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The Lionhearted Cowboy Returns
“Most kids do, but you still need to rein the boy in.”
“What makes you the expert?”
“I acted like a jerk at his age, too. Someone needs to take him in hand, and that means stop coddling him.”
Her eyes widened. “He’s only eight years old.”
“Almost nine,” he corrected her.
“He’s not an army recruit, Jeff. He’s still a little boy who’s just lost his daddy.”
“He also needs to learn respect for you. I don’t think Trevor would have let him talk to you that way.”
At the mention of her husband’s name, sadness hit her. From the day Colin had been born, father and son had been inseparable. “Trevor would have handled it differently.”
Jeff stiffened. “Sorry, I’m not Trevor.”
Lacey tried to keep calm, but having Jeff around was making everything difficult. “Look, Gentry. We might be thrown together temporarily, but my family is my concern. Not yours. I’d appreciate it if you’d let me decide what’s good for my son.”
Jeff’s dark gaze watched her for what seemed like an eternity. “Agreed,” he finally said. “But there’s something else we need to discuss.”
She studied the man she’d practically grown up with. They’d shared childish secrets, survived adolescence, and he’d been her husband’s best friend.
Her first lover.
Lacey glanced away. No, she couldn’t think about that anymore. She couldn’t let him know that it had been on her mind, either. Easy to say, harder to do when she’d been noticing the man far too much. The first thing she had to do was stop being so uptight whenever he was around.
“What…what do you want to talk about?” she asked.
“I think I’ve solved your problem with the ranch. Have you thought about taking on a partner?”
The next day Jeff stood back and gave the new portable shower a nod of approval. Not bad. The five-gallon container hung from a tree branch, directly over the canvas cubicle. At least now he could wash his entire body at one time. The hot summer sun would warm up the spring water quickly.
“So this is what you army guys call roughing it.”
Jeff swung around, nearly losing his balance on the uneven ground, to find his cousin. A grinning Brandon Randell was dressed in the standard cowboy uniform of boots, jeans and a long-sleeved shirt to protect him from the Texas sun. He held the reins of his black quarter horse, Shadow.
“Well, I’ll be damned.” They exchanged a hearty hug. “What brings you out of the city, Detective Randell?” He glanced over his shoulder at the black stallion. “Just happened to be out for a ride?”
“I stopped by Hank’s, and he told me you were staying up here.” Brandon shrugged. “So Shadow and I cut through a couple of neighboring pastures and here we are. By car it would have been about a twenty-mile drive.”
“So you did some trespassing,” Jeff teased.
“I just tell people I’m on sheriff’s business.” Brandon jammed his hands on his hips. “Besides, I need to come see how my cousin’s doing.”
Jeff had no doubt that Brandon had been sent to check on him. “Not bad,” he told him. “I’ve lived in worse conditions. Best of all, I’m enjoying the peace and quiet.”
Brandon smiled. “Surely you’re not saying the Randell clan is too much for you?”
“I can handle them in small doses. Dad’s been running interference for me.”
“Take it from me, cuz, it’s not going to stop a Randell. You know, eventually they’re going to come looking for you.” Brandon’s smile disappeared. “Just know it’s only because we all care about you. Man, it’s good to have you home.”
“It’s good to be back.” Jeff relaxed a little. He’d always gotten along with the oldest cousin. When Jeff, his mother and sister had first come here years ago, it had been Brandon’s mother, Abby, who’d helped them find a place to live. They also shared the fact that their mothers had come from abusive backgrounds, and Randell men had come to their rescue.
Brandon led his horse to the creek for some water, and examined the shower structure. “Not bad. I guess you couldn’t stand your own stink, huh?”
They both laughed. It felt good to Jeff. “You could say that.”
Brandon was like all the Randell men—tall and broad-shouldered, with dark hair and eyes. There was also the distinguishing cleft chin that marked nearly all the male Randells. Brandon had surprised everyone after college by going into law enforcement instead of ranching. He was a detective with the sheriff’s office.
“Granddad Hank said you bought two of the Guthrie’s quarter horses at the auction and you’re boarding them there.”
“It seemed simpler to keep them there.” Jeff started back up the rise toward the cabin. The hot afternoon sun beat down on his T-shirt-covered back, and his leg was tired from his long day. “The past year was rough on Lacey, or she would never have sold off her best quarter horses.”
Brandon tipped his hat back. “I was sorry to hear about Trevor. Man, he was so young.” Brandon shook his head. “And leaving a wife and young kids.”
They reached the small porch partly shaded by a tree. “I heard you’re a married man now. Congratulations.”
“Thanks. When you’re up to it, maybe you can meet Nora and Zach.”
Jeff nodded. He wasn’t making any promises.
“It’s good you’re around to help her,” Brandon told him. “Lacey can use a friend.”
Friend. He hadn’t been much of one when Trevor had needed him. So far, he hadn’t been doing well on that front with Lacey either. “I don’t know how much good I can do.” Jeff hated to admit to any kind of weakness. “Sometimes I think I have enough to deal with just taking care of myself.”
Brandon paused. “Seems to me you’ve got a pretty good start. It takes time to adjust to your new life. You’ve started already, living up here alone.”
Jeff frowned. “Alone? I think I’ve had more visitors here than I did at the house.”
“Comes with the territory in this family. You wouldn’t remember that because you’ve been gone so long.”
“I guess I like my privacy.”
“Isolating yourself isn’t a good idea,” Brandon pointed out.
Jeff wanted to argue, but instead he walked inside the cabin. The place was stifling. He grabbed two sodas from the cooler under the sink and went back outside to where Brandon sat under the shade.
“Thanks,” his cousin said as he took the can and popped the top.
Careful of his leg, Jeff eased down beside him. Looking out at the horse grazing by the creek, he enjoyed the hint of a breeze from under the tree.
Brandon turned to him. “Look, Jeff. You have a right to live wherever you want. I’m the last one to preach, since I avoided the family ranch for years.” His cousin gave him a sideways glance. “And I didn’t have anything as life-changing as losing a leg happen.”
Jeff flinched. Since being home, he hadn’t talked about his loss, not even with his parents. Yet it seemed easier with Brandon. “I lost more than a leg. I lost my career. My identity. Special Forces was who I was.” He looked down at his soda can. “Man, you’d think this was a beer, as much cryin’ as I’m doing.”
“I’m glad you’re talking about it,” his cousin said. “But you’re wrong, Jeff. You might have lost your leg, and a career, but no, not your identity. There’s a lot more to you, cuz, than being a soldier. And you have a family who loves you and we’ll support you any way we can.”
Jeff took a long drink of the sugary soda, trying to get rid of the lump in his throat. He couldn’t lose it now. “Well, when you discover where I fit in, let me know.”
“I think you’ve already found it. You own two fine quarter horses and you’re working with one of the prettiest and best trainers in these parts.”
Jeff stiffened. He couldn’t think of Lacey in that way, not anymore. “She’s also my best friend’s widow.”
“So that’s what’s bothering you?”
“No,” Jeff denied quickly. “What’s bothering me is that I wasn’t here when Trevor needed me. Now Lacey needs me.”
“So that’s why you bought two of her horses. To help her out?” Brandon stared out toward the pasture. “So are you going to be partners?” He turned to Jeff. “Are you going into the horse-breeding business?”
Jeff shrugged. “I’m not sure I can do more than clean stalls and feed the stock.”
“Why not?” Brandon asked. “Years ago you were an exceptionally good horseman.” Brandon smiled. “As I remember, you even broke a few mounts that summer we worked together.”
That seemed like another lifetime ago. “I haven’t been on a horse since I got back.”
Brandon nodded and glanced down at the leg. “Seems to me if you can drive a vehicle, riding a horse shouldn’t be difficult for a Special Forces guy. How much of your leg had to be amputated?”
His cousin had finally cut out the finesse, causing Jeff to tense before he forced himself to relax. “A few inches below the knee.”
Brandon nodded. “I bet being in the military, you got the most hi-tech prosthesis.”
He had. What the heck—he’d show Brandon. Jeff tugged his pant leg up, revealing his Justin short roper boot and the titanium limb that was connected to a plastic boot that covered his knee. “It’s hard getting used to it. The hardest part is even after months, I still feel the loss, but it’s been less and less. They call it phantom pain.”
“I can’t say I know how you feel, because I don’t. But look at it this way; you nearly lost your life on that last mission. Just think how your mom and dad would be suffering if you hadn’t made it back alive. All of us would be.” Brandon’s throat worked hard. “I never fought in a war, but I’ve known life-and-death situations. Far too many close calls over the years. Whatever you decide to do, I hope it’s around here. I’d like to get to know you again.” He broke out into a big grin. “I’ve never known a genuine hero.”
Lacey was about at the end of her patience. When she got hold of Colin he was going to be grounded until the end of summer. If he lived that long.
She pulled the truck off the road and up toward the cabin. The last thing she wanted to do was disturb Jeff, but there wasn’t any choice. Her son was missing and she had to find him.
She parked next to the familiar truck and headed up the rise, hoping Colin was here. Had Jeff been right? Did her son need a firmer hand? This was all new to her. She’d never had to worry about Colin’s behavior before. She knew he’d been angry since his father’s death, but it had only gotten worse. As much as she hated to, she needed to ask for help.
Lacey came around the side of the shack and found two men sitting on the edge of the porch. She recognized Brandon Randell right away. She hesitated to disturb them, but maybe the sheriff’s detective could help, too. They were engrossed in conversation as she approached the porch. She saw they were both concentrating on Jeff’s leg. She got closer and could see that it wasn’t his leg, but a metal prosthesis. She gasped.
Both men turned toward her, and Jeff quickly pulled down his pant leg.
Brandon stood. “Lacey.” He walked toward her and took her hand. “It’s good to see you again.”
“Hi, Brandon.” She tried to gather her thoughts, but it was difficult. She glanced at Jeff, then started backing up. “I didn’t mean to disturb you. I should go.”
Jeff got to his feet and started after her. “Lacey, wait.”
She did as he asked, but couldn’t look at him. Oh, God, his leg. All this time she’d been harping on at him about not being around. What must he have gone through? She blinked at sudden tears.
Jeff’s gaze narrowed. “Did you need me for something, Lacey?”
She opened her mouth, but her words were lost. What could she say?
“Lacey? What’s wrong?”
Suddenly she remembered her reason for coming here. “I can’t find Colin. I think he’s run away.”
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