British Bachelors: Gorgeous and Impossible
British Bachelors: Gorgeous and Impossible

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British Bachelors: Gorgeous and Impossible

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Lexi’s brain caught up with what Mark was saying and a cold hand gripped her heart in spite of the warm breeze. ‘You were prepared to do that?’ she asked, trying to keep the horror of his situation out of her voice and failing. ‘To marry a girl whom you didn’t love? Then have a baby with her to provide a son to inherit the estate?’

‘Oh, yes. The old rules are still in force. Even Cassie’s boys don’t stand a chance. Unless I persuade some poor girl to give me a son, the next Baron Belmont will be my least favourite cousin. And both of his boys are adopted, so they can’t inherit, either. So that’s it. Nine hundred years, father to son, and it all comes down to me.’

Lexi sucked in a breath and exhaled slowly. ‘How can you stand it? How can you live like that?’ she asked in a trembling voice. ‘Bringing a child into this world should be something for two people to celebrate—not an obligation you can tick off the list.’

And at least you’re able to have a son. Have you no idea how lucky you are?

Then she looked into Mark’s sad eyes and all of her fight drifted away. ‘Sorry. That was unfair. You have a duty to your family and they need you.’

His response was to rest his forehead against Lexi’s and take her hand in his, stretching out each of her fingers in turn, as though they were the most fascinating objects he’d ever seen.

‘Now do you understand why I’m struggling to finish her biography?’ he asked, his voice low and trembling. ‘People will expect my mother to have enjoyed a fabulous life full of fun and happiness and excitement. Movie stars like Crystal Leighton aren’t supposed to end up living a bitter, cold existence, racked with disappointment and low self-worth. With a son who was never there for her.’

He clasped both her hands between his and held them prisoner before asking the question Lexi had been dreading but had somehow known would come.

‘How will you write that story, Lexi? How do you tell that kind of truth without destroying my father and my family at the same time?’

‘That has to be your decision, Mark,’ she replied, in as low and calm a voice as she could manage. ‘I can tell you how to make this book a true celebration of her life. And I know that the dark and the shade only make the happy times seem brighter. That was a part of her life and you can’t avoid the truth.’

‘The truth? That’s a strange concept from someone who writes stories for a living. Let me tell you the truth,’ he murmured, his voice trembling with emotion. ‘The truth is that I need to get back to London. Away from the manor. I have to focus on the future and learn to live my own life, not a second-hand one—that’s precisely what she would want me to do.’

And then Mark released her fingers, pressed one hand to her cheek, tilted his head and, with the most feather-light touch, kissed her.

Lexi was so startled that she was rendered speechless. The pressure of his lips was so warm and soft that her eyelids fluttered closed and she almost leant forward for more—only to find him gone. And she immediately cursed herself for being so weak and foolish.

‘Thank you for listening. I can’t finish this book, Lexi. I can’t put my family through the pain.’ He took a step back and looked out over the cliffs to the wide blue ocean in front of them. ‘Sorry, Lexi. The biography is cancelled. I’m going to return the advance to my publisher. I can deal with the fallout with my family, and it’s better to do it now rather than later, in the full face of the media. Thank you for helping me to decide to move forward in my life, not backwards, but I don’t need your help any more. You can go back to London. Your work here is finished.’

Lexi fought to bring her heartbeat back to normal before stomping up to Mark, who was standing at the stone wall looking out towards the islands on the horizon.

‘Finished? Oh, no, you don’t, Mark Belmont.’

Mark turned back to face her, startled. ‘I beg your pardon?’

‘And so you should. Because right now it seems to me that you are running away from a challenge just at the point when it starts to get interesting.’

He smiled and shook his head. ‘I’ve already told you that you will get your fee. Don’t worry about it.’

She stepped forward, grabbed his arms and turned him sideways, so that he was not quite so scarily close to the edge of the precipice.

‘I’m really not getting through to you, am I?’ She rolled her eyes. ‘I refuse to let you walk away from the only chance you’ll ever have to put the record straight about Crystal Leighton. Yes, that’s right. I am not going anywhere. And neither are you. I’ve been hearing a lot about family obligations, but nothing about how the real Mark would choose to celebrate his mother’s life and work if left to himself.’

‘That option is not available. I don’t have a choice.’

Lexi clamped her hands over her ears. ‘Not listening. Of course you have choices. You’re the one who decides what to do with the life you’ve been given. So you’re going to be the next Baron Belmont? That’s amazing!’

She lowered her hands and smiled at him. ‘Think of all the good you can do in your position. Starting with celebrating the life of your wonderful mother.’

One more step pressed her against his chest. ‘Take the risk, Mark. Take this week out of your life and do the best you can. Because together I know we can create something stunning and true and authentic. But I need you on my team. Come on. Take the risk. You know you’ll always regret it if you don’t. And I never took you for a quitter.’ Her voice softened. ‘Do it out of love, not out of obligation. Who knows? You might actually enjoy it.’

His finger traced a line from her cheek to her neck and the tingles made her want to squirm.

‘One week?’ he whispered, his breath hot on her face.

‘One week.’ She play-thumped him on the chest. ‘Now. Where’s that lunch you promised me? I’ve been desperate for Greek salad for the last hour.’

It was a very silly hour of the morning when Lexi finally gave up tossing and turning, pulled her pillow from under her head and attempted to throw back the covers from her comfortable double bed.

Only she’d twisted so much that the fine cotton sheets had wrapped around her like an Egyptian mummy, and after a few minutes of kicking and elbowing her way free she knew what silkworms must feel like. She felt so hot that even the single sheet was a weight on her skin. The simple air-conditioning unit was trying its best, but with the double glazed windows closed the bedroom felt airless and stuffy. And so desperately, desperately quiet.

Somewhere in the house a clock was striking every quarter-hour with a musical chime, but apart from that comforting sound the house was completely silent—as though it was a sleeping giant waiting for some magical spell to be broken to bring him back to life.

It was such a total contrast to the background hubbub of the large international hotels she usually stayed in and the city noises that surrounded them.

Lexi tiptoed over to the balcony door and peeked out through the hand-worked lace curtain. Slowly and quietly sneaking open the door, she stepped outside, closing it behind her.

She could see light coming from the living rooms of the house on the other side of the olive grove. Moths fluttered against the light above her head, but no mosquitoes, thank goodness. Down below in the garden, solar-powered lights illuminated the pathway to the pool and a barbecue area. A white cat pattered across the patio tiles towards the swimming pool—probably the Snowys’ dad Oscar, going for a drink. But apart from that all was still, calm and serene.

Lexi looked out over the treetops and soaked in the silence as though she was drinking the contents of a deep well of cool, refreshing water. True silence like this was so rare in her life that when it happened she took the time to appreciate the tranquillity, no matter how temporary it might be.

Especially after today’s scooter ride to the viewpoint.

It was going to take a while to process everything that Mark had told her. And what about that fleeting kiss? Oh, boy. Had he really no clue as to how totally tantalising it was to have had a taste of his mouth, so tender, even for such a fleeting second?

He’d made an effort to keep their conversation on neutral ground during their brief lunch at the lovely harbour at Lakka before going straight back to work. And this time they had both been enthusiastic and motivated. The tide had turned. Now Mark wanted this book as much as she did.

Perhaps it was this villa that had made the difference.

Everything seemed so still. So full of possibility. A white clean space just begging to be filled with activity and life and—

A loud clattering, quickly followed by a low mumble, banged out on the wooden floorboards and she practically jumped over the railing. The sound ricocheted like a bullet around the terrace, shattering the deep silence.

Holding her breath, she clung on to the railing and listened for any further indication of movement. Or for the sound of his voice.

He did have a remarkable voice—deep and intense, yet quiet. With that faint touch of an American accent. It truly was quite delicious.

She wondered for a moment what it would be like to hear that voice speaking her name with intimate, loving tenderness. To fall into those strong arms and not let go for any reason.

No! Wipe that image from your brain!

If she wanted a fantasy she would stick to thinking about her mother’s engagement party and all the work they needed to do to make it as magical as possible.

So what if she was attracted to him? It was only natural. But there could never be anything between them. And she had better remember that.

Lexi took another step along the small balcony, gazing out over the olive groves towards the sea.

A ship was sailing on the horizon, the rows of coloured lights on its decks bright and sharp against the darkness of the night. Perhaps it was a cruise ship, or a large ferry from Italy. And above the ship the sky was a breathtaking blanket of stars. She leant on the balustrade and stood on the tips of her toes, but the overhanging wooden eaves were blocking her view.

There was only one thing for it: she would have to go outside to get the full benefit of the night sky.

Lexi skipped lightly down the staircase, carefully turned the creaking handle of the heavy door that opened onto the patio, anxious not to disturb Mark, and stepped out onto the stone floor.

She stood silently with her head back for a second, lost in the bliss of cool air against her skin. A gentle breeze was blowing in from the sea between the pine trees, and Lexi could smell flowers and pine resin mixed in with the slight whiff of chlorine from the swimming pool.

A tiny sliver of new moon peeked out from behind one of the cypresses across the lane, and the only light was from the solar-powered lamps around the car park and stone steps leading to the house. But as she made her way gingerly towards the side garden in her bare feet even that background light was blocked by the house.

Perfect! Lexi stopped, pressed her back against the wall, and looked up towards the night sky.

Without streetlights or a city glow, the sky was wonderfully dark and clear of cloud. Spread out above the trees was a magnificent display of stars which seemed dazzlingly bright in the unpolluted air. She even recognised a few of the constellations, although they were aligned in slightly different shapes from the ones she knew in England.

It was stunning. Without realising it Lexi exhaled a long, slow sigh of deep satisfaction and relaxation. Her shoulders slumped with pleasure.

‘Stargazing? Can’t blame you. It is rather spectacular.’

She practically jumped out of her skin.

There was a creak from the sun lounger at the far end of the patio, and as Lexi’s eyes became more accustomed to the low light she saw Mark stretched out flat, hands behind his head. He seemed to be fully dressed, and she could only hope that her thin pyjamas were not too transparent.

‘Well!’ She tried to keep her voice light, jovial and her heart from exploding. ‘This is a surprise. The famous businessman Mark Belmont is actually a closet astronomer. One more attribute to add to your résumé.’

He chuckled, and his voice was low, deep and resonant in the absolute stillness of the night.

‘Guilty as charged,’ he replied. ‘Always have been. Even had a telescope at one time—much to my family’s amusement. My sister could probably find it somewhere in the attic if needed. How about you? Long history of solar exploration in your family?’

‘Oh, just one of my many talents,’ Lexi replied and was just about to make some dismissive quip when it struck her that from the tone of his voice he sounded relaxed and comfortable. At home. Unencumbered with responsibility.

So she fought back the urge to be sarcastic and strolled over towards his lounger in the dark. Except that her bare toes connected with something solid on the way.

‘Ouch!’ She winced. ‘What have I just banged into?’

‘That would be the other lounger,’ he replied, sounding concerned. ‘Any damage done?’

‘To my toe or your furniture?’ she asked and flexed her toes. ‘No, I don’t think so. I still have some movement. I can’t speak for the other party.’

‘Excellent,’ he replied. ‘Then please feel free to sprawl and enjoy the free floorshow. No charge.’

‘Well, in that case, I think I might just do that.’ Lexi smiled as she sank her bottom into the sumptuous cushion and stretched her legs out. ‘Oh, that’s better.’

They lay there without speaking for a few minutes, disturbed only by the sound of the cicadas in the olive groves and the occasional car horn from miles away. It was so bizarrely quiet that when a weird whooping, screeching noise broke the silence Lexi sat bolt upright and clutched the sun lounger in alarm.

‘What was that?’ she whispered.

‘An owl. They nest in the trees,’ Mark replied. ‘So, tell me more about your star-watching.’

Lexi knew from the warmth of his voice that he was smiling as he said it. ‘I can’t say it was a popular hobby in my family, but I’ve always been fascinated by the stars.’ She snuggled deeper into the lounger and tried to find a comfier position. ‘I can still remember the first time one of the teachers at school told us that each star was actually a sun and probably had a moon and planets going around it.’

Lexi chuckled. ‘He had no idea what he’d started. I dragged my poor mother out on cold winter nights, huddled up outside the back door of our little London house, just to stare up at the sky. I remember asking her if there were people like us living on those planets around those stars, looking back at us at that very minute.’

‘What was her reply?’ Mark murmured in the dark.

‘She said there probably were creatures and possibly even intelligent beings living on those planets, orbiting around suns we can’t even see because they’re so far away that the light hasn’t reached us yet from those distant worlds.’ She paused for a second. ‘Which totally made my head spin. Clever woman, my mother.’

Except when it came to choosing husbands. Then she was a disaster.

‘Do you still live with her? In your little house in London?’

‘Mum? No. I moved out earlier this year—although we still live in the same part of London. I spend a lot of time overseas, but we make the time to catch up with each other every few months. Our telephone bills are pretty enormous. It works well. She recently got engaged, so the next few months are going to be a bit wedding-crazy.’

Lexi pursed her lips for a second. The conversation was starting to get a little personal, and way too close to home for this audience. Especially when it came to her parents.

‘How about you, Mark? Tell me about your place in London.’

‘I have the penthouse apartment in my office building.’

‘You live in your office building?’ she replied, realising even as she spoke that her voice was stinging with criticism.

A low snort came from the other lounger, but when he spoke Mark’s voice was clear and honest, rather than embarrassed or apologetic for living above the shop. ‘It suits me very well. I’m single and busy. And the views across the city are pretty spectacular from my balcony. But the stars? Ah. Not so spectacular.’

Lexi exhaled slowly. ‘It must be wonderful to have this house to come back to any time you want and look at the night sky. You do know that this is every writer’s dream? A quiet rural retreat where they can focus on simply being creative. It’s magical.’

The silence seemed even more intense and Lexi squeezed her eyes closed. Why had she said that? Stupid girl. He might think she was angling for an invitation. Or more.

‘That’s the problem,’ he replied in a very quiet voice. ‘It is magical, but most of the year the place stays empty and the only people who benefit are the cats and my housekeeper. We’re always so very, very busy. Always so much to do just to stand still.’

The sadness in his voice pierced Lexi’s gentle heart.

She hadn’t expected to like him or care about him, but she did. More than was good for her. She knew now that his family life wasn’t perfect and happy after all, and she was sorry for that. So much loss and pain changed people, and not always for the better. But Mark? Mark still had that spark, even if it was hidden deep inside.

And the thought that he might lose that spark sent a shiver down her back. She quivered and rubbed her arms.

‘Feeling cold?’ he asked.

‘A little,’ she replied. ‘Probably time for me to head back inside.’

She heard a low grunt and a shuffle as Mark swung himself off his lounger and took the two steps towards her. Before she had a chance to speak he had taken both her hands in his and was lifting her to her feet.

‘We stargazers have to stick together,’ he murmured, pressing his body against the length of her back with his arms around her waist. A delicious glow of warmth and strength filled Lexi’s body and she instinctively leant back to enjoy the heat from his closeness.

Mark raised one arm and pointed to a bright star on the horizon below the new moon. ‘I used to read all those exciting comics about mysterious invaders from Venus or Mars. Scared myself silly. I suspect that’s why my dad bought me the telescope. So that hard science could replace dreams and fantasy stories about aliens and spaceships.’

‘And what about your mum? What did she say?’ Lexi struggled to keep her voice steady in the face of this sudden intimacy.

‘Oh, she kept bringing me the comics. Keeping my mind open to every option. I loved her for that.’

‘She must have been quite remarkable,’ Lexi whispered into the night.

‘Yes. Yes, she was.’ He paused before going on. ‘Thanks for talking me into carrying on with her biography. I think it’s going to be a grand celebration.’

Lexi lowered her head and turned around so that she was facing Mark.

‘You’re most welcome. Good night. I hope you sleep well.’

She touched her cool fingers to either side of his face, and brushed her lips against his in a light kiss which was just a tiny bit longer than the one he had given her at the viewpoint. His lips were warm and full and inviting, and she hesitated for just a moment in the darkness before moving away.

Mark seemed to freeze. Then he took hold of her shoulders, pulled her tight into his body, stepped forward until her back was resting against the wall of the house, cushioned by his arm, so that when he kissed her, her pliant body had somewhere to go.

This was nothing like that first hesitant kiss in the sunshine. This was the kiss of a man determined to drive logical thought from her mind as he pressed harder, exploring her tongue and lips while taking the weight of her body in his muscular arms.

Her hands moved up from his shoulders and into his hair, which was as wonderful and sensual as she had imagined.

But she had broken the spell by moving. And he eased back, drawing her on wobbly legs away from the wall.

She hung on to him, her head against his chest until her breathing calmed, then looked up into his smiling face. His thumb brushed against her lower lip, sending tingles to places she really did not want to be tingling.

‘You are really quite irresistible. Do you know that?’ he whispered.

She managed a nod. ‘You, too.’

He stifled a grin. ‘But probably not a good idea. All things considered.’

Then he tapped her on the nose. ‘It won’t happen again. Good night, Lexi. Sleep well.’

She watched him stroll into the house. Sleep? After that kiss? Was he kidding?


‘YOU bought me shoes?’ Lexi stared at Mark open-mouthed, dangling the plain tan-leather flat sandals from one finger so that she could ogle them from every angle.

He winced, and nodded his head towards the local shop only a few feet away from the waterside restaurant where they were sitting.

‘If you really hate them I won’t be in the least offended. Take them back for an exchange. But the range is rather limited compared to what you’re used to.’

Her eyes widened in disbelief. ‘Hate them? What are you talking about?’ She leaned forward over the remains of their lunch of kebab, Greek salad and hot grilled herb pitta. ‘You’re the first man ever to buy me shoes. This is an historic occasion. They’re even the right size. I am amazingly, stunningly speechless. And I have no intention of taking them back. I may even wear them. How about that?’

He raised his water glass to her in tribute. ‘The cats and I thank you for your understanding. I had a stern word with both kittens and they promise never to pee on your shoes again.’ He played with a piece of bread before asking, in the most seductive voice Lexi had ever heard in her life, ‘Do you really like them?’

‘They are totally awesome sauce,’ she murmured across the table in an equally low voice. ‘Yes. I like them.’

She sat back under the sun umbrella and sipped her wine as she looked around at the harbour and the line of yachts moored in the marina in the warm bright sunshine.

‘I must say, Mr Belmont, that you treat your lady guests remarkably well. A waterfront location only feet from the Mediterranean, a delicious meal, splendid local white wine–and shoes. I am impressed.’

‘Thanks. I thought it was only appropriate since I have a pre-published children’s author with me—that, and the small fact that we’ve been slaving away in that stuffy study for two days and hardly coming up for air.’

She looked at Mark over her glass.

Slaving was one way of putting it.

The constant struggle to avoid touching his body as they negotiated around each other in the small space had driven her mad with frustration.

Sometimes she could almost feel the tension between them.

But he had kept his word and not made any moves on her. And she was grateful … wasn’t she? She couldn’t give in to the feelings. That would mean trouble for both of them and would only end in heartbreak. She had to hold it together and fight temptation for a few more days. Just. A. Few. More. Days.

In the meantime she could enjoy his company. Memories of meals like this were going to have to sustain her on many a lonely night in a foreign hotel for a long time to come.

‘It’s been worth it, Mark. The book is shaping up really well, and the work we were doing this morning on your village school was lovely.’ Lexi clinked her wine glass against his water beaker in a toast. ‘To team work.’

‘I’ll drink to that. Speaking of which, I have a mission to accomplish—and you are the ideal person to advise me.’

‘Ah,’ Lexi replied, rubbing her hands together. ‘Business or personal?’

‘Personal. I have to buy a present for my nephew Freddie before I head back. Two years old and already interested in everything animal-related. I was thinking of a soft toy, but he has a room full of those already. Any ideas?’

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