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A New System of Horsemanship
The outward Shoulder and Leg never could have been brought in, without passing over or crossing the inner Leg and Shoulder; this is the Action which the outward Leg should constantly perform through the whole Change. In order to arrive at a just Execution of this, you should be able to feel which Feet are off the Ground, and which are upon it. If the inner Leg is in the Air, and the Horse is ready to put it to the Ground, raise your Hand, and carry it in insensibly, and your Horse will be oblig'd to advance his outward Leg and Shoulder, which must by this means cross the inner Leg and Shoulder whether he will or no.
It is not sufficient for the Horse to cross his Legs only one over the other, he must go forward likewise at the same time, because in making the Change large, his Feet should describe two diagonal Lines. – It is of Importance therefore, that the same Attention be had to the inner as the outward Leg, for it is by the means of his Legs only that he can advance. It is true that you should endeavour to make him go forward by putting back your Body, and yielding your Hand; but if he won't obey these Aids, you must make use of the Calfs of your Legs, aiding more strongly with your Left-leg when you are going to the Right-hand, and more strongly with your Right-leg when you are going to the Left. Besides, it is so necessary to have an equal Attention to the Legs, because the Horse could never work with Justness, if he were not ballanced equally between the Rider's Legs; and it is from this exact Obedience only, that he is enabled to make the Changes with Precision, because without a Knowledge of the Hand and Heels, it is impossible he should obey the Motions of his Rider – In order to close the Change justly, the Horses Fore-legs should arrive at the same time upon a strait Line; so that a Change justly executed, and in the same Cadence or Time, is such, as is not only begun, but finish'd likewise, and closed in such a Proportion, that the Croupe always accompanies and keeps Pace with the Shoulders throughout. – In order to finish it in this manner, you must observe the following Rules. The greater Number of Horses, instead of finishing their Changes with Exactness, are apt to lean on one Side, to make their Croupe go before their Shoulders, and to throw themselves with Impatience, in order to get upon one Line again; the Method of correcting them for these Irregularities, is to make a Demi-volte of two Lines, in the same Place where they were to have closed their Change; for Example, if in changing to the Right, they are too eager to come upon the strait Line, without having properly finish'd their Change, demand of them a Demi-volte to the Left, which you must make them round equally with their Shoulders and Haunches.
An essential Point, which nevertheless is little regarded, is the making your Horse resume his Line, or go off again to the other Hand, when he has made his Change. To make him do this, you must carry your Hand to the Side to which you have closed your Change, and carry it insensibly as it were, after which you will be able with great Ease to bend your Horse to the Inside. I must further explain the Necessity of this Action.
It is evident that a Horse in the Passage, neither can, nor ought if he could, move the two Feet on the same Side together. In beginning and finishing the Change, the outward Leg and Shoulder pass and cross over the inner Leg and Shoulder; he is consequently supported in this Action on the outward Haunch, for the inner Foot behind was off the Ground; now, if at the Closing of the Change, and in the Instant that he is again upon one Line; as for Example – If in closing his Change to the Right, the Horse is supported in this Action by the left Haunch, how is it possible that he can be bent to the Left? To attempt this, would be to make him move two Legs on the same Side, which would be undertaking a thing impossible to be done. Being therefore arrived upon one Line, carry your Hand to the Wall, this will make your Horse change his Leg; he will be supported in his Action by his right Haunch, and will be able to bend himself with great Facility.
In order to make the Volte true and perfect, he ought to be just with respect to his Head and Neck, and have the Action of his Shoulders and Haunches quite equal. When I say that a Horse should have his Shoulders and Haunches equal, I would not be understood to mean, that his Fore-feet should not cover more Ground than his Hinder; on the contrary, I know it is a Rule never to be departed from, that his Shoulders should precede half of the Haunches; but I insist that the Haunches should go along with, and follow exactly the Motion of, the Shoulders; for 'tis from their Agreement, and from the Harmony between the Hind-legs and the Fore, upon which the Truth of the Volte depends. The four Legs of a Horse may be compared to the four Strings of an Instrument; if these four Cords don't correspond, it is impossible there should be any Musick; it is the same with a Horse, if the Motions of his Haunches and Fore-legs don't act together and assist each other, and if he has not acquired a Habit and Ease to perform what he ought to do, the most expert and dextrous Horseman will never be able to acquit himself as he ought, nor execute any Air justly and with Pleasure, be it either on the Volte or strait forward.
Whenever you put your Horse to the Passage upon the Voltes, he ought to make the same Number of Steps or Times with his Hinder, as with his Fore-feet; if the Space of the Ground upon which he works is narrow and confin'd, his Steps should be shorter.
I will suppose that he describes a large Circle with his Fore-feet; the Action of his outward Shoulder ought consequently to be free, and the Shoulder much advanced, in order to make the outward Leg pass over and cross at every Step the inner Leg, that he may more easily embrace his Volte, without quitting the Line of the Circle, and without disordering his Hinder-leg; which ought likewise to be subject to the same Laws as the Fore-legs, and cross the outward Leg over the inner, but not so much as the Fore-legs, because they have less Ground to go over, and should only keep the Proportion. – In working upon Voltes of two Lines, the Horse should make as many Steps with his Hinder as with his Fore-feet; because those Horses whose Haunches go before the Shoulders, and who cut and shorten the exact Line of the Volte, are apt to keep their Hinder-feet in one Place, and make at the same time one or two Steps with their Fore-feet, and by this means falsify and avoid filling up the Circle in the Proportion they begun it. The same Fault is to be found with Horses who hang back at the End of a Change, and throwing out their Croupe, arrive at the Wall with their Shoulders, and consequently fail to close their Change justly.
Further, in working upon this Lesson, it is indispensably necessary that at every Step the Horse takes, he should make his outward Leg cross and come over the inner, because this will prevent a Horse that is too quick of Feeling, or one, that is ramingue, from becoming entier, or to bend himself, or lean in his Voltes, Vices that are occasion'd from having the Haunches or Hinder-legs too much constrain'd. There are Horses likewise who have their Croupe so light and uncertain, that from the Moment they have begun the Volte, they lean and widen their Hinder-legs, and throw them out of the Volte.
To remedy this, aid with the outward Leg, carrying your Bridle-hand to the same Side, and not in, because it is by the Means of the outward Leg and inner Rein, that you will be enabled to adjust and bring in the Croupe upon the Line which it ought to keep.
If it happens that the Horse don't keep up to the Line of his Volte, or throws his Croupe out, press him forward, letting him go strait on two or three Steps, keeping him firm in the Hand, and in a slow and just Time, and use the Aids which I have just now directed. – This Lesson is equally useful in case your Horse is naturally inclin'd to carry his Haunches too much in, and where he is ramingue, or in danger of becoming so; but then the Aids must be given on the Side to which he leans, and presses, in order to widen his Hinder-parts, and to push the Croupe out.
Above all you should remember, that whatever tends to bend or turn the Head on one side, will always drive the Croupe on the other; when the Horse's Croupe don't follow his Shoulders equally, the Fault may proceed either from a Disobedience to the Hand, or from his not answering the Heels as he ought. If you would remedy this, keep him low before; that is to say, keep your Bridle-hand very low, and while you make him advance upon two Treads, aid him firmly with the Calfs of the Legs; for as the outward Leg will confine and keep his Croupe in, the inner Leg, operating with the outward, will make him go forward.
If you find that your Horse disobeys the Heel, and throws his Croupe out in spite of that Aid, in this Case make use of your inner Rein, carrying your Hand out with your Nails turned upwards; this will infallibly operate upon the Croupe, and restrain it. Use the same Remedy, if in the Passage your Horse carries his Head out of the Volte, and you will bring it in; but you must remember, in both Cases, to replace your Hand immediately after having carried it out, in order to make the outward Rein work, which will facilitate and enable the outward Legs to cross over the inner.
If the Horse breaks the Line, and flings his Croupe upon the Right-heel, work him to that Side with your Left; if he would go sideways to the Left, make him go to the Right; if he flings his Croupe out, put it quietly in; in short, if all at once he brings it in, put it quietly out; and, in a word, teach him by the Practice of good Lessons to acquire a Facility and Habit of executing whatever you demand of him.
The Consequence of all the different Rules and Principles, which I have here laid down, and which may be applied equally to the Changes, large and narrow, to Changes upon the Voltes, and Half-voltes; the Consequence of these Instructions I say will be, if practised judiciously, a most implicit and exact Obedience on the Part of the Horse, who from that Moment, will resign his own Will and Inclination, and make it subservient to that of the Rider, which he must teach him to know by making him acquainted with the Hand and Heel.
Of the Aids of the Body
The Perfection of all the Aids consists, as I have already proved, in their mutual Harmony and Correspondence, for without this Agreement, they must be always ineffectual; because the Horse can never work with Exactness and Delicacy, and keep the Proportion and Measure which is inseparable to all Airs, when justly and beautifully executed.
This Maxim being laid down, we shall undertake to demonstrate, that the Aids of the Body contribute, and are even capable of themselves, from the Principles of Geometry, to make us acquire the Union of the Aids of the Hand and Leg; and if so, we shall be obliged to own the Conclusion, that they are to be prefer'd to all the rest.
The Justness of the Aids of the Body depends upon the Seat of the Horseman. – Till he is arrived at the Point of being able to sit down close and firm in his Saddle, so as to be immoveable in it, it would be vain to expect he should be able to manage a Horse; because, besides that he would be incapable of feeling his Motions, he would not be possessed of that Equilibre and Firmness of Seat, which is the Characteristic of a Horseman. I would define the Equilibre to be, when the Horseman sits upon his Twist, directly down and close upon the Saddle, and so firm that nothing can loosen or disturb his Seat; and by Firmness, I express that Grasp or Hold with which he keeps himself on the Horse, without employing any Strength, but trusting entirely to his Ballance, to humour and accompany all the Motions of the Horse.
Nothing but Exercise and Practice can give this Equilibre, and consequently this Hold upon the Horse. In the Beginning, the Fear which almost every Scholar feels, and the Constraint which all his Limbs are under, make him apt to press the Saddle very close with his Thighs and Knees, as he imagines he shall by this Method acquire a firmer Seat; but the very Efforts that he makes to resist the Motions of the Horse, stiffen his Body, and lift him out of the Saddle, so that any rude Motion, or unexpected Shock, would be likely to unhorse him; for from the Moment that he ceases to sit down and quite close to the Saddle, every sudden Jirk and Motion of the Horse attacking him under his Twist, must shove him out of the Saddle.
We will suppose then a Person, the Position of whose Body is just and regular, and who, by being able to sit down perpendicular and full in his Saddle, can feel and unite himself to his Horse so as to accompany all his Motions; let us see then how this Person, from the Motions of his own Body, will be able to accord and unite the Aids or Times of the Hands and Legs.
In order to make your Horse take or go into the Corner of the Manage, you must begin by opening it.
To open a Corner, is to turn the Shoulder before you come to it, in order to make it cover the Ground; and then the Croupe which is turn'd in will not follow the Line of the Shoulders, till they are turn'd and brought upon a strait Line in order to come out of the Corner. – In order to turn the Shoulder to open the Corner, you must carry your Hand to the Right or Left, according to the Hand to which you are to go; and to throw in the Croupe, you must support it with the Leg on that Side to which you carry your Hand. – To make the Shoulders turn and come out of the Corner, you must carry your Hand on the Side opposite to that to which you turned it, in order to go into the Corner; and that the Croupe may pass over the same Ground as the Shoulders, you must support with the Leg on the contrary Side to that with which you aided in order to bring the Haunches in; the Horse never can perform any of these Actions without an entire Agreement of all these Aids, and one single Motion of the Body will be sufficient to unite them all with the utmost Exactness.
In effect, instead of carrying your Hand out, and seconding that Aid with the Leg, turn your Body but imperceptibly towards the Corner, just as if you intended to go into it yourself; your Body then turning to the Right or Left, your Hand, which is one of its Appurtenances, must necessarily turn likewise, and the Leg of the Side on which you turn, will infallibly press against the Horse, and aid him. – If you would come out of the Corner, turn your Body again, your Hand will follow it, and your other Leg approaching the Horse, will put his Croupe into the Corner, in such a manner, that it will follow the Shoulders, and be upon the same Line. – It is by these means that you will be enabled to time the Aids of the Hand and Legs with greater Exactness, than you could do, were you not to move your Body; for how dextrous and ready soever you may be, yet when you only use your Hand and Legs, without letting their Aids proceed from, and be guided by your Body, they can never operate so effectually, and their Action is infinitely less smooth, and not so measured and proportioned, as when it proceeds only from the Motion of the Body.
The same Motion of the Body is likewise necessary in turning entirely to the Right or Left, or to make your Horse go sideways on one Line, or in making the Changes.
If when you make a Change, you perceive the Croupe to be too much in, by turning your Body in, you will drive it out, and the Hand following the Body, determines the Shoulder by means of the outward Rein, which is shorten'd; if the Croupe is too much out, turn your Body out, and this Posture carrying the Hand out, shortens the inner Rein, and confines the Croupe, acting in concert with the outward Leg, which works and approaches the Side of the Horse. – This Aid is by so much better, because if executed with Delicacy, it is imperceptible, and never alarms the Horse; I say, if executed as it ought to be, for we are not talking here of turning the Shoulder, and so falsifying the Posture. In order to make the Hand and Leg work together, it is necessary that the Motion should proceed from the Horseman, which in turning carries with it the rest of the Body insensibly; without this, very far from being assisted by the Ballance of your Body in the Saddle, you would lose it entirely, and together with it the Gracefulness of your Seat; and your Ballance being gone, how can you expect to find any Justness in the Motions of your Horse, since all the Justness and Beauty of his Motions must depend upon the Exactness of your own?
The secret Aids of the Body are such then as serve to prevent, and accompany all the Motions of the Horse. If you will make him go backward, throw back your own Body, your Hand will go with it, and you will make the Horse obey by a single Turn of the Waist. – Would you have him go forward, for this purpose put your Body back, but in a less degree; don't press the Horse's Fore-parts with your Weight, because by leaning a little back you will be able to approach your Legs to his Sides with greater Ease. – If your Horse rises up, bend your Body forward; if he kicks, leaps, or strikes out behind, throw your Body back; if he gallops when he should not, oppose all his Motions, and for this purpose push your Waist forward towards the Pummel of the Saddle, making a Bend or Hollow at the same time in your Loins: In short, do you work your Horse upon great Circles, with the Head in and Croupe out? let your Body then be a Part of the Circle, because this Posture bringing your Hand in, you bring in the Horse's outward Shoulder, over which the inner Shoulder crosses circularly, and your inner Leg being likewise by this Method near your Horse's Side, you leave his Croupe at liberty. I call it becoming a Part of the Circle yourself, when you incline a little the Balance of your Body towards the Center; and this Balance proceeds entirely from the outward Hip, and turning it in.
The Aids of the Body then are those which conduce to make the Horse work with greater Pleasure, and consequently perform his Business with more Grace; if then they are such, as to be capable alone of constituting the Justness of the Airs; if they unite, and make the Hand and Legs work in concert; if they are so fine and subtle, as to be imperceptible, and occasion no visible Motion in the Rider, but the Horse seems to work of himself; if they comprize at the same time, the most established and certain Principles of the Art; if the Body of the Horseman, which is capable of employing them, is of consequence firm without Constraint or Stiffness, and supple without being weak or loose; if these are the Fruits which we derive from them, we must fairly own, that this is the shortest, the most certain, and plainest Method we can follow, in order to form a Horseman.
Of the Gallop
The Trot is the Foundation of the Gallop; the Proof of its being so is very clear and natural. The Action of the Trot is crosswise, that of the Gallop is from an equal Motion of the Fore and Hinder-legs; now, if you trot out your Horse briskly and beyond his Pitch, he will be compell'd when his Fore-feet are off the Ground, to put his Hinder-foot down so quick, that it will follow the Fore-foot of the same Side; and it is this which forms the true Gallop: The Trot then is beyond dispute the Foundation of the Gallop.
As the Perfection of the Trot consists in the Suppleness of the Joints and Limbs, that of the Gallop depends upon the Lightness and Activity of the Shoulders; a good Apuy, and the Vigour and Resolution of the Career, must depend upon the natural Spirit and Courage of the Horse. It should be a Rule, never to make a Horse gallop, till he presents and offers to do it of himself. – Trotting him out boldly and freely, and keeping him in the Hand, so as to raise and support his Fore-parts, will assist him greatly; for when his Limbs are become supple and ready, and he is so far advanced, as to be able to unite and put himself together without Difficulty, he will then go off readily in his Gallop; whereas, if on the contrary he should pull or be heavy, the Gallop would only make him abandon himself upon the Hand, and fling him entirely upon his Shoulders.
To put a Horse in the Beginning of his Lessons from the Walk to the Gallop, and to work him in it upon Circles, is demanding of him too great a degree of Obedience. In the first place, it is very sure that the Horse can unite himself with greater Ease in going strait forward, than in turning; and, in the next place, the Walk being a slow and distinct Pace, and the Gallop being quick and violent, it is much better to begin with the Trot, which is a quick Action, than with the Walk, which is slow and calm, however raised and supported its Action may be. – Two things are requisite to form the Gallop, viz. it ought to be just, and it ought to be even or equal. – I call that Gallop just, in which the Horse leads with the Right-leg before, and I call that the Right-leg which is foremost, and which the Horse puts out beyond the other. For Instance – A Horse gallops and supports himself in his Gallop, upon the outward Fore-foot, the Right Fore-foot clears the Way, the Horse consequently gallops with the Right-foot, and the Gallop is just, because he puts forward and leads with his Right-foot.
This Motion of the Right-foot is indispensably necessary, for if the Horse were to put his Left Fore-foot first, his Gallop would be false; so that it is to be understood, that whenever you put a Horse to the Gallop, he should always go off with his Right fore-foot, and keep it foremost, or he can never be said to gallop just and true. – I understand by an even or equal Gallop, that in which the Hind-parts follow and accompany the Fore-parts; as for Example – If a Horse gallops, or leads with his Right-leg before, the Hind Right-leg ought to follow; for if the Left Hind-leg were to follow, the Horse would then be disunited: The Justness then of the Gallop depends upon the Action of the Fore-feet, as the Union or Evenness of it does on the Hind-feet.
This general Rule which fixes the Justness of the Gallop, that is to say, this Principle which obliges the Horse to lead with the Right Fore-foot when he gallops, strict as it is, yet sometimes parts with its Privileges in deference to the Laws of the Manage. – The Design of this School is to make equally supple and active all the Limbs of a Horse. – It is not requisite then that the Horse should lead always with the same Leg, because it is absolutely necessary that he should be equally ready and supple with both his Shoulders, in order to work properly upon the different Airs. – It seems but reasonable that this Rule should be observed likewise out of the Manage; and therefore it has of late obtain'd that Hunting-horses should lead indifferently with both Legs; because it has been found on Trial, that by strictly adhering to the Rule of never suffering a Horse to gallop but with his Right Fore-leg, he has been quite ruin'd and worn out on one Side, when he was quite fresh and sound on the other. – Be that as it will, it is not less certain, that in the Manage a Horse may gallop false, either in going strait forward, or in going round, or upon a Circle; for instance – He is going strait, and to the Right-hand, and sets off with the Left Fore-foot; he then is false, just as he would be, if in going to the Left, he should lead with his Right Fore-foot.
The Motions of a Horse, when disunited, are so disorder'd and perplex'd, that he runs a risque of falling, because his Action then is the Action of the Trot, and quite opposite to the Nature of the Gallop. It is true, that for the Rider's Sake he had better be false.
If a Horse in full Gallop changes his Legs from one side to the other alternately, this Action of the Amble in the Midst of his Course, is so different from the Action of the Gallop, that it occasions the Horse to go from the Trot to the Amble, and from the Amble to the Trot.
When a Horse gallops strait forward, however short and confin'd his Gallop is, his Hind-feet always go beyond his Fore feet, even the Foot that leads, as well as the other. – To explain this. – If the inner Fore-foot leads, the inner Hind-foot ought to follow, so that the inner Feet, both that which leads, and that which follows, are prest, the other two at liberty. – The Horse sets off, the outward Fore-foot is on the Ground, and at liberty, this makes one Time; immediately the inner Fore-foot which leads and is prest, marks a second, here are two Times; then the outward Hind-foot which was on the Ground, and at liberty, marks the third Time; lastly, the inner Hind-foot which leads and is prest, comes to the Ground, and marks the fourth; so that when a Horse goes strait forward and gallops just, he performs it in four distinct Times, one, two, three, four.