Полная версия
A huge ring-shaped city appeared on the horizon. It hovered above the ground. Buildings were located under it. The closer we flew, the blacker were the bald spots in the ground. In some places, houses were smoking. But the city in the sky sparkled with untouched beauty. We rushed a little higher, and finally, the ball landed on a green platform, I think, it was grass. As soon as Peter’s net opened, I fell out on all fours. I was awfully dizzy. Dinah turned out to be stronger. She was squatting. She just turned a little pale. Peter gave Dinah his hand and helped me to get up.
– Sorry, first-time airborne travelers usually feel this way, but sometimes even worse.
– Really? Or are you just soothing? It seems that I’m going to vomit now. – I covered my lips with my hand.
Peter smiled apologetically; he was sincere. Inis clutched at my shoulder with his claws and fluttered his wings slightly. I felt better. Much better.
– Thank you, – I whispered. – Can you help Dinah?
Phoenix nodded and jumped onto my friend’s shoulder. Dinah recoiled, but when she realized that she was being healed, she smiled surprisingly and nodded to me. Inis came back.
– I see you’re okay. Now we will go in a carriage. We cannot travel here by air. Only in case of emergency. Dinara, may I help you? – waiting for a nod, Peter grabbed her bag and headed towards the carriage harnessed by mechanical horses. I looked over the edge of the green platform on which we were standing.
«Below, city life is in full swing, apparently it’s the capital. And then where are we, if the capital is below?»
– All this territory belongs to the palace of king Pontiar – Peter replied.
– Did I ask it out loud? – from embarrassment I was thrown into a fever, my cheeks were flushing.
– No, – the magician answered calmly. – This is a common question for everyone who gets here for the first time. The city suffered a little after the battle, but the magicians are quickly restoring the destruction. And there… – Peter pointed to a tall, snow-white building on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by woods and gardens. – There is the Royal Academy of Magic, where you will study.
I lost my breath with admiration. The academy was not only untouched by the hostilities, but also shone with splendor, only black flags flashed along the entire perimeter of the fence, were darkening what I saw. Dinah silently looked at the academy, whitening below and rising up with its thin turrets.
– Nicholas, please, the crew will wait, the king won’t.
I understood everything and dived into the cart. Outside, it was nothing special, the usual metal construction with rectangular windows. The inside it was better: soft upholstery, it seemed to be velvet, comfortable seats, even pillows. And what was interesting. The horses. A real piece of art. They were so beautiful, all the details were thought out: a lot of screws, gears, jour details. And they were revived by top-class magic. I’m sure the magic in them is not for one day. I was watching the honed movement of the animals through the window, right behind Peter’s back.
We drove off the platform onto the pavement. We were surrounded by high hedges, so nothing could be seen yet. But when the fence ended, the palace appeared to our eyes. It was a magnificent ensemble of numerous structures arranged in a spiral. A wide road led to the central palace with a white dome, along which mourning flags were tormenting our eyes. We understood that this was an honor to those who had been taken away by the battle. Dinah and I grew up in a cozy, but small box, and now we were in a world that we have only heard of. We looked with full attention. The houses were similar to book illustrations. Dinah hid and wasn’t even breathing. I understood her, my head was spinning too. We drove into the palace town. On every side street there were guards: golden armor, halberds in the hands. There were black ribbons on the roofs.
– This is a military city. This is where the war magicians of the Royal Guard and their families live – explained Peter.
Really. On the streets, behind the backs of the warriors, we watched children playing with metal rings, someone flew long kites. The flags of the seven worlds hung everywhere as a homage to our history. But not all children had happy faces. Some babies clung to their mothers. Those, wrapped in dark robes, looked like stakes of a burnt forest. Lonely, hopeless, scorched from within. They hugged their child like the only spark of Sherida that kept them in this world.
I swallowed, realizing the pain of their loss, and sank into the seat. Dinah sighed heavily, frowning. A floral scent would normally be intoxicating, but not right now. There was the scent of lavender among them. Mom’s smell. There was a squeeze in my chest, an unpleasant feeling was painfully pulling and curling up into a stone ball, approaching my throat. I was lucky, my mother was alive and my father too. And some of these kids had no one left. Absolutely.
Three-story stone buildings were towering on either side of small streets. There were also small groceries, which were empty now. And here there was, the royal residence, just looking at it, I didn’t feel joy.
– Is this an elf? – Dinah poked her finger at one of the war magicians, distracted from heavy thoughts. He seemed to wag his ear.
– Yes. Elves – are hardy and courageous warriors. They don’t even need to attend the magic academy; they are perfectly trained in everything in their forests. But you will surely meet them among the magisters, as well as among the students – Peter replied.
– I wonder where will they assign me? – Dinara asked and blushed under Peter’s gaze.
– Are you a fire magician?
– Yes – my friend shyly lowered her eyes.
It was the first time when I saw this beast behaving like that. Where did the roughness go? No, well, of course, she embarrassed sometimes. But this time, she was very strange…
– So, to the Firemen’s faculty – answered the charioteer.
Dinah’s eyes flashed with delight. Inis perked up, and I looked out the window. We drove up to the palace. In close up it seemed incredibly tall and monolithic. Arched windows with floral ornaments, colored stained-glass windows under the main dome. Fountains on both sides of the steps, above which spheres of water were circling in a wondrous dance.
The carriage stopped. We went out and looked around. The palace was on a higher ground, and there were incredibly many steps. No end of steps. Dinah and I exchanged glances and started a steep ascent. The sun was striking down my head, my boots were causing a blister, rivers were flowing down my back, tickling my shoulder blades. Honestly, after the hundredth my feet were falling off. I looked back. Dinah stayed behind, trying to catch her breath. We didn’t get over even the halfway. I wanted to help her, but Peter got ahead, going down after Dinah, and… he picked her up. Just think, he was so thin in appearance, well, so weakling, but he turned out to be hardy and strong. Yeah… Appearances can be deceiving! I drew conclusions. Passing by, he had time to whisper:
– Keep up, Nicholas Lodesco.
I did my best. When the last steps were conquered, I allowed myself to sit down. What a beauty! From a height, the territory of the royal palace looked gorgeous. Among the green vegetation appeared the orange roofs of a military city. How interesting it is to learn and see something new. It was as if I was looking at a picture.
– Lodesco! – Peter called me.
– I’m coming.
Phoenix took off and made a couple of rounds. He didn’t fly far. A red ribbon of light was sliding behind him, as if it was putting on a painting, a mark of our appearance. Two magicians, standing at a high double door, opened it to us, looking with interest at the bird. Peter wasn’t an exception; he stopped for a moment, admiring the flight.
Sail vaults, arches, colonnades and an ample dome in the center. At its base, we could see the same multi-colored stained-glass windows that we had observed from the outside. The echo of our steps was heard, it seemed, in every corner of the palace. It was uncomfortable, I felt I was a stranger here. Dinah tugged at my sleeve to get my attention. The wall frescoes were depicting the seven elements, as well as the seven deities of the magical worlds. We turned our heads, looking at the surrounding beauty. And the statues! They were a hundred times higher than us! Only magic can create such a thing. The gods were glorious in these marble sculptures.
– We came. Don’t speak until you are asked, answer shortly and to the point, don’t argue and don’t talk back – Peter instructed.
Dinah lowered her head. She is a housemaid and knows how to behave in such cases. But, I don’t.
Guardians at the throne room door crossed their halberds.
– Peter Orro has delivered Nicolas Lodesco and Dinara Lezy. His Majesty Pontiar is waiting for us.
The guardians removed their weapons and parted. Golden armor gleamed, as the war magicians’ eyes did. Apparently, they were elves, judging by the long white braids on their backs. Arrah! Evidently, they really are in honor of the king, since they are serving at the throne room. So close to the ruler. I was eager to see Pontiar. The door flew open.
– Leave your things here! – one of the magicians ordered in a stern but pleasant voice.
No sooner said than done. We left our bags in the corner by the door and slipped inside.
A long hall – several rows of columns, a painted ceiling, a marble floor, in the reflection of which one could thoroughly see oneself. I straightened my tousled mane. Inis helped a little with his pointed beak.
– Thanks, my friend – I stroked the chest of the phoenix. He rumbled contentedly and raised feathers, as if he was preparing for the defense.
There was a throne at the very end of the hall. Headboard had the form of the sun, the rays of which went to the sides. But the place was empty. There was no one here at all.
– Where is the king? – I asked in a whisper.
– Did you think he would be here all day waiting for you? – Peter chuckled.
I couldn’t keep from smiling either. Well, yes, even the fool understands that he wouldn’t.
– Don’t worry, they’ll inform him now.
Dinah was silent, she was looking around with her huge green eyes.
There was a smell of books and, for some reason, sand, probably because there was a lot of stone: marble, columns, walls, a vault.
We stopped about fifty steps from the throne and we were waiting. I looked at the floor-to-ceiling windows. Behind them widened the blue sky and golden satellites that circled our world. It didn’t take long.
A door creaked to our left, and from behind the curtain came several funny short men with starched frills and short striped pantaloons. One of them was carrying a forged lantern in which a bright light was burning. The symbol of our goddess Sherida. The rest stood on both side of the throne. A man appeared at the door; his features were familiar to me. His brown hair, honey-mustard eyes and chin like mine. But between the eyebrows and at the mouth there were deep wrinkles. There was no joy on his face, only unquestioning obedience. A stern, hard look in my direction, and my heart almost broke my ribcage in panic.
– Father… – I whispered.
My palms were sweating and my mouth was dry. I was terribly nervous. I haven’t seen him for eleven years. I kept thinking what I would say when I meet him. Otherwise, I will remain silent, giving away everything that has accumulated over the years, just with one glance.
Phirin Lodesco was holding the curtain, behind which his Majesty Pontiar appeared. A man in a burgundy mantle with a high gilded collar. Three golden rings were also shining on the sleeves, symbolizing the Monarch of Pyramid. I thought he would be broad in the shoulders, tall, formidable, making you tremble at a glance. Like my father. But no. Pontiar is actually a man of average height and my father’s age. Straight fleshy bulbous nosed, long light beard. Sharp, scanning gaze and a high, streaked forehead.
I just froze, watching the king, father, retinue and the guardians who joined this procession. When Pontiar sat on the throne, he cleared his throat and motioned to my father to bring up Dinah and me. Peter bowed and stepped aside. My father strode towards us, stopped beside and addressed me in a soft bass.
– Nicholas, I’m glad to see you. You’ve grown up… – my father’s voice wavered slightly. He shifted his gaze to my shoulder and raised a dark, broad eyebrow. – It’s him?
I nodded. Inis also shook his tuft, proudly raising his beak.
Father ordered to follow him. Pontiar was looking at my phoenix, me and Dinah with interest.
– Nicholas Lodesco, Phirin’s son, did you create this bird?
– Yes, your Majesty, – I answered essentially and bowed.
– Did you, lady Dinara, breath the magic of life?
Dinah nodded, crouching in a light curtsy. She was nervous, but she was carefully concealing it.
– Can you repeat it? – the king addresses to both of us.
– Yes, but I don’t promise that it will work – said Dinah.
– Are you unsure of your magic? – the king’s gaze became more demanding and heavier.
Dinah crumpled the fabric of the dress with her slender fingers and bit her lip.
– Your Majesty, I am only a housemaid. My knowledge of magic is small, and such a revival happened for the first time, perhaps by accident.
By the end of the sentence, her voice was slightly hoarse, and perspiration appeared on her forehead.
– However… – I interceded.
Demons, I forgot – I am not asked, be quiet. However, the king nodded and I continued:
– We will try.
– Can I take a look at the phoenix? – the king held out his hand.
Inis looked at me, I nodded, and he immediately flew towards the king. A red ribbon was glittering behind him. He landed on the brocade sleeve where the golden rings were. Inis bowed his head, peering into the face of the king, who was looking at the bird in surprise.
– Why does he have eyes of a different color?
– I put the glass that fitted – I sighed.
Dinah caught my smile and winked.
– This is the first time I’ve encountered such magic. This bird is incredible. Is it really mechanical? – the king asked incredulously.
Yes. He doesn’t eat. But he sleeps… I think this is how he restores his strength… – I didn’t finish.
– Is it true that he awakens a magical gift that hasn’t been revealed yet?
How did he…? Mom. She had probably informed my father about this.
– It happened only once, and I can’t say for sure – I shrugged uncertainly.
Inis was already uncomfortable with Pontiar. He jumped. The king grabbed him imperiously by the paw. Inis made a crackling sound with his beak. I felt a sharp pain on my ankle, as if it was shackled with manacles. The guardians moved towards the king, but he winced, let go the bird and gave the order to the magicians to return to their place. What happened?
– And the phoenix bites, and, apparently… – the king winced again, squeezing out a smile, – he belongs to one owner.
Well… Phirin! – The king waved to my father, who immediately went to the door behind the curtain.
– I beg your pardon, your Majesty – I glanced at Inis. He muttered something and scratched my shoulder with his beak.
Pontiar raised his hand with a clearly visible burn.
– No, you shouldn’t! It’s my own fault. If you are injured by someone else’s weapon, can you blame its owner?
I exhaled gratefully the tension. And that’s true. I was glad the king hadn’t got angry. But apparently his arm hurt. I wonder what happened when he grabbed him?
The king’s retinue now was looking at me warily, ready at any moment to protect Pontiar. Dinah touched my pinky finger and pursed her lips. She understood that if it were not for the wisdom of the king, something irreparable could have happened. But who could have known? The curtain moved, grabbing our attention. The father returned with something in his hands.
– Mechanical pigeon? – I asked, lifting the wing spoke.
– It was made recently and has not yet been revived – said the father, placing the pigeon on Dinah’s hand.
She raised her eyes filled with excitement and awe.
– Don’t worry! – I encouraged my friend.
Dinah squatted down, laid the pigeon in front of her on the marble floor, and cast a spell. And nothing. Well, everything was usual as it was with other simple mechanisms. The pigeon fluttered, flapped its metal plate wings, flew around several columns and landed at the same place. No energy spheres, nothing special. So, it was not all about Dinah.
– Apparently, it’s not all about the lady… – Pontiar pronounced and looked at me intently.
– But the guy has no gift, right? – he clarified, referring to my father.
– No, your Majesty, however…
The king didn’t let him finish. He raised his hand and turned to Dinah:
– Lady, deactivate the bird. Can you?
She nodded.
– And you, Nicholas, disassemble and reassemble it with your own hands. Probably… – the king exchanged glances with father. – How long will it take for you? Do you need any tools? – he looked at me.
– A few minutes, your Majesty. And no, I have my own tools. But they… – before I could finish, I heard an echo of footsteps behind me.
The tall elf who stood at the door was carrying my bag. He held it out, winked and, in a whisper, wished me good luck, and went to his place.
In Dinah’s hand was a pigeon, whose head hung unnaturally.
One of the courtiers brought up a small wooden table that looked more like a stool. I took out my tools and laid them out. It wasn’t difficult to disassemble the bird. Inis was watching my actions carefully.
The parts that made up the bird were perfectly fitted, oiled and expertly carved. It was a kind of masterpiece. I carefully reassemble the pigeon and put it on the table on its paws. It looked at me with black beady eyes and seemed it was going to grumble.
– It’s done. Dinah, it’s your turn – I gave way to my friend.
She sighed and, plucked up all her courage and began. After casting the spell, several sparks of fire flashed around her. But nothing more. The pigeon hummed with the metallic squeak of gears, flew up, made the same couple of circles as the previous time, and landed on the table. Dinah dropped her shoulders in disappointment.
An unpleasant silence hung in the air. Peter smiled sympathetically at Dinah and me. The guardians didn’t even blink, they didn’t receive this order. Four short men with starched frills stared at the king who had come down to us.
– I was hoping you were one of them … – He clenched his teeth and snapped at the stupid bird’s brass head with displeasure. The pigeon didn’t react. It was looking through me into the space with an empty gaze.
– Of them? – I asked in bewilderment.
– There is a legend… – the father began, but the king didn’t let him finish.
– Nonsense! I shouldn’t have believed. This bird is an absurd accident, nothing more. And you know very well that even the Mechanics had magic! – the king remarked with displeasure and fell into thought. Apparently, he lost hope for a miracle.
Mechanics? Who are they talking about? Dinah cocked up her ears, too.
– But there was a chance – the father spoke in confusion.
– Phirin. I know that put high hopes on your son, but he is not a magician, much less a Mechanic! On planet Pyramid they all died out, like dragons… – he sat on the throne and said it with a sneer. – I promised that I would send him to study at the Academy of Magic, the faculty of Mentalistics. And I will keep my word. I think the boy will become an excellent diplomat. And lady Dinara… – he took thought – is a talented girl. Magic of fire, if I’m not mistaken?
– Yes, your Majesty – she sat down in a curtsy.
– The battle took away many of the warriors. The number of war magicians became smaller. Ruby doesn’t know about this, because we’ve fought them back. Demons – the king growled. – Therefore, lady, I invite you to study at our Academy of Magic with Nicholas. And then to the service.
Dinah was confused and timidly asked:
– But does the housemaid have a place among the elite magicians? – there was sadness in her voice.
The father answered for Pontiar:
– It doesn’t matter if you are a baker, a housemaid, or a daughter of a noble family, above all you are a magician.
– Yes, yes! The king hastily confirmed.
– I am immensely grateful, your Majesty! Sherida bless you! I will pray to her for your good health!
The king smiled contentedly and turned to me.
– Nicholas. Don’t be upset that you are not a magician. Study well, and I will take you to serve in the palace!
– Thanks for the honor. I will not fail!
Pontiar gave several orders.
– Peter, take the kids to the academy and ask dean Christian Dassay to assign them in the right faculties – he glanced in my direction. – And tell him… or, never mind, I’ll visit him myself.
Pontiar took my father aside. They exchanged a couple of phrases, the king once again looked at us with a studying look and disappeared behind the curtain. The retinue disappeared in a single file in the same direction.
– Nicholas. I need to resolve some issues now. I’ll see you later. I think we have something to talk about – the father smiled.
He looked tired and seemed disappointed. Again. But, nevertheless, he smiled…
I nodded. I didn’t want to talk. It seems that I need to rejoice, after all, I am now a student of the Magic Academy, and Dinah is with me, side by side. But… I had no illusions about my abilities, I had no idea about any mechanics. Are they special? I thought that everyone who fixes and crafts mechanisms – is mechanic. Probably, there is still a difference, and I have to learn more about this. Inis rubbed against my ear. Father bowed to Peter, then briskly left the throne room.
While Dinah was arranging an interrogation for the charioteer, I collected the tools from a simple table that stood alone in the middle of the luxury of the palace. Tools are in the bag. I ran my hand over the wooden surface and whispered: «Well, buddy, do you feel like an outcast? Well, I feel dazzle due to all this glitter in my eyes, and my stomach сoils into the knot. But look, you were useful to me. Thank you. Everyone has a duty. And yours is worth! Well, good bye.»
– Did you say goodbye to the table? – Dinah grinned.
– Aha! He’s an outcast here. As I am among you – I uttered an ironic answer.
Peter was politely silent about our dialogue.
– Are you ready to head to the Academy?
– Sure! – we answered in unison.
After leaving the throne room, Dinah picked up her huge bag. I looked back at the elf, who had wished me good luck.
– Thank you! You know, sometimes luck can manifest itself when you even don’t expect anything good, and in the most unusual way. Sherida bless you! And you! – I smiled at the nearby magician. His eyes flashed, as did the halberd in his hands.
– Same to you, Lodesco – he chuckled.
Well, yes, his politeness is not surprising. I am the son of Phirin, their Commander-In-Chief. I chuckled at my own thoughts. Father’s glory? No. I can handle without it! Soon you will hear about Nicolas Lodesco.
Chapter 4
We were approaching the walls of the academy in the air sphere.
– There is a powerful protection over the entire territory. Since, this is one of the places where war magicians are trained. They won’t let us inside by the air. The charioteer spheres disrupt the structure of the shield from within, making it weaker. – Peter lowered the air transport at the forged gates.
This time we didn’t feel sick and we were standing almost firmly on our foot. Dinah embarrassedly looked at Peter.
«Did she fall in love? She is blushing… Humm».
Inis pecked my shoulder. And then it dawned on me. Dinah was all crimson, even her ears. And Peter pursed his lips, shaking his head. I covered my eyes with hand. It’s a shame. Stupid, stupid habit of speaking out loud my thoughts.
– Dinah, please, forgive me… I am… – I was truly sorry. I didn’t even know how to justify myself. – I’m sorry. I admit. I am fool.
– Fool, – she screamed huffily. – And no, I didn’t fall in love… – she said, and she blushed even more, glancing furtively at Peter.
The magician embarrassedly straightened the dark strand of hair and, holding Dinah’s bag, turned to the gate. Faint sparks of small lightning were visible in the air like a veil.