, sometimes co-operating, and sometimes in mutual opposition, determine the vertical distribution of temperature in the atmosphere. It is but too obvious that no approach to uniformity can be expected, and it might even be anticipated that any approximation to a regular law of distribution that should be found under one set of conditions – as, for instance, in serene weather by day – would be altogether inapplicable under different conditions, such as exist in stormy weather, or by night.

The need for practical application of some empirical rule, or law, of vertical distribution has made it necessary to appeal to the results of observation, and for this object the only existing materials are to be found in the records of balloon ascents, and in the observations made on high mountains. In balloon ascents the temperature at any considerable height is free from the disturbances caused by the vicinity of the earth’s surface, and the results might be expected to contribute to the more accurate determination of the amount of atmospheric refraction. For the measurement of heights by the barometer, it would appear safer to rely on such information as may be gleaned from mountain observations.

Of balloon ascents by far the most important are those achieved in 1862 by Messrs. Glaisher and Coxwell, to which I have referred in a preceding page. Mr. Glaisher has given in his report a full record of the actual observations made in the course of his eight ascents, and has explained the processes by which he constructed the successive tables, from which he deduced as the final result a continuous decline (unbroken save in a single instance) in the rate of decrement of temperature found in passing through each successive zone of 1000 feet, in ascending from the sea-level to a height of 29,000 English feet.

I am not aware that the processes employed by Mr. Glaisher in obtaining these results have ever been subjected to such close scrutiny as their importance demands, and as I have found on careful examination that his results are not borne out by the actual observations, I am forced to express my dissent from his conclusions. The admiration due to the courage, skill, and perseverance displayed by Mr. Glaisher throughout these memorable ascents will not be lessened if we should find it necessary to modify the inferences which he has drawn from them.

The full discussion of Mr. Glaisher’s observations involves an inconvenient amount of detail, and such readers as may be disposed to enter more fully into the subject I must refer to an article in the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine.

The general conclusions to which I have arrived from the observations made under a clear or partially clear sky is, that the average results show a rapid fall of temperature in the zone extending to about 5000 feet, or 1500 metres, above the earth’s surface, and that, within that limit, the rate of fall diminishes as the height increases. Above the height specified the observations prove that in each ascent the balloon passed through successive strata of air whose temperature varied in a completely irregular manner, the fall of temperature being sometimes very rapid for an ascent of a few hundred feet, and sometimes very slight in a much longer interval. In each of the higher ascents we even find instances in which the thermometer rose in ascending from a lower to a higher station, reversing the ordinary progression. These alternations occurred at various heights from 5000 to 25,000 or 26,000 feet above the sea-level.52 It seems to me very doubtful whether any safe conclusions can be drawn from averages deduced from separate series of observations so discordant, but, in any case, I may confidently assert that the results of actual observations do not bear out the conclusions deduced by Mr. Glaisher.

I desire further to point out that these balloon ascents were all executed by day, in summer, and in weather as serene as can ordinarily be found in our climate. If they did authorize us to derive from them an empirical law regulating the vertical distribution of temperature, this might, at the best, serve to approximate to the true amount of atmospheric refraction found by day in geodetical observations, but would be no guide to the conditions obtaining by night, which are those important to the astronomer.

Mr. Glaisher has not failed to notice the great difference shown by the observations made when the sky was overclouded as compared with those under a clear or partially clear sky, and has given a table showing that the mean results up to a height of 4000 feet above the sea show a nearly uniform decline of 1° Fahr. for each 244 feet at ascent. The numerical results of observations made under, or amidst, cloud appear to me of no practical value, as they depend upon conditions which are subject to constant variation.

If it be true that observations in balloon ascents, which are free from the disturbances caused by the vicinity of the earth’s surface, have hitherto failed to lead to any general results indicating a normal rate of decrease of temperature with increasing elevation, it could scarcely be hoped that observations on mountains should contribute farther to enlighten us. From what has been already said, it is apparent that the fact that the place of observation is close to the surface causes disturbances the nature and amount of which must vary with each particular spot, and with the season and the condition of the atmosphere at the moment of observation.

The intensity of solar radiation increases rapidly with increasing elevation,53 so that when the sky is clear surfaces exposed to the sun are heated much above the normal temperature. Owing to its slight absorptive power the free atmosphere is little affected; but the strata nearest the surface are heated by convection, while a contrary effect follows when the surface is no longer exposed to the sun, and radiates freely to the sky.

The air in mountain countries is rarely at rest. Even when there is no sensible breeze, the unequal heating of the surface causes ascending and descending currents, which lose or gain heat by expansion or contraction. More commonly winds are experienced which, by impinging on the inclined surfaces, force bodies of air to higher elevations, and thereby directly cause a fall of temperature.

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