Полная версия
My Daring Seduction
All those were plausible reasons. Excellent reasons. Logical reasons. All contained a large grain of truth.
They just didn’t tell the whole story.
And he wasn’t sure he was ready to admit even to himself what that whole story was. All he knew was that his interest in Lindsay had slowly changed. Increasingly powerful sexual feelings were mixed with respect, friendship and, lately, growing concern.
None of it made sense. Jenna, his first love, had been a sweet petite redhead. With her he’d felt like Sir Galahad. After Jenna, his type became brainy plus voluptuous plus passionate, with eyes he could warm himself by, legs ditto. A woman with a healthy libido and a healthy grasp on her character and emotions.
Not some frosty blond beanpole with enough baggage to travel to Antarctica for a year.
What was wrong with this picture?
Annoyingly, he found himself in a position few doctors tolerated well—one requiring patience and restraint. He couldn’t order her to let him in, couldn’t give her pills for what ailed her, couldn’t prescribe spending time with him as the perfect cure, wasn’t trained to perform emotional plastic surgery to erase her internal scars.
He could only let her know he was there, willing to listen and to do what he could to help, prod occasionally, but never push or she’d get her back up and whatever progress he’d made gaining her trust would be undone.
Why the hell was he doing this to himself? Why hadn’t he just found another red-blooded wild woman to make his life easier and a whole lot more exciting?
Maybe because he’d counted on changing his life by coming home and more of the same no longer appealed.
The slide of the glass entrance door made him jerk his head up and peer at the shape entering the pool area, a flood of adrenaline letting him know how much he hoped it was Lindsay.
The figure approached and he had to keep himself from frowning disappointment. Not Lindsay. Shorter, curvier, wavy hair. Adele, whom he assumed was another friend of the Robinsons.
“Hi.” She spoke softly and came to stand at the edge of the pool. “How’s the water?”
“Perfect’s good enough for me.” She slid in gracefully, swam a leisurely circumference, then came back toward him, smiling. In the dim light her pale shadowed face made her look like the star of a black-and-white movie. Water droplets sparkled on her forehead and shoulders. She was undeniably beautiful—high cheekbones, almond eyes, lush curving lips. He instinctively gathered his legs under him as she drew closer, ready to move out of reach. The look on her face was purposeful, her eye contact pointed, but he wasn’t interested in staying in temptation’s way, because…
Because why?
He kicked off and swam a lap, then another, plowing through the water as if it deserved punishment. What kind of loyalty did he owe Lindsay? He wasn’t supposed to date his boss any more than he was supposed to date his patients in California and he’d had no trouble there steering clear of any and all offers. Why hold back from Adele? Lindsay could be dating four other guys for all he knew. Was he going to keep himself away from all other women while she showed next to no interest in getting close to him?
He did affect her. He knew he did. The way she fought her attraction, tried to deny it and got so flustered, had only made him more determined to wait her out until she surrendered. That might sound cavemannish except as much as he wanted her to give in, he wanted what could happen between them afterward even more. He wasn’t a hit and run type of guy—unless the woman made it clear that was all she wanted.
It could be all Adele wanted.
He pulled up to the wall back at the shallow end next to her, breathing slightly hard, probably more from emotion than exertion.
“Thought you were running away.” Her low voice echoed in the glassed-in room; she flicked her fingers so water splashed his face.
“Why would I want to do that?”
“I can’t imagine. I don’t bite.” She smiled and tilted her head coyly, wet hair shaped close to her head so her stunning cheekbones stood out farther. “Unless you want me to?”
“Hmm.” He stalled for time, hoping the battle didn’t show on his face. “That is an interesting idea…”
“Then how about it?”
“Maybe. Someday.”
“Someday.” Her disappointment was clear. “Not tonight?”
He sighed. Why not tonight? Why the hell not? Why turn down a warm willing female because of a cold unattainable one?
Because his thoughts were full of Lindsay tonight. And the night before that and God knew how many nights before that or how many nights stretching out ahead.
As a doctor, he had to tell himself the obsession was unhealthy. Not to mention it was turning him into a monk.
“Not tonight.”
“No?” Adele lunged unexpectedly toward him, caught hold of his shoulders and wrapped her legs around him. The movement brought her incredible breasts out of the water, the perfect rounds pushed toward each other and toward him by the astonishing mechanics of her skimpy top. “You’re su-u-ure?”
He uh…thought he was sure. His mind had been sure, but his body was suddenly less so.
“It’s not a good time for me. There’s another woman…”
“At work.”
He frowned. “What makes you think that?”
“Just a guess.” She unwrapped her legs from around him. “What’s going on there these days anyway?”
He shrugged. He found it strange that his job held such interest for her. “The usual.”
“Seems like the place is doing pretty well.”
“Seems like it is.” He pulled back from her hands still clinging to his biceps, ducked under the water one last time and climbed out to find his towel. Time to go back to his parents’ house. Talking about Chassy with Adele wasn’t worth getting too little sleep for.
“I’ll see you around.”
“Sure.” She smiled at him from the pool. One thing he’d say for her, his rejection hadn’t upset her much. He liked that about her. Attraction, dating and mating were all about success and/or rejection. Too many women took it too personally when he simply wasn’t wired to want them. Of course he hadn’t thought he was wired to want someone like Lindsay.
He raised a hand in farewell and started for the changing room. It struck him that Adele always showed up after he got there and always left after too. He didn’t even know where she lived. Maybe he should ask next time he ran into her. In case he came to his senses and decided he could use a few nights of pure fun.
He glanced back one more time as he left. Adele was in the center of the pool, clinging to the raft, lips pursed in a kiss that turned into a fountain of water exiting her full lips. He grinned, waved again and she smiled wickedly, a half-naked, sexual-fantasy-come-true she-devil in the moonlight…
And he’d turned her down.
BY THE TIME TANYA SHOWED up for the Martinis and Bikinis party, Lindsay was ready, standing by the entrance to the curtained back room where their monthly meetings were held, offering a smile and a tiara with flashing red hearts.
Valentine’s Day was nearly two weeks away, but she’d gone with a Love or Lust? theme, alternating garlands of red-and-white paper hearts with the tackiest Lust item she could find, a similar-size garland of shimmering gold-and-silver penises that made her both cringe and want to giggle.
The Valentine’s Day tree, a slender trunk with bare branches painted white, she’d decorated with demure cutouts of wedding splendor—brides, grooms and assorted wedding loot—alongside models from a Victoria’s Secret catalog and colorful depictions of a wide range of marital aids. Two bowls, one on either side of the door, were filled with favors for departing guests. One held white Jordan almonds tied in white net bags with silver ribbon and various “gold” wedding/engagement rings. The other held assorted condoms and tiny bottles of vodka, gin and tequila.
On the table against the back wall sat the Dare Box, a carved wooden box with a hinged lid that Lindsay filled with dares for the member nominated to be so honored that evening. All members of the nominating committee, but especially Lindsay, tried to get to know each woman in Martinis and Bikinis so they could select those women ripest for change and push them in whatever direction they needed help in going. Lindsay had successfully steered each of her new half sisters into the arms of men they wouldn’t have otherwise approached so boldly. Katie and Liam and Joey and Sebastian were already engaged. Lindsay was sure Brooke and David would follow suit soon.
After her divorce Tanya had joined Martinis and Bikinis on the advice of her therapist. Since she was definitely the group’s shyest member, Lindsay had gone easy on her so far. However, Sherry, the nomination committee’s most gungho participant after Lindsay, had reported Tanya dropping timid hints about a cute new member of her lab team. When Sherry suggested to Tanya she was ready for a dare, rather than turning pale with terror, she’d blushed and giggled. Lindsay agreed. Tanya was definitely ready for a few more exciting experiments in chemistry than her lab made possible.
“Hi there, Happy Valentine’s Day.” Lindsay handed Tanya a heart tiara. It looked adorable on her, even though the flashing scarlet hearts clashed with her red curls. “I take it you’re putting yourself in the love column tonight instead of lust?”
“Yeah.” Tanya gestured to her midcalf red skirt and white shirt buttoned up under her chin. She tried to look dismayed, but was unable to squash her trademark giggle. “I’m not wild enough to be lusty.”
“We’ll see about that.” Lindsay gave her a wink and smiled when Tanya started looking panicked. The dares Lindsay picked out tonight had to be the tamest in their chapter’s history. At worst Tanya would have to ask the guy of her dreams out for coffee or a dinner date. For most of the women that would sound about as exciting as an evening doing algebra problems. For Tanya, it was the equivalent of having to walk naked through the Boston Common.
“Happy Valentine’s Day a couple of weeks too early, Lindsay. Hi, Tanya!” Sherry arrived, definitely lusty, wearing a midriff-baring white camisole and red shorts riding so low, they immediately suggested Brazilian wax job. On her feet, achingly high red heels that made her beautifully shaped legs look even longer. Every man in the bar must have noticed when she strutted past. Even Denver.
And here stood Lindsay in her standard bar black with sensible shoes. Ooh, baby. For a second she stupidly wondered what Denver would think of her in shoes like Sherry’s. Even with them on, he’d still top her by an inch or so…
Enough. She handed tiaras to Sherry and tall elegant Lauren, who could be either love or lust in an exquisitely tasteful, strapless black minidress. True to form, she politely greeted Lindsay, then made a bawdy comment about the penis garlands, which nearly made Sherry’s heart tiara fall off when she burst out laughing.
The women kept coming, close to the full thirty-member contingent. Lindsay handed out tiara after tiara, keeping a smile on her face, hoping her staff could keep up tonight.
Her smile turned warmer when three familiar and increasingly dear faces appeared in the line. Her half sisters: the youngest, Katie, tonight a very lusty French maid—the outfit in which she’d originally seduced her fiancé Liam thinking he was someone else; next Joey, equally naughtily dressed as a motorcycle mama, her favorite alter ego; and third, Brooke, the oldest—second oldest if you counted Lindsay, which Lindsay kept forgetting to do—who somehow managed to dress the right side of her body in demure bridal linen and the left in leather and chains. Love and lust.
Lindsay gave the trio a quick wave and greeted a few more women in line in front of them. After growing up the only child of parents who’d planned to adopt more kids but changed their minds after the supposed hell that was Lindsay—never letting her forget it—having half sisters was like something out of a fairy tale. Forget that the Winfield trio actually got to live a fairy tale, growing up adored by their parents, surrounded by money so old it probably built the Mayflower. For Lindsay, it was fairy tale enough that they seemed to enjoy her company, treating her as family in as many ways as they could. More often than she should, she resisted, feeling like the dairy maid among princesses when she was around them.
“Lindsay!” Katie gave her a bear hug. “Why aren’t you dressed?”
“I’m working tonight.” She gestured awkwardly. Katie’s graceful exuberance always made her feel stiff and dull in comparison.
“Say it isn’t so.” Joey came up for her hug. “We wanted you to be able to party with us.”
“Absolutely.” Brooke’s turn, her hug was also affectionate, as was the kiss she planted on Lindsay’s cheek. A few months earlier Brooke had discovered John Winfield wasn’t her father by blood. The girls’ late mother, Daisy, apparently had something of a past, since the four girls had three fathers. One for Lindsay, who was given up for adoption. One for Brooke, who Daisy kept since she was marrying into the Winfield family while pregnant with her. Then the late John Winfield had fathered Joey and Katie.
Lindsay sympathized with Brooke. Not only did she have to deal with a shock similar to Lindsay finding out last summer she was adopted—shock tempered with relief that the selfish parents who raised her weren’t related by blood—but the discovery meant Brooke wasn’t a true Winfield. Purely symbolic since she was raised to be one, but that detail and their shared physical characteristics—a widow’s peak hairline, wide mouths, high cheekbones and long narrow fingers obviously inherited from their mother’s side of the family—made Brooke more approachable.
Lindsay handed her a tiara, annoyed at herself for not feeling comfortable enough to return the kiss. Her half sisters must consider her pretty cold. “Love the half-and-half costume, Brooke.”
“Thanks.” She grinned and struck a pose. “I swing both ways.”
Katie rolled her eyes. “We’ll hear that line all night. What’s the ’tini flavor this month? It looks red and de-e-licious.”
“A Ruby Valentini. Vodka, pomegranate juice, Triple Sec and lemon.”
“Ooh, sign me up for that action. You sure you can’t hang with us, Lindsay?”
“You have to!” Brooke said. “Tell the members to get their drinks at the bar so you can relax.”
“No, no. I can’t.” Lindsay shook her head emphatically. She loved the Martinis and Bikinis events but as the organizer and observer, needed to keep her distance. She always had something to do, somewhere to be, a duty to perform. Besides, drinking had landed her in so much trouble so many times she couldn’t equate it with fun anymore. “I don’t mind working.”
“We’ll see about that.” Brooke winked at her sisters, who grinned slyly back. “Right now I’m up for checking out the costumes and the booze. Who’s with me?”
The three women moved past Lindsay so she could continue welcoming guests. By eight-fifteen even the latecomers had arrived. She helped Margaret pass around trays loaded with Valentinis, which were being consumed in generous quantities.
Miraculously, even though the rest of the bar had filled up nicely as well, the evening seemed to be going smoothly. Justin had entered that state of fierce concentration where he appeared to be making five drinks at once. He’d been the best hire she’d made except for Denver, who wasn’t sitting down on the job either, serving drinks, keeping the appetizers flowing from the kitchen—in short, filling in wherever he could be useful without any direction from her.
Just before nine they intersected at the end of the bar, Denver’s arms loaded with dirty plates, her own carrying a tray of fresh drinks Justin had conjured in record time.
“Surviving?” He looked at her the way he always did, like he was trying to see past the surface, dark eyes calm and thoughtful in spite of his hurried pace.
“You bet.” She steadied the tray, unable to look away from him. “You?”
“Fine. Seems like a good time all around.” He smiled and moved away. She let herself look after him for a few stolen seconds before she went to rejoin the party—and encountered her three smirking half sisters.
“What?” She stopped cold, suddenly vulnerable and uncomfortable.
“My, my. I haven’t seen that many sparks since the Fourth of July.” Joey took a sip of her drink and moved to Lindsay’s right.
“Looked awfully warm in that part of the bar.” Katie moved to her left.
“I’m sorry, what’s that puddle at your feet?” Brooke took the center position. “Could you by any chance be melting?”
Busted. The blush came on full force and busted her even worse. “He’s my employee. Nothing more.”
“Oh, sure.”
“A damn good employee.” She stood her ground, pretty sure the battle was lost already. “One I don’t want to lose by doing any of the things you three are thinking.”
“Oh, I don’t think quitting would be on his mind. It certainly wasn’t just now.” Joey nudged Brooke, who nudged Katie who nodded as if she’d received some important signal.
Lindsay’s alarm bells started chiming. Her half sisters were lovely, well-bred women, all capable of deep mischief. Lindsay didn’t mind dishing it out, but like any control freak she didn’t like taking it. “Okay. What’s going on?”
“Isn’t it nearly time for tonight’s Martini Dares?” Katie spoke way too casually.
“Why I believe it is.” Joey took the tray from Lindsay. “I’ll deliver these. You’re needed front and center.”
“You certainly are.” Brooke took Lindsay’s arm and led her over to the wooden box. “Do your stuff.”
Lindsay took her place in front of the table facing the glittering, flashing-tiara-wearing revelers. Something wasn’t going to go according to plan tonight. Whatever the disruption, she hoped it was over soon and with minimal embarrassment.
“Okay, ladies.” She waited for the alcohol-fueled chatter to respond to various “Shhs” circulating the room.
“Happy Valentine’s Day and whatever else you’re celebrating in a loving or lusty way this month. We’ve reached that part of the evening where members of our group chosen by the nominating committee pick out a scroll from the sacred Dare Box. As always, we recite the rules first.” She pretended to unroll a parchment and held the invisible rules in front of her. “The members chosen for Martini Dares must be approved by a majority of the membership present. As you swore when you joined Martinis and Bikinis once you agree to pick a dare, there is no backing out. Period. Even quitting the group does not exempt you from your most serious obligation.”
“Okay. Now.” She raised her arm high above her head. “Show of hands that you have heard and understood?”
Hands shot in the air, including Tanya’s and Natalie’s, she was glad to see.
“Then by the completely nonimportant authority vested in me by the Martinis and Bikinis organization, I announce that this month’s dares will be taken by Natalie….”
She paused, to let the crowd react, and to wink at Natalie who had her hands clapped to her cheeks, laughing along with everyone else.
Lindsay smiled. These women were such a bright spot in her life. “And second to pick her dare tonight is—”
“Lindsay.” Three voices shouted her name as soon as she opened her mouth to call out Tanya’s.
“What?” She whipped around to stare at Brooke, Joey and Katie.
“Your turn tonight.” Brooke gestured to the box. “It’s time. Right ladies?”
“I—” Lindsay’s response was drowned out by approximately thirty roars of Yes! “No, it’s not my turn.”
“We say it is.” This from Katie accompanied by firm nods from Brooke and Joey.
Lindsay forced herself to stay calm. “I’ve already pick—”
“Overruled. Unanimously approved by the membership.” Lawyer Joey pointed sternly to the box. “Choose your fate.”
Lindsay glanced frantically around the room. People might suspect, but no one knew for sure that the dares were planted. Tonight’s dares were all geared for shy girls like Natalie and especially Tanya dreaming of her new lab team member. If Lindsay chose a dare now she’d have to think up another one next month mild enough for Tanya but challenging enough to whoever else was nominated to pick since shy girls were admittedly in short supply in the group. Coffee and dinner were barely the stuff of Martinis and Bikinis legend.
She opened her mouth to protest.
“No buts,” Katie said.
“Pick,” Joey ordered.
“Go for it,” someone called out and the phrase echoed around the room.
Lindsay sighed. Okay, fine. She had no trouble recognizing a lost cause when it was surrounding her, full of stubborn goodwill as this one was. So she’d pick the scroll, have a cuppa with Denver after work or add a sandwich and call it dinner, take a nighttime stroll or whatever else she’d put in the box and end it. Damn, she’d really wanted to help push Tanya toward some happiness.
“Fine. I give in. Do I have to go first?”
The crowd answered in no uncertain terms.
Lindsay smiled and closed her eyes as Brooke led her to the box and guided her hand in among the ribbon-tied scrolls Lindsay had assembled in the wee hours of the morning. She groped briefly, aiming for the right corner, where the coffee date scrolls should be. “Got one.”
Cheering, the crowd craned forward eagerly. Lindsay held the scroll teasingly aloft. “Anyone want to know what it says?”
The resulting roar made her laugh. She unrolled the paper, prepared for the familiar words.
They weren’t there.
She read, read again, read a third time, her laughter choking into dread. Oh no.
Her arms dropped. She looked up at her half sisters, each wearing a knowing grin, though Brooke’s was slightly anxious.
They were onto her. They knew she planted the scrolls. Somehow they’d gotten to the box and had changed them to much bawdier dares, similar to the one clenched in her hand.
“Read it!” someone shouted.
“Look at her face. It must be good,” added another voice.
Lindsay forced a smile, afraid she was either going to cry or throw up or both. She brought the paper up again with shaking hands and read out loud.
“Seduce the man you’re most attracted to. Tonight.”
LINDSAY SAT WITH HER HALF SISTERS in her favorite part of Chassy, a curtained small room off the main bar lined with banquettes on the sides and with four tiny tables in the center. The main attraction was a fireplace on the outer wall. At this time of year when cold reigned supreme outdoors no matter how ready the inhabitants were for spring, the room was cozy, intimate and relatively quiet. Especially now near closing when the music had been downshifted and the volume pulled back. Only a few stragglers remained at the bar.
The last of the Martinis and Bikinis club had departed ten minutes earlier. Brooke had called a private powwow before her sisters left.
“Lindsay, I just wanted you to know that all of us know exactly how you’re feeling right now.”
“Amen.” Joey nodded vigorously. “When I pulled the slip saying I had to reveal my deepest darkest secret to Sebastian…”
“And when I found out I had to strip in public…” Brooke shuddered comically.
“And when I found out I had to have sex in a forbidden place…” Katie’s attempt at looking horrified failed as her features turned dreamy and distant.
“Katie, stay with us here.” Brooke snapped her fingers in front of her sister’s face, then focused again on Lindsay. “The point is we’ve each lived the same stomach-curling—”
“—dread that you are.” Brooke grinned. “Any of this sounding familiar?”
Lindsay released her jaw and put a hand to her throbbing head, acutely aware of her stomach’s distress. “Yes.”