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Solo performance: Good and Evil!

Narsha Bulgakbaev
Solo performance: Good and Evil!
All rights reserved.
Location: cemetery
Number of characters: 1
Spirit – the soul of a dead person
At the head of the grave
(Makes bird sounds, laughs after then, suddenly turn to people and listens to the ground)
– Wake up, you bastards! (beats the ground) How long are you going to sleep there?
(Searches around himself, approaches one of the graves)
– Drunk Nick, come out! You said, you weren’t going to sleep tonight.
– Remember how we made a fuss at work, when we drank a lot of water, and also got on the Internet. (Laughs)
– Drank our whole lives, and then we got here. (Points to a grave)
(Beats the ground)
– What are you doing over there? Do you drink there too? You told an angel yesterday that you were always against bottles, and the angels believed you, and you believed them, you fool. Not angels, but you are a fool! Well, sleep, then today is not your day.
(Rises, looks at other graves)
– And over there lies… I don’t know the rest of them well, so I won’t bother them. I don’t know why, but I’m the only one who woke up today. So, today is my day.
– Nick is sleeping, I don’t know about others. Who should I talk to today? With myself?
– I think I know, with whom… But first, one question.
– No one needed me when I was alive, and who might need me now?
– Since you’re all here, does that mean you need me?
– I can help you. Because I have something to say.
– I probably won’t have friends today, since everyone is sleeping, well, okay!
– I need you (indicates the audience of the performance), but of course you will still be bored listening to me, but I will not stop talking.
– Hey, Evil!
– Oh, Good!
– Hear me…
– Hey, Evil! I don’t need you. You’ve done me nothing but harm!
– Oh, Good! You are exactly the one I need… Let’s try to help people together!
– I have more experience, because, unlike living people, I know what will happen after you are no longer in this life.
– Don’t call me crazy, okay? Evil can bring you nothing but harm. It seems I already said that. Then you can call me a psycho. (laughs)
– Seriously, I have a conversation with both of you…
– Yes, Good!
– Yes, Evil!
– Do you agree?
– Not empty words, but true words. No matter how stupid it sounds, let’s try to solve the problem of humanity.
– But you must first find out who you really are. And to find out, you need to answer all the questions, WHY (loudly) did you become who you are now? You can already start… Probably.
– Most people have become livestock. Locked up in a barn. And some are forest animals. Lost. When I look at them, they look like zoo animals. (laughs)
– Tell me honestly, you really love us. Oh, Good? Many people doubt this.
– Nobody tells the truth… Why don’t people tell the truth without cover, selflessly? Because… a lot of people seem scared. Everyone seems scared!
– If no one tells the truth, then I will tell it, if the listener will listen, I will tell!
– Good and Evil listen to me carefully!
– There is no historical truth now. There is no fair way. Because people can’t tell black from white. Now there are many consciously poor people, but their bank cards are overflowing with money.
– People misunderstand religion, so there is no honest way now.
– To know the true story, you need to see it with your eyes, and not deceive students with useless dates and numbers.
– Destroyed the palace of the soul, decorated the palace of life. As the evil ones said, they will look for the morally weak. Well, is it interesting to listen to me? It is very difficult for you to tolerate the truth.
– I heard the poor child crying. Evil, is that you?
– Who is guilty? Evil, is that you?
– Evil, I don’t want to believe you. Because I hate to lie. Don’t believe Evil, everything he says.
– Yes, to be honest, fake prophets are everywhere, does this mean that people do not have their own brains? Or are they just oblivious that they have become parrots?
– People think that they are forced to listen to them… Tell me honestly, do you like being a parrot? (indicates the audience of the performance)
– Oh, Good! Is it right for them to be an echo, and become the opinions of other people’s voices?
– You know that you are sold for money, others are happy to buy you, and you also lie with pleasure. Okay, let’s change the subject, because that’s too much accusation.
– Yes, Evil, everyone is getting fat, what can I do? Do you want to kill everyone as soon as possible? Or do you get any benefit from it? Tell me Evil! Tell! I want to know everything! Answer all my questions!
– How is it that you never sleep? You work harder than Good, better than people, yes… you are generally well done. I can envy your passion.
– Good, people have become less active. They are interested in many types of junk food, which makes me sick of this invented variety of dishes, although… I no longer need food. But you are turning into fattened cattle.
– Oh, Good! Save them from a slow suicide, because people don’t know what they’re doing.
– Until they understand the value of health, time… What else? It will be too late.
– Yes, Evil, for some reason everyone does not have enough time, time becomes like a burning leaf. What was done over time or more correctly, what did you do with time?
– Yes, Good, don’t waste their time doing evil deeds, don’t waste their time on empty dreams, don’t waste their time in vain.
– Yes, Good, there are many who want power, there are many officials, but there is little justice, most of them are greedy!
– Evil! Why did you embellish power so much, does it bring so much pleasure? Warm, soft and pleasant stool. As if the country is easy to govern.
– I used to be unable to support one child and one wife, and I know one person who ran for president and ended up in the hospital the next day. (laughs)
– Yes, Good! People are now in love with pride, with their wealth, with the number of children and property, with their appearance, what is the reason?
– Evil! What pleasure you give them, that they all began to brag about everything they have, everything they do. What is the use of wealth? What’s the point of having kids if you can’t provide for them?
– Property, everything will turn to ashes! Everything will turn to ashes. Turn, you’ll see, turn. Now answer me a few questions.
– People are not responsive, and do not pay attention to each other. Why?
– The number of false people who look like friends, but in reality only need money, has increased, and for this purpose they use you. Why?
– There are many false promises, there are more officials and rulers, there are few honest and fair among them. Why?
– Good! People stop calling a friend to good deeds and are not ashamed of evil deeds. Why?
– A man listens only to his wife, does not listen to his parents, and childrens are closer to friends, than their fathers. Why?
– There are a lot of complaints about low incomes and a low standard of living. Why?
– Worldly problems have led to the forgetting of important values, and to act in accordance with the truth is a shameful act. Why?
– Men try to be like women, and women want to be like men. Why?
– Faith in the Truth is weakening, people don’t know now whom to believe, and believe in false beliefs, to the false advisers. Why?
– It turns out that the rich go on pilgrimage not to cleanse themselves spiritually, but to show themselves or trade, no, not for the sake of purity, but to conclude deals, contracts. In short, for commercial gain, and most ordinary people drive only to show themselves on the Internet. Why?
– Who needs your pilgrimage besides you? What are the benefits of posting it on your social media?
– Family ties have been broken, the number of divorces has increased
– They greet only close acquaintances, people do not see each other as people, but only use each other. Why?
– The number of dishonest merchants and lucrative writers has increased. Singers breed everywhere, especially women. Their arrogance drives people crazy. Why?
– Maybe they need bread too, maybe you need a show? This is called Slave Thinking. Although… I do not care about someone else’s wealth, someday they themselves will understand.
– But I feel sorry for such people who think that if there is bread and a show, there will be happiness. It’s a pity…
– Holidays and entertainment, I’m talking about this… no, everything is clear, even though the end of the world is approaching, people don’t care, they will celebrate, sing and dance. Why?
– Think about honest work, not about entertainment. Fun is a useless activity.
– Revolts come every day because the people are ruled by unjust and inexperienced people. Corruption… not to be defeated, eat until you are full… Prepare future corrupt officials in your gifted schools…
– I heard that only letters and pictures remained from the Holy Books, and I heard that only their religious titles remained of the saints. If what I have heard is true, then it is safe to say that few live in truth and honesty.
– Good! Your existence is openly denied, people confuse good with evil. Why?
– Three things have become very expensive, very rare. What exactly, Good?
– Honest success, justice in life and a true friend. You will see this very rarely in the future.
– There are no people left without loans, interest rates have increased.
– Even if they do not take a loan, they will suffocate from its dust. Traditional question. Why?
– Adults have lost respect for themselves. The younger ones too. If adults are lost, then everyone is lost. Why?
– Raising a dog would be easier than raising a child. Maybe it’s better to adopt a dog than a child, right? (laughs) Increase, multiply… but raise them as people!
– You left the village and moved to the city, did you become happy?
– And the shepherds, who used to herd sheep, compete everywhere in the construction of buildings. What good is tall buildings if people get dumber?
– Misfortunes, sorrows and hardships have increased. Why? Patience, peace and harmony, spiritual purity are lost. Why?
– I hear you, Good. What are you saying? Nobody can stop it? How then, Good, they should be? No one can stop… Someone must, after all. I believe that such people exist. Good! But who? Maybe one of you?
– Yes, Good! Science lost its popularity and ignorance flourished. Why?
– Yes, Evil! Crime has increased and is considered commonplace. Killing yourself – people consider the way out. Why?
– The poor and sick are perceived as helpless, insulted, worse than sheep. This is not a lie.
– They say that nations and states discriminate against each other, but the weak-willed allow it. The purpose of Evil is to make the people lose unity, to make the individual lose peace.
– I heard that now is not the time to prove your strength with war like before, but now is the time for wisdom, if you are really strong people… prove it with wisdom!»
– There are many teachers, many advisers, many preachers, but there are few real scientists among them. Why?
– Yes, Good! the lands of the Arabs from the desert turned into green gardens covered with rivers. However, only the name remains of this place. Why?
– Evil! Why can’t you touch this earth? Holy place, you sold it for money too.
– In a place where millions of hearts meet, were sold for money. Horror!
– What else did you do?
– (Thinking) … You destroyed the sacred land… (Thinking) you swore the people with our homelands.
– What else did you do? Trade war? Unintelligible… Virus! Colored revolutions?
– Yes, honestly, why did they need a virus that claimed the lives of so many people? Or perhaps it was some hidden benefit they didn’t know about. Or was it more harm than good?
– Evil did everything to make humanity misunderstand the virus. Well done Evil, well done! Okay… They say that rebellion is still fashionable. I think I was talking about it, so I’m crazy again?
– Wait… Evil is saying something. What are you saying? All from the man himself? No one is to blame, even you Evil? But you’re still a scum and a bastard! Because…
– Forgotten are such qualities as kindness, humility, compassion and generosity, everything is sold for money… Why?
– Evil! How did you destroy all these qualities in a person? How did you sell them for money?
– Good! Tell them what to do. What should they do now!
– Evil! The worst hasn’t happened yet, the paint hasn’t soaked in yet. The best is ahead, there is hope and confidence.
– Good! How far can I go?… Really? What can I say? The whole truth about them? Honestly? Or the Truth of the Creator?
– Do you want to face the truth? Do you want to tell the truth? I also want to.
– But no! I’m scared. Despair! You all think the same as me. Do not despair.
– Why be afraid, maybe not worth it? Truth does not cause fear and doubt.
– The situation is this… Good, you haven’t completely lost yet, Evil, you haven’t completely won yet.
(Suddenly Evil laughter.)
– Evil! Why are you laughing? «Don’t laugh, don’t laugh!».
(Suddenly a childish crying voice.)
– Welcome! Why are you crying? «Don’t cry, don’t cry!».
If you stand up for the truth, no one will love you. Lies win, deceit wins. Truth loses and this is an axiom! (on the knees)
– Hey, Evil! Why do you always win, maybe you’re just lucky?
– Oh, Good! Why are you losing, maybe you’re just unlucky?
– Hey, life! Where are you heading to?
– Humanity! Which direction are you heading?
– Yes, Good, people do not understand the difference between useful knowledge and pseudoscience, everything from ignorance… everything, from, ignorance.
– Hypocritical heathens, show yourself who you are, perfect, misleading people…
– Yes, Good! False advisers have appeared, each of whom thinks he is wise.
– Evil! Why are you silent?!
– Evil, look! I built two houses, the first is called Conscience and the second is called Truth. What’s the matter, are you jealous? Or you can’t do something like that. Or do you just not like what I say to people?
– Why do Good and Evil gradually become twins? Or are you planning something secret in advance, eh, Good? Is this what real happiness is?
– No one can stop this… Evil? How so? – How can you allow all this, Good?
– There is always a solution, for every problem, because everything has an end.
– Don’t fool yourself that everything will be fine… Seek more science and truth.
– Yes, Good! The truth is, no one loves us more than you. What you say is always true, what people say is only their version of the truth.
– Yes, Evil! Nobody loves lies more than you. Why are you deceiving people? Why are you seducing people?
– I will support you, Good! And I will support you to the end… even if I did not have time once. Even if we all did not have time, (waving his arms, pointing to the rest of the graves) there is no this end, because we were born to live forever, and death is just a temporary separation of the soul from the body.
– Good! When you rise more and more to heaven, will there be no kindness on earth at all? And what will people do next? Self-destruct (pronounce this word slowly). It’s a pity of course…
– Natural disasters, this is the result of what you do with the environment.
– Increasing crime and homicide, the result of adversity consuming your souls.
– Oh, rich people! Before you bathe in luxury, remember: wealth is not perfection, poverty is not a disgrace. Until you dive into abundance. Remember: What wealth does not speak, what poverty does not breed. Or vice versa, it was necessary to clarify before being clever…
– O proprietors of property! There is always competition, so don’t die of excessive passion. That’s how the advice turned out, right?
– Oh, keepers of the world! Until Evil goes too far, although… evil cannot be stopped. Here you will be left without advice.
– Oh, son of man… Are you pleased with yourself? I know for sure that the disobedient will suffer great losses. Because they have bad beliefs.
– Once upon a time, two large armies began to fight, and are still fighting, good and evil, and which of them wins? The one you love wins.
– But now the war is almost over, because you love evil more and good less and less.
– And before the logical conclusion of the universe, you have a little left, be prepared so as not to disgrace yourself.
– O advanced and progressive mankind! (loudly) Can’t you see that your nature is destroyed. Do not force nature, otherwise it will destroy you all. Force your will so that it won’t be too late.
– I can’t believe I can’t start life over again. Why is everything so late?
«It’s hard for many of those lying here, because it’s too late for them. (pointing to others)
– I feel regret and nothing else, you must learn to end your life without regrets, this is the best thing you can achieve in your life.
– Now have you found out who you really are?» From our conversation with you, I understood one thing, there is no good, there is no evil, and they do not fight, we fight with ourselves. Do not blame Satan, everything comes from ourselves, she only knows how to seduce. No one is to blame, everything bad and everything good is just a choice. Thank you for showing me a new Truth. Now you want to know about me?
– So you know who I am?
– WHO AM I? (shout) and where am I now?
– Yes, here I am, in the grave, my bones.
I am a dead soul! Who misses the flesh… But does not regret it! (ground slam) Though I’m lying… but one day we’ll be reunited!
– I was not a noble person when I was alive. (getting up) But now I’m a SPIRIT, so my bones will never rot. I want to believe exactly that.
– I warned you about what you would see. What will you see? You will see what you believe in… You will see what you believe in… And you will see nothing else… nothing else. Do not even hope, nothing more.
(Speaks as he leaves the stage)