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Chords obscurantism. Volume two
“I object,” Lenin exclaimed, but Dzerzhinsky well knew that Lenin was just showing off. – What happened next, comrade Dzerzhinsky?
– And then we visited the Constituent Assembly and politely asked them to stop this farce, blaming them for the death of several workers who were undoubtedly among this enthusiastic crowd with flowers in their hands.
– Just make sure they don’t get together again.” We do not intend to share power with anyone, comrades. This is very important. Comrade Sky! where is comrade Skye and … and Vatzetis? Cusis, call them. And here they are, my dears. Such brave soldiers. Look at them and imitate them. What a bearing, everyone has a fighting spirit! Vatsetis am asking to approve commander of the Northern front, and Skaya henceforth chief of my security and commandant of Smolny. Comrade Trotsky, Vatsetis is now yours. The fate of the revolution is in your hands. And, in General, we should think about changing the capital of the proletarian state. There are too many enemies in Petrograd. In addition, the Germans may come here. But this is still just a thought, just a hint, although it is all very important. 77
As soon as the Bolsheviks seized power in Petrograd, and the first night of St. Bartholomew’s day passed in the city, an eerie silence reigned for a while; the city froze as if it had died out. But not for long. The proletariat, dazed with happiness, came out into the deserted streets and without thinking, set to work; the proletariat was armed with everything. Who a chisel, a hammer who, who stabbed who shotgun who’s hunting rifle, even a scythe without a handle, the thugs of the larger caliber was Browning, pistols, grenades and automatic weapons. The city was already asleep, except for cafes, restaurants, and night brothels. No one could have imagined that this night would be the last, that the warm, cozy home in the subconscious state would have to be changed to the cold waters of the Neva and there give their last breaths. All kinds of hatred, evil poverty, including murderers released from prison, were waiting for this night like manna from heaven.
The center of Petrograd was the first to suffer. The sound of hammers and axes resounded through the front doors. Those on duty were happy to open the front doors and even joined their fellow believers, led them to their rooms and lit candles. The first victims were the master’s daughters, then their wives, who were brutally raped right there in their beds in front of the master, and then stabbed with bayonets, and then dragged to be thrown into the Neva, some dressed in thin underwear, some naked, bleeding.
Somewhere there was a looting of shops, retail stores, various warehouses with food supplies.
Lenin had already realized that this was too much and would not do any good, but it was impossible to stop the raging crowd. And was it worth it? the proletariat has been fighting for power for so long, it has got this power, it has earned the opportunity to take a crack at it, and let it blow off steam.
But courage, debauchery, and drunkenness were followed by the demand: bread, bread!
All the raging proletarians, including the gopniks, quickly ground up the loot and, stunned by the unexpected good, turned their proletarian eyes to the new authorities. There was a terrible question and demand in those eyes: why is there no bread? why? feed the revolutionaries. Here, for the first time, the Soviet government had to begin a difficult problem – the problem of leading the proletarian masses.
And this mission could only be led by Lenin-the hope of all the humiliated and insulted. And Lenin was not at a loss. He immediately accused the haves, already dead, of sabotaging-they put the bread away, so that it did not get to the proletariat, but the proletariat will still survive, and in the meantime, each Gopnik a gram of stale rye, sometimes covered with mold, bread, a pinch of salt and two frozen potatoes. Nothing else. There were difficulties, or rather interruptions even with water. But gopniki (residents of the city hostel of the proletariat)were not satisfied with this, they were looking for someone to Rob.
There were very few residents of Petrograd, mostly on the outskirts, the center was completely cut out, there was not much to buy, even frozen potatoes, so everyone suffered, except the servants of the people, who gorged themselves on delicacies in Smolny. But the proletariat, accustomed to difficulties, bravely endured hardships, including starvation, in the hope that the leader would solve this problem.
The Soviet government distributed the vacated housing among the revolutionaries, primarily among the leadership, and the remainder among the gopniki.
The most comfortable apartments were occupied by servants of the people. The former caste of high-ranking officials of the capital was forced to go to heaven ahead of schedule, and the one that miraculously survived, these pitiful remnants, was forced to make room, move the whole family into one room, where the servants used to live, and the servants on the contrary occupied the best rooms with first-class furniture, dishes and silverware. And that was the great good of the Soviet government, it was partial, selective, so to speak experimental, for show. Bourgeois exploiters who were lucky enough to survive were usually arrested by the red Commissars and shot in their basements without trial. How dare they stay alive? Lenin charged Dzerzhinsky with this question, and the Democrat Felix Edmundovich, a Polish Jew who had become the executioner of the Russian people, invented many ways to kill the recalcitrant, but the best of them was a shot in the back of the head. As a butcher plunges a knife into the heart of a submissive animal, so Dzerzhinsky put the barrel to the back of the victim’s head and pulled the trigger. The victim twitched once and fell into an eternal sleep. No shouting at you, no matting, no pleading for mercy, and the sound of the shot turned into a musical chord. Especially for Lenin, who, with Asiatic cruelty, like a true son of Tamerlane, demanded the massacre of the innocent only because they belonged to the highest caste and formed the color, backbone, and brain of Russia. He hated the intelligentsia and did not hesitate to call it “shit”. And Dzerzhinsky succeeded in basement operations like no other. He tried with all his strength.
Where are the tsarist gendarmes to the Communist fighters in leather jackets, bulging eyes and just shaved off their paces, who renounced their faith and became hussars!? For many years, Soviet propaganda hammered into the minds of its citizens that Lenin was the father of children, the most humane man on earth, and Dzerzhinsky was the father of all people. such a good boy, was implacable to the enemies of the revolution, the people and the state. But the tsarist gendarmes – it’s just bad people. For this shameless, and admittedly successful, lie, we must thank the leader and his associates.
The well-to-do people who passed The Bartholomew nights were confiscated good clothes, gold jewelry, supplies of bread, money, transferred to the smallest room without mattresses and blankets, and to avoid starvation, left them potato peels. People deprived of all rights, clothing and food, could not help grumbling, and even tried to take revenge on the executioners. There were cases when red Commissars suddenly disappeared during such raids…
Dzerzhinsky reported to Lenin on the disappearances of the red Commissars.
These are bourgeois terrorists! Lenin said, banging his fist on the table. – I remind you, this is unacceptable, take hostages, lock them in specially equipped basements; put up guards and if in three days they do not indicate the location of the captured Commissar, then shoot every single one – children, the elderly, the sick, fathers and mothers. If our Commissar is an important person, shoot not only the family, but also relatives: brothers and sisters.
– If we take several people hostage and shoot them, it will not do much, – expressed his thought Dzerzhinsky.
– And you take as many hostages as you can, twenty, thirty, a hundred, a whole block. And shoot everyone, but so that others can hear and see. Do not spare your cartridges, do not show bourgeois pity for the enemies of the revolution. Let it be a science for them. Go ahead, comrade Dzerzhinsky! Act, act, and act again.
His red eyes were protruding, he waved his arms, and the saliva that spattered in all directions was considered bullets that hit the enemies of the revolution.
Yes, I know what to do, Vladimir Ilyich, but this is a small experiment, another one, so to speak… with the isolation of the hosts and… potato peelings. Well, here it is, this experiment has borne fruit. This proves once again how much the bourgeois hate us and the revolution as a whole.
Dzerzhinsky began to notice that Lenin was behaving somewhat inappropriately, losing control of himself.
As soon as the thug Dzerzhinsky came out, Bronstein appeared with a massive folder in his hands. Lenin was delighted, as if he had not seen him for a long time.
“Comrade T.”.. Oh, please sit down. Please, please, make yourself comfortable, comrade Trotsky. What do you have in this folder? Reports of those shot and hanged? Report immediately. The more, the better. Shoot, shoot, and shoot again. The revolution does not tolerate bourgeois humanism. My brother was shot, no, hanged, or shot? Well, to hell with them – shot or hanged, what’s the difference. Go ahead and report. How do the Commissars work there with their punitive detachments? You keep an eye on them, with one eye, and report, report.
Trotsky hesitated. He didn’t know what to do. His folder didn’t contain any such information. But under the chief’s piercing gaze, he faltered and confessed.
– They shot a lot, but they didn’t keep any information. This is the dung of history, Vladimir Ilyich, as you yourself said recently. And I have such an article was born. Cut out all, and settle the Jews on the liberated land…
“Wait for that. Although … how many millions of Russian fools will die should not interest us, let bourgeois historians calculate until they come to an end. This is very important. And here’s what. Me just came comrade Dzerzhinsky, I…after he left, I had a brilliant idea. What if we turn the imperialist war into a civil war? According to comrade Dzerzhinsky, the resistance of the exploiting classes is growing in Petrograd. This means that they can take up arms, and this is a threat to the conquests of the Soviet power. We need to strengthen measures. Peter, of course, we will crush, already crushed, or rather crushed, and if necessary, drown in blood. In St. Petersburg, Kronstadt, let Tukhachevsky prove himself. It will be the blood of exploiters and imperialists, but not the blood of the masses. Now, comrade Trotsky, the resistance of the exploiting classes will probably take place all over the country. I feel it, it keeps me awake. This is the fourth night I haven’t slept. What to do? Well, tell me what to do, you’re the only smartest Jew I’ve invited from all over Europe. And they responded, but each of them has its own interests, and I need the interests of the revolution to be in the foreground.
– You, Vladimir Ilyich, should refuse to eliminate the army as such. Arming the masses of the people will lead to nothing. And we don’t have that many weapons. Change your setup and give a different instruction, Vladimir Ilyich.
“Why, comrade Trotsky?” why? I can’t give up my scientific beliefs. Prove me wrong, prove me wrong! come on, I’m listening.
– We need to create a Red Army with the involvement of officers of the former tsarist army.
– To attract officers to the side of the revolution, like Tukhachevsky? Why not? I agree. In addition, we have a lot of mercenaries, Hungarians, Germans, poles and all the other bastards, even the Chinese. The Germans gave us three million marks for the maintenance of such an army. Prepare a decree, I will sign it immediately, without hesitation. You will be the commander-in-Chief of the red army, because I don’t understand a thing about it. Just this. Comrade Dzerzhinsky and I decided to take and shoot hostages if the Commissar disappeared. You will consider his experience. If a former tsarist officer refuses to serve in the red army, shoot his family and hang him. But this must be done so that everyone knows and is afraid. The world revolution cannot do without fear and violence.
– The draft Decree on the creation of the red army, I have ready, Vladimir Ilyich, only your signature is required. This is the folder where the project is waiting for your signature, Vladimir Ilyich.
– Well, Trotsky, well, Trotsky! Wow! The revolutionary self-confidence is to my liking. And in your project on the establishment of the red army death squads available? Yes? Then I’ll sign it right now.
Lenin took a blue pencil and raised it over the decree.
– Thank you, Vladimir Ilyich, this is for history. But what about the NKVD Commissars, they will always be under the guardianship of Dzerzhinsky?
– These troops have already been created, comrade Trotsky, and they will be the internal troops under the command of the outstanding revolutionary Dzerzhinsky. And you must be an outstanding General. You graduated from the military Academy, didn’t you?
“I went to the military Academy once on some business, Vladimir Ilyich,” Trotsky admitted. I was invited to the second year, but I refused, because it was a bourgeois Academy.
– So you’re related to the military Academy.” I also studied this way: I went in, looked at it, turned away, and then passed everything in an external exam, slightly greasing it. And you came, and you came, and you came again. You can shoot, you can hang… enemies of the revolution. You can, of course, so you are an outstanding commander. I am an outstanding leader and head of state, although I have never even managed a bathhouse. But I am principled and always turn to Marx. I’m an outstanding scientist myself. My teaching is based on control, on intransigence, on the absence of bourgeois democracy and morality. And my slogan is: shoot, shoot, and shoot again. Remember this, comrade Trotsky, if you want to become an outstanding commander.
– With the help of a carrot and stick, we can attract to our side some of the officers of the Russian army, who have gained extensive experience in conducting military operations in the First world war.
“A whip, only a whip and a pistol, comrade Trotsky. And that means being shot for the slightest offense, even for trying to apologize. Now let’s get started. Bronstein, Lenin’s kindred spirit and blood, was as cruel and vindictive as his teacher. The first experience showed that you need not only a stick, but also a carrot in order to attract an officer to your side and make him serve in the red army.
Lieutenant Volodya Pavlov, left his unit on his own and returned to the seething Petrograd. When one of the Ministers was being taken to the basement in a neighboring street to be shot as a saboteur, his daughter, receiving blows with buttocks, still accompanied her father to the basement threshold, and then fainted. Volodya jumped up, took her in his arms, and returned with her to the entrance from which she had come. So the acquaintance took place, and after the acquaintance there were feelings. Pavlov decided to marry Zoe. During the wedding in one of the temples, where relatives were present, both on the part of the bride and the groom, Commissars broke into the temple and, pointing pistols, took everyone to the basement, including the priest.
In the dark and cold, the prisoners sat for three days and only then did the envoys of the commander-in-chief of the red army, Trotsky, come to them.
“Who’s Pavlov?” the Commissioner asked.
“Be silent,” pleaded his wife, who had not yet known him as a wife.
– I repeat, who is Pavlov?” admit it-it will be worse.
“I am,” said Volodya, puffing out his chest proudly.
– So Pavlov, if you want to save your wife, your parents and relatives, make an oath that you will serve in the red army and fight for the triumph of communism. According to Lenin’s wise instructions, the imperialist war is now turning into a civil war.
“Fight against your own people?” Not for the world, “the officer said.
– Well. You’re all going to be shot.
With tears in his eyes, and Volodya’s mother fell on her knees, everyone began to beg him to agree to serve in the red army. And Volodya gave this consent. All were released, including Volodya, giving him three days of leave to stay with his young wife, and then he must report to the military commandant’s office for further service in the red army.
These experiments involving officers of the tsarist army worked. A year later, the red army had about three million men in its ranks.
The civil, fratricidal war was in full swing. Lenin was the political organizer and mastermind of this shameful fratricide in the history of Russia. The psychology of the executioner and hitherto unseen demagogy began to yield positive results.
A representative of various Jewish concessions and communities, Sofya Zlikovna Koshman, sat in the reception room of Ilyich, waiting for an appointment. All members of the Politburo were already in the waiting room, knowing that at 9: 45 a.m. Ilyich was drinking tea, letting go of the belt on his trousers, scratching his beard, and looking in the mirror. When the hands on the clock showed 10—00, you could go in without knocking.
But Sophia, who was waiting for an appointment on the recommendation of the proletarian writer Maxim Gorky, made adjustments to the established order. In addition, leyba Bronstein shot first with his left and then with his right eye, spoke incoherently to an unknown guest, and Apfelbaum-Zinoviev brazenly asked where the guest got so many diamonds and whether she would blind the leader of the world revolution during the conversation. All this indicated that the guest is not an easy visitor. If there was any whispering about it, it was only in whispers, and then hints and even signs on the fingers. There was no doubt that the guest would be the first to enter Ilyich’s office and dazzle him with her attire.
As soon as the hands on the clock approached ten, Leiba went into the office of the leader of the peoples, but something suspiciously quickly left. He looked so confused and almost wet that everyone thought that Ilyich had thrown him out of the office with a Bang, depriving him not only of conversation, but of a caustic remark, for which he was an inimitable master.
And Sophia, in a gorgeous dress that trailed on the floor, was smiling, trying to talk to anyone, even though she knew only Bronstein Trotsky personally.
Trotsky, looking straight at her, uttered a short sentence in a loud voice so that everyone could hear:
– The chief of the peoples is waiting for you, and … and then, after the interview, I would like to meet you alone, my goddess.”
As always, believing that all the charms would go to him, the commander of divisions of the red army, he fought not with the lady who already nested in his heart, but with time that stretched out on its own. Apfelbaum even grabbed the end of her dress, which was dragging on the carpet, but Sophie had a hard look that said, get off me, pygmies.
Leyba managed to open the door, leaned forward, banging his forehead on the door jamb, and Sofia went with a Royal gait into the study, where a stuffed animal sat in the semi-darkness, scratching his bald head with dirty nails. She kept wanting to give him the reticule and didn’t know how to do it. Finally, the reticule itself fell from his hands, and Ilyich involuntarily screamed: bomb, terrorism, save!
But no one heard his voice. Sophia was forced to bend down and open her purse, and the diamond flashed all over the office, blinding the small, evil eyes of the leader of the peoples.
– You are so careful that it borders on…, it is better to abstain. Let me sit down, ZUZIK, as the Germans call you.
– Oh, there is more wealth here than all the members of the Politburo!
“You’re funny, Leiba, I need a dick, not a dick. I’m not as depraved as you think. This is just a piece of what belongs to our family.
– I will give it to the diamond Fund, which is the envy of our outstanding member Katznelson-Sverdlov Yankel.
“Come on, n will take it. This diamond is worth 500 kilograms of gold.
– Where did you get this?” Why didn’t the Bolsheviks expropriate?
– Why?” I give it to you. Your father gives it to you. He runs the Petrograd banks.
– Already Leningrad, lady. What is your name, may I ask? It seems… it seems that you, you, and not I, are leading the attack, and this is arch important and arch dangerous. What are your and your father’s requirements?
– My father is a Jew Koshman – banks and I’m Jewish Sophia Serikovna Koshman, not married, not belong to any party. We have a request, not a demand. Do not offend the Jews, do not kill them, do not take away their property. If the Jews are rich, then the country is rich. I don’t think you want to have a poor country. Besides, are you a Jew yourself, or are you a Jew like all your colleagues who have renounced their faith and their names? – A little bit, a little bit. So what? The Soviet government liquidates nationality as such. Every gussky du … AK will henceforth be a b-Soviet person.
Lenin sat in a massive leather chair and stroked his bald head with the palm of his right hand.
– Volodya, I did not think that you have changed so much, become so cautious, and this is called cowardice in Yiddish. This is a gift from our family. And I am delegated by all the Jewish communities. What can I say to them, because the Jews, called from all over Europe, are helping you to create lawlessness in the land that you so easily captured.
“They are proletarians. AZ will repay. As soon as we establish socialism in Russia, we will move to Poland, Germany, France, and so on.
And he suddenly smiled, seeing and appreciating her beauty.
– Um, I have Inessa-a beautiful woman, but this… what’s your name?” We could get along. My body begins to react, I become stronger, younger, new ideas appear, revolutionary, proleta … sian. Yes ZD…and with all … Naya socialist … evolution. But first, why are you here, what do you want, what are your requests for such a beautiful Jewish woman? I must admit, this is the first time I’ve seen such a Desdemona. Come on, cut my bald head off. Where to go. Every man is weak.
– Vladimir Ilyich, are you a Jew? you didn’t answer that question.
– There’s a little something, but why?”
– Why did you declare the nationalization of banks and make all the Jews of the country poor? Our family and I are ruined. Where do we go now? With your hand outstretched? So I came to you and held out my hand. It seems that the Jews are not the last of your robbers, who are popularly called Jews. Is everyone like that in your Politburo?
– They are all hussars, and I am the most hussar among these tailless apes. And when we begin to liberate Germany and then England, I will be a German and then an Englishman. Why? Yes, because the Bolsheviks renounce nationality as such. Now we will not have a Russian holder, but a Soviet person. And for my Politburo members, it doesn’t matter. Now they are all Soviet, and tomorrow they will be Soviet people.
And now for the Jews. All Jews are my friends. They were the first to rush to the liberation of the Hussite proletariat even before the Latvians. And I bet on them, but … and this is very important. For me, Jews are only those who participate in the revolution. The rest … are subject to liquidation as capitalists. Who is your father and his ilk? Exploiters, capitalists, enemies of the proletariat. And you want me to make an exception for him. And I can’t do that. This is my universal postulate-to kill the haves, make everyone equal, eliminate the family, destroy faith in God and believe only in Marxism, and since…, then believe in me – Lenin, the God of the planet Earth.
“Enough! I don’t want to listen to you anymore. You are a real idiot…since the days of king David. I will pass on our conversation to all the Jews and they will hate you.
– Well, don’t be so vindictive. Given your strength and male weakness, I can, and my party, can condescend to not touch your Jewish prayer services and institutions… while the Jewish ones are all subject to destruction. As for your father and your family in General, do the following. Your father-gives all his wealth to the cause of the revolution, the cause of the people, and you dress up as a red army soldier and take up the post of nurse. You will treat the wounded red army men, and I will appoint Panu as the chief of the NKVD of the city of Moscow, where I am going together with my colleagues to make this city the capital of the socialist state. When we meet you on the battlefields, I will award you the Order of the red banner of Labor, like the revolutionary Zalkind.