Полная версия
Regency Surrender: Passion And Rebellion
‘You look well, Francesca,’ Rupert said, going to greet her. He leaned forwards and kissed her cheek. ‘I am pleased to tell you that I have invited some friends for this weekend. I believe you will find companions that will bring excitement and pleasure to your life. I have a gift for you, as well as John—I will give it to you this evening. Now, if you will both excuse me...’
Rupert glanced at Sarah before walking away. She was confused by the signal he was giving her. Before he left he had shown her plainly that he meant to keep his distance, but now...having seen her home and realised that she was not a lady despite her education and wealth...did he now feel it was permissible to seduce her?
What could he be thinking of? It was quite out of the question, even if her body did clamour for his and her nights were disturbed by the feverish longings he’d aroused in her.
She could not but think that he was a dangerous flirt, a rake who could not help exercising his powerful charm on the ladies, even if he were not serious about pursuing them.
A part of her mind told Sarah that he was no such thing—that he was decent and honest and misunderstood—but she knew that he had had several mistresses, because Mrs Brancaster had warned her of the fact.
She had visited the housekeeper in her parlour one afternoon, taking a dish of tea with her when Francesca had been practising at the pianoforte. Mrs Brancaster had given her a particular look and she wondered if the staff had noticed something about Rupert’s manner towards her. They must think it odd that she continued in the house since she was not a governess and no longer in the marquess’s employ.
‘Such a pleasant gentleman,’ the housekeeper had said as she passed a cup. ‘Good-looking and in possession of a handsome fortune, so they say—but it will be a clever woman that catches that particular fish. I’ve heard he’s broken a score of hearts in his time.’
‘Well, I dare say he’s like most gentlemen,’ Sarah said, outwardly calm. ‘He has enjoyed being single and may settle once he’s married. Do they not say that reformed rakes make the best husbands?’
‘I’ve heard it said, miss,’ Mrs Brancaster said, pursing her lips. ‘But as I said, it will take a clever mind to trap that one—and he would never marry out of his class. His family is very proud. I suppose if he were desperate for money—but from what I hear of it, he has done very well for himself since he left the army.’
‘I expect he will fall in love one day, Mrs Brancaster. Who knows—perhaps he has done so already.’
‘He’s more likely to marry for property and rank than love,’ the housekeeper said darkly. ‘You mark my words, his sort always do.’
Sarah had not argued, for her mind told her it was the truth—though sometimes her heart whispered a completely different story.
* * *
Sarah was surprised when she went up to her room and discovered that her trunk had been taken up without her being aware of it. She’d sent most of her things home in this trunk, but when she opened it, she discovered that it had been repacked, probably by her maid. Indeed, she found a short note from Tilly, asking if she should join her mistress at Cavendish Park.
Sarah considered and then decided against it. Francesca was aware of her true standing, but she had not told the housekeeper or the maids that she was an heiress, only that she had come here to escape from an importunate suitor, and thought it best to keep things as they were. After the trip to London, she would never return here and no one need know about her masquerade.
Looking at some of the gowns that Tilly had packed for her, Sarah was tempted by one in particular. It was a yellow silk that she’d never worn. She hadn’t taken it with her on her business journey, but it was lovely and would look very well for an informal evening. However, since Rupert had invited guests to stay she would save it for a special occasion.
Sarah’s own gowns were all simply cut, but the quality lay in the fit and the material. Most of them were far too elegant for a governess and would occasion comment if she were to wear them here.
When they left for London, she would send for her maid to join her and ask for some of her best evening gowns to be sent to her—though it was the chance of a lifetime to buy herself a new wardrobe. Most of her gowns had been made in Newcastle, by a wonderful French seamstress, who had somehow found herself in the northern city and established her business there. However, it would be pleasant to have a new stylish wardrobe made in London.
She dressed for the evening in her usual gown and was just putting the finishing touches to her toilette when someone knocked at the door. With one last glance in the mirror, she went to answer it, feeling a shock as she saw it was Rupert.
‘Forgive me, I wanted to give you this in private,’ he said and handed her a parcel. ‘I’ve brought gifts for Francesca and John, which I shall give them before dinner—but I wanted you to have yours first.’
‘A gift for me?’ Sarah was surprised. It was most unconventional for a man to offer someone like her a gift. ‘Really, you ought not—I’m not sure that I can accept....’ But she wanted to and her heart skipped a beat.
‘It is merely a token of my appreciation. Perhaps not what I should have liked to give you, but a simple gift like this should not bring censure on you for accepting it.’
‘Perhaps...’ Sarah breathed deeply. ‘Thank you, I shall accept it in the spirit it was given.’
‘Then I am in your debt. I shall leave you to come down in your own time. I must see John and Francesca.’
Sarah nodded and retreated into her room, closing the door behind her. When she could breathe properly again, she untied the string holding the brown paper in place. Inside the package was a small prayer book in white leather chased with silver and set with what looked like a diamond clasp. Not a small gift by any means, but not an intimate gift—not the kind of gift a man might give to his mistress.
Of course, Sarah wasn’t his mistress yet. Now what had put that thought into her head? It was never going to happen!
She ran her fingers over the smooth leather, thinking how much she would like to use this when they went to church on Sundays. It was a thoughtful gift and just the kind of thing she liked—the kind of gift her father had often given her for birthdays and Christmas. Mr Hardcastle had not often given impromptu gifts and Sarah wondered why Lord Myers had chosen to do so; he’d only been away a few days, even if they had seemed like a lifetime to Sarah.
* * *
‘Look what Rupert bought for me,’ Francesca said, glowing with pleasure as she showed Sarah the pretty fan she’d been given as her gift. The sticks were pierced ivory with gold chasing and painted with French pastoral scenes. ‘Is it not lovely?’
‘Yes, very pretty,’ Sarah agreed, pleased to see the girl so delighted with a simple gift.
His gift could hardly have been more appreciated, for it was something the girl had lacked. She spent most of the evening fanning her cheeks and peeking over the top at them, as if she were practising how to flirt.
Sarah found her innocent pleasure most attractive and a little amusing and, her eyes seeking Rupert’s, she saw the glisten of laughter there, as if he shared her thoughts. Then his eyes met hers and his expression changed, becoming so intense that it burned her. He half raised his glass to her and then turned away to speak to John.
Sarah looked down at her plate. Just what was in his mind? She was finding it difficult to judge because the signals were mixed. Rupert seemed so gallant, so kind and considerate at one moment and the next he was the charming rake, intent on making a conquest.
And if she did not stop thinking such foolish things and pay attention to what was being said, they would all wonder what was the matter with her.
John had been given a pair of York tan riding gloves and a sturdy whip made of good leather, but without embellishment. He had worn his gloves to table, but a nod from his mentor made him remove them in order to eat his dinner.
Looking about her, Sarah thought she had never been so content. She’d always regretted the lack of a sister or brother and this was the family she would always have wished for had she been given a choice. The only thing that could make things better was if Rupert actually cared for her...but that was dangerous territory and she pushed it from her mind as the talk turned to a discussion of their guests.
It appeared that they were to have four ladies and six gentlemen, all of whom were Rupert’s particular friends, and, Sarah was certain, handpicked for their reliability.
At least with guests in the house, Rupert was unlikely to start an affair with his charge’s companion.
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