Remember this! Don’t let it sink into oblivion! Second edition. The life and death of the Pioneer Base «Oceanrybflot»
Remember this! Don’t let it sink into oblivion! Second edition. The life and death of the Pioneer Base «Oceanrybflot»

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Remember this! Don’t let it sink into oblivion! Second edition. The life and death of the Pioneer Base «Oceanrybflot»

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2021
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On the basis of the order on the Baltgosrybtrest dated January 6, 1954, the Pioneersk Fish Factory merged with UTF. Victor Nikolaevich Kashirin became the head of a single fishing complex. 1955 is the last year of the fifth five-year period. Employees of the company sought to complete it with the best labor successes. Crew members of MRT-247 (Captain Ivanov K.P.) and MRT-255 (Captain Salikov I.I.) completed the annual task by September 26. 16 shipcrews completed the task on 112- 193%. The smoked products plan was 155.7%. UTF fish caught 905000 centners in five years.

Year According to plan (centners) In fact (centners)

1951 128128 127800

1952 124361 158 500

1953 128127 151200

1954 186332 221800

1955 231647 245700

Total: 798595 905000

In 1953, the graduate of the Klaipeda maritime school, the future Hero of Socialist Labor Arkady Fyadorovich Tsygankov, took his first voyage on SRT-619. On his first captain’s voyage he left in 1957, and in 1958 he was awarded the Medal of Labor Distinction.

Fishermen on the glacier.

In 1958, the crews of SRT-1104 (Captain Karkanosov N.V.), SRT-1105 (Captain Smirnov V.P.), SRT-4478 (Captain Yukhnov P.T.), SRT-4220 (Captain Pustovoy V.Y.) were the first in our region to go to the shores of Canada sea in search of water. perch fishing. The fishing area was completely unknown and harsh. Constant storms, fogs, ice, icebergs made work much more difficult. The perch was at a depth of 200—300 meters. The area was rich in fish. For one trawling sometimes raised 30—40 tons. Crews of medium-sized trawlers with on-board trawling had difficulties with the processing of the catch. But they did well with it. The lack of drinking water was sometimes made up.. by icebergs. They approached them carefully and bunkered down as much as possible.

RT also explored the fishing area. So in February 1959. there worked RT – 216 “Pulonga” headed by Captain Kudrich N.V. And in the summer of 1960 the same “Pulonga” under the command of Captain Romanenko Boris Ilyich again went on a research voyage to the Icelandic region. I was lucky enough to be there as the captain’s third assistant. Ours, “Pulonga” and RT “Muksun” studied the fishing opportunities of the area. On “Muksun” there were scientists who controlled ours trawling and studied the composition of the catch.

As a result of the All-Union Socialist Competition, the award was awarded to the crew of SRT-4146 (Captain Ivanov), who caught 2590 centners, with a plan of 1390 centners.

The best crews among the SRT ships were SRT-4324 (Captain Akhmetov A.I.), SRT-4410 (Captain Sizov NI). Captains SRT-4324 Valentin Michailovich Bykov, SRT-4432 Dmitry Ivanovich Markov, the senior master of extraction RT – 216 “Pulonga” Prokofi Efimovich Gavorin, were awarded the Order of Lenin. Valentin Michailovich Bykov was the head of the base’s fleet department for a long time. The excellent leader had a constant huge authority among the base’s fishers.

Sizov Nikolai Ilyich, nine more people were awarded the Order of Red Banner. Among them – well-known employees of the base. Captain SRT-4295 Ivan Mihajlovich Zabebenin, UTF chief – Kashirin Viktor Nikolaevich, driftmaster SRT-4321 – Krayev Vasily Vasilyevich, captain of MRT-258 – Kucherenko Alexey Leontievich, captain of SRT-4477 – Novostavsky Alexey Yakovlevich, sailor SRT- 4410 – Adam Ivanovish Paskevich, captain of SRT-4166 – Salikov Fedor Pavlovich, master of extraction SRT-4324 – Solomevich Leontiy Konstantinovich, captain of SRT-4321 – Timofeyev Vladimir Andreevich. Sixteen UTF employees were awarded the Order of Honour. Among them are famous captains – Ivanov Mikhail Ivanovich, Kiryanov Anatoly Andreevich, Kuzmenko Arkady Nikolaevich, Prokhonov Sergey Mikhailovich, Tkachenko Vladimir Nikolaevich, Khrisanfov Anatoly Yakovlevich, Shishkin Ivan Evdokimovich.

Sizov Nikolay Ilyich.

By decree of the Presidency of the Supreme Council of the USSR of July 1, 1958, Captain Sizov Nikolay Ilyich was awarded the title of “Hero of Socialist Labor” with the award of the Order of Lenin and the gold medal “Serp and Hammer.” Sixteen employees were awarded the Medal of Labor Valor. Among them are captains: Volodin A.A., Ishoev F.V., Kovelev E.M., Koroteev V.S., Kostikov B.P., Romanenko B.I.,

Among the twelve awarded the Medal of Labor Distinction are three captains. These are Zacharov Nikolai Yakovlevich, Kokovin Vasily Alekseevich, Tsygankov Arkady Fedorovich. In the late fifties, the base began to receive new excellent fishing vessels

Sizov Nikolay Ilyich. from the city of Stralsund (GDR) from the

plant “Volkswerft VEB”. They could fish with

trawls and nets, prepare salt and low-salt products. They were called SRTR of the type “Ocean.” Medium fishing trawlers are refrigerators. They had the following characteristics: length – 50.8 m., width – 8.8 m., precipitation – 3.4 m. Dedveit – 263 tons. Swimming autonomy – 30 days. The main engine has a capacity of 540 hp. The number of beds is 28. In October 1955, 15 navigators and 15 mechanics, fish masters and driftmasters arrived in the Pioneersk Base from the Guryev Sea School. Among them were the most famous captains of the future Islyam Mikhailovich Abdrakhmanov, Nikolai Gladov, Yuri Prokopievich Loginov, trawlmaster Kagay N., mechanics Jdankin, Lukavin.

Valentina Ivanovna Loginova was already the wife of Yuri Prokopievich. She started working as a technologist at a fish factory. Yuri Prokopievich went to sea for a long time as a captain, but because of illness he had to go to work in the port surveillance. However, a severe, incurable disease ended his life. It happened in 1990.


Valentina Ivanovna Loginova.

V. Loginova in may holidays.

Yuri Prokopievich’s son, Michael, also went to sea after graduating from THE KMU. Captain Mikhail Loginov was a good “fish purse” at the Pioneers Base. But the heavy fishing, nervous environment of crafts undermine any good health. Diabetes mellitus in 2012 fall down and Michael. His son Eugene after maritime school also goes to sea and already works on the captain’s bridge. Valentina Ivanovna together with Dina Ananyeva Rakoid (wife of our wireless operator) and Biryulina (wife of the navigator) eventually organized a smokeshop. They produced excellent mackerel products – “kipers”. When the base began to fall apart into small parts, the CEO of Start, which was created on the basis of the shop, Lapin offered Valentina Ivanovna the position of deputy. She was engaged in the shipment of products to all parts of Russia. But it didn’t last long. The collapse of the base was catastrophic. Soon there was no fleet and raw materials for good products.

At Yuri Prokopievich Loginov on SRT as a senior assistant captain, I learned the basics of fishing. The newspaper “Pioneersk News” on the day of the fisherman placed a note about the work of Valentina Ivanovna in the base. “The veteran of PBORF, veteran of labor Valentina Ivanovna Loginova shares his memories of working at the city-forming enterprise. Valentina Ivanovna’s work biography began in 1956, when she was hired as a master of the processing shop at the Trawl Fleet Office. The Office consisted of fish-industrial vessels and fish processing facilities. In August 1963, UTF was renamed PBORF, at that time there were 75 ships in the database and 1787 man.

The tasks of the base and the processing shop, which included a smokehouse, a cannery, a utilization shop, a laboratory, a bond-tare site, remained the same – fish production in the North and South Atlantic, in the North and Norwegian Seas, reception, processing, smoking and implementation fish products. We worked in three shifts, four masters in each shop. The daily production of the processing shop was 20 tons of salted fish production. Valentina still remembers many employees. These are the masters A. Kandalova, M. Chernyshova, G. Kabarina, senior masters L. Potapchuk and I. Mahonin, chemist V. Biryulina, head of the laboratory E. Seleverstova, head of 1 workshop A. Petukhov.

In 1964, Valentina Ivanovna was already working as a technology engineer for the processing shop. Crews of PBORF vessels mastered new fishing areas, exceeded planned fishing tasks, high production rates of fish products demonstrated and processing shop – the best products were in demand not only throughout the Union, but also for Abroad.

Workers of the processing shop were provided with special clothes, fed in the dining room for 0.6 ruble, went to work by bus, used a comfortable household, locker room, a beautiful bath. The work was hard, but worked in good faith, the salary was received on time: on average 90 – 100 rubles.

It wasn’t just working life that was boiling in the port. Subbotniks, political information and production charges were constantly organized. We went to the farms to harvest hay, potatoes, cabbage. We took part in festive demonstrations, attended the evenings of rest. The team of the processing shop for winning social competitions has been encouraged by bonuses and trips more than once. I remember excursions to Brest, Leningrad, Tallinn. For several years, a choir of 20 people functioned in the shop. We rehearsed at lunchtime, singing mostly Russian folk songs. However, the most favorite song was “Sub-Moscow Evenings.”

So coincidentally, the heyday of PBORF became the best for V.I. Loginova. Her husband, J.P. Loginov, also worked as a captain at the port for 30 years. In 1985 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour. The couple raised two sons, now Valentina Ivanovna has four grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. In total, Valentina Ivanovna worked for 39 years at the Oceanrybflot base. Continuing to talk about the beautiful people of our base, I can not mention D.G.Gritsuk and his wife Ekaterina Alexeyevna. I had to work with Djan Gavrilovich under his guidance for several years. The department he managed was always in good standing with the management of the base, KaliningradRybprom and even the “Zapryby”.

Djan Gavrilovich Gritsuk was born in Belarus in 1935. In 1956 he graduated from the Kaliningrad Maritime School and arrived in the direction of UTF. On the captain’s bridge of SRT-19 he climbed in 1962. He worked to Cuba. In 1972 he graduated from KVIMU and continued to walk in the sea. Conakry, Georges Bank and many other fishing areas. For several years he was a captain-mentor on the Navy. Then the head of the base Ahromeev offered him a job in the second department of the base. There he worked for 20 years as the head of the department. He retired from the base in 1995.

The head of the Pioneers City Administration congratulates D.G. Gritsuk, a veteran of PBORF, on his 80th birthday.

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