Полная версия
The Sheriff's Second Chance
And worry Kelsey did about her mother. “Is Clare doing all right, Ethan? I mean, really all right?”
“What exactly are you asking me, Kel?”
“Are people kind to her?”
He hesitated slightly. “Like all of us, she has her allies.”
“Gee. I don’t remember it ever coming down to allies.”
“Nothing new, really. Kids just don’t see it.”
Of course. Adult life was all about friends and enemies.
“As far as I know, she’s getting along,” he assured kindly. “ I’m in there almost every day—”
“Really!” she rejoiced.
He looked startled then pleased. “My favorite place for morning break.”
Kelsey stared out the window, as if seeing a new ray of light on the horizon. “She claims to have her regulars, like she used to before the accident. But I’ve always been a little doubtful.”
“She appears content, that’s all I can be sure of.” He looked at the floor now, as if self-conscious. “So, are you okay? Are you happy in Philly?”
Suspecting she’d be questioned over and over by classmates at the reunion, she’d prepared a cheery stock response about her life. But sitting alone with this once-cherished friend was enough to bring the plain truth of her situation bubbling to the surface. The loneliness, the disappointments, the depressing realization that her college friends had gone on to fulfill their own dreams of marriage and children. While she…
But these were hardly confidences to share with the first guy to dump her! Her pride wouldn’t allow her to show dejection then, and still wouldn’t.
“What’s the matter?” he prodded. “The term Philly as offensive to you as Frisco is to Monica?”
“Nope. Philly’s fine all around.” She crossed her legs, mentally retrieving her original spiel. “My life is pretty hectic. I teach at a rather posh elementary school in the city and own a condo within walking distance. It’s a tiny place that would cost a fraction here in Maple, but the location is so convenient, I don’t even need a car. Great restaurants, parks and theaters are all within easy reach.”
“Sounds this side of perfect.”
She shrugged and smiled.
A surprising pinch of distress furrowed between his dark brows. But surely he’d wished her safe and well all this while. Hadn’t he?
She would never know for sure what was on his mind as he broke eye contact and reached over his desk to push a button on an old intercom. “Monica, call the café, see if Clare is there.”
As he released the button, Kelsey took him to task. “We could’ve called her ourselves.”
“Naw. Monica loves playing secretary. That was her career back in Frisco.”
The pair watched through the glass as the officious woman made the call. Hanging up the receiver she gave them a thumbs-up.
Kelsey rose to her feet. “Guess I’ll be getting back. Thanks for the beans and the chat.” When he levered himself off the edge of the desk, she added, “I’ve taken up enough of your time, but I’d like to keep my suitcases here for now though, if that’s all right.”
“No problem. In fact I’ll be making my rounds soon, so I can drop off them off at the house.”
“Great.” With a nod to Monica, she was out the door.
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