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Regency Improprieties
It should hearten her that the marquess might be the man who so captivated her, but somehow it did not. Whatever could exist between a marquess and a songstress would not be love.
Rose sighed. She would just have to discourage this man. She was confident she’d learned enough about gentlemen to fend off unwanted attention. Her priority at the moment was to finish out her summer singing at Vauxhall, and to have Mr Hook put her forth with the highest recommendations to others who might hire her. Rose wanted to keep singing, perhaps on a proper stage this time, part of a real theatre. She wanted to rise some day to the principal roles, to have her name always in the newspapers, her image on playbills, theatre managers clamouring for her to sing for them.
In the meantime, she wanted coin enough to pay her keep so Letty would not complain that her father allowed her to stay. Until she found where she truly belonged—or with whom—she would not settle for less. She would not engage her heart to a marquess who wanted her for mere amusement. Even if he was handsome. Even if her blood stirred when he looked upon her.
She merely would let her father believe otherwise.
‘I will receive the marquess, Papa,’ she said.
Flynn stepped out of the hackney coach and walked the short distance up Langley Street to the lodgings where O’Keefe had directed him, a plain enough building from the outside. He took a deep breath and nodded, telling himself again that the previous night’s infatuation with a Vauxhall singer had been due to too much arrack. He was clear headed now.
Rose O’Keefe, like Tanner’s many other conquests, would be a woman of business, savvy enough to work out that making herself into a hard-won prize would drive up the price. It was Flynn’s job to see that Tanner did not pay one pence more than she was worth—and she ought to be worth no more than the others had cost the marquess.
Flynn stared at the door of the building and tugged at his cuffs, straightening his coat. Appearances were always important in negotiations, he told himself. He cleared his throat and opened the door, stepping into a dark hall.
Letting his eyes adjust to the dim light, he waited a moment before ascending the wooden staircase. One flight up, he turned and knocked upon a plain wooden door. As its knob turned and the door began to open, his chest tightened, exactly as if he had run from Mayfair to Covent Garden.
But the sensation passed when Mr O’Keefe admitted him into a small parlor with threadbare furniture, adorned by luxurious bouquets of flowers on almost every surface. Flynn congratulated himself for forgoing a bouquet of rare blooms. He patted the inside pocket of his coat that held Tanner’s offering.
‘Good day to you, sir.’ Mr O’Keefe bowed repeatedly. ‘Good of you to call.’
‘How do you do, sir.’ A garishly dressed woman curtsied deeply.
Mr O’Keefe took his hat and gloves and gestured to the woman. ‘This is Rose’s very dear friend and mine, Miss Dawes.’
She curtsied again.
Their deference was extreme. It dawned on him that they thought he was Tanner. ‘I did not give you my name last night. I am Mr Flynn, the Marquess of Tannerton’s secretary—’
Mr O’Keefe suddenly relaxed. ‘Yes, yes,’ he said in an almost normal voice. He thrust his hand out to Flynn. ‘Good of you to come.’
Flynn accepted the handshake. ‘It was good of you to allow me to call.’
O’Keefe gestured to the sofa. Flynn indicated that Mr O’Keefe must sit as well, and the older man, thin as a reed and a good head shorter than Flynn, lowered himself into an adjacent chair.
‘I come on the marquess’s behalf,’ Flynn began. ‘The marquess has had the pleasure of hearing your daughter’s lovely voice. He is most anxious to meet her.’
Mr O’Keefe nodded, listening intently.
Flynn continued, ‘I should like to convey the marquess’s high regard to Miss O’Keefe directly, if that is possible.’
‘I’ll fetch her,’ Miss Dawes piped up. ‘I have no idea why she has not showed herself.’
‘I would be grateful.’ Flynn watched her bustle through an interior door.
‘Rose!’ he heard Miss Dawes say sharply.
Flynn frowned.
‘She’ll come,’ Mr O’Keefe said in a reassuring tone.
Flynn did not wish to negotiate with the father. Experience had taught him that it was preferable to deal with the woman herself.
‘Here she is,’ chirped Miss Dawes from the doorway. She quickly stepped aside.
Rose O’Keefe entered the room, so graceful she seemed to glide above the floor. Up close, with daylight illuminating the room, her beauty robbed his lungs of air. Her face, so fair and fine, was framed by raven-black tendrils, her skin translucent. But it was her eyes that captured him and aroused him again. They were as green as the rolling hills of County Down.
He stood.
Before he could speak, she said, ‘You are?’
Her father rose from his chair and walked over to her. ‘Mary Rose, Mr Flynn is secretary to the Marquess of Tannerton.’
Her glorious green eyes widened slightly.
Flynn bowed. ‘Miss O’Keefe.’
She seemed to recover from any surprise, saying coolly, ‘You were wanting to speak to me, sir?’
Flynn heard the lilt of Ireland in her speech, not quite as carefully eradicated as his own. He began, ‘I come on behalf of the marquess—’
‘I see,’ she interrupted. ‘What is it a marquess wants of me that he cannot be asking himself?’
Flynn blinked.
‘Mary Rose!’ her father pleaded. ‘Mind your tongue.’
‘Obey your father!’ Miss Dawes scolded.
Miss O’Keefe darted Miss Dawes a defiant glance. This was going badly, Flynn thought. It was beginning to seem as if her father and this Dawes woman were forcing her into this. Tanner never desired a woman be compelled to share his bed. Flynn needed to deal directly with Miss O’Keefe. He must be assured she would be a willing partner.
And, at the moment, Miss O’Keefe looked anything but willing.
‘I will speak with Miss O’Keefe alone, sir,’ he said in a smooth voice.
Mr O’Keefe looked uncertain.
Miss Dawes wagged her finger towards the daughter. ‘Talk to him, Rose. Be a good girl.’ Then she hustled the father out of the room.
Flynn turned back to Miss O’Keefe. Her green eyes were strained.
‘I would not distress you, miss,’ he said softly.
She waved a graceful hand in the air. ‘It is of no consequence.’
He paused, composing his next words.
She spoke first. ‘You came for a reason, Mr Flynn?’ Her voice was high, and tiny lines appeared at the corners of her perfectly sculpted lips.
His brows knitted. This girl seemed not at all eager to hear an offer. ‘Indeed. About Lord Tannerton.’
‘Would you care to sit, sir?’ she asked with forced politeness.
He inclined his head, waiting for her to sit opposite him before he lowered himself into the seat.
‘You were saying, Mr Flynn?’
He began again, ‘I was saying, the marquess has heard you sing—’
‘And you, Mr Flynn? Have you heard me sing?’ She seemed bent on interrupting him.
‘Yes, Miss O’Keefe, I have had the pleasure.’
A genuine smile fleetingly appeared. ‘Were you liking my singing?’ She dipped her head and he noticed that her lashes were long and luxurious.
‘Very much,’ he said, regaining his wits.
She folded her hands in her lap. ‘Flynn. it is an Irish name. Where are you from, Mr Flynn?’
Flynn did not usually lose such total control over a conversation. It disturbed him, nearly as much as perceiving her reluctance disturbed him. Nearly as much as her eyes disturbed him.
‘Where am I from?’ he repeated.
‘Yes, where in Ireland are you from?’
He could not remember the last time he’d been asked this. ‘County Down, near Ballynahinch.’
Her bewitching eyes sparkled. ‘I attended school in Killyleagh.’
‘So did my sister.’ Those words slipped out.
‘Oh!’ She turned thoughtful for a moment. ‘Could she be Siobhan Flynn, by any chance? There was a Siobhan Flynn two years ahead of me.’
Siobhan’s name propelled him back to Ballynahinch. Little Siobhan. She’d been eleven when he’d last seen her. How old was she now? Twenty-one?
It meant Miss O’Keefe was naught but nineteen. No wonder her papa hovered near.
‘She may have been the same,’ he said.
Miss O’Keefe’s eyes danced with excitement. ‘How does she fare? I rarely heard news of any of the girls after they left.’
Flynn realised he had barely heeded news of Siobhan in his mother’s letters. ‘She is married and has two sons.’
Miss O’Keefe sighed. ‘How nice for her!’
Flynn began again. ‘About the marquess—’
‘Oh, yes, the marquess.’ Her false tone returned. ‘He sent you. You did not come to speak with me about home.’
Home. Home. It repeated in his ears.
‘The marquess is anxious to make your acquaintance, Miss O’Keefe. He is prepared to become your friend.’
‘My friend?’ She glanced away. ‘He knows so much after listening to a few songs?’
He opened his mouth to respond with lavish compliments.
She spoke first. ‘Are your friendships so easily made, Mr Flynn?’
‘My friendships?’ He was repeating again. He disliked that she distracted him from his intent, making him think instead of friends, long-ago boys who explored crumbling castle ruins with him or fished in crystalline streams.
He forced himself to meet her gaze directly. ‘I assure you, Miss O’Keefe, the marquess chooses his friends judiciously, and none would complain about the connection.’
She did not waver. ‘And is he usually sending you to inform his new friends of their good fortune?’
Flynn wrinkled his brow. She did not seem pleased at all at Tanner’s interest. Why? Her father and that other female certainly relished the potential connection.
He must convince her she would do well under Tanner’s protection. She would certainly have more freedom than she appeared to have in her father’s house, with the shrill Miss Dawes bullying her.
But the image that rose in his mind was not of her with Tanner, but of her standing on a green hillside, wind billowing through her skirts and hair.
He mentally shook himself. Somehow he maintained his direct gaze. ‘The marquess involves me if he feels it would best please the lady to do so.’ He reached into his coat pocket. ‘To show his good intentions, the marquess wishes to bestow upon you a small gift.’
Flynn pulled out a velvet box. She glanced in alarm at the door behind which her father and Miss Dawes were certainly eavesdropping. She stilled his hand. ‘No gifts,’ she whispered, slanting her eyes towards the door again. ‘Please.’
Flynn’s hand paused in mid-air, her touch branding his skin. Silently he nodded, slipping the box back in his pocket.
‘A gift would be very nice indeed,’ she said, raising her voice.
‘Then you shall have one very soon,’ he said.
Rose returned her hand to her lap, her breath coming rapidly. Her hand still tingled from touching him, and all her insides felt like melted candle wax.
He had played along with her wish not to have her father or Letty hear of a gift. If he had not, Letty would be badgering her for days to get her hands on a gift from a marquess. And to keep peace, her father would implore her to give in. The other gifts gentlemen left for her—gifts that ought to have been returned—made their way into Letty’s possession or were sold to buy some other trinket she desired.
Rose tried to show Mr Flynn her gratitude with a look, but had to avert her gaze from the intensity of his startling blue eyes.
When Letty had come to fetch her, saying the marquess’s secretary had arrived, Rose had been relieved she would not have to refuse a marquess to his face, especially if he were indeed the man who’d so captivated her. But the man who captivated her was his secretary and was Irish, and, even more wonderful, he’d become a momentary ally.
He was very handsome up close, with his commanding gaze. His hair and brows were nearly as dark as her own. She loved the firmness of his jaw and the decisive set to his sinfully sensuous mouth. What would it be like to touch her lips to his?
Rose mentally shook herself. She was thinking like a romantic, making this into a story like the novels she enjoyed reading, the ones that wove wonderful stories of love. This man had not come to court her, but to procure her for his employer.
Even so, his blue eyes continued to enslave her.
‘The marquess is a good man, Miss O’Keefe,’ he said.
She peered back at him. ‘Mr Flynn, why do you tie this up in pretty words? Do you not mean the marquess is wishing me to be his mistress? Is that not what this is about? Is that not the kind of “friend” he wishes me to be?’
A muscle flexed in Mr Flynn’s jaw, but his gaze held. ‘To be such a friend of this man has many advantages. He can assist you. Protect you.’
Rose’s gaze slipped back to the door that hid her father and Letty. They both certainly wanted her to accept the marquess’s protection. And his money.
He looked to the door, as well. ‘Will you need protection, Miss O’Keefe?’ His voice was soft and low. And concerned.
She glanced back in surprise and gave a light laugh. ‘I shall experience no difficulties, I assure you.’
Letty was as unpleasant as a woman could be, and her father was completely under her thumb, but Rose did not feel they yielded that much authority over her. She liked living with her father, making up a little for all the years that had separated them.
‘You could allow the marquess to help you,’ he said.
She reached over to grasp his hand in reassurance but stopped herself midway. ‘I’ll be needing no help.’ She added, ‘All I want is to sing …’
He seized on those words. ‘Lord Tannerton could help you—’
She put up her hand, regretting she had spoken. ‘I require no help. Do not be worrying yourself over me.’
Their eyes connected, and it felt like butterflies took possession of her insides.
‘Thank the marquess for me,’ she said in a loud voice. ‘It was good of you to come.’ She stood and walked towards the door.
It took a moment for him to follow her. ‘I do not understand you, Miss O’Keefe,’ he said, his voice no more than an urgent whisper. ‘Why do you hesitate?’
She handed him his hat and gloves. ‘Good day to you, Mr Flynn.’ She opened the door.
He started to walk through it, but turned and grasped her hand in his. ‘Welcome or not, Miss O’Keefe, you do have a friend.’
He released her and swiftly took his leave. Rose brushed her hand against her cheek, wishing the friend were not the marquess but Mr Flynn himself.
Chapter Three
Flynn paused a moment when he reached the street, puzzled by this experience. The times he’d risked huge amounts of Tanner’s wealth on some tenuous business matter, he’d been in better control. Nothing had gone as he’d expected. Worse, his senses were still awhirl. Merely looking at the girl had been enough to throw his rationality out of the window.
With no idea what to tell Tanner, he straightened his hat and started walking in the direction of Covent Garden to find a hack.
‘Mr Flynn!’ he heard behind him.
Turning, he saw Mr O’Keefe running toward him. Flynn stopped.
The older man caught up to him, breathing hard. ‘Letty said—I mean—I wanted a word with you.’
Flynn merely waited.
‘Tell … tell the marquess how flattered we are—my daughter is, I mean—at his kind interest.’
‘I will tell him.’ Although, if Flynn did tell Tanner this, he’d be lying. The daughter did not seem flattered in the least.
Mr O’Keefe’s mouth twisted into an apologetic smile. ‘My Rose is a sensible girl,’ he said, a fond look appearing in his eye. ‘She’ll just need some persuading.’
Flynn regarded this man who looked as if a strong wind might blow him away. Flynn could not see him persuading his daughter about anything. The unpleasant Miss Dawes, however, was another matter.
‘I must leave.’ Flynn turned away.
‘Do try again, sir,’ Mr O’Keefe cried as Flynn walked away.
Flynn looked over his shoulder. ‘I shall tell the marquess you said so.’
Mr O’Keefe nodded vigorously, and Flynn hurried on his way to a row of waiting hackney carriages.
He soon reached Tanner’s Audley Street town house, returning to the familiar opulence, the order, the civility.
The footman who opened the door said, ‘His lordship wishes you to attend him in the game room straight away.’
Not even a moment to collect himself, nor to plan an explanation of his incredible meeting with Miss O’Keefe.
‘Thank you, Smythe.’ Flynn handed the man his hat and gloves and made his way to the game room.
When he entered, Tanner was leaning over the billiard table, lining up a shot. Flynn stood in the doorway until the ball cracked into another one, sending it rolling across the green baize and landing successfully in the pocket.
‘Flynn!’ Tanner waved him in. ‘Come, tell me all about it. I am most anxious. Could think of nothing else since you left.’
Tanner settled himself in one of the leather chairs by the window and gestured for Flynn to pour them some claret from the decanter on the side table.
‘Well, did you see her?’ Tanner asked as Flynn handed him a glass of claret. ‘Of course you did or you’d have been back sooner. What did she say? Did she like the gift? What the devil did you purchase for her?’
Flynn poured wine for himself, but did not sit. ‘I purchased a matched set of gold bracelets.’
‘And?’ Tanner grinned eagerly.
Flynn took a sip before speaking. ‘She refused the gift.’
Tanner half-rose from his seat. ‘Refused?’
‘I fear so, my lord,’ he admitted.
Tanner waved his hand dismissively. ‘It was the wrong gift, then, but I am sure you assured her there would be more gifts. What of a meeting?’
Flynn averted his eyes.
The marquess sank back in the chair. ‘Do not tell me she refused to meet me?’
‘She did not refuse exactly, but neither did she agree.’ Flynn’s powers of diplomacy had escaped him with Miss O’Keefe, but perhaps they would hold him in better stead with Tanner.
Tanner raised his brows. ‘What the devil happened then? What did you talk about?’
Of home. Of Ireland. But Flynn was not about to provide this as an answer. ‘I explained the advantages of your. friendship, and she listened.’
‘That is all?’ The marquess’s forehead wrinkled in confusion.
‘That is all.’
Tanner slowly sipped his wine, finishing it, while Flynn could not even put a glass to his lips.
He placed his still-full glass on the table and reached for the decanter. ‘More, sir?’
Tanner shook his head, still silent.
All of a sudden Tanner burst into a wide grin and thrust out his glass. ‘She is playing a deep game, is all. Gold bracelets? You were too cheap, man. The girl wants more and she knows she can get it!’ He laughed. ‘You must deliver a more valuable gift.’
Flynn refilled Tanner’s wine glass, not wanting to explain that giving Miss O’Keefe a gift was not so simple a task.
‘Give her emeralds next time, to set off her eyes. An emerald ring!’ Tanner’s own brown eyes sparkled. ‘What the devil, offer her patronage as well—an allowance. A generous one. Show her I am willing to pay her price.’
As a business move, Flynn typically would have advised against this. The next offer in a negotiation ought not to be so high. But in Rose O’Keefe’s situation, he was more than willing to try to get her away from the bullying Miss Dawes.
Flynn nodded. His heart raced at the prospect of seeing her again, even though to see her was merely a function of his duty to Tanner. Still, he could not erase from his memory the sensuous grace of her figure, the irresistible tint of her lips, the eyes that beckoned him home.
He took his leave from Tanner. There was much to be done to carry out the next phase of the marquess’s plan.
The very next night Flynn stood below the gazebo’s balcony at Vauxhall Gardens, again listening to the crystalline sound of Rose O’Keefe’s voice filling the evening with song. He’d secured a private box and supper for Miss O’Keefe, leaving a message to her father to escort her to the box when the orchestra broke and Signor Rivolta, the man who played six or eight instruments at once, performed. He trusted her father would approve of the meeting.
She wore the wine-red gown again, the colour of passionate nights, and her fair skin glowed against its richness. Flynn convinced himself he merely admired her beauty, the way he might appreciate the beauty of a flower or a painting or how the house in Ballynahinch shone golden in the light of the setting sun.
He watched until she made her final curtsy and disappeared into the dark recesses of the balcony. He then made his way to the supper box to ensure all was as he’d planned—a supper of light delicacies, nothing too fancy, but all very tasteful. Assured everything was prepared and ready, he spent the rest of the time pacing, his breath catching whenever the music ceased, and easing when it resumed again.
Finally the orchestra was silent. Flynn continued pacing until he heard the O’Keefes approach. Unfortunately, it was Miss Dawes’s piercing voice that gave him warning. He ought to have expected her.
‘Behave yourself, miss. I’ll not have you ruining this for your father—’ The woman’s speech cut off when she saw Flynn. ‘Mr Flynn!’ She switched to a syrupy tone.
‘Good evening,’ Flynn said to them all, but to the one who wore a hooded cape that nearly obscured her face, his voice turned husky. ‘Miss O’Keefe.’
She nodded. ‘Mr Flynn.’
‘This is so very kind of you, sir.’ Mr O’Keefe tiptoed into the box and hesitated before accepting Flynn’s outstretched hand. O’Keefe’s hand was bony, but his handshake warm.
‘So kind,’ O’Keefe murmured. He turned to his daughter. ‘Is that not so, Mary Rose?’
She merely glanced at her father before turning to Flynn. ‘Is the marquess here?’
Both Mr O’Keefe and Miss Dawes wore hopeful expressions, but Miss O’Keefe seemed anything but eager.
‘He regrets not being at liberty to come,’ Flynn prevaricated. He directed them to the table. ‘But please sit and have some supper.’
Mr O’Keefe and Miss Dawes hurried to the round table set with porcelain china, crystal glassware and silver cutlery. Flynn pulled out the chair for Miss O’Keefe, and she glanced into his eyes as she sat down. He signalled the footman to bring another chair and place setting, after which the food was served: tender capons and a rich assortment of cheeses and fruit. The footman uncorked a bottle of champagne, pouring it into all four glasses.
‘Oooh, bubbles!’ exclaimed Miss Dawes in her coarse voice. ‘I love the bubbly wine.’
Rose picked up her glass and took a sip. She had tasted champagne before at Miss Hart’s, so its fizzy taste was not a surprise.
She watched Letty dig into the prettily displayed food as if she had not consumed a large dinner a few hours before. Mr Flynn’s food was fine, Rose thought, nibbling more delicately. The cheese tasted good with the strawberries and cherries.
Mr Flynn sat himself next to her and she discovered that she was very aware of each small movement he made. In a way she was glad she could not see his eyes. It was hard to be thinking when she could see his eyes.
Signor Rivolta’s lively music drifted over to their ears, his gay tune seeming out of place in the tension-filled supper box.
‘When is the marquess going to make his offer for our Rose?’ Letty bluntly asked.
Rose stilled, hating that Flynn would be associating someone so ill mannered with her.
Flynn paused, just one beat, before directing his answer to her father. ‘To speak of an offer is premature, sir, but I should like to discuss with Miss O’Keefe a possible meeting.’