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Coming Home to Texas
He showered quickly, dried off and dressed in comfortable sweats. The house was silent as he made his way down the hall. The few lights on automatic timers revealed no sign of his guest. She hadn’t been in the kitchen, or if she had, she was one neat person. Not a glass or spoon was out of place.
He silently climbed the steps. Walking softly in his socks, he paused outside the guest bedroom. The faint sound of music filtered through the thick oak door. He knocked softly.
She might be sleeping. He’d heard that pregnant women needed lots of naps and a good night’s sleep. If so, he didn’t want to bother her. But the urge to check on Jodie, to make sure she was comfortable, overwhelmed his need to respect her privacy—and his good sense. He slowly turned the knob and eased open the door.
By the soft glow of an accent lamp, he saw her curled up in a chair beside the window. Her feet rested on an ottoman and she’d hugged her arms around herself, tugging her robe tight. She should be wrapped in a soft throw or blanket, but she hadn’t taken the time to do so before she’d fallen asleep.
He leaned down and looked out the window. She’d been watching the barn, he realized. Was she worried about him? Had she thought he’d gone off and deserted her?
He should have been more forthcoming about where he was going and how long he would be gone. He should have been more thoughtful, but he wasn’t used to having someone around. He’d had a few guests beside his sister Kate and her family, but no one else had ever lived in this house. He’d designed and built it after his divorce, when he’d moved to Ranger Springs to escape life in the city.
There was usually no one around to wonder what he was doing in the barn or to worry about him working through meals in his studio or to care whether he stayed out late at Schultze’s Roadhouse. And he liked it that way, he reminded himself.
He pulled a soft throw from the bench at the foot of the bed and draped it over Jodie. She stirred but didn’t awaken. He tucked the ends around her feet and she opened her eyes.
“Travis,” she sighed. Her husky, sexy voice invaded his mind and body like a mild electric current, putting him on alert. This was no time for sexual desire or any feelings that would sidetrack him. His focus would stay on what he had to say, because he had to make Jodie understand his position.
“You must be tired,” he said.
“I’m blaming it mostly on the time zone changes.”
“I’m thinking it has something to do with the baby.”
“Could be,” she murmured as she stretched. “Other than being a little more tired than usual, I haven’t noticed any changes.”
“No morning sickness?”
“No. I’ve been lucky.”
“I’m glad. That doesn’t sound like fun. I remember listening to my sister Kate and Kerry Jacks talk about their pregnancies. I thought then that pregnancy would be really tough on women who worked outside the home.”
“I sure wouldn’t want to have a lot of assignments, especially if I had to fly, if I were sick every morning.”
“You’ll be cutting back on your assignments now, right?”
“Very soon. Even though I’m plus size, a round tummy is going to show. I’ll probably stick with chest-high shots and my cosmetics obligations through the pregnancy.”
“But you won’t be working all the time, will you?”
“No, of course not.”
“Because I want you to take care of yourself and the baby. I don’t want you to overdo it.”
“I won’t.” She frowned. “But why the concern? I’m healthy. I’m not expecting any complications.”
“Can’t I be concerned? I care about you. And this is my baby, too, right?”
“Right.” She paused, then shifted in the chair, bringing his attention to her full breasts.
“So…where were you tonight?”
He looked back into her eyes. “Just doing some chores.” She didn’t have to know that he had a helper who cleaned the stalls and maintained the tack for him when he was busy with a project or out of town. “Thinking, too.”
“Oh? About what?”
“Us. The baby. What you want to do about it.”
She shifted in the chair, sitting up straighter. “Did you come to any conclusions?”
He could tell that what she really wanted to ask was, “Have you decided to do things on my terms?”
“Yes, I did.” He reached for her hands, noting they were cool and dry. He felt tiny tremors pass through her body, as though she was trembling in anticipation. “First, I have to ask you something.”
“Do you think what we felt in Monte Carlo was real?”
“What do you mean, real? I certainly wasn’t faking anything!”
“I mean, do you think the immediate attraction we felt was genuine? Or was it a fluke? When you look back on that time, do you say to yourself that you were stupid? Or do you remember the weekend fondly?”
“Well…I think we were irresponsible that one time, but overall, I don’t think anything that happened was stupid. I don’t think we reacted to each other any differently there than if we’d been introduced in New York or L.A. And despite the inconvenient timing of this pregnancy, I can’t say that I’m sorry that we made a baby together.”
“For the record, I’m happy about the baby, too. It took me a while to get used to the idea, since I hadn’t planned to get married or to have children.”
“Well, it hasn’t been so long. I just showed up on your doorstep right after lunch.”
“True, but I’m an intuitive kind of guy. I just needed some time to think about us in relation to this…new development.”
“Still, this was a pretty big shock, I think.”
“I’m glad you told me right away, though.”
“It was only fair, especially since I also asked you to marry me right away.”
“Speaking of marriage, I’ve been giving it a lot of thought.”
“I understand your position about your career and the contract you signed.”
“I feel a big ‘but’ coming on,” she said, pulling her hands away from his and tugging her robe tighter.
“I also believe that having two parents is best for a child.”
“Best, perhaps, but not necessary.”
“The thing is,” he continued, deciding to ignore her comments for the moment. She could get him into a tangential conversation far too easily. “I’ve been giving your ideas on marriage a lot of thought. And I simply don’t agree with your premise.”
“Which premise is that?”
“That this needs to be temporary. That we have no basis upon which to build a deeper relationship.”
“You want to stay married longer? For the sake of the baby?”
“If we get married, I want to stay married period. That’s how marriage is supposed to work.”
“But often doesn’t.”
“True. I’m a perfect example of how it’s sometimes necessary to end a marriage.” Getting a divorce was the best thing possible, given his ex-wife Tiffany’s priorities. He wasn’t about to be labeled a two-time loser, especially not now that he’d set down roots in a place he loved. If he married then divorced Jodie, people who cared about him would be understanding, but they’d still know he’d failed twice—either by choosing the wrong women to marry or by being unable to compromise and care enough to hold them.
“This time, I’m older and wiser. If I stand before a minister or an official of the state and say my vows, I need to mean them.” He looked deeply into Jodie’s troubled eyes. “I need to know you mean them, too.”
“Travis, you’re making a bigger issue out of this than it needs to be. There’s no reason to make this into a big production with lifetime consequences.”
He pulled back, his anger rising until he told himself that Jodie was scared. He could see it in her eyes. She felt as if she might lose the career she’d built based on her image. She was pregnant and single. And she didn’t want a lifetime commitment from him because she didn’t believe in the feelings they’d shared for one weekend in Monte Carlo.
Not that he believed in love. Depending on that fleeting emotion would be like building a house on shifting sand. Anyone could say they loved you, swear that they’d love you forever, without it meaning anything. The attraction, the mutual respect, the companionship he and Jodie shared—those were real.
He was convinced they could get those feelings back. He knew it when he looked at her sleeping in his guest room or in unguarded moments when she allowed her vulnerability to peek through the polished veneer she showed the rest of the world.
“Like it or not, we’ve made a lifetime commitment by creating a child together.”
“We can have a responsibility to the child without having one to each other.”
“Maybe you can. I don’t think so, but I might be wrong. But I can’t function that way. We should have a commitment to stay married or we don’t get married at all.”
“You’re giving me an ultimatum?”
“Just like you handed me one when you walked in the door.”
“That was different. I was trying to be considerate. I never wanted you to think that I was trying to trap you into marriage. You must know I didn’t plan to get pregnant. That’s why I still believe a temporary marriage would be best.”
“Jodie, I’m absolutely serious when I tell you this. We’re getting married on Saturday, which is Valentine’s Day, at Bretford House in Ranger Springs. That’s where we normally have receptions for local weddings. I would suggest having the ceremony in the church, but they’re refinishing the floors right now.”
He paused to take a breath. “It takes three days in Texas to get a license and make the arrangements. The date will seem romantic when your publicist prepares a press release about our whirlwind courtship.”
“Three days to plan a wedding!”
“You’ll have one day to decide, then we need to go to the county clerk’s office to apply for a license. I suggest you call your relatives, friends and business associates tomorrow and make travel arrangements for them. I’ll take care of the rest.”
She looked completely stunned as she sat upright in the chair, framed by the window. In the dark glass he saw a reflection of the room. He saw himself, looking stiff and determined. Well, fine. That’s how he felt. His decision was firm—he wasn’t getting married again unless it was for keeps. Maybe he and Jodie didn’t have enough in common to build a marriage, but maybe, just maybe, they did.
At least this time his wife wouldn’t beseech him to tell her he loved her one more time. To prove that he loved her by giving in to her demands for more, more, more. Jodie wasn’t insecure and clingy; she wouldn’t need constant reassurance.
He turned away from his austere image, then remembered an earlier conversation. “Oh, and by the way, we’re having dinner Wednesday night with Hank and Gwendolyn McCauley. Seven o’clock.”
“Travis, you can’t just come in here and turn my world upside down like this!”
“Funny you should say that, sweetheart, because that’s exactly what you did to me earlier today.”
She ignored his sarcasm. “I need time. I need to consult with my attorney and agent. I have plans to make!”
“Jodie, if you want to get married to me, you’d better make those plans in a hurry, because come Saturday, there’s going to be a wedding. It’s not going to be the biggest or the most elaborate wedding ever, but it’s going to be public, it’s going to be legal and it’s going to be ours.”
Chapter Four
Jodie had slept little after Travis’s dramatic announcement last night. She’d barely dozed off when her travel alarm buzzed. Now, showered and dressed, she felt ill prepared for what today would bring.
Still, she walked with as much confidence as she could muster down the second-floor hallway, pausing to look at the great room below. There was no fire in the large hearth, but she smelled coffee and sensed warmth coming from the kitchen. Apparently, Travis was already up, or he had a housekeeper. To take care of this large residence, Jodie wouldn’t be surprised if he had live-in help—not that she’d seen anyone yesterday.
She and Travis needed to talk about his ultimatum and she’d much rather do that in private, without even a one-person audience. She still thought a temporary marriage was best. Certainly they needed a whole new plan if he insisted they stay married. Not that she believed they would, of course. They had separate lives and might find that they weren’t compatible if they spent months rather than days together. The one thing they had in common was the baby, and she was willing to share the child with Travis. Surely they could be civilized and compromise on custody.
She hadn’t spent too much time thinking about marriage—although like many women, she’d fantasized about the perfect wedding. She’d been too busy rising in her profession. She’d always assumed one day she’d fall in love, get married and have children. In that order. Now she was doing it in reverse, only there was no guarantee of “falling in love.” But how could she get what she needed—a cooperative husband—without giving up on her dreams?
She couldn’t even call her mother, sister or publicist in California yet. They wouldn’t appreciate being awakened at six o’clock in the morning, West Coast time. But as soon as she and Travis talked again and came to a realistic agreement on their marriage, she’d let her people, family and friends know.
Perhaps a small private ceremony with a minister or justice of the peace wouldn’t be too bad. But Valentine’s Day? That was certainly quick, which was one of her needs, but was it too quick? When she’d told him they needed to get married right away, she was thinking of flying off to Vegas or Reno. Having a quiet ceremony. Perhaps with one photo that could be released to the press.
She had the perfect dress in her closet in Newport Beach. A creamy silk organza with embroidery that she’d purchased in India last year. The dress was beautiful, but she hadn’t found the perfect place to wear it…yet. She’d add medium-height Ferragamo’s and some polished capiz shell and pearl jewelry from her favorite Los Angeles designer. She’d look romantic yet sophisticated, especially on the arm of such a handsome, tall man dressed in black, classic Ralph Lauren.
She stopped and frowned. Surely she wasn’t shallow enough to consider the father of her child as an accessory! No, that’s not how she felt, she realized. She was just so accustomed to thinking in terms of how she looked in public that when she’d included him in the mental picture, she’d made him seem like part of her ensemble.
But Travis was much more. He was opinionated and decisive. Sexy and smart, yet perfectly at home in all types of situations. He possessed a strong sense of values that she admired, even when they conflicted with her need to do what was right for her life, her career and their baby.
A movement below caught her eye. As though she’d conjured him up by thinking so hard about him, he appeared. Wearing a sea-green crew-necked cotton sweater, faded jeans and heavy-soled boots, he looked every inch the wealthy, country gentleman. He could be a model for a new Chaps ad campaign.
“Didn’t anyone tell you that frowning causes wrinkles?” he said in a faintly teasing tone, placing his hands on his hips and staring up at her.
She smoothed away her expression, surprised she’d let him see her emotions so clearly. “Obviously, I’m not using Botox,” she quipped, thinking of all her acquaintances who had the injections to paralyze the muscles that caused frown lines on their foreheads.
“What’s troubling you?”
You, she felt like shouting. But that wouldn’t accomplish anything, especially when she needed his cooperation. “I have a few things on my mind.”
“Join the crowd,” he said with a sigh. “Come down and have some breakfast. Then I’ll help you with any plans you need to make.”
She turned away toward the spiral staircase leading to the first floor, feeling the telltale frown return. Her hand gripped the metal banister until her newly polished nails threatened to snap. She didn’t need his help planning—she needed his agreement that they would cooperate on a temporary marriage, she thought as she tromped down the steps. She needed him to make the media believe they’d fallen madly in love in Monte Carlo and were getting married because they couldn’t bear to be apart.
Well, at least not too far apart for too long, since she planned to continue her scheduled assignments and he probably had commissions to design buildings. Once the news of their hurried, hushed wedding hit the press and they’d granted a few choice interviews, she and Travis could go back to leading their separate lives most of the time. Then she’d fly back to Texas as often as possible and he could visit her in California, especially when she had a function to attend.
Especially when she started showing her pregnancy. She’d need a supportive husband then.
She walked into the breakfast area of the spacious kitchen. She smelled bacon and commented, “You’re quite the cook.”
“Not really. I just know enough to get by. I have a housekeeper, Helen Kaminsky, who comes twice a week. She’ll be here tomorrow and you can meet her. If I’m in town and on a project, she sometimes prepares meals for me. Otherwise, I go shopping myself. I’m amazed by the new prepared food at the grocery stores.”
She couldn’t picture Travis Whitaker pushing a cart through a supermarket, although she had no problem thinking of him in formal attire or country casual or cowboy chic. The fact that they knew so little about each other’s lives accentuated the need to avoid a permanent commitment. They’d have plenty of time to get to know each other well enough to mutually support a child, however, if Travis decided to stay involved.
“I’m constantly amazed at the variety of food available in restaurants,” she replied, forcing her attention back to breakfast.
“Maybe in New York or L.A., but you’ll find the choices much more limited in Ranger Springs.”
“But surely you have restaurants.”
“A few. The Four Square Café for breakfast and lunch. A pizza place that delivers. That’s a fairly recent addition. There’s a Tex-Mex place on the state highway, a fast-food burger chain and then there’s Bretford House for lunch or dinner. That’s where we’ll be having the wedding.”
“If we can agree on terms.”
He turned toward a beep from the oven. As he pulled a pan of perfectly browned biscuits out, he said, “There’s really not much to talk about. I’ll be glad to sign a prenuptial agreement if you’d like. We can each agree to keep whatever we came with into the marriage, although that’s pretty much the law in Texas anyway. Since there’s no baby yet, we don’t need to address that issue right now. Other than inviting family, I’m not sure what else is necessary.”
“How can you be so calm, so glib, about this? Surely you don’t get married every day!” At his chuckle she added, “Do you? You mentioned one ex-wife, but are there more?”
Travis shook his head, making a lock of tawny hair fall over his forehead. “No, one was quite enough, which is a really good reason not to have another one. Ex-wife, that is,” he clarified as he dumped the biscuits into a basket and covered them with a napkin.
“What was she like?” Jodie asked before she could stop herself. His past relationships weren’t really her business, but she was curious about his ex. In Monte Carlo he’d been so adamant that he wasn’t looking for anything past a great weekend. Had his marriage been a disaster? Her fault…or his?
He shrugged, carrying the biscuits and butter to the table. “Tiffany was cute and clever. Petite. Dainty, I suppose, but only in appearance. Inside she was a ten-foot-long great white shark with a huge appetite for anything that caught her eye.”
“And I’m sure you caught her eye,” Jodie commented, grabbing the plate of bacon and carrying it to the table. He’d set two places with place mats and heavy, dark blue ceramic plates.
“If you’re thinking of love at first sight, you’re wrong. She decided I was moving up and could give her what she wanted.” He pulled out two chairs and indicated where Jodie should sit.
She smiled to herself when she noticed the tall glass of milk at her place setting. “Which was?”
He settled into his seat before answering. “Everything. I never understood what Tiffany really wanted, but she was sure glad to look under every label and price tag to find it.”
“Other than spending your money, what was the problem?”
He placed his fork and knife down with a clatter. “Look, let’s not talk about her anymore, okay? It’s over and done with. I was young and stupid when we married, older and wiser when we got divorced. It doesn’t have anything to do with this marriage.”
Jodie didn’t want to argue with him, but she thought that anything from their past might affect their marriage—even if it were temporary. Nevertheless, she could understand why he didn’t want to discuss his ex-wife with his possible future wife, so she kept silent. There would be time to talk later—if they actually got married.
“I’d like to see the town if you have time this morning. And this Bretford House where we’re going to have the ceremony, if we get married.”
“On Valentine’s Day,” he added. “Four days from now.”
Jodie sighed. The man had a one-track mind. “So, do you have time or not?”
He nodded while chewing a bite of biscuit. After swallowing, he added, “I haven’t started on my next project yet because I’m waiting on some additional site elevations from the surveyor. I can put that off until after the wedding.”
“Great.” All this seemed to be falling into place for him, while she still felt completely turned around. She couldn’t remember her schedule. Thankfully, it was all written down in her trusty planner. She knew she had to be back in California next week, but wasn’t sure what date.
If she didn’t value her independence so much, she’d hire a personal assistant to travel with her. But she didn’t want someone with her all the time. How would she get used to a husband if they actually lived together?
She couldn’t. She’d just have to explain that to Travis after they went through with the ceremony he wanted. Something for him. Something for her. Isn’t that what compromise was all about?
TRAVIS TRIED TO SEE his adopted hometown through Jodie’s much more sophisticated eyes, but he had a hard time reading her expressions as he parked his SUV in front of Schuler’s Jewelry Store. If looking around and meeting folks went well, he hoped they could shop for wedding bands before going to Bretford House to finalize the wedding plans.
The town square appeared rather bleak on this February day, with only a few evergreen shrubs to break the faded browns of this past winter. Soon spring bulbs would appear, but today he suspected Jodie wouldn’t see the charm of the gazebo or walkways used by so many in Ranger Springs.
“The town square is real nice in the spring and summer,” Travis commented as they stepped onto the sidewalk.
Jodie nodded, but was obviously busy looking around. “The businesses seem to be doing well,” she finally said.
“We’re having a small boom. More and more people are moving out of the cities and into the countryside.”
Not exactly wild praise, but he’d settle for her favorable impression. “The café is on the other side of the square, near the gazebo. I thought we’d go there first and meet some of the regulars.”
He and Jodie walked side by side. He felt as though he should hold her hand, or take her arm, or make some other gesture, but he couldn’t read her mood. She wasn’t exactly as chilly as the wind whipping along the raised concrete sidewalk, but she didn’t seem all warm and snuggly, either.
Despite her somewhat subdued mood, he enjoyed walking with a woman he didn’t have to lean down to talk to, or saunter beside slowly because their strides were so different. The kind of women he usually dated wore heels almost everywhere, and they giggled when he commented on how “little” they were. Jodie didn’t giggle, although in the days they’d spent together, she’d laughed and chuckled regularly. She had a throaty, genuine laugh that came from deep inside. He hadn’t realized how irritating a high-pitched, childish voice could be on a grown woman until he’d met Jodie.