Полная версия
The Playboy's Proposal
Kathryn’s heart lurched in response to the siren call of his desire. She wanted him to do it, too. Her flesh seemed to scream out for it, and it was incredibly painful to step back away from him, forcing his hand to drop to his side.
‘I hardly think this is the time or the place for what you have in mind,’ she told him sardonically, and he smiled faintly.
‘Nevertheless, you felt it. You felt the hunger.’
Oh, boy, had she! Her whole body was still pulsating with it. ‘Maybe I did, but right now I have a more urgent hunger that needs satisfying. I haven’t eaten all day,’ she protested, seeking to bring some order to the sensual chaos she felt whenever he was near.
Joel laughed wryly. ‘Then we must deal with that one first. The other will be all the better for waiting.’
‘What will be better?’ Drew enquired idly as he strolled into the room, looking from one to the other questioningly.
Kathryn felt colour heat her cheeks, aware that if he had arrived a few minutes sooner he would have walked in on quite a different scenario, and she wouldn’t have heard the last of it.
‘Dinner,’ she explained with feigned nonchalance. ‘I was just saying I hadn’t eaten all day. I’m starving.’
‘Me, too,’ Drew agreed, and as if to underline the fact his stomach rumbled audibly.
‘Help yourself to a drink, Drew,’ Joel invited with a laugh. ‘I’ll just go and see what’s keeping Agnes.’
Drew followed the suggestion, but turned to his cousin the instant they were alone. ‘Dinner?’ he challenged with an old-fashioned look.
Kathryn stared him out, her chin raised. ‘What else?’ she countered, daring him to argue, but Drew, for once, wisely decided to hold his own counsel. She drained her glass and was tempted to refill it. Joel had won round one on points; she could only hope to do better in round two.
Dinner was every bit as delicious as it had promised to be. The meat and vegetables were cooked to perfection, and there was fresh crusty bread to go with it. The two men spent most of the meal discussing Drew’s trip to Germany tomorrow, and Kathryn was happy to be left alone. She found herself watching Joel with fascination. Even talking business, he had an animation about him that held her rapt. She didn’t bother to follow the thread of the conversation, for Drew’s job was as much a mystery to her as hers was to him, merely sat and enjoyed the view.
‘I’m sorry,’ Joel apologised later as they sat over coffee. ‘It was rude to exclude you, but there were certain matters I needed to touch base on with Drew before he leaves.’
Kathryn shrugged that off. She wasn’t so vain she needed constant attention. ‘No problem. I was far more interested in my food. Agnes is a wonderful cook.’
‘I’ll be sure to tell her you said so,’ he responded, pushing his empty cup away. ‘It’s not too late. If you’re not too tired, we can take a look at the computer now,’ he declared with a glance at his watch.
Kathryn was never too tired to work on a computer. ‘That’s fine by me.’ She nodded, and stood up. ‘Are you coming, Drew?’
‘I’ll beg off, if you don’t mind. Computers are a complete turn-off for me. Go ahead and enjoy yourselves,’ he teased, though, unseen by his cousin, his smile faded as he watched them leave.
Joel’s study was at the rear of the house and was set up with state-of-the-art equipment from the computer itself, to fax machines, printers and scanners. Everything he could possibly need was there, but he couldn’t use it because of what one woman had done in anger.
‘So, this is the scene of the crime,’ Kathryn declared dryly, looking around her with interest. ‘At least she didn’t resort to smashing things. OK, let’s see just what damage she did do.’ Making herself comfortable at the desk, she switched the computer on, and the first thing that appeared was a message informing Joel he had mail.
‘The Internet’s working at least,’ she observed wryly, hoping it was a good sign that things weren’t too bad after all. ‘Want to see what it is?’
Standing behind her, his hands resting on the back of her chair, Joel nodded. ‘OK.’
Clicking on the box, Kathryn watched the screen unfold. The message itself was short and sweet, and originated from someone called Magda. ‘That’s her, I take it?’ she enquired with lashings of irony, for the message was explicit about what Joel could do with certain parts of his anatomy.
‘She has a volatile temper,’ Joel said by way of confirmation.
That much was obvious. ‘Her knowledge of human anatomy seems a little basic. Does she know you can’t actually do that?’ she taunted over her shoulder.
‘Just get on with it, will you?’ he growled irritably, and she bit back a smile. Right now he was more like a grouchy bear than a wolf.
Kathryn started hitting keys. ‘I’d get on better if you weren’t breathing over my shoulder,’ she remarked. It was unsettling, not to say downright distracting. She could feel the heat of his body even through the chair, whilst her nose was assailed by the tangy scent of his cologne mixed with pure male essence. It sent messages to her brain that were totally out of place, even if they were undeniably tantalising.
Instead of moving away, Joel lowered his head until his mouth was next to her ear. ‘Does my being this close bother you?’ he asked in that sexy drawl which crawled over her flesh, starting up flash-fires which made concentrating on the job at hand extremely difficult.
Feeling too hot and far too bothered for comfort, she nevertheless denied it. ‘Not at all.’
‘Liar,’ he taunted with a chuckle, and she closed her eyes momentarily as a powerful wave of desire swept through her system. She was glad she was sitting, because standing would have been an effort. He was playing hardball, and it didn’t help that her senses were fighting on his side.
‘Abuse me at your peril,’ she warned him, her fingers flying over the keys whilst she struggled to appear cool, calm and collected. It was nothing short of amazing that she never hit a wrong one. ‘I can probably do a lot worse to your hard drive than dear Magda did,’ she added, then sat back with a tiny frown creasing her forehead.
‘How does it look?’ Joel asked seriously, and she folded her arms.
‘It looks as if she was seriously miffed with you!’ Kathryn exclaimed sardonically. From her very brief perusal it was hard to say just how extensive the damage was, but one thing had swiftly become apparent. Magda was no novice when it came to computers. She had known what she was doing.
‘We’ll take that as read, shall we?’ Joel suggested tersely, and Kathryn obligingly subdued her amusement.
‘OK, seriously. Have you any idea what’s missing?’
‘All the work I’ve been doing on several new projects.’
‘Did you keep back-up files on disk?’ One look at his face told her the answer to that.
‘I made back-up files in the system, but I couldn’t find them. I presume she deleted them, too.’
Kathryn sighed heavily. ‘In future I suggest you copy sensitive material on disk and put them somewhere safe. At a guess, I’d say all your files are gone. The question is, was she mad enough to wipe them entirely, or did she just trash them? Which means we can retrieve them with a bit of work. Now, if she really wanted to be mean, she could have infected you with a virus.’
‘I keep the anti-virus constantly updated,’ Joel informed her, and she was relieved, because they could be darned tricky devils.
‘Thank goodness for that. Still, I’ll check that she didn’t set a booby-trap before continuing. You realise there’s every probability she wasn’t actually physically here, don’t you? She would have logged into your database from her own computer. At a guess, I’d say behind her undoubted feminine attractions dear Magda is a dedicated computer hacker,’ she declared, looking up to find Joel frowning ferociously.
Catching her eye, he grimaced. ‘I had no idea,’ he admitted reluctantly.
The confession brought a mocking smile to her lips. ‘Yes, well, her brain wasn’t what you were interested in, was it?’ she pointed out dulcetly.
Give him his due, Joel smiled ruefully, acknowledging the hit. ‘We didn’t do a lot of talking,’ he confirmed, and she shook her head.
‘Perhaps you ought to start vetting your women a little more closely. This is the twenty-first century. Women are not merely sex objects any longer. They have brains, and have even been known to use them.’
Straightening, he moved round her and propped a hip against the desk, folding his arms as if prepared to stay there for ever. ‘I’m fully aware of that. I employ a good percentage of women in high-profile positions within my organisation.’
He rose a notch in her estimation. ‘I’m glad to hear it.’
Joel tutted. ‘Can we keep to the point? What I want to know from you is, can you repair the damage?’
Reproved, she folded her hands in her lap. ‘Yes, I can. But it’s going to take longer than I expected.’
His relief was palpable. ‘Take all the time you need. It goes without saying I will pay you whatever you ask. I’m not going to quibble over the bill, because I need those files, and I need them yesterday.’
Kathryn smiled sweetly and pushed up her sleeves. ‘Then you’d better let me get on with it. As soon as I’ve checked that there will be no nasty surprises, I’ll be able to move along more quickly. Would you have Drew get my box of tricks for me?’ she asked as she reached for the keypad once more.
‘I’ll get it. What does it look like?’
‘It’s a small black case. I left it on the dresser in my room,’ she responded absently, her mind already running through the checks she would have to make. She didn’t hear Joel leave the room, or come back a little later with the case, which he set on the desk beside her.
It was late when she finally closed down the computer and pushed back the chair with a groan as her body protested at having been fixed in one position so long. Yawning, she stretched, easing out the kinks.
‘Well, what’s the verdict?’ A soft voice posed the question from the other side of the room, and she very nearly jumped out of her skin.
Her arms dropped, and, turning startled eyes in the direction the voice had come from, she discovered Joel sitting at his desk, a sheaf of papers in his hand. ‘Have you been there all the time?’ she charged in amazement, and he nodded.
‘Pretty much. I went out for coffee once. Yours will be stone-cold by now,’ he told her with some amusement, and Kathryn blinked, only now seeing the cup which had been set at her elbow.
‘I didn’t hear you,’ she confessed, and he laughed softly.
‘A herd of elephants could have stampeded through here and you wouldn’t have heard them,’ he retorted with wry humour.
Her grin was rueful because it was all too possible. ‘I do tend to get a little wrapped up in my work.’
‘Just a little,’ he agreed.
They exchanged smiles, and in the blink of an eye the air seemed to thicken. Kathryn saw the look in his eyes change until its intensity scorched her and her eyes widened, her lips parting on a tiny gasp.
‘Are you going to come over here, or am I going to have to come over there?’ he asked her in a voice laden with so much passion she shivered.
Her body quickened, her senses silently screaming that either option would do. But there was still a sensible, sane portion of her brain in control, and she shook her head, albeit without any great deal of conviction.
‘I think…’ she began, only to stop when Joel set his papers down and rose to his feet.
‘Don’t think,’ he ordered huskily, rounding the desk and coming towards her. ‘I’ve been sitting here watching you chew on those luscious lips of yours for the past two hours and it’s been driving me crazy,’ he added with a groan.
Reaching out, he took her by the shoulders and lifted her to her feet. Kathryn tried to protest, but her heart wasn’t in it. Her hands rose to his chest to hold him off, but that was as far as they got. Instead of pushing him away, her fingers registered the heat of him and spread out like tiny fans to claim all of him they could. Swallowing hard, she stared up at him. Do something, her brain urged, and she did. Her eyelids closed as if weighted and his head descended. When his mouth claimed hers, a wave of such intense pleasure swept through her that her bones seemed to melt. At the brush of his tongue her lips parted, welcoming his possession.
In an instant the world spun away. There was only sensation. Somehow her arms were around his neck, her fingers gliding into silky hair and clinging tightly. From a long way off she heard Joel groan, felt his arms tighten, drawing her to his hard male body, and then his tongue was plundering her mouth with a devastating passion, and she met each thrust with her own, stoking a desire that set her blood sizzling in her veins and started up a throbbing ache deep within her.
It could have been one kiss; it could have been a dozen. Only the need for air finally forced them apart, and they stared at each other, hearts thumping, dragging gasping breaths through kiss-bruised lips.
Joel’s eyes had darkened to a deep stormy blue. ‘I think I got more than I bargained for,’ he confessed thickly.
Kathryn knew that she certainly had. She had always known that this man could make her feel with more intensity than any other man she had ever met, but with that kiss she had entered a whole new realm of experience. Her response had been so quick, so intense, so all-encompassing. Nothing would ever compare to it. Nothing would ever come close.
‘You shouldn’t have done that.’ She made the token protest in a whisper.
‘You didn’t stop me. You didn’t want to,’ Joel pointed out unnecessarily, for she knew how foolish she had been. It was too late to take back knowledge. From this point on she would always know what she was missing.
Kathryn pushed herself away from him with very shaky hands. ‘Maybe so, but we both know it was a mistake,’ she said as forcefully as she was able.
‘If that was a mistake, I hope to make more of them,’ Joel responded seductively, and the words trickled over her nerve-endings, setting them fluttering.
‘Don’t,’ she protested, then closed her eyes and sighed heavily. ‘OK, I admit I enjoyed it. But I’m here to work, not indulge in a…a…a liaison with you!’ she continued, with more insistence this time, as her system began to settle down to something approximating normal.
His brows rose quizzically. ‘Can’t you do both?’
‘I don’t want to do both!’ she lied, and they both knew it.
‘Sure you do,’ he countered chidingly, and she groaned, realising she was in a hole that would soon be too deep to get herself out of.
‘I don’t intend to get involved with you, Joel,’ she insisted, notwithstanding.
‘You can say that when not five minutes ago you went up in flames in my arms?’ he charged, and she didn’t thank him for reminding her.
Kathryn crossed her arms and raised her chin to a defiant tilt. ‘I am saying it.’
Much to her dismay, he merely smiled. ‘Now that, in my book, constitutes a challenge. It will give me great satisfaction—and you, too—to make you eat your words.’
Kathryn never had been a woman who knuckled under to attempted male domination—as her brothers could testify. She had a strength of will equal to any man, and if she said no, then no it had to be. ‘I wouldn’t attempt it if I were you,’ she warned frostily, and Joel folded his own arms, mimicking her, and smiled again.
‘What will you do to stop me? We’ve already established that when we get into clinches you fight on my side,’ he taunted her, and her eyes narrowed.
‘That won’t be happening again.’
‘You wish!’ he shot back with a laugh, and she was very nearly tempted to stamp her foot in frustration. She resisted it, however.
‘This is serving no purpose,’ she returned, very much on her dignity. ‘You do what you feel you have to do, but you won’t be getting any co-operation from me.’
‘Well, we’ll just have to see about that, won’t we? Now, why don’t you slip off to bed? The rest will do you a power of good,’ Joel suggested, and she took umbrage at his tone.
‘Don’t order me about. I’m not a child.’
The glint in his eye deepened. ‘Don’t I know it! You’re very much a woman, Kathryn Templeton.’
How did he manage to turn the tables on her so easily? ‘You are the most… Oh, I’m going to bed!’ she exclaimed in frustration, needing to put some space between them so she could regain her equilibrium. ‘Goodnight,’ she said as she headed for the door.
‘Goodnight, Kathryn,’ he called after her, and the sound of her name on his lips was a seduction in itself. ‘Sweet dreams.’
Her response to that was to close the door firmly behind her and head for the stairs. She was pretty certain she would dream, but no way would it be sweet. Oh, no. The way things were going, her dreams were more than likely going to be hot and steamy in the extreme. As she mounted the stairs she was very much aware that, for a woman who had no intention of getting involved with a man, the prospect didn’t disturb her the way it ought.
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