Полная версия
The Rake to Reveal Her
Before the groom could assist her, Ransleigh offered his hand. ‘You were right,’ he said as he lifted her into the saddle. ‘I can do it, if I want to.’
Our last contact, she thought with a little sigh as he released her boot. ‘I am sure you will soon be able to do whatever you wish, Mr Ransleigh. Thank you again for giving my orphans a chance.’
With a wave of her riding crop and a foolish sense of regret, she turned Firefly and set off towards Thornfield.
She felt the warmth of his gaze on her back, all the way to the turn in the drive.
* * *
By the time she’d ridden most of the way home, Theo had convinced herself she’d not really responded as strongly to Mr Ransleigh as she’d first imagined. After all, it was only natural that she would feel comfortable around a man who’d spent nearly as many years with Wellington’s army as she had, especially after more than a month of dealing with civilians.
Nor did she deny he attracted her. The scarred face and eye patch did nothing to detract from his commanding profile, nor the missing arm from the vitality that emanated from him, despite the fact that he was not fully recovered from his injuries. Indeed, in her eyes, the marks of the suffering he’d endured in defending his country enhanced his already arresting physical attributes.
But that attraction, like the welcome relief of finding herself once again in a soldier’s company, had doubtless been heightened by not having experienced the feeling in so long.
She could only imagine how much more potent his appeal would be when he was fully healed. A heated flutter stirred in her stomach.
Fortunately, she was too old and wise now to be caught again in passion’s snare. Or she certainly should be—she need only remember the agony she’d suffered over Marshall.
Still, she was a woman, and vain though it might be, she was glad she’d worn the most attractive of her gowns for the call. She’d couldn’t help being pleased that, if her instincts were correct, that compelling man had found her attractive as well.
A flush of embarrassment heated her face as she suddenly recalled she’d actually told this wealthy, well-connected bachelor how handsome she thought him.
Drat candour! Hopefully, he would only think the comment shameless—and not suppose her to have marital designs upon him. The very idea that he might interpret her comment in that manner made her a little sick.
Nothing she could do now to correct that impression, if he had so interpreted her remark. With any luck, there’d be no further need to contact him, so any awkwardness on that score could be avoided.
Then perspective returned, and she had to laugh at herself. How foolish of her to think this commanding man, whose wealth and pedigree doubtless focused upon him the attention of every woman in the vicinity, would think twice about any supposed lures cast his way by a plain, outspoken spinster—with a crowd of orphans in tow!
The only lasting result of her visit today was her landlord’s agreement to lease her the property. Once she was immersed in overseeing its renovation, adding that task to those of getting Thornfield running properly and finding the necessary teachers, today’s interlude would fade to a pleasant but vague memory.
Ignoring the eddies in her stomach that warned otherwise, Theo fixed that conclusion firmly in mind and turned Firefly down the drive to Thornfield’s stables.
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