Полная версия
Double Exposure
Maybe part of Kate’s appeal was that she wasn’t in the business. She wasn’t trying to parlay her beauty into a starring role, so she could afford to be more casual about her traffic-stopping looks. Or maybe he’d been swept away by the animation on her face and she wasn’t all that gorgeous.
Opening his eyes a fraction, he studied her again. Yeah, she was one-hundred-ten-percent babe. Probably used sunscreen to protect that flawless complexion, especially if she made a habit of driving with the top down. These days he couldn’t tell if a woman’s hair color was real, but in this case he’d guess that it was. She’d adopted the short, breezy style that was so popular, and she had just enough curl to turn those locks into tongues of flame whipped by the wind.
A white knit T-shirt, cropped at the waist, fit like a second skin. Hugh happened to love that look for obvious girl-watching reasons. Her hip-hugger jeans showed off a slice of midriff that made his mouth water. She wore open-toed mules. He couldn’t see them now that her feet were tucked under the dash, but he remembered that her toenails matched her fingernails—both painted a wicked shade of red.
Five gold bracelets jingled on her right arm whenever she turned the wheel, and her hoop earrings were gold, too. She wore several rings, but her left ring finger was conspicuously bare. Good. Soon he’d find out whether or not she was in a relationship. If not, this could be one fine weekend. He closed his eyes again.
Usually he could sleep anywhere, but her sexy perfume kept him on the edge of wakefulness. She hadn’t mentioned Harry. He wondered if sending Kate to the airport had been Harry’s doing. Hugh had left a quick voice mail for Harry right before takeoff, not sure when his brother planned to leave Chicago.
Maybe Harry had picked up the voice mail and relayed Hugh’s arrival time to the Coopers. He might even have suggested Kate for the pickup. Harry knew Hugh’s weakness for green-eyed redheads. So did Stuart, for that matter. They could easily have cooked this up together as a fun surprise.
Hugh thought Harry was supposed to get in today, too, but he could easily have been delayed. That happened a lot with him, because women never seemed to have their babies when they were supposed to.
Hugh understood that kind of topsy-turvy life. If the James Cameron wanna-be had decided the sequence wasn’t good enough, Hugh would have been back in the water tonight getting wrinkled up like a prune again.
Instead he might be able to spend time with Kate Cooper, twin sister of the bride. He sure could use an in-room massage, though, and the inn might not offer that kind of service. He’d seriously overtaxed his muscles retrieving those folks from the boat, and he’d had no time to stretch and recover before heading to the airport. Five hours on a plane had left him stiff and sore.
That could cramp his style, and he wanted to be in top shape, just in case Kate happened to be available and willing to have fun this weekend. If Kim was even half as foxy as Kate, Stuart had done himself proud. Hugh was happy for him, if that’s what Stuart wanted.
Personally, Hugh thought getting married was just asking for trouble. He’d once heard that creating a family meant providing hostages to fate. He couldn’t agree more, and he didn’t want to give fate that kind of power.
Worrying about a wife would be scary enough, but if he ever had kids, somebody might as well shoot him and get it over with. He’d be a mass of nerves if he ever had kids, considering all the dangers they faced these days.
No, he preferred staying free of those kinds of entanglements. Besides, he had a risky job, and he didn’t think a wife and kids should have to live with the knowledge that he might not come home someday.
But the risk was all-important for him. For a few seconds after finishing a stunt, he felt invincible, and the addictive nature of that feeling kept him coming back for more and taking even greater chances. Because of that he was in demand. He’d done a few jobs others had refused.
That didn’t mean he was foolhardy. He kept in shape, and he always expected to come through unscathed. But accidents happened. Timing wasn’t always perfect. Everyone connected to a picture tried to be careful, but they all knew that the danger couldn’t be eliminated. If it could, they’d let the stars perform the stunts themselves.
All in all, he loved his life. It was a glamorous world filled with excitement and beautiful women. Many of them sought the same brief, thrilling affairs that suited his lifestyle and personality. He wasn’t sure about the rules back here in Rhode Island, but he meant to find out. He was free at the moment. If luck was with him, Kate might be, too.
KATE TURNED INTO THE parking area adjacent to Townsend House, the renovated Colonial inn that had opened a bare two weeks ago. Eagle-eyed Kim had spotted it when she and Kate were searching frantically for accommodations for the out-of-towners attending the wedding. By June most places were booked, but this place was not only available, it offered them grand opening discounts.
The wedding itself had been put together inside of a month, a speed that had left even Kate breathless. A few tongues had wagged, saying that anyone who got engaged in May and married in June must have a reason, nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Kate thought Stuart and Kim had the best reason of all for a speedy ceremony. They were crazy about each other and couldn’t wait to make it official. Such reckless abandon was unusual for Kim, but it was exactly the kind of drama Kate loved.
Townsend House had started life as an inn back in 1702, and evidence existed that Benjamin Franklin had slept there. Now the building had been returned to its original grandeur, and its narrow clapboard siding gleamed with fresh white paint. Wedgwood blue shutters and window boxes filled with pansies satisfied both Kim’s and Kate’s finely tuned aesthetic sense. Rooms on the front of the house faced the harbor, while rooms on the back looked out on a flourishing rose garden and the luxurious honeymoon cottage.
Stuart and Kim weren’t staying there after the wedding, however, not when such a gaggle of wedding guests would still be in the main house. Kate could understand the need for more privacy, but after touring the honeymoon cottage with Kim, she wondered if the newlyweds would find anything quite as gorgeous.
And speaking of gorgeous, Kate glanced over to check on her passenger. Still in dreamland. She shut off the motor and leaned toward him. He’d somehow managed to slouch down deeper into the seat, although he didn’t look particularly comfortable. The fact that he’d fallen asleep squashed into the car testified to his exhaustion.
As a photographer she appreciated the classic structure of his high cheekbones, straight nose and firm jaw. As a woman she was drawn to his thick, dark lashes and sensuous mouth. She could have a field day with her camera, but taking pictures wasn’t all she thought about when she looked at this man.
A sea breeze ruffled his hair and she noticed an angry red scratch on his forehead close to the hairline. No doubt that had happened last night during the rescue. He needed to put disinfectant on it. He might have other untended injuries, too. She would ask about that and make sure he took care of himself. Men like this often didn’t bother about their own welfare. They were too self-sacrificing.
She needed to get him out of the car. Then she’d make sure he had something to eat, and after that she should probably leave him alone to sleep. Selfishly, she didn’t want to do that. She wanted to hear more about his adventures. She had him to herself now, but tomorrow the dynamics would change and he’d belong to everyone.
“We’re here,” she said softly.
He opened his eyes. At first he seemed disoriented, but as the drowsiness cleared from those blue eyes, they took on a lazy, sexual warmth that curled her toes. With a soft groan, her superhero eased upright and unfastened his seat belt.
“Take it slow.” Once again Kate wished she’d brought a bigger car. “You may be a little stiff from the ride.”
“No problem,” he said. “I’ve had sore muscles before.” Nevertheless he grimaced in pain as he climbed out of the car. “Nothing a couple of shots of bourbon won’t cure.” His jaw tightened as he stood upright.
Kate popped the trunk open and exited her side. Then she couldn’t help pausing to watch him take off his jacket and gingerly roll his broad shoulders. He had an amazingly toned body for someone who spent his days in the office or at the hospital. But now that his jacket was off she noticed a purple bruise on his left biceps and a long scratch on his right forearm.
Then she mentally smacked her forehead. She shouldn’t be standing here admiring his body when he was in pain from his ordeal. “Let’s get you checked in.” She lifted her purse strap over her head and secured it across her chest. “I’m so glad you have tonight to recuperate before you get into the whole wedding deal.” Then she opened the trunk and reached for his garment bag.
“Oh, no, you don’t.” He nudged her gently aside and pulled the garment bag out of the trunk. “I can certainly carry my own luggage.”
“I’m sure you can. I just think you need to relax.” The brush of his body had set off quite a reaction within her. She hadn’t responded to a man with this much enthusiasm since…never.
He smiled at her as he shouldered the bag. “I will.” Then he glanced at the other small suitcase. “Are you taking this in?”
“Eventually. I’ll have them store it for me until tomorrow. No need to mess with it now, though. I can come back and get it later.” She started to close the trunk.
He put a hand on the trunk lid, holding it open. “Ah, let’s take it now.” He hefted the small suitcase. “For that matter, you can leave it in my room if you want.”
She wasn’t about to argue with an idea that would throw her into closer contact with him. “That would be great, if you don’t mind.” She led the way along a sidewalk leading to the inn’s front door. Traffic on the street was heavy with people starting to search out a place to have dinner. She’d need to make sure he had a decent meal tonight.
Still, she didn’t want to embarrass him by hovering. Naturally he would minimize the toll his heroics had taken on him, but a guy like him deserved lots of TLC. “Those six people from the sailboat, are they all okay?” she asked.
Tucking his jacket through the straps of his garmet bag, he walked beside her up to the front door, which had been painted a glossy black and accented with brass hinges, knob and knocker. “They were water-logged and chilled, but yeah, I think they’re fine. I worried about little Dustin, because he’s only eight. He’s a trouper though. Just grinned and drank his hot chocolate afterward.”
“Amazing.” To think that one of the people he’d rescued had been a child. Kate could only imagine how grateful the parents must be.
She opened the door into a hallway that was painted the same Wedgwood blue as the outside shutters, while the surrounding woodwork had been done in creamy white. The buffed oak flooring glowed in the soft light. Immediately to her left, a gilded oval mirror reflected a mixed bouquet of flowers sitting on an antique table that hugged the wall. Thank goodness she and Kim had been able to reserve rooms in such a classy place, fitting accommodations for a hero like Harry.
“But enough about that.” He glanced around in obvious appreciation. “This is great. I want to forget about that whole ordeal and enjoy this weekend.”
“All right. Check-in is over here.” She stepped through a door on their right into a small sitting room. So he didn’t want to discuss his rescue anymore, she thought as she rang the little brass bell that would bring someone to take care of the paperwork. Well, then she wouldn’t mention the subject again. She could hardly blame him if he didn’t want to relive such a nightmare.
But she wanted to make sure she understood his meaning. “So you’d rather I didn’t mention anything of what you’ve been through to the others in the wedding party?”
He shrugged. “I just don’t see the point. This weekend is supposed to be about Stuart and Kim, not me.”
The sheer nobility of that sentiment made her weak in the knees. Most men would welcome an audience so they could revel in the glory of their accomplishments, but this particular man didn’t want his spectacular story to overshadow the wedding.
Then Kate realized something else. He’d trusted her with the tale, and now they shared a secret. She would be the only one at the wedding who would know that he was a bonafide hero. That was pretty darned cool.
“Okay,” she said. “And may I say that’s a wonderful attitude.”
“Thanks, but I don’t see it as anything spe—”
“It is,” she said softly. “Now why don’t you go over and relax on that sofa by the window and let me check you in?”
“Listen, I’m really fine. I can check myself in.”
She put a hand on his arm, and her gold bangles jingled. “Yes, you could, but everything’s all arranged, anyway, and it would be my pleasure.” She looked into his eyes. “I promise not to bring up your ordeal again if you’ll agree to let me pamper you a little.”
His blue eyes warmed again as they had back in the car when he’d awakened. “A man would be a fool to turn down an offer like that.”
HUGH DID AS HE WAS told and eased down upon a red and white patterned sofa just as a trim woman in a print blouse and khaki skirt came into the room and greeted them. Hugh stood up again.
“We’re with the Cooper-Thorpe wedding party,” Kate said. “I believe you have a room available for Mr. Armstrong.”
“Certainly.” The woman took her place behind an antique desk.
Kate glanced over at Hugh. “Just relax,” she said, waving him back to the sofa. “I’ll handle it.”
Harry must have gotten his phone message, Hugh thought. Otherwise no one would have known to reserve him a room here. Oh, yeah, it was becoming very obvious that old Harry was trying to instigate a little romance between his brother and the maid of honor. The plan was almost too obvious, considering that Kate was totally Hugh’s type.
Sitting down again, he used the time to study Kate. She wasn’t very tall, only about five-five, but those snug capri-length jeans and high-heeled mules made her look taller. He had no idea how women maneuvered in those things or even how they kept them on. It was one of the sweet mysteries of life. However they managed to navigate in shoes with no back, some women had a flair for it, and Kate was one of those who could turn the whole exercise into poetry.
A multipaned window behind him looked out on the bustling harbor. He gave it a quick glance and hoped his room would have a different view. Boats and water didn’t hold much appeal for him today, although he liked the idea of staying in this historic inn. Walking from the parking lot he’d smelled the saltwater tang of the bay and the aroma of fish being cooked in the area’s restaurants. But in here, the dominant scent was of bread baking, which was more comforting to his battered body.
Still, he was happy to be here, harbor view and all. Visiting New England always reminded him of working on The Patriot, which brought good memories. He’d enjoyed getting to know Mel. And there had been a sexy member of the camera crew, Charise. He’d enjoyed getting to know her, too.
But Kate made him forget all about Charise, or any other woman he’d been with in recent memory. As he pretended to lounge casually on the wing-backed sofa, his thoughts were anything but casual. Kate had offered to pamper him. He wondered if that meant what he’d love it to mean.
In L.A. he’d know exactly what to expect after a woman made such an offer, especially when she had that special look in her eyes that he’d seen in Kate’s. From the fit of her jeans to the daring neckline of her T-shirt, she radiated sexual confidence. Except for her height, she had the figure to be a runway model. Thank God that no longer described a woman with a flat-chested, boyish shape. He’d been delighted to see that trend disappear. Kate’s breasts were perfect for the new, more womanly look.
She’d taken off her purse, one of those sling types that looked big enough to carry a small child, and propped it beside her on the floor. As she leaned over to sign the guest book, her cropped T-shirt rode up to reveal a strip of ivory skin. Hugh gazed at that tempting spot, focusing on the slight depression formed by the small of her back.
He had an almost uncontrollable urge to go over and rest his hand against her exposed skin. The heel of his hand would fit into that warm niche, while his fingers would curve around her waist. She would be soft to the touch, humming with energy.
He imagined her leaning into the pressure of his hand and turning her head to smile at him. His groin tightened. He’d have to control those thoughts, though, on the chance that he was misreading the signals she was giving him. Still, he couldn’t believe that she looked at every guy the way she’d looked at him back there in the car.
There was the slight possibility that the atmosphere of the wedding had put her in a romantic mood. But if Harry had sent Kate on purpose, he would also have briefed her, letting her know that Hugh wasn’t interested in anything serious.
Maybe Kate wasn’t, either. Hugh had discovered that quite a few women in their twenties were focused on their careers and had no intention of tying themselves to a husband or even a steady boyfriend. He wouldn’t be at all surprised to find that Kate felt that way, too.
From the way she’d talked about her photography, he guessed that she was dissatisfied with the status quo and wanted a change, even if she wasn’t quite ready to admit that. Women in the midst of a career change weren’t usually eager to settle down to a steady relationship. If she fit in that category, they were a perfect match for the weekend.
She finished signing the guest book and murmured something to the other woman that Hugh couldn’t hear. The woman glanced over at him, so he could be fairly sure the conversation concerned him. Curious, he strained to hear what was being said, but noise filtering in from the busy street made it impossible.
The woman made a phone call, then another. Finally she shrugged and looked up at Kate with an air of regret. Whatever Kate had been trying to cook up, it hadn’t worked.
There was more hushed conversation, and then Kate turned and came toward him, a key folder in one hand. “We tried to arrange for an in-room massage for you,” she said. “But both recommended people were booked. If we were in Providence I’d have more of a selection, but I hate to take potluck.”
He stood. “No problem. But it was a nice idea.” A very nice idea. He was damned stiff, and a massage would have helped him be ready for…anything.
“I can upgrade you to a suite with a whirlpool,” she said. “If you want it, that is. The only problem is that it’s a little guest cottage out back instead of in the main building here, so there’s no view of the harbor. No view at all, actually.”
“To be honest, I didn’t want to look at water and sailboats, anyway.” And a whirlpool sounded like heaven to him. He wondered how big the whirlpool was, and if Kate…no, he was getting ahead of himself.
She gave him a secret smile and held out the key folder. “I had a feeling that would be fine with you, under the circumstances, so I went ahead and reserved it.”
He took the key folder, but then he had a sudden thought. “I wouldn’t be taking this away from Kim and Stuart, would I? I mean, this sounds like it could be the honeymoon cottage.”
Kate laughed. “Kim and Stuart aren’t about to stay here for their wedding night, if that’s what you’re saying. They love us all dearly, but they want to be far away from here that night. Even I don’t know where they’ll be staying, but I can guarantee it won’t be at the Townsend House.”
“Okay, then I’d love to have it.”
“Good.” Kate turned back to the woman at the desk. “We’re all set.”
The woman stood. “Would you like help with your luggage?”
“No, thanks.” Hugh hoisted the garment bag to his shoulder and grabbed Kate’s suitcase. “Just point me in the right direction.”
“I know how to get there,” Kate said. “I’ll show you.”
That was exactly what he’d been hoping for.
KATE HAD TO RELY ON HER own judgment in this situation, but she felt certain that Stuart would want his best man to be comfortable, especially after what Harry had been through. And if Stuart didn’t want to pay extra for the cottage, then she’d cover the cost. It wasn’t so much. Well, okay, it was twice as much as a regular room, but the man needed some amenities.
Fortunately, this cozy hideaway had plenty. With a sense of anticipation she led him down the hall and through the cheerful breakfast room to a back door that opened onto the garden. The new owners had told Kim and Kate that they would have bought the property for the rose bushes alone. Although the inn had fallen into disrepair, the former occupants had been avid gardeners, and the dozens of blooming roses in shades of red, pink and peach testified to their skill.
Roses lined the flagstone walk and tumbled from trellises spaced around the garden. Water splashed in several stone fountains tucked in among the flowers. Kim and Stuart hadn’t had time for engagement pictures, but last week Kate had talked them into letting her do some portraits here, and she was giving them the best of the lot, framed, as one of her wedding presents. The picture was so beautiful it brought tears to her eyes.
She glanced over at Harry, and her tummy gave a little skitter of sensuality. “Yes, it is.”
On the far side of the garden stood the cottage, which at one time had been a stable. But it bore no resemblance to one now. It had been painted white with blue trim to match the inn, and the effect was attractive, but the exterior gave no hint of the luxury within. Kate wanted to see the look on Harry’s face when he opened the door.
He put the key in the lock and turned the brass knob, pushing the glossy black door open. As he stepped inside, he drew in a breath. “Ohmigod. This must cost a small fortune.”
She smiled, pleased with his reaction. “Don’t worry about it. They gave us a grand opening discount.”
“Even so. I have to chip in for something like this.”
Kate had to admit the place was spectacular. Set against a backdrop of mint-green walls, dark walnut furniture in the sitting area was upholstered in white brocade. Intricately patterned Oriental carpets rested on gleaming hardwood floors, and roses in delicate vases perched everywhere, perfuming the air with a heady fragrance.
Through a wide doorway stood a massive canopy bed dressed in the same white brocade as the furniture in the sitting room. And of course there were more roses. It was a perfect honeymoon cottage, Kate thought as she looked around. Or a lover’s retreat….
“Beautiful.” He turned full circle, his garment bag still over his shoulder, her suitcase in his other hand. Then he glanced at Kate. “Thank you.” He hesitated. “Well, I’ve taken up a lot of your time. I’m sure you have things you need to do.”
Maybe he was subtly trying to dismiss her. She shouldn’t make assumptions, even though she thought there was an attraction between them. “And you’re probably ready for a nap.”
“No, not really.” He set down both suitcases and laid his jacket over a chair. “Maybe some time in the whirlpool, though.”
“Then I should be going.” She didn’t want to leave, but she couldn’t very well hang around while he took a long soak.
“So you do have things to take care of.” His gaze was clearly regretful.
“Nothing earth-shattering, but I thought—”
“For all I know some guy’s tapping his foot, wondering when you’re going to show up for dinner.”
Her pulse rate moved up a notch. He wanted to know if she had a boyfriend. “No,” she said carefully. “Nobody’s waiting for me.” She looked into his eyes. “But maybe you need to call someone to let her know you arrived safely?”