Полная версия
Эпоха человека: риторика и апатия антропоцена
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Ср. Irwin R. Introduction. P. 12.
См. Carty T., Magrath J. Growing Disruption. Climate Change, Food, and the Fight Against Hunger. London: Oxfam, 2013.
Ср. Angus I. Facing the Anthropocene. P. 176.
См. Webb D. Thinking the Worst. The Pentagon Report // Cromwell D., Levene M. (ed.). Surviving Climate Change. London: Pluto Press, 2007. P. 59–81; Wright S. Preparing for Mass Refugee Flows. The Corporate Military Sector // Cromwell D., Levene M. (ed.). Surviving Climate Change. London: Pluto Press, 2007. P. 102–122; Dyer G. Climate Wars. Toronto: Random House, 2008; Speth J. G. The Bridge at the Edge of the World. P. 31 n.; Welzer H. Climate Wars. What People Will be Killed for in the 21st Century. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2012; Stern N. The Global Deal. P. 56–57.