Полная версия
Daddy by Christmas / Christmas Magic on the Mountain
Mia never heard the answer as they walked off together.
“He’s a flirt, but he’s a good man.”
Mia turned to Kira, but didn’t know how to answer that. Was Kira trying to sell her brother-in-law’s better qualities to her?
“I wouldn’t have said that a few years ago,” Kira went on. “But something in him has changed. And he and Trace are working on being brothers.”
She turned and looked at Mia. “I know you’re not happy about having to leave your apartment, but I might be able to help with that. We have a guest house at the ranch. It’s small, but it has two bedrooms. A friend had been living there during college, and now she’s gone to be with her husband in the army.”
“Oh, Kira.” Mia didn’t want to get too excited. “What about Trace? I bet you haven’t even asked him.”
“Haven’t asked me what?” her husband turned toward her.
“About Mia coming to live in the cottage.”
He raised an eyebrow as if to think about it. “That’s a great idea. The house is sitting empty.” He shrugged. “You’re welcome to live there as long as you need.”
Mia was getting excited. “What is the rent?”
“There isn’t any rent.”
“No, I would expect to pay something.”
Trace glanced at his wife. “I think we owe your brother a bigger debt. He helped us through some rough spots a few years ago. I think Brad would want us to help you and the baby.”
“Can I come over to see the baby?” Jenna asked. “I’ll be really quiet.”
“If I decide to move there, of course, you can.” She looked at Kira. “Maybe I could even babysit you so your parents could go out.”
A big smile split Trace’s face. “That’s a deal I’ll take.”
“What’s a deal?” Jarrett sat down next to Mia.
Trace was still smiling. “Mia is coming to live in the guest house at the ranch.”
“The hell she is.”
The entire room went silent at his outburst.
“Unca Jay, you said a bad word,” Jenna piped in.
Jarrett reached into his pocket, pulled out change and set it on the table for his misstep. “Here, sweetie.” Then he turned to Mia. “You can’t move all the way out there. Not in the winter.”
She glanced around nervously. “I don’t want to talk about this now,” she said as she pushed away from the table. “Excuse me.” She stood and walked out.
Jarrett went after her. He caught up with her right before she got to the bathroom door. She would have disappeared, but someone was using the facility.
“Mia,” he called.
“Go away.”
“That’s not likely.” He gripped her by the arm and escorted her down the hall.
“What are you doing?”
“Taking you to a bathroom.”
“I don’t have to go. I just needed to get away from you and your crazy idea that you can tell me what to do.”
He wasn’t listening as he took her by the hand, led her to the master suite and opened the door to the large room. He pulled her inside and shut the door.
“Stop this,” she demanded. “And stop telling me what to do. You can’t boss me around.”
He glared at her. “Someone needs to take you in hand. You can’t move all the way out to the ranch. If we get a snowstorm—and the possibility is strong that we will—you might not make it to the hospital when the time comes.”
“I can take care of myself. And why does it matter to you, anyway? You are my landlord, Mr. McKane, not my keeper.”
“Dammit, stop calling me that. It’s Jarrett.” He leaned closer as her eyes widened. “Say Jarrett.”
His gaze moved to her full lips. Suddenly, he ached to know how they would feel against his and how she would taste. He couldn’t resist and slowly lowered his mouth to hers. He took a gentle bite, then another. Each one a little sweeter than the last.
Her eyes widened, her breathing grew labored.
Finally, he closed his mouth over hers and wasn’t disappointed. With a groan, he wrapped his arms around her and drew her closer. She made a whimpering sound and her arms move to around his neck as he deepened the kiss.
Jarrett pressed her back against the door, feeling her body against his, then suddenly something kicked against his stomach. The baby. He broke off the kiss with a gasp, suddenly remembering the situation.
Mia’s shocked gaze searched his. “Why did you do that?”
“Hell if I know.” He hated that he was so drawn to her. She was a complication he didn’t need, but he couldn’t seem to stay away from her.
Her hand went to her stomach protectively. Was she having a contraction?
He picked her up in his arms and carried her across the room.
“What are you doing?” she demanded.
“Taking you where you should have been in the first place. To bed.”
Chapter Six
MIA was fuming as Jarrett walked out the door, leaving her alone on the bed. His bed. What she hated the most was that she didn’t have much say in the matter.
All her life, she’d had to do what she’d been told. Go to the best schools, make the best grades, be the perfect daughter. It had taken years, and although she’d made many bad turns she’d finally gained her independence. She wasn’t about to give it up now. Not even for a man.
She glanced around Jarrett’s bedroom. Large, dark furniture dominated the spacious room, including the king-size bed with the carved headboard. The walls were a taupe-gray and the floors a wide-planked dark wood. Two honey-colored leather chairs sat in front of huge French doors that led out to a deck and the wooded area beyond. It was definitely a man’s room, which reminded her she shouldn’t be in here.
Mia’s thoughts turned back to Jarrett McKane. What had possessed her to let him kiss her? She shut her eyes reliving the feel of his mouth against hers, his strong arms around her. What she hadn’t expected was the way she had reacted to him.
Of course, she would react to the man—any man for that matter. How long had it been since she’d been in a relationship? She couldn’t even remember that far back. Not that she was eager to start one now. There hadn’t been any time for a man. Then Mr. Hotshot McKane had stormed into her life, with his good looks and his take-charge attitude. No, she didn’t need him in her life.
She started to get up when she felt the mild contraction and covered her midsection with her hand.
“Oh, please, no.”
After several slow, relaxing breaths she eased back against the pillows and shut her eyes. Why had she come here today? Okay, she’d wanted to come to the party. And Dr. Drake had said she could be out for a few hours if she was careful and didn’t overdo things.
Mia caressed her stomach, feeling the tension slowly ease from her body.
There was a soft knock and the door opened and Jarrett came in carrying a tray with a slice of pie. He stopped at the side of the bed, frowning. “You okay?”
“I’m fine,” she fibbed. “I’m just resting.”
He continued to stare at her. “You don’t look fine.”
She closed her eyes again. “Then don’t look at me.”
He sat the plate on the nightstand. “Are you having contractions?”
She opened her eyes. “Just a little one.”
Jarrett pulled out his wallet from his back pocket and took out a business card. He grabbed the phone off the table.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“Calling your doctor.”
“You can’t, it’s Thanksgiving.”
“Then we go to the emergency room.” He paused. “Your choice.”
Jarrett had worried this might happen if Mia left the apartment. They were lucky that Dr. Drake was on call today, and it only took her minutes to return his call.
The doctor talked with Mia, who didn’t look happy when she handed the phone back to Jarrett.
“Yes, Doctor?” he said.
“I instructed Mia not to get out of bed for anything except to use the bathroom, and I want her in my office first thing in the morning. Could you bring her in?”
“We’ll be there when your doors open.” He ended the call and hung up. “Looks like you’ll be staying here tonight.”
He watched her eyes widen. “I can’t stay here. It’s not fair to you.”
“Hey, I haven’t been staying here anyway.”
“But this is your room, your bed.”
Smiling, he glanced around at the large space. “I guess we’ll have to share.”
She glared. “You need to get a life, McKane.”
“I have a life, thank you, or at least I did before I moved into the Mountain View Apartments.”
There was another soft knock on the door and Kira peered in. “Is everything okay?” she asked.
“It’s under control now. Mia’s had some contractions. Her doctor wants her to stay in bed and come in tomorrow.”
Mia sat up. “I tried to tell Jarrett that I’ll be able to rest better in my own apartment.”
Kira stood at the end of the bed. “I know this is difficult, Mia, but you really need to stay put. In the last months when I was pregnant with Jenna, I couldn’t even sit up to eat.”
“See,” Jarrett said. “And she delivered a healthy baby. So you stay.”
Suddenly two more people appeared at the door, Nola and Sylvia, looking concerned.
“Please don’t worry,” Mia said. “I’m fine. But I guess I have to stay put for tonight.”
Nola came closer and patted her hand. “We’re not worried. Jarrett will take care of you.” She looked down at the tray of food. “You need to eat.”
Jarrett backed out of the room, leaving the women to pamper Mia. He couldn’t help but wonder if he was the cause of her problem.
He rubbed his hand over his face. He had no business near her, let alone kissing her.
What happened to keeping your distance, McKane? The woman is pregnant, for Christ’s sake.
He looked up to see Trace coming down the hall. “Is everything okay?”
Hell, would the cavalry be coming next? “Mia had a few contractions, but she’s resting now.”
“That’s good.” Trace studied him. “You seem to have inherited a lot more than just an apartment building. Need any help?”
Jarrett wasn’t surprised at his brother’s offer. For years the kid had tried to get close to him, but Jarrett had always rebuffed him. It made him ashamed of his past actions.
“Thanks, but I’m handling it.”
Trace smiled. “I never thought I’d see the day my brother entertained a group of senior citizens in his house and had a pregnant woman in his bed.”
Jarrett started to argue, but he had no words.
Trace grinned. “Be careful, bro, you’re getting soft, or else, Mia Saunders is doing something no other woman ever has.”
Jarrett sighed. “I don’t want to hear this.” He walked out into the great room, seeing the rest of his guests waiting for some news. He hoped he could convince them everything would be okay. First he had to convince himself.
Darkness surrounded her, but Mia knew she wasn’t alone. The small room was filled with loud music, a lot of voices trying to be heard. She could smell cigarette smoke. Someone was smoking.
No! It was bad for the baby. She tried to stand, but someone pulled her back down.
“You can’t leave, honey,” a man with a slurred voice said. “The party’s only getting started. Here have another drink.” He put a glass in front of her face and she nearly gagged on the stale smell of beer.
“No! Let me go.” She managed to break his hold, and get out the door. The night’s cold air caused her to shiver as she looked around, but she couldn’t recognize anything. She had no idea where she was, but knew she had to get home. But she had no home.
She turned and saw her father. She gasped and tried to run, but her legs were too heavy to move fast and Preston Saunders grabbed her arm.
“You can’t get away from me,” he threatened.
“Let me go,” she cried. “I don’t want you.”
“I don’t want you either, but my grandchild is a different matter. If you think I’ll let you raise this baby you’d better think again. It’s a Saunders.”
“No, it’s my baby. It’s mine! It’s mine!” she cried.
“Mia! Mia! Wake up.”
She felt another touch. This time it was different. Gentler. Soothing. She opened her eyes and saw Jarrett leaning over her. With a gasp she went into his arms and held on. Tight.
Jarrett felt her trembling. His arms circled her back and pulled her close and he felt her breasts pressed against his bare chest. The awareness shook him, but he worked to ease her fears.
“Ssh, you were having a bad dream. It’s okay, Mia.” He felt her tears against his shoulder. “I’m here.”
She shivered again and then pulled back but refused to look at him. “I’m sorry.”
With the moonlight coming through the French doors, he could see she wasn’t all right.
“Bad dream, huh? You want to tell me about it?”
She shook her head, but didn’t let go of his hand. “It’s just one of those where someone is chasing you.”
“Anyone you know?”
She shrugged. “Just someone from a long time ago.”
That had him wondering about a lot of things. “A bad-news ex-boyfriend?”
She didn’t answer for a long time. He suddenly became aware she was wearing one of his T-shirts, and he was only in a pair of sweatpants, all cozy together on his bed.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
He nodded. “Do you want me to get you anything?”
She shook her head. “No, thank you.”
“Should I leave?”
She finally looked at him. “Would you mind staying? For a little while?”
He had to hide his surprise. He didn’t cuddle with women, not unless it led to something. He was about say, “Not a good idea,” but instead he answered, “Not a problem.” He changed position, propping himself against the headboard and pulled her back into his arms. “This okay?”
She nodded and then lay back down, her head against her pillow next to him. She blinked up at him with those trusting eyes.
Okay, this wasn’t going to work. “Try and get some sleep.”
“I don’t want to start dreaming again.”
He covered her hand with his. “I’m here, Mia. No one will hurt you or your baby as long as I’m around.”
Somehow she’d managed to get to him, and he’d just taken on the job of her protector. It was crazy, but he didn’t mind one bit.
Mia snuggled deeper into the warmth, enjoying the comfort of the soft bed. She smiled, feeling the strong arms that were wrapped around her back, holding her close.
Slowly, memories of last night began drifting back to her. The nightmare. Her father.
She opened her eyes and was greeted by bright sunlight coming through the French doors. What was more disturbing was the feeling of the bare skin against her cheek. She raised her head to see she was in bed with Jarrett McKane.
Oh, God. What was he still doing here?
She studied the sleeping man who was making soft snoring sounds. He suddenly turned toward her, reaching for her, pulling her against him.
Oh no. His chest was hard and doing incredible things to her out-of-whack libido. But she had a more desperate urge right now. She had to use the bathroom, and quick.
Careful not to disturb him, Mia managed to untangle herself, slide to the side of the bed and escape into the connecting bath.
A few minutes later she returned to find Jarrett awake and leaning against the headboard. His chest was gloriously naked, exposing every defined muscle under his bronzed skin.
“Morning,” he murmured, raking fingers through his hair. “We seem to make a habit of this.”
She had to put a stop to it. “Well, as soon as I get back to my apartment I won’t be bothering you anymore.”
Frowning, he got up and came around to her. “First thing, you need to get back into bed,” he told her, giving her a little nudge to climb in. Once she complied, he continued, “Secondly, I wasn’t complaining, just stating a fact.”
Jarrett hadn’t had much time for female companionship the past few months. Lately it had all been about business, until Mia Saunders and her group of merry followers had appeared in his life. They might be a costly headache, but he’d found he liked the diversion.
He sat on the edge of the bed. His gaze moved over her soft brunette curls and met her pretty blue eyes. Damn, he could get used to this. “Any more dreams?” He could still hear her frightened cries.
She shook her head. “I slept fine. Thank you.”
He smiled and finally coaxed one from her. Damn, she’s pretty, he thought, suddenly realizing his body was noticing, too.
“Okay, I better get breakfast started.” He stood. “Will you eat eggs, or do I need to go on a jelly-donut run?”
Two hours later, Mia sat in the exam room with Doctor Drake, with Jarrett sitting just outside.
After the exam, the doctor pulled off her gloves. “You’re doing fine.”
“What does fine mean?” Mia asked as she sat up.
“You’re effaced fifty percent.”
“Oh, God. Am I going into labor?”
She shook her head. “You aren’t dilated yet. And you haven’t had any more contractions, right?”
“Not since last night.”
There was a knock on the door and a technician came in pushing a machine.
“I want to do an ultrasound as a precaution,” the doctor explained.
“So you are worried?” Mia asked.
“A little concerned. This baby coming early is a very real possibility.” She raised a calming hand. “You’re thirty-six weeks, Mia. All I want to do is check the baby’s weight.”
There was a knock on the door. “Yes?” the doctor called.
Jarrett poked his head in. “Is everything okay?”
The doctor glanced at Mia. “You want him in here?”
Mia looked at Jarrett and found herself nodding. “You can stay if you want,” she told him.
He looked surprised but walked right toward her as she lay back on the table. Although covered with a paper sheet, she realized that she’d be exposing her belly for Jarrett to see.
Dr. Drake nodded toward the opposite side of the exam table for Jarrett to stand, then she began to apply the clear gel on her stomach.
Mia sucked in a breath.
Jarrett took her hand. “You okay?”
She nodded. “The cream is cold.”
The doctor went to the machine and made some adjustments, then began to move the probe over her stomach.
Jarrett had no idea what he was doing here. Then he saw Mia’s fear, and knew he couldn’t leave her. He eyed the machine, watching the grainy picture, and then suddenly it came into focus. He saw a head first, then a small body.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” he murmured, seeing the incredible image. “That’s a baby.”
“What did you think it was?” the doctor chided.
Jarrett was embarrassed. “The way she’s craved jelly donuts, I wasn’t sure.”
The doctor laughed. “Since your weight’s okay, I’ll tell you to indulge, a little. After the baby comes, you’ll be on a stricter diet while you’re breast-feeding.” The doctor glanced at Mia, then back at the screen. “The baby’s in position. So that’s one less thing to worry about. This is a 3D machine so let’s get a better look at this little one.” The picture became a lot clearer and a tiny face appeared.
“Oh, my gosh,” Mia cried and gripped Jarrett’s hand tighter. “It’s crazy but he looks like Brad’s baby pictures.” Tears formed in her eyes and a sob came out. “I’m sorry.”
The doctor patted her arm. “It’s understandable. Are you ready to know the sex?”
Mia looked at Jarrett. He shrugged, trying to handle his own emotions. “I say it’s a boy.”
Mia gave a slight nod and the doctor scanned in for a closer look. He saw all the proof he needed. “Well, hello, BJ.”
Mia gave him a questioning look.
“I take it you’re naming this little guy after your brother,” he said. “Bradley Junior.”
During the ride home from Grand Junction, Mia had zoned out, not noticing much of the trip until Jarrett stopped in front of the apartment building.
“We’re home,” he said, but didn’t move to get out of the car. “Mia, are you all right?”
No! she wanted to scream. She hadn’t been okay since the day her brother had died. She looked at Jarrett, seeing his concern. “Seeing the baby today made it seem so real.” Her voice grew softer, more hoarse. “A boy. How can I raise a boy?” Tears filled her eyes, but she couldn’t cry any more. “A boy needs a father. Brad should be here.”
He reached across the console and took her hand. Even with the heater going, her hands were still cold. “Hey, this kid’s got the next best thing. You.”
She wasn’t the best. “You don’t know that. I’ve done things, made bad choices.”
“I can’t believe that, or your brother wouldn’t have chosen you to carry this baby.”
“But not to raise his son.” She sighed. “Besides, I’ve always had Brad to help me, to guide me in life. Now, I’m on my own. What if I make mistakes again?”
He frowned. “Everyone makes mistakes, Mia, but you can’t just give up.”
Jarrett had never been the optimistic type, but he was a good salesman. “Don’t forget, you have friends to help you. Is there any other family around?”
Mia shook her head. “No. There’s no one else.” She wiped her eyes. “God, I hate this. I never cry.”
“I hear it’s normal,” he consoled her, hating that he kept getting more and more involved in her life. Not to mention the lives of the other tenants, too.
Once he got off house arrest and they all found other places to live, this time would just be a fleeting memory. They wouldn’t be his problem then. They’d move on, and he’d move on. But could he? He thought back to being beside Mia and seeing her baby on the ultrasound.
Damn. He needed to get this apartment building in shape and get the hell out of here. “We’d better get inside and out of the cold so you can rest.”
She grumbled. “That’s all I’ve been doing.”
“From what Kira tells me you won’t get much sleep after the baby comes, so enjoy it now.” He started to climb out of the car when she stopped him with a soft touch on his arm.
She nodded in agreement. “Thank you,” she said softly. “Thank you for being there with me today.”
He caught her pretty blue eyes still glistening with tears and something tightened in his chest. Dear Lord. He was in big trouble.
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