Полная версия
For Lust Or Money
But the truth was, she did want something happen. She wanted to cast aside everything she’d always known about sex and start again. Only this time, she’d find the spontaneity in it, the all-consuming passion that had always been lacking in her relationships with men. She could be a different woman with this man, could test the boundaries of her need. It would be so simple, one night together with no strings and no expectations—and absolutely no inhibitions.
So what was holding her back? “Fear,” Kelly said. What if it was so wonderful that the memory stayed with her for the rest of her life? What if every man she met in the future were measured by one night spent with a twenty-four-year-old stranger?
Or what if she didn’t measure up? What if he found her too repressed or too nervous…or too old? Though she kept in good shape, her body wasn’t perfect. He was probably used to a twenty-year-old butt and fake boobs and skin that was smooth and tanned and tight. She’d fought her battles with cellulite and she’d lost.
“Oh, God,” Kelly said. She unbuttoned her blouse and looked down at her chest. Maybe she should have gotten the boob job when she’d had the cash. She was so completely unprepared for this. She should be wearing black underwear, not this silly leopard print. And she should have fixed her hair and taken time with her makeup and put on a bit of perfume. Oh, and then there were condoms. She didn’t have condoms!
A knock sounded on the door and Kelly quickly buttoned her blouse and hurried back into the room. She pulled the door open and peered out.
“If you’re going to be much longer, can you get me a beer from the minibar?” Zach asked. “And some peanuts if they have them.”
Kelly opened the door. “Sorry. I just needed a moment.”
Zach strolled inside. “Let me guess, you had to put on your nice underwear?”
“Very funny. I always wear nice underwear.”
He walked over the minibar and pulled out a beer. “Can I make you a drink?”
“No. I’ve had enough to drink for one night.” Her face felt flushed and she blamed it on the cosmopolitans she had shared with Angie, not on her nerves. She’d been with plenty of men. This was just one more. He had all the same equipment, all the same body parts. She’d studied the operator’s manual and knew what to do with him. So why was she so nervous?
“It might help you relax,” Zach said.
“Do I seem tense? I’m not. Not at all.” Kelly grabbed her purse. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to run down to the lobby. I need to buy some toothpaste before the gift shop closes. I’ll be right back.”
She hurried to the door and slipped out into the hallway. This was horrible. She was a wreck and he was probably regretting his decision to see her outside of the studio. If she intended to have one night of incredible sex, then she needed to pull herself together and at least appear as if she were interested—and capable. She rode the elevator back down to the lobby and headed toward the gift shop. Of course they’d have condoms. People had sex all the time in hotels.
She wandered through the small store, past the T-shirts and the coffee mugs, the magazine rack and the stuffed animals, to the corner that featured the toiletries. She found the condoms in boxes of three. They came in a variety of brands…and sizes. The last time she’d shopped for condoms, there was only one size.
Kelly grabbed a box of regular and a box of XLs, then walked to the checkout stand. A young man stood behind the counter. He smiled at her as she set her purchases down. Then he rang them both up. That’s twenty-four ninety-three,” he said.
“That will be twenty-four ninety-three,” he repeated.
“For six condoms? Good grief, when did sex get so expensive?” The young man leaned forward. “If you go on over to the CVS, they’re a much better buy. We kind of count on the fact that folks need ’em in a hurry and they’re willing to pay.”
Kelly reached in to her purse and pulled out her wallet, but she’d spent the last of her cash on drinks with Angie. “Can you put these on my room bill?” she asked.
“Sure, what room?”
Kelly opened her mouth to tell him, then realized that the show was paying for the room. They wouldn’t be too thrilled to see condoms on the bill. “Tell me something,” she whispered. “If I put these on my bill, will they be itemized?”
The young man shook his head. “No,” he whispered back. “It will just say gift shop. For all anyone knows, you bought twenty-four ninety-three worth of potato chips and candy bars.”
Kelly tucked the condoms into her purse and signed the tab. “Thanks. You’ve been very helpful.” She walked out of the store and back to the elevator.
“Have fun!” the clerk called, his voice echoing into the hallway.
“That’s exactly what I intend to do,” Kelly muttered.
ZACH GRABBED THE REMOTE from the bedside table and flipped on the TV, running through the channels until he found ESPN. He slid a pillow behind his back and kicked off his shoes, stretching out his legs in front of him. This was the strangest date he’d ever had, if it could even be called a date.
After the kiss they’d shared that afternoon, Zach had looked forward to spending some time with her, knowing where that one kiss would inevitably lead. He couldn’t recall ever being so focused on seducing a woman as he was on seducing Kelly Castelle. And he’d thought she was equally interested in him.
But now he wasn’t sure where he stood with her. Kelly seemed almost afraid to be in the same room with him. Was she having second thoughts? If so, what was the hang-up?
Maybe she was married. Maybe she did have a husband waiting for her back in L.A. And maybe she was contemplating cheating. Zach tipped his head back and ran his fingers through his hair. This was becoming a problem with him—he jumped in to sexual relationships with complicated women, seducing them before he even had a chance to examine the luggage they brought to bed with them.
He took a long sip of his beer, then dumped a handful of peanuts into his palm. Maybe it was the age thing, he mused. Women could be really strange about that. He’d always found older women attractive. They were smarter, more sure of themselves, much more fun in bed. And more exciting than the cookie-cutter girls in their early twenties that populated the clubs in Atlanta.
Zach glanced at the door. He climbed off the bed, beer in hand, and wandered into the bathroom. Kelly’s things were spread out over the marble vanity. He reached out and picked up a bottle of perfume and held it to his nose. The scent was familiar, causing a current of desire to race through him. He picked through her makeup, looking at lipsticks and eye shadows, then held up a pink razor and ran it over his cheek.
A pretty flowered bag sat next to the sink and he peered inside, only to see a tube of toothpaste and a small bottle of mouthwash.
He shook his head and walked back out into the bedroom. The toothpaste was obviously an excuse to get out of the room. A few moments later, he heard the key in the lock and hopped back onto the bed, stretching his feet out in front of him again. Kelly slipped back inside, her purse clutched in her hand.
She started toward the bed, then stopped. “I’m just going to go brush my teeth. I’ll be right back.”
He heard her talking to herself in the bathroom and Zach quietly crossed the room to listen at the door. But then the door flew open and he jumped back. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I couldn’t hear you. Were you talking to me?”
“I—I was talking to myself.” Kelly cleared her throat. She ran her fingers through her hair, then walked into the room and stood at the end of the bed. “I think I will have that drink now.”
He settled himself back on the bed as he watched her walk to the minibar, his gaze taking in her slender body. She was graceful as she moved, like a dancer, with delicate limbs and perfect posture. He imagined what it might be like to hold that body against his, to slowly remove each piece of her clothing until she was completely naked.
Kelly busied herself mixing a small bottle of vodka with a can of cranberry juice. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you got here,” she said. “I didn’t think you’d come without calling.”
“I was just in the neighborhood.”
She sent him a sideways glance, then took a long swallow of her drink. “I went out with a friend. A girlfriend. She lives here in Atlanta.” She sat down on the end of the bed, her back to him.
For a long time, neither one of them spoke. He took a sip of his beer. For Zach, seduction had always been a fairly straightforward process, but with Kelly he felt as if he had to tread a bit more carefully. She gave new meaning to the word skittish.
“Did you bring your script?” she asked.
“No,” Zach said. Perhaps she needed the pretense of rehearsal to make her more comfortable. “We can use yours.” He slid down to sit beside her and she immediately stood up.
“Right. Really, we should be off script by this point.”
“Are you nervous?” he asked, his gaze dropping to her fingers, which were tightly twisted together. “You seem tense.”
“No,” she murmured, then paused. “Yes. A little bit.”
“We’re not going to do anything here that you don’t want to do,” Zach said, leaning back to rest on his elbows.
Her gaze flitted over his body, stopping briefly at his crotch. “What do you want to do?” she asked, her green eyes wide.
He reached out and grabbed her hand, weaving his fingers through hers. “I want to do it all.”
She swallowed hard. “I’ve never done anything like this before,” she said, her voice cracking slightly.
This was not going well at all, Zach mused. The attraction between them was electric, crackling between them, but Kelly was so cautious that stealing a kiss might be too much for her to handle. He decided to backtrack a bit. “But you rehearse all the time.”
“Is—is that what we’re doing?” she asked.
“What did you think we’d be doing?” Keeping her off balance was the best approach, he decided. When they finally gave in to their desire, he wanted her desperate and determined. He wanted the fiery, passionate woman he’d seen through the camera lens, the woman he’d been obsessing about the entire afternoon.
“I’m worried about the bedroom scene,” Zach continued. “I was hoping you could give me some tips. We’re supposed to kiss and I’m not sure how that’s going to happen. Do we figure out ahead of time who goes which way? Or do we just let it happen, as if we’re doing it for real?”
“We already did it for real,” she said, staring at him with a suspicious glint in her eye. “In my dressing room.”
“And that was good? I mean, for a screen kiss?”
A tiny smile curled the corners of her mouth. “Yes, that was very good. I think if we just do it like that, we’ll be fine.”
“Good to know,” he answered, nodding his head. He took another sip of his beer and pointed to the television. “Good game. The Padres are at the top of their division. They’ve got a really good pitcher from—”
“Maybe we should try it again,” Kelly interrupted. “Just to be sure we have it right.”
“All right. We should probably lie on the bed. That’s what the script says. And as long as we have a bed here, we should put it to use.” He shimmied back until he was lying with his back resting against the pillows. “All right,” Zach said. “Now, you would be right here.” He patted the spot beside him, then set his beer down on the bedside table.
She left her drink on the dresser and sat down on the opposite edge of the bed, folding her hands on her lap. “Shouldn’t you be lying down, too?” he asked.
Kelly kicked her feet up on the bed.
“So, you want me to start?”
He moved closer and her gaze fixed on his mouth. She licked her lips and he did the same. “Sure,” she said softly. She waited, holding her breath as he slowly leaned forward. But at the last minute, he turned his head the opposite way and their noses bumped.
“Sorry,” Zach said. “I thought you were going the other way.”
“No, once you start moving toward me, I’ll just stay the way I am.”
“Right,” he said. “Okay. Let’s give this another try.” He moved in and at the last minute, feinted to the left. She took his cue and tipped her head in the opposite direction and, this time, Zach deliberately missed her mouth completely, kissing her chin instead.
“This shouldn’t be so difficult,” she said, her voice tinged with frustration. “We’ve already done it before.”
“That time it was more spontaneous,” Zach explained. “I wasn’t concentrating so hard.”
“Well, stop thinking then,” she said. “Just do it.” She sighed deeply. “Like this.” Kelly cupped his face in her hands and pressed her mouth to his. Gradually, the kiss softened as his tongue teased at her lips. She opened her mouth and he lost himself in her sweet taste. It had taken them a while to get here, but it was worth the wait, he mused.
Zach slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her onto the bed to lie on top of him. A tiny moan slipped from her lips as he furrowed his fingers through her silken hair and molded her mouth to his. He couldn’t recall ever needing to kiss a woman as much as he needed to kiss Kelly. It was like a hunger inside him that ached to be satisfied. But the more he tasted, the hungrier he became—Kelly was like the Chinese food of kissing.
The buildup, the anticipation, had been almost too much to bear and he was already aroused, his erection pressing against her belly. There was no time to think about consequences or regrets, about mistakes he’d made in the past. This was about lust, pure and simple—the need for two people to take pleasure in each other.
His hands skimmed over her body, her shoulders and then her arms, her torso and her hips. She twisted above him, her fingers clutching at his T-shirt. Zach slipped his hands beneath her blouse and ran his palms up and down her back, every shift of her body causing a wave of pleasure to race through him.
Her skin felt incredible, like warm silk, soft against his hands. Zach forgot everything that had come before, all the hesitation and indecision, and gave himself over to pure sensation. The scent of her hair, the taste of her mouth, the sounds of their breathing mingling together, quick and shallow and desperate.
Any indecision she’d felt earlier was gone and Kelly was now an equal partner in this seduction. When he kissed her, she kissed him back. When he touched her, her hands found a new spot on his body.
Zach drew her leg up along his thigh. His palm skimmed along her rib cage, then over her flat stomach as he stared down into her eyes. “This isn’t rehearsal anymore, is it?”
Kelly drew in a quick breath, surprised by his comment. “Did you want to rehearse?”
“No,” Zach replied. He furrowed his hands through her silky hair and pulled her closer. “I think this is a much better use of our time, don’t you?”
KELLY SLOWLY OPENED her eyes. Light spilled into the room through the sheer drapes and she squinted against the morning sun. A tiny headache nagged at the spot between her eyes and she reached up to rub at the pain. It was only then that she felt the body beside her.
Holding her breath, she turned to look into Zach’s face. He was lying on her pillow, his dark hair mussed and his lips slightly parted. He’d discarded his shirt and the top button of his cargo pants was undone. And his feet were bare.
Kelly closed her eyes and let her mind drift back to the events of the previous evening. She’d prepared herself for a night of wild sex and a morning of guilty regrets. But to her surprise, they’d gone no further than kissing and caressing. She was left with no regrets, just a warm, satisfied feeling inside.
To her surprise, Zach had been a gentleman, waiting for her cues to move forward. And though she had been curious, kissing Zach had been an adventure in itself. He elevated the activity to an art. He could be sweet and soft and then turn fierce and demanding. Every need, every emotion he felt, was conveyed through his lips and tongue. And to be honest, Kelly had to admit that kissing him had been more exciting than anything else she’d ever experienced with a man.
She looked at him again, taking in the tiny details of his face, the scar on his forehead, the mole near his left eye, the way the corners of his mouth curled up, even while he was sleeping. With youth came the ability to look good in the morning, and he looked irresistible.
But Kelly knew she wasn’t quite as blessed. She carefully crawled out of bed, taking care not to wake him, and walked to the bathroom. The sight that greeted her was enough to make her groan. Her hair looked like a flock of birds might set up housekeeping at any moment. And her makeup was smudged beneath her eyes. And a big red crease ran down her cheek from a fold in the pillowcase.
She quickly stripped out of her clothes and tossed them aside, then turned on the shower. If they were going to continue where they’d left off, she’d need to look a bit more alluring.
She stepped beneath the warm flood of water and closed her eyes. It felt wonderful to finally wash away the stickiness of August in Atlanta. She rinsed her hair, then grabbed the tiny bottle of shampoo that the hotel provided. As she worked the lather through her hair, an unbidden fantasy crept in to her thoughts.
She imagined Zach waking up in an empty bed. He’d look around, wonder where she was, and then he’d hear the shower. He’d walk to the bathroom and slip through the door, then stand silently on the other side of the curtain. Then slowly, he’d strip off his clothes and pull the curtain back. And then, she’d step into his arms and their naked bodies would touch for the very first time.
Kelly drew a ragged breath. Oh, it was a wonderful fantasy, like an erotic movie running in her head. But the most wonderful thing about it was that it could actually happen. She stood beneath the water for a long time as she ran her soapy hands over her skin. But when her fingers began to get pruny, Kelly gave up on the fantasy and shut off the water. She grabbed a towel and dried her hair, then wrapped another around her body.
She opened the door and peered out, but Zach hadn’t stirred. He was still sound asleep, his head on her pillow. Kelly grabbed her comb and slowly began to pull it through the tangles in her hair. But as she did, she heard a knock on the door.
Holding the towel at her chest, she walked to the door and looked through the peephole. Angie was standing on the other side. She opened the door.
“Good, you’re up!” Angie cried. “Get dressed. I’m taking you to breakfast. We have to find one of those all-you-can-eat buffets because I want pancakes and sausage and—”
Kelly pressed a finger to her lips. “Shhh!”
“Don’t worry. I’m awake.”
She spun around to see Zach standing at the end of the bed, his cargo pants hanging low on his hips, his eyes sleepy. He smiled and gave Angie a little wave. “Hi, there,” he murmured. “I’m Zach.”
Angie giggled softly. “The younger man?” she murmured beneath her breath.
“Yes,” Kelly whispered.
“The younger man who spent the night in your room?”
“You know, I can hear everything you’re saying,” Zach commented. “Us younger guys have really good hearing. And I can see right through that towel. We have X-ray vision, too.”
Angie stepped past Kelly, into the room, her hand extended. “Hi. I’m one of Kelly’s oldest friends, Angie Sheppard. Actually, Angie McMahon Sheppard.”
He took her hand. “Zach Haas. It’s nice to meet you, Angie.”
“Oh, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Zach. I understand you work for Just Between Us. I just love that Eve Best. She is so funny and smart. And sassy. Is she that way in real life?”
Kelly felt a blush warm her cheeks and she gently took Angie’s arm and pulled her toward the door. “Can you wait for me downstairs? I’ll be down in just a minute.”
“Take all the time you want,” Angie whispered. She gave Kelly a silly expression then mouthed the word gorgeous. “I’ll meet you in the restaurant. I’m pretty sure I saw a breakfast buffet when I walked past.”
Kelly slowly closed the door and turned back to Zach. He was grinning, finding great amusement in her situation. “So you talked with your friend about me?”
“I just mentioned we’d met.”
He nodded. “I see.” He slowly approached her and Kelly backed up until she stood against the door. Zach placed his hands on either side of her head and bent down to kiss her. His lips were soft, the kiss fleeting. “Morning,” he murmured.
Kelly felt her knees go weak and her head begin to spin. “Morning,” she said. She clutched the towel tightly at her chest and wondered what might happen if she’d simply let go. Let go, her mind repeated over and over again. Why not just…
She loosened her fingers and the towel dropped silently to the floor. Zach’s breath caught in his throat and he drew back to look into her eyes. She stared up at him, unflinchingly, daring him to take what she offered, yet afraid that he might not.
His hand slowly moved to her shoulder, smoothing over the length of her neck before dropping lower to cup her breast. Kelly closed her eyes as he gently caressed her nipple with his thumb. She wasn’t nervous at all now. This seemed so perfectly right, a fantasy come to life.
A moment later, his lips closed over the taut peak and she furrowed her hands through his hair and moaned softly. And then he dropped to his knees in front of her, his tongue trailing across her belly.
Everywhere he kissed, he left a damp imprint, a reminder that he’d tasted that part of her body and moved on. His hands smoothed over her backside, drawing her closer, and when he kissed her inner thigh, Kelly felt a shiver of desire wash across her skin.
She knew what he wanted and she anticipated how it would feel. But when his tongue found the soft folds of her sex, a shudder of pleasure wracked her body. She gasped, her eyes flying open with the shock of sensation.
Bracing her hands behind her on the door, Kelly arched into him as his tongue flicked at her clitoris. She’d never felt anything quite so wonderful, so achingly powerful. He controlled her with his mouth, meting out pleasure a tiny bit at a time until she was frantic for release.
She didn’t want to give in. Instead, she wanted the desire to last forever, to be caught in this whirlwind of pleasure, this precarious balance between hunger and release. Her body belonged to him now, completely and irrevocably, and she wanted to surrender completely.
He knew exactly what he was doing to her and he seemed to take delight in teasing her. Kelly groaned and grasped his hair, gently tugging him even closer. Her body felt boneless, as if any moment it might melt. She wanted him inside her, but she was afraid to want more, afraid that this desire would consume her completely. This was already too much.
She felt the ache building inside her and suddenly, she couldn’t fight it any longer. She wanted to let go, to give Zach what he sought. She held her breath and let the pleasure build and then, as if the floodgates burst, she felt the orgasm wash over her. Her body jerked, then dissolved into delicious spasms.
The power of it all took her breath away, made her dizzy. Her fingers tangled in his hair as she pulled his head back, suddenly too sensitive for his caress. When the last spasm subsided, Zach pressed his damp mouth to her belly, nuzzling against her.
“Oh, my,” she breathed.
He got to his feet and cupped her face in his hands, then touched his lips softly to hers. “I have to go,” he murmured. “I was due at the studio a half hour ago. But I’ll see you this afternoon. And tonight, we’ll pick up where we left off.”
“All right,” Kelly repeated, breathlessly.
Chuckling softly, he bent to pick up her towel and wrapped it back around her body. Then he led her to the bathroom. “Are you gonna be all right?”
“I’m fine,” Kelly said.