Полная версия
The Mothers of Quality Street
Reenie pursed her lips in disapproval. ‘Why are you in such a hurry? Is this because you think I’ll go to Blackpool with you if we’re engaged? Because I’ve told you that I’m not having any hanky-panky until we’re married!’
‘No, no, I never thought that. When I said we should go to Blackpool I was never thinking of suggesting that – I just thought you’d like Blackpool. You could bring a friend as a chaperone, I wasn’t suggesting—’
‘Then why are you in such a hurry to be engaged if you’re willing to have a long engagement?’
Peter was earnest. ‘I just want everyone to know that I think you’re wonderful.’
Reenie’s shoulders relaxed a little and she felt a wave of affection for her young man. She softened her tone and said, ‘Peter, that’s not what you’ve made everyone in the Old Cock and Oak think; you’ve made them all think I’m in the family way, and now I’ve got to explain to everyone I see that I don’t have a bun in the oven, I’ve just got a very healthy appetite.’
Peter’s face went from pink to white as the blood drained from it in embarrassment when he realized what he’d done. ‘I’m sorry, Reenie. I didn’t mean to—’
Reenie waved her hand to indicate it was forgiven and forgotten so long as he realized what he’d done. ‘How’s your head?’
‘Awful. I only meant to have one, but they wanted me to try a bit of all of them.’
‘That’s the Ale Tasters’ do, all right. You get down to the canteen and get a good rasher of bacon down you.’
‘I don’t think I could ever eat again.’
‘Nonsense, you’re just not used to the drink, that’s all. Trust me and go and ask if they’ve got any bacon left and a bit of fried bread; it’ll see you right.’
Peter raised bleary eyes to Reenie and looked even greener around the gills. ‘I’ve got to go onto the line in ten minutes. I don’t think my head can take the noise.’
‘Which line, and what do you need to do? If it’s observing and taking notes, you could always wait until this afternoon?’
‘No, I’m meant to be teaching this week’s new starters. I’ve got a dummy line set up and Women’s Employment are bringing me twenty giggly fourteen-year-olds to learn how to deliver cellophane rolls to a wrapper.’
Reenie felt even more sorry for her young man. He was such an amiable, well-spoken, responsible gentleman; turning up to work with a hangover was as unlike him as she could imagine. ‘You’re in luck because I happen to know that it’s Diana Moore what’s bringing over the minnows to be trained, and my morning is all report writing from notes I’ve already done, so why don’t you take my reports and I’ll take your class and square it with Diana? She won’t be fussed who teaches the young ones, so long as they’re taught right. In fact, I think she prefers it when I teach them because she knows they don’t listen to you.’
‘Don’t they listen to me?’
‘No, they’re too busy making eyes at you.’
Peter’s colour rose again with embarrassment. ‘You don’t think Major Fergusson knows, do you? I wouldn’t want anyone to think I encouraged it!’
‘Everyone knows you don’t encourage it, and Major Fergusson thinks it’s very funny. I shouldn’t worry; as long as Major Fergusson is head of department we’ll both be reyt. I should think he’s got a couple of years until retirement.’ But there Reenie was wrong.
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