Unwrapping The Holidays
Unwrapping The Holidays

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Unwrapping The Holidays

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Like hell that was happening. “Not likely, but you get me that company for Christmas and it’ll go a long way toward improving my mood.” Everywhere he went, people tried to insist he should be festive. Relax. But they didn’t understand how much he hated the season. It had been years since he could enjoy it.

“Working on it.”

As soon as Cole hung up, he didn’t even get to pick up his glass before the room phone rang. “Yes?”

It was the front desk. “So sorry to disturb you, Mr. Nichols, but there is a problem that needs your attention.”

“Really? Can’t the on-site manager handle this?” He’d hired a management company so he could stay in the background of everything. If his mother had her way, she’d have nothing to do with the place. Too many memories of his father.

“Not this time, sir.”

“Fine, I’ll be right there.” So far his relaxing vacation was anything but.

* * *

This was not happening. “What do you mean you are overbooked? That is not possib—” Jamie had to stop herself from cussing out the guy behind the reservation desk. He looked young. Like just-out-of-high-school young. Screaming at him would get her nowhere. And she was so worked up she might trigger an asthma attack.

She tried some yoga techniques to regulate her breathing. Nope, that didn’t work. She was still furious. “So what do you suggest I do? You’re looking at my reservation aren’t you? I mean it’s there, but somehow you’re telling me that you have nowhere to put me?”

His hands shook as he stammered. “I—I—I’m so sorry, miss, but there are no empty rooms. One of the guests extended a week and that was meant to be your suite. I’m terribly sorry. We’d like to comp you a free stay—”

She could feel the pressure building and could almost sympathize for the kid...almost. Except now he was offering her something that would be useless. Forget Zen. She needed to work. Right now. “Okay. Sure, what’s going to happen is you’re going to comp my next stay, though why I would ever stay here after this is beyond me.”

“I wish I had a solution for you. If I had a room available I’d rent it to you.”

Still mad, she was feeling punchy and so exhausted from the trip. “Well, then, you’re going to go and get in your car and take me to your place and you will find some other accommodation for the week.”

His eyes went wide. He thought she was kidding. Or crazy. Truth was she was that desperate. “M-m-my place?”

Jamie nodded. “Yep. When do we leave?”

“But—but where would I stay?”

Jamie smirked. “Well, since you don’t seem to care about where I’ll stay, I am finding it hard to give two figs about where you’ll stay.” She shouldered her bag. “Okay, I’m ready to go when you are.”

Poor kid looked ready to pee himself. Be nice, Jamison. It’s not his fault. She sighed. “Okay, look, I’ll let you have the couch.”

Somehow that didn’t mollify him. Go figure.

“You can’t stay with me.”

“What happened to the holiday spirit? You’re going to turn a defenseless woman out onto the streets with nowhere to go?” She was far from helpless but he didn’t know that. Her mother had sold their house three years ago to move to California. Otherwise she’d just go home. She could hack her way into some hotel’s reservation system, but since it was the holiday season, hotel rooms were scarce. She wouldn’t do that to someone.

“No, I—”

A deep baritone came from behind her. Smooth as silk, and low and mellow enough to warm her from the outside chill. “What seems to be the problem?”

The kid’s whole body sagged in relief as if thrilled to be able to hand her off to someone else to handle.

Jamie, on the other hand, tensed. She knew that voice. Knew it well. It had been years, but she’d never forget it. She whirled around. Cole. Freaking. Nichols. The object of every schoolgirl fantasy. Come to the flesh. But unlike her fantasies...he was clothed. Bummer.

Also, unlike her fantasies, he was likely to speak...which would ruin everything.

He blinked at her and his brows quickly furrowed.

Jamie tipped her chin up. Was he really going to act like he had no idea who she was? Not that she should be surprised, but still.

He stared at her for a moment too long, but Jamie was determined not to give in. She wasn’t looking away. If he was going to stare, then she could stare too.

First thing she noticed was that he looked good. But then Cole Nichols had always looked good. He’d been a football god, the kind of guy that even smart, ambitious girls noticed. Problem was he was also brilliant. His skills were phenomenal enough to have been in competition with her for every single academic award or acknowledgment in high school.

He had played football with her brother, Matt, and like the other guys on the team had spent a good deal of time at her house because her mother was team Mom, but it wasn’t like he and she were besties. He was always there, either he nipping at her heels or she chasing him. Until their paths connected and crossed at that end-of-semester party.

You will not think about that party. No. That was ancient history. What she did allow herself to remember about Cole was he was good-looking, rich and, oh yeah, an asshole.

But that was a long time ago. He might have changed.

Jamie took a step forward, but instead of marble-tiled floor, her foot caught nothing but air. In the seconds between being on her feet and falling backward, so many thoughts ran through her head. Thoughts like: This would only happen to you. And: Maybe you’ll get lucky and the floor will swallow you. And finally: Of course the next time you see him and you’re flat on your behind.

Though a final look at his face before her rear made contact with the marble told her all she needed to know. From the look on his face, nothing had changed.

She used several inventive curses to illustrate just how she felt, and he whistled low. “Looks like Jamison Reed finally grew up. Who taught you to swear, Jamison?”

Okay, in her case, she was going to look him in the pecs, then work her way up to his eyes. Yeah, hell of a plan. “It’s Jamie. And in case you were wondering, I’m fine.”

His lips quirked into a wry smile. “I see some things never change.”

No. Apparently they didn’t. Because he looked just as mouthwatering as he had the last time she’d seen him, seven years ago.

He’d cut his hair though, a style that was shorter on the sides and a bit longer on top, sort of a messy mohawk. It was stylish, just like his peacoat and Cole Haan boots. She recognized the boots because her brother had the same pair. Just her luck. Cole Nichols was still more gorgeous than the devil himself...and he was speaking to her...after seven years.

Jamie blinked hard to clear her head and not think of the last time she’d spoken to him.

“Sorry. Are you okay?” His voice was soft, gentle...almost.

Besides her bruised behind? She was not going to tell him about the state of her butt. “I’m fine. Or I will be when your employee over here realizes that until he finds me a room, I’ll be bunking with him.”

Cole chuckled low as he helped her up. “That won’t be necessary. Since you’re in the predicament because the property screwed up, you can stay in the owners’ suite...with me.”

Her eyes went wide. She might not have heard that correctly. Stay with him? Like, as in, with him, Cole Nichols? She shook her head “I—I—I can’t do that.” Especially not given she remembered every single detail of the last time they’d spoken.

He narrowed his eyes and Jamie got the impression that no one ever told him no. But when he spoke, his voice was calm, restrained. “Well, for starters, you won’t find another hotel with vacancies this close to Christmas. And second, the main suite is nearly a thousand square feet. I don’t need that much space.”

“B-but—” She was a smart woman who knew words. Lots of words. Just not ones she could think of right now. “I have work to do and intrusions will be distracting and...” Her voice trailed.

His lips twisted into a wry smile. “I see the cat’s got your tongue. But call it the holiday spirit or whatever.” He shrugged then bent down to help her retrieve the contents that had spilled from her purse. As he shoved her phone and her inhaler back into her purse and handed it back to her, he asked, “Have you got any other options?”

Her inner adult scowled at the inner giddy teenager who was excited about this development. She was annoyed. But she could do this. Especially as she had no other choice. Jamie sighed. “Fine. Merry Christmas, roomie.”

Chapter 4

You are an idiot.

The last thing on earth Cole wanted was company this holiday. Jamison Reed kind of company. Especially not since she practically screamed Christmas, with the red-and-green-colored stripes in her hair and her reindeer sweater. Oh yeah, and she signified everything he wanted to forget about that time in his life.

But where the hell else is she supposed to go? Yes, that. And this was Jamison. Matt Reed’s little sister. Back in high school, Matt had been his tight end on the football team. And his sister had always been around at team functions. And she’d outsmarted him for half the scholarships the school had to offer. Every time an academic competition was announced, the two of them were right there, neck and neck. Until his life turned upside down.

They hadn’t exactly run in the same circles, but she’d always been there. As Cole walked her back to the suite, the bellboy trailing in their wake, he tried not to remember all the little details he knew about her.

Things he didn’t need to remember. Like she was only eleven months behind her brother so they’d been in the same year in school. Details like how cute she was. Spunk and brains in a tiny package. Barely five feet three inches, she’d been a little dynamo.

But the number one thing he really didn’t want to remember? That smart mouth of hers. Yeah, probably best he didn’t think about her mouth.

She was one of those happy, bubbly kinds of people. Always looking at the positive slant on things. Always optimistic. He’d never understood her. Mostly, he’d kept a wide berth. Until that party.

Sure, he and her brother had been teammates, but they hadn’t been super tight. Even then, he’d understood the rules of the team. No one messed with anyone’s family. Too bad you broke that rule.

And now like a moron, he’d invited her to stay with him. As in, within feet of him. The scent of her apple-and-ginger shampoo would drive him nuts. Not that he had been trying to pay attention to what she smelled like. Whenever she was standing right next to him, it was impossible not to notice.

She was exactly like he remembered, different streaks in her hair maybe, but her skin was the same brushed cinnamon and her dark eyes still all knowing.

She’d looked at him with such focus that he was convinced she could see every thought. But the thing that still got him were her lips. They were full and soft. And he wondered if she still used strawberry lip gloss.

What? No. He was not going there again. The last thing he needed was that kind of distraction. Hell, she’d probably forgotten all about that night anyway. But the masochistic part of him hoped she hadn’t.

He opened the door for her and she whispered a “Thank you.” The bellboy went in next and Cole directed him to the loft bedroom just up the stairs. After he’d tipped the young man and Jamie set her laptop case on the counter, he shrugged, ready to show her where things were. But she spoke first.

“Th-thank you for this. I wasn’t entirely sure what I was going to do. Probably camp out in the lodge or something. You saved my behind.”

“Like I said, I have the room. And it’s no problem. We messed up the reservation so it was my responsibility to fix it. Besides, you’re a friend, of sorts.”

Her eyes went wide and his skin pricked with heat. Was she going to call him on what happened with them all those years ago?

But she didn’t. Instead, she said, “I—uh notice you haven’t decorated yet. You want some help putting all the stuff up?”

Her smile was overly bright and it was apparent that, unlike him, she was looking forward to Christmas. “Uh, well, I just got in myself. Besides, I’m not really a holiday person.”

“What?” Her mouth hung open.

A chuckle burst forth before he could stop it. She just looked so gobsmacked. “Sorry. You act like I just personally killed Santa. Not really my thing.”

“No tree, no lights, no gingerbread houses? No mistletoe or eggnog?”

“Sorry. No.”

“I just—” She shook her head. “Okay, fine. You just show me where all the stuff is and I’ll get it all set up for you. It’s the least I can do. Bring in a little Christmas cheer.”

Silent alarm bells clanged in his head. Oh no. Not going to happen. “No, it’s really not necessary. I’m really here to work anyway so—”

She waved a hand at him dismissively. “So am I, but working doesn’t mean we can’t do Christmas. I love the holidays. Show me where it all is. I’ll do the setting up. If you can make sure I’m not sleeping in my car for the holiday, I can do a little decorating. And we need to get you an ugly sweater. Maybe there’s one in the gift shop.”

Cole stared at her, caught somewhere between laughter and bewilderment. She hadn’t changed a bit. She still talked a mile a minute with a determination that was unstoppable. Problem was, he wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. Either way though, he knew it would be easier to let her have her way. He could deal. And it wasn’t like he needed to wrap presents or anything. “Fine, all the stuff is in the storage closet down the hall, next to the garage. If you want a tree, I can have one brought in.”

“A real tree? I brought my tiny miniature one, but that would be even better.”

He blinked. “You travel with your own Christmas tree?” He put his hands up. “You know what? Never mind. Okay, I’ll call and have it brought in.”

She grinned and in that minute, she looked every bit the fun eighteen-year-old she’d been. “Cool, you just let me take care of everything.”

He stared after her as she pranced down the hall. This was a mistake. He could feel it in his bones. But there wasn’t much he could do to stop the train.

* * *

Jamie rested her hand on the wall of the storage room, the dust particles dancing in the streams of light. Holy hell, she’d just agreed to stay here with Cole. You. Are. An. Idiot.

You were thinking you have work to do and don’t have time to run around trying to find a place to sleep. But Cole? This was stupid. How was she supposed to ignore that undercurrent for a week? Let alone ten days. Was it possible to die from embarrassment? Or longing? That had to be a real thing right?

Focus, Jamison. Get the decorations up and then you can work. And maybe even enjoy a little bit of Christmas. She’d been expecting to be in a basic room. She couldn’t believe Cole had a luxury suite and wasn’t using it to go all out on the holiday celebration.

The ceiling soared and the color palette was a very contemporary shade of yellow. The furniture was contemporary and light. But there was so much texture. Cotton, flannel throws, a pop of velvet here. And then of course, there was the enormous fireplace serving as the focal point. And the massive iron-and-glass lighting fixture up above made the room dance in light.

And the far wall was made entirely of glass. If she looked hard enough, she’d likely see deer roaming the property.

She’d get some stuff set up, then do some work. Maybe bake some cookies as a reward. The kitchen was all kitted out with granite counters and the nicest appliances she’d ever seen. Not that Cole looked like he planned on taking advantage of them.

Do what you came to do, not to reminisce about Cole. What happened was stupid kid stuff. It belongs in the past.

But as Jamie pushed away from the wall and started to unpack the boxes of lights, her mind automatically took her back to that long-ago night.

Frank O’Connor’s parties were sort of legendary. That night, things hadn’t gotten into full swing yet because the basketball team had been at an away game and was delayed. So her brother wasn’t there yet. It was mostly a bunch of bored kids sitting around drinking.

Nothing extraordinary until Marcie Gates, Frank’s girlfriend, suggested they make things exciting with some spin the bottle. Or at least a version of it.

A lot of interesting things had happened after that. Frank and Marcie got in a huge argument because he’d had too much fun making out with Carrie Moss in the closet and she’d let Fitz Jacobson touch her boobs.

Jamie hadn’t even wanted to play really. She’d just been down there holding her first beer, trying to blend in with the cool kids before Matt arrived. If he’d seen her he’d have flipped out and told their parents. And there would have been a ban on all future parties. As big brothers went, he was pretty overprotective.

Usually, she didn’t even go to parties unless Matt was there. Not like anyone thought to invite her. Sure, she was Matt’s sister, so she was accepted into the cool-kids crew by his insistence, but she wasn’t one of them. Not one of the pretty people. But when Marcie had asked her if she was going, she’d said yes and dragged her friend Claire with her. Too bad Claire had ditched her in favor of giggling with one of the hockey players.

Cole had been there. Hell, he was always there in the background. As was the way with banes of existence. If he told her brother that she’d been drinking, she’d be toast. Just her luck, when it was her turn, the spinning bottle had landed on the empty space that he walked right into. Even now she could feel the heat on her face as he’d studied her.

A moment later, he’d been dragging her into the closet to read her the riot act about being irresponsible, and drinking and how she should know better. It was like dealing with Matt. Of course he’d pointed out that she’d been drinking at a party with no one looking out for her. He’d gone on and on about how things would be perceived by other people. She could still remember struggling against his hold and muttering, “I’m not drinking. I’ve been muscling through the first sips of this beer to fit in with everyone. I don’t know how you guys can drink that stuff.”

He really hadn’t liked it when she pointed out that by dragging her into the closet, things didn’t look good for either of them.

It was clear to everyone on the outside that they weren’t making out so Frank insisted they could come out only if they actually made out.

Jamie’s skin still burned at the memory. It was like they all knew she was the squeaky-clean good girl. As if she wore it like a brand.

Cole had just rolled his eyes and told her to sit down and be quiet for a few minutes and Frank would eventually let them out.

“Are you serious right now?”

He’d scoffed. “Frank’s being a prick, but you’re Matt’s sister so he won’t mess with you too much. Just moan at the door or something.”

Jamie frowned. “What?”

“You know, moan, like you’re doing something fun.”

She’d tried, but she sounded more like she was in pain than any of the sexy moans she’d heard in movies.

“Geez, Jamison, it’s like you have no idea how to pretend like you’re having a good time.”

Frank had banged on the door again to remind them of what they were supposed to be doing.

She threw up her hands. “I have no idea how to do it. I’ve never hooked up with anyone before,” she spilled. “So why don’t you try your hand at moaning?”

He blinked. “Bull.”

She shook her head. “No bull. So, I’m sorry I don’t have it right or whatever.” Jamie recalled Cole’s eyes raking over her inducing a wave of heat as if it were yesterday.

Cole had banged his head against the back of the closet and squeezed his eyes shut. “You have to at least have kissed someone right? I heard you were going out with Adam Sinclair or something.”

She ducked her head. “I—uh. I’m not too sure Adam likes girls. At least he doesn’t like me. He didn’t want to kiss me.” She shrugged. “I figured I just didn’t do it for him or something.”

“What?” He’d brought his head up. “You think it’s you? No. It’s not you. It’s him.”

“Yeah, well it feels like it’s me. Heck, no one’s asking for my number or seems particularly interested, so...” Jamie let her voice trail.

Cole had run his hands through his hair. “I get it. You want to be noticed. But people notice you. Right now, I bet there’s some poor guy wishing you’d look at him. I’d rather you talk with him than one of these drunken varsity kids. Sometimes guys can take advantage.” Then he peered at her through thick lashes. “What are you waiting for anyway? A kiss is no big deal.”

She’d ignored his last question. “You’re one of those varsity kids. Are you taking advantage of me?” she asked.

“Unlike you, I haven’t been drinking. And you’re Reed’s little sister. It’s different.”

“Great. Just what I need. Another big brother. I keep going like this and I’ll never get my first kiss.”

Cole groaned. “Just stop. It’ll happen. You know, when you’re at college. Far away from anywhere Matt can kick someone’s ass.”

She’d licked her lips nervously and gathered every ounce of bravery she possessed. “Or maybe you could do it.”

His eyes had locked with hers, but he’d shaken his head. “No can do, Jamison.”

“It’s Jamie. And why not? You obviously know what you’re doing if Rebecca Watts can be believed. And you said it yourself, it’s not like it means anything. I’m not going to be some dopey girl that chases after you. And bonus, not like I’ll be chasing you around begging you to do it again.”

She had been lying through her teeth of course. Because sometimes when she was all alone, she wondered what it would be like to kiss him. It was silly. He never even noticed her other than as competition. She could count on one hand the number of one-on-one interactions they’d had. But she’d always been hyperaware of him.

“If you do it, I’ll stay away from jocks at parties and I’ll stop pretending to drink.” Beer tasted like piss to her. “I just want to know.”

Cole swallowed hard, his brows furrowed. “If I do this, you never tell Matt? And you stop trying to make out with varsity assholes.”

“Yeah, okay.”

“And promise me. No more even holding a can of beer. And beware of frat boys bearing fruit punch. You understand me? You’re way too trusting.”


Cole shook his head and patted the carpet next to him. “It’ll be easier if you sit. Because you’re practically puppet-sized.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I am not.”

“Uh-huh.” When she sat, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and she relished his warmth. “You want the guy to treat you like you’re special. Be gentle with you. Never coming on too strong, okay?”

She nodded. Taking mental notes. “Got it.”

Then Cole had caressed a cheek with his thumb and cupped the back of her neck under her hair and angled her head. Her heart was thundering so loud, she could barely hear him when he spoke.

“Okay. I’m pretending it’s not you, Jamison.”

Her first kiss had turned molten hot in seconds as he schooled her in how to kiss. How she should expect to be touched. Everything had been so gentle, passionate, and she wanted more.

Blood rushing in her head and heart hammering, she’d decided to take matters into her own hands. She pulled back, and he frowned but let her go easily. “Are you okay?”

At first all she could manage was a nod. But then she blurted. “Yeah, but I want you to really kiss me. I know you’re holding back.”

Cole tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “Jamison. You don’t want—”

“Yes, I do. Or some other guy is going to teach me and he won’t have my best interest at heart...” When it looked like he might not kiss her properly, she pushed herself into a crouch and levered herself onto his lap facing him. “Please show me.”

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