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Songs of the Army of the Night
The New Model is the name by which is known that reorganization of the Roundhead Army, without which Cromwell saw that the Cavaliers could not be conquered. No one was permitted in its ranks who did not thoroughly believe in the Cause for which it fought.
This graveyard, one side of a gully, which suddenly expands and leaves its base large enough for the local race-course, is in summer one of the loveliest spots on earth. Hindoos, Protestants, Catholics, and Mahommadan have their separate portions. Here in regimental or individual tombs are the record of noble lives thrown away in the iniquity of the English relations with China.
The Russian tea-urn.
In China the system of Trades Unions is admirable. – Coolie is the generic term in the East for labourer.
This is one of the three well-known colossi of Gautama, the Buddha. The same type of proud patience marks this embodiment of the suffering East, wherever we meet it.
Dr Moorhouse came out to Melbourne as bishop in the Church of England there in 1876. He almost immediately took the position of the leading religious personality in Australia. To a rare geniality he added the gifts of a “scholar” and a “gentleman,” both real and both as modern as yet seems permitted to the old caste and religion. He achieved an influence over men of all denominations, and of none, that was quite phenomenal, and might have been used for a national object as great as good. The work of his diocese, however, proving too much for his strength, he announced the fact, and declared that, unless his bishopric were divided, he would be compelled to resign it. Shortly afterwards he accepted the bishopric of Manchester, on the ground that “a larger sphere of labour had been offered to him unsolicited.” His departure was a sort of national event.
The Buddhistic temple in Java, known as the temple of Borobodo.
This explanation of these curious arborial growths is Mr Alfred Wallace’s (Malay Archipelago, chapter v.), and in this matter also we may perhaps be content to rely on that “innate genius for solving difficulties” which Darwin has assigned to the illustrious naturalist whom Socialism is proud to number among her sons.
The Australian Seamen’s Union, after defeating our most powerful shipping company over the question of Coloured Labour, after compelling the companies that used Coloured Labour to abandon all coastal trade, in alliance with the Miners, faces the craft that was once the brutality of the sea-capitalists with the same dauntless determination, the same noble self-restraint, that made it long ago the protagonist of Australian Labour.
His attack on Carlyle, for instance, of which the prose part is the fouler, the verse part the more virulent.
Poems and Ballads. (1st Series.)
Songs before Sunrise.
The picturesque Italian gentlemen who struggled so heroically for Italian Nationalism represent to-day a tyranny deeper and more dark than that of the Austrian foreigners, the tyranny of caste. The certainty of popularity was the bait held out by the greasy respectability of the London Times, and poetical vanity swallowed it, making Mr Swinburne also among the panders in his denunciation of Irish Nationalism.
To Mr Zox is chiefly due the formation of the Union of Female Workers, Servants, and Shop-girls in Melbourne. There is no class called upon to endure more petty tyranny and injustice, more hard work and insult, and there is no class which finds less real sympathy and help. Cannot stupid Sydney follow suit?
This was one of the most horrible crimes of our time. A band of young ruffians assaulted, violated, and frightfully maltreated a young girl of rather dubious character. Nine were arraigned, seven condemned to death, and four hanged. The trial was most indecently hurried by a Judge who seemed determined to make the affair, from the aspect of law and justice, as evilly noteworthy as from other aspects of it.
Charles I. and Stafford, e. g.