![Озеро в алмазах. Lake of Diamonds. Ein See aus Diamanten. Un lac en diamants. Un lago de diamantes. Um lago em diamantes](/covers_330/67764153.jpg)
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Озеро в алмазах. Lake of Diamonds. Ein See aus Diamanten. Un lac en diamants. Un lago de diamantes. Um lago em diamantes
Тот остров где полно воспоминаний.
Где мы с тобой любили до зари,
Сгорая от любви ночного пламя.
Любого отца нужно почитать
Отец даёт успехи в жизни,
Благополучие, карьеру и любовь.
Он наполняет вас великодушием,
И вам везде всегда везёт.
Отец ваш это сила в оприоре,
Она даёт энергию душе.
Живётся легче, правильней, свободней,
И каждый может это осозреть.
Отец ваш источник вдохновенья,
Он выбрал путь вам, который суждено.
Вы продолжаете его творенье,
Его возможности и существо.
Вы продолжение этого создания,
Что Богом выделено для Земли.
Она растет и вы растете вместе с нею,
И это то, что вам не изменить.
Такой же путь продолжат ваши дети,
Ведь вы последок оставите себе.
Он верен вам и вашим всем победам,
Раз вы живёте на истинной Земле.
Тот путь, что вы пройдете вместе,
Останется как память в родовой.
И это то, что суждено от предков,
Пройти по жизни с правильной душой.
Любую мать нужно почитать
Мать это источник вашей жизни,
Плод ваших дел на будущую жизнь.
Она дала вам жизнь из своего тела,
Для продолжения своего пути.
Мать это сила и здоровье,
Водичка, молоко и кровь.
Она носила вас под сердцем,
А в сердце носит вас всю жизнь
Мать это продолжение природы,
И все что суждено, то будет вопреки.
Она от вас любую боль отводит,
Своими мыслями и добротой души.
Она даёт вам сил на роды,
И это то, что возложено судьбой.
И лишь она убережёт от злобы,
С которой вы столкнетесь за спиной.
Она здорова, если вы здоровы,
И честно жизнь проходите легко.
Ваш долг перед матерью всей природы,
Лишь сохранить теплом ее покой.
Путешествие по жизни в поисках себя,
Как птичка пролетая над морями.
И этот путь она летает не одна,
Она с природой изучает знамя.
Раз дан полет, значит дан за чем-то,
Летать не каждому дано.
Лишь этой птичке дан посыл с навесом,
Весь мир увидеть с самой высоты.
И это вкус, и это жизнь, и это пламя,
К чему стремится каждая душа.
Найти себя среди больших желаний,
Не потерять, а сохранить себя.
Все что намечено и для неё не новость,
Все будет так как Богу суждено.
И зная все мы принимаем это ровно,
Ведь это все равно произойдет.
И как ни странно боль бывает тоже,
Ее нам нужно будет пережить.
Она даёт подъем для перелома,
Любой живой естественной души.
Душа живая когда она страдает,
Тогда и чувства трепетно живут.
А умирает лишь тогда, когда незнает,
Что нужно ей и для чего живёт.
Ведь главно цель поставить у подножия,
И бобедить в себе большого зверя – страх.
Тогда и финиш будет всем возможен,
И жить понравится каждому из вас.
Каждое приходит во время,
Человек, слово, поступок.
Все, что намечено сбудется,
Все, что не должно уйдет.
То, что нужно исправить
Будет мешать каждому .
Пока око не оголит вас
Это увидеть и принять.
То, что ведано даст знак,
То, что неведано отойдет в сторону
Все и каждому приходит во время,
Это видно по жизни человеческой.
Путь построен, навигатор намечен,
Он укажет вам дорогу быструю.
Чтоб без лени и без преграды,
Шли бы вы по своей линии.
Но когда такие препятствия,
Вдруг приходят на вашу голову.
Значит курс ваш сбит иллюзией,
И идти придется в другую сторону.
Где легко идёт движение,
Там и путь ваш близок к счастью.
Счастье то,что вы это видите
Значит и живёте по-настоящему.
Я молюсь за тебя каждый день, родная.
Чтобы невзгоды обходили стороной.
Чтоб ты незнала что такое плач ночами,
Чтоб в жизни было только хорошо.
И каждый день пусть будет только СЛАДКО!
И каждый миг пусть будет для тебя!
Весь этот мир пускай подарит сказку,
Чтоб он тебе запомнился таким.
Пусть будет все, о чем только мечтаешь,
Пусть будет волшебство, что радует тебя.
Запомни главное, что ты -живешь, родная.
А жизнь – это то о чем мечтаешь ты!
Я в этой жизни успела полюбить.
Я в этой жизни успела полюбить,
И мне с тобою было очень вкусно!
И каждый день я наполнялась чувством,
Старалась полностью отдать себя любви.
Любить- значит расправить крылья,
Взлететь к вершинам самых больших гор.
И с высоты кричать тебе – Спасибо!
Что смог мне показать – Любовь!
Любить и быть всегда желанным,
Хотеть творить, идти не распуская рук.
И этот путь наверно самый главный,
Что создан для двоих влюбленных душ.
Быть ближе, быть всегда в согласие,
Быть просто человеком для души.
Где можно раскрывать любые тайны,
И вместе создавать свои мечты!
У каждого поэта есть своя муза,
Которая вдохновляет творить чудеса.
И каждая строка порой изумрудна,
Она задевает чьи то сердца.
И в каждой строчке душа поэта,
Там можно тайком свое сердце открыть.
Ведь сердце мы открываем кому -то,
С кем хочется всю жизнь разделить.
Так важно услышать, что тебя слышат,
А главное чтобы пела душа.
Живые слова дает только муза,
Она для поэта нужна как вода!
Я осталась сегодня без хлеба,
Дочь сказала, что все хорошо!
Мы с тобою любовью согреты,
Вместе нам и сыто, и тепло.
Даже если туман на дороге,
Мы найдем как пройти сквозь него.
Нас не тронут ни ветры, ни беды…
Вместе легче идти все равно.
Пусть опастности будут пустыми,
А врагам будет не до нас.
Мы с тобою любовью согреты,
Вместе мы дойдем до конца!
Я обниму тебя сильно, сильно..
как Ангел обнимает тебя твой.
И задышу с тобой взаимно..
И души наши сольются в тон.
Прижмусь покрепче к тебе сильнее,
Чтобы увидеть темы твоих снов.
И будем мы гулять во сне совместно,
Делить эмоции на попалам с тобой.
Я обниму тебя еще сильнее,
Чтоб чувствовать, что в жизни не одна..
И эти сны пусть душу греют,
Чтоб жизнь текла не только для себя!
Еже на небеси,
Слово Господе есть,
То спаси мою душу,
От печали моей,
От проблемы моей,
От забот, от хлопот и от трудностей,
От забот, от хлопот и от трудностей.
Во имя отца,
я слезно спрошу,
И благословенье,
У него попрошу.
Дай силы небесный,
Дай мощи свои,
Чтобы не греша,
Нам с тобою пройти.
Еже на небеси,
Души наши хранят.
Мы помолимся им
Нашим святым Богам.
Слово Господнее,
Больше чем просто Бог,
Он нас ведет тропой,
Сам бы которой шел.
Во имя отца,
я слезно спрошу,
И благословенье,
У него попрошу.
Дай силы небесный,
Дай мощи свои,
Чтобы не греша,
Нам с тобою пройти.
Мне нравиться молиться за него
Мне нравиться молиться за него,
И это то, чем сердце дышит.
Моя душа от этого летает высоко,
И поднимается все выше и выше.
И этим чудом он поднял меня с колен,
Парю над миром в ощущении счастья.
Он просто был, но сотворил момент,
Для возражения особенного чувства.
И кажется, что было не спроста,
Была задача, чтоб поднять человека.
И научить летать любя,
Благодарив его за это.
Английский English
In the heavenly vault, beyond the clouds,
God walked in his meadow.
He watched every character,
What on earth is his doing.
Who was given opportunities to mend,
Some he's given the strength to do
And each time he watched the result,
He gave to the last, one drop at a time.
And that's the way he went all the time,
And he valued everyone who was with him
Who understands what it's all about,
And why such a path is necessary.
And suddenly one day, on his rounds,
He saw a diva of heavenly beauty.
And inviting her to his expanse
He wanted to express to her the sensuality of love.
She was beautiful in an uncommon way,
Neither in appearance nor in appearance.
Her soul glowed unaccustomed,
That illuminated her world from within.
As a mother, she was tolerant and unrequited,
As a woman, she was full of love,
And as a wife, she was warmed by trust
And kept her choice till the end.
That woman took God's walk
She saw vast places.
And a lake of crystal in diamonds,
She received as a gift from God.
And this lake is now her muse
She has often visited it.
It's like a friend, like loyalty, like merit,
For its singularity, its sensuality.
And every moment, and every walk,
By the lake she kept like a star.
For God's attention was given to her,
She could walk in his garden.
Bless my father
Bless me father for a life of happiness,
Stand by my shoulder.
"Keep me safe from unhappy troubles, keep me from unpleasantness.
Bless me for every step, and for every deed done,
Let it be from love alone.
Bless our family life
And keep our kind in happiness.
Let him be pure and trustworthy, the man that's near.
Let in only such a man for me.
And let your fence be clear
From a hard, ridiculous liar
Bless me, Father, to a life of happiness,
And let it last till the end.
The path in each person's world
You shouldn't get too attached to a person,
He, too, is a disciple in this world.
And his purpose is to give you answers,
Through him the knowledge is given.
All that is to be is yours,
That's why we came into this world.
What is not yours is gone at once,
There's no need to beat yourself up over it.
Everything happens as it should!
You and I make our ways.
And they form just the training,
Which we must all go through
To help us reach perfection,
To know the origins of being,
And the truth of all creation,
For this is what our life is for.
And the word GOD is not in vain considered supreme,
And it means important words.
The blissful Feeling of Harmony!
When in pain and in joy you have love always.
When you feel harmony,
In any environment, in any day, in any century.
You just know it's all for your own good,
To develop your soul.
And this way, in fact, very easy,
And it's worth it for everyone to understand.
Then FREEDOM will be on the threshold,
If all is lawfully observed!
Berkut Island
( story in verse)
In a town that stands on the sea,
Lived a young maiden.
And she was happy at that moment,
That she was getting married.
And Vanya, the young bridegroom, turned out to be a groom,
And sent the bride into a fairy tale.
They ordered a sumptuous banquet,
On a ship in the "Ocean".
The wedding is fancy, they sing beautifully
And the guests are celebrating richly.
But on the sea, suddenly the waves start to sing
It's as if the guests are singing
And then the storm comes, wave after wave after wave,
And the guests weren't afraid of tea.
The ship shook and the whole wedding party
That moment was on the brink
Who had to jump
and swim to save themselves
And all began to flee from the ship.
Who sailed on the log that was carried off the ship,
Who was simply on the lap to save himself.
But all were scattered as they could,
And we'll never know their fates.
Only the bride, Annuta, was rescued.
A boy came to her rescue.
Annuta was brought to the shore,
And there, at the Magi's, the blacksmiths lived.
And the blacksmith's son, called Berkut,
On a boat on the sea was sailing.
When he saw the maiden, he changed his course,
To the shore, he quickly rushed ashore.
The maiden he rescued and led to the blacksmiths,
In that hut that he himself dwelt in.
For almost two weeks, Anyuta lived,
Not knowing, not remembering her life.
And how she was almost alive,
And how in the storm she was rescued by the sea.
The blacksmith fell in love with the young beauty,
And Anyuta liked him, too.
And love began to dance among the people.
And everyone, dreaming of marriage.
In love, it's nice to be
And they'd all be happy to be
But one day, at the blacksmith's house,
A party came to the blacksmith's house to get the goods.
Swords, they would have what was ordered,
By the sovereign himself.
And the sovereign of that island,
Lives in a community.
And rules over a faceless people.
With two sons, good fighters,
He prepares someone for the throne.
Whoever finds a bride first,
The one who gets the crown.
Two brave sons, but different in spirit,
One is fair, and the other is bolder.
And so they too came to the blacksmiths,
When they saw a maiden not of our blood.
The older son said:
–"Let's take her away,
A beauty for the support of our roots.
But Berkut was embarrassed, No, I will not give her away,
I'll never give my bride to anyone.
Then the eldest son ordered the fire to be set on fire,
That hut where the blacksmith lived.
The bride was tied up and thrown into a boat,
And Berkut was beaten by two soldiers.
The two sons came back to their father,
And the older one decided to get married.
He said: Here's the bride I brought you,
Get ready for the trial, sir.
Let the wedding be the most glamorous of all,
Let the people at the wedding rejoice
But the bride is sad, she's sad, she's sad.
How can she be, she doesn't want to be
To be somebody's wife, she doesn't want to be
But then the maid came to help,
And says to Anyuta:
At your wedding, when you're getting married,
We can swap with you.
Under the veil you can't see who's who.
And this way you'll be saved from the wedding.
I just love my eldest son,
But he doesn't know it.
And since I'm a maid, where can I find him
In the guise of a wife.
This way I'll make my dream come true,
And you have your interest.
I agree, said Anyuta.
That's all, I live…
Now we just need to get ready.
The wedding ceremony, all the people came,
To admire the young wife.
But the maid was under the veil,
And the girl was fleeing.
No one noticed the switch,
The groom only found out afterwards.
Well said, sir.
Now you are king,
Your maid is your queen.
"Anyuta ran, but as long as she could.
And her strength was all gone.
She lay quietly on the ground,
To rest by the pier.
And then someone's voice called Anyuta,
And it was the blacksmith.
He followed in her footsteps,
Looking for her everywhere, trying to find her.
And then he found her, lifted her up and embraced her,
And happiness knew no bounds.
Now I'll never give you away
I'll always be by your side.
As the years passed, Anyuta lived with her husband,
And enjoyed her life.
And year after year she gave birth to children,
Two handsome sons.
And one day, when they were grown up,
Two sons, Stepan and Procopius.
Went to the sea for their dream,
To the town where Anyuta was from.
And there they arranged their lives,
And all were very happy.
The tale of this story is fiction,
But there's truth in the tale.
A man is destined to love,
And to be reborn for love.
Instinct for life
Family. An ordinary husband and wife,
And with them joyful children,
Two sons and little Vetta.
And somehow of great love,
And faith in happiness without limits,
A hero was born in that family.
And in that family again an event.
But I'll say differently about the hero,
Not everyone can praise the destiny,
But to live and rejoice in every attention,
That makes one love his life.
The boy that was born to a couple in love.
Through no fault of his own, was ill from birth.
But the "golden" mother lived her soul with him,
And every moment the child was cherished.
No matter what the neighbors judged,
And said, why do you…?
You torment him, and you yourself are in sorrow,
You're destined to be born with a lot.
And my mother said to them:
And she covered their words with her hand,
You don't understand the power of a man,
He, too, needs to experience happiness.
And a happy man, even if he's sick.
It is not given to him to be like everyone else,
But if he breathes, he's happy with his life,
And he wouldn't want to complain to his fate.
That's not how this couple's fate turned out.
And all his cares were thrown to him.
He was cherished, loved and caressed
And they didn't shed a tear for their family.
As the years went by, Roma grew up and enjoyed life.
No one insulted or blamed him.
And he didn't seem superfluous in that family,
He just lived as he should.
And then one night, at night time,
When everyone had long since gone to bed.
Only Roma, reluctantly in bed,
He couldn't sleep and went out for a walk.
And in the kitchen he found matches,
And he suddenly wanted to know
How his mother uses these things,
And what it is possible to set fire to.
But the power of waiting for desire,
Momentarily brought to the house fire,
And Roma of all not understanding,
What to do, he did not expect it.
At first he watched the flames burn,
And only then, when in the smoke.
The flames made him clearly suffocate,
And realizing he had to save his family.
His instincts for life led him to the impulse,
He began to call, to knock, to shout for his family.
Through sleep, all the inhabitants naturally awoke,
When the apartment was filled with smoke.
Naturally everyone was in shock.
But the main thing that they were given to understand.
That a man who had no purpose in life
Was able to feel that he had to survive.
And in that family from now on, the feeling of life is sacred,
And everything is given for it with a soul.
When fate is prejudiced against you,
But life is ready to change it.
History leads a man.
To live, life needs to be understood,
And for it to be given with an answer,
A family must nurture it with love.
A man at the altar
A man lived like all ordinary people,
Loved, suffered, held on, grew up.
But like everyone else, he succumbed to his will,
As life flowed, so did he carry it.
But then one day a thought occurred to him.
How terrible it is to live, but to be a stranger in life.
All men live like that, in other people's destinies,
But we don't want to dig into our own fate.
Why was he born into this mundane world?
He never thought How he would live later on.
But every day he believed in a miracle,
That his life would strike a chord in that hour.
And in the episodes of life bathed,
That man went up to the altar.
To ask God if he was right in his deeds,
That every day he gives his life.
To which the Almighty, with signs, let him go,
All the truth that was born in his eyes.
Thou man look'st upon life playing,
And only yourself betrayed by untruth.
No one will ever move life,
You're a man's master but yourself.
And only the righteous path you'll build for yourself.
When in life thou shalt love thyself.
Then it will be like the kingdom of God,
When God and man are at one with him.
Wise deeds will be needed as air,
To live with your soul, soaring high…
Everyone knows what they dream of.
Of soul, of balance, of life.
And they're all just thoughts,
And in deeds, it's not what happens.
Which leads to the manifestation of rudeness,
To an attitude of disorder.
Unwillingness to move to action,
And "hangs" the inhibition of life.
These are all but ridiculous difficulties,
Like balance, like the scales of stability.
There are black and white stripes,
In this world it's all acceptable.
Everyone sees it differently,
Everyone makes mistakes.
It's just a sign of the breath of life,
The desire for superiority.
We don't see the signs of attention,
We don't know how to feel reciprocity.
It's all acceptable in everyone,
It's just a test of reasonableness.
expecting something ridiculous
Coveting what fate has not ordained.
Taking from others what they don't need,
As if in our hands would be better.
Everything depends on what's done,
And looking for something better wouldn't be worth it.
For everyone has a wheel of stability,
But not everyone uses it.
See the essential, see the difficult,
Allow those, other possibilities.
Each may go as he or she wishes,
And balance with care!
You have to live only with your heart
You have to live only with your heart,
Where love is born of love.
When you feel your heart beating,
With the person who gives love.
There's not much of it, not little of it
And with it comes nothing but miracles.
When you feel it's all so right
And it makes your soul burn.
You know they're coming to meet you,
And every day you feel the warmth
And filling all living things with light
You feel the days go by easily.
No matter how bad or good you feel today,
When your soul is in love.
You're not alone, your heart beats with you,
That you gave to someone else
You only have to live from your heart,
Love the one with whom you share a soul,
It is alive, it is with you together,
It's with you till the end…
Maybe it seems that we are looking for something that is missing in our life,
Maybe it's still not what's around us in this life today.
Maybe it's the silence we hold in our hearts,
Maybe it's just a dream that we want to warm from our hearts.
To fulfill that which we would like and to revive the hope of love,
That we so seldom have…