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Mirror Image Bride
Not that he regretted a moment of that time. She was a wonder. Although she resembled her mother in many ways, she had inherited his brown hair and dark eyes. He couldn’t help wondering if they shared other traits as well. He didn’t know if she was naturally shy, or only around him, but he was doing his best to make her feel at ease.
And doing a bad job, he knew.
But he wasn’t used to children. He hadn’t a clue what made them tick. And especially not a girl raised in the city, used to the lifestyle his ex-wife had embraced with fervor once their marriage ended.
Anger at Brittany boiled over again. He looked up at the sky, silently asking how she could have hated him so much to keep all knowledge of his only daughter from him.
An only, spoiled child, Brittany had been impossible to live with when she didn’t get her way. Things went from bad to worse when he broke his leg in the rodeo and he was out. She balked when he told her that his rodeo days were over and he wanted to settle on a ranch. Brittany had tried to convince him to take a cushy job in Houston working for his father, but he told her he wasn’t cut out for the corporate world. He’d known she was angry, but he had no clue how much she resented him—or how far-reaching the emotional fallout would be.
Brittany stayed with him while he recovered, but made her position clear—ranch life wasn’t for her. Two months later, he was served with divorce papers. Judging by Darcy’s birthday, Brittany had to have known she was pregnant. Once he was fit enough to ride, he kept his head held high and found a spot at the Colby ranch. He moved forward with his plans, but never in his wildest dreams would he have fathomed that he had a daughter out there somewhere.
Ty gripped the reins tighter in the futility of trying to understand how a woman he’d once loved, who had declared she loved him, could have behaved so underhandedly and cruelly.
“Lord, if You’re listening, I could use some help here. I don’t know what the future’s going to hold, but I’m hoping Darcy and I can build a bond that nothing will break. That I’ll be a better father to her than mine was to me. Don’t let me mess this up, please, Lord.”
He had to believe there was some hope on the horizon. Two years ago he was promoted to foreman at the Colby ranch. It was the closest thing he had to owning his own ranch until he could make that dream a reality.
Ty had been as surprised as Jack Colby when Violet returned from Fort Worth with an identical twin. He hadn’t heard much about the situation. That was a Colby family matter and deserved privacy. But once or twice Jack had said something. Apparently, he had a twin out there somewhere as well.
When Violet had suggested yesterday that Maddie watch Darcy for a few weeks, he’d been dumfounded. And against the idea entirely.
Maddie Wallace was from Fort Worth. Bright lights, a thriving nightlife and lots of cultural stimulation for a sophisticated career woman. Maddie wouldn’t last a month as nanny to his daughter. She’d be like Brittany, feeling constrained on the ranch, bored, anxious for the excitement cities offered and were definitely missing from a working ranch.
He only needed a month. In September, Darcy started school. He’d see if he could find a mom in town who would babysit after school until he could pick her up. Until next summer. Who knew what would happen by then? Maybe Josh, one of the ranch cowboys, would get married to that gal he was courting and Ty would have someone on the ranch to watch Darcy. That part he’d trust to the Lord.
He reached the fence and began patrolling. Until he found a break, there was nothing keeping his thoughts from straying to his new nanny. He envisioned her plain as day. She looked like Violet, yet didn’t. They were identical, yet her features were a tiny bit sharper. Her auburn hair brushed her shoulders, looking soft in the sunlight, with gold strands gleaming in the sun. Her brown eyes, which she often covered with sunglasses, looked like melted chocolate. The lashes were dark and thick.
Ty scowled. He had no business comparing any woman’s eyes with chocolate. He had to figure if he should be looking for a local woman who could watch Darcy. Someone used to ranch life, instead of someone city bred and as out of place on the ranch as the Queen of England.
Maybe that was the reason Violet suggested Maddie. She lived the same kind of life Darcy had. They’d relate. And both were like fish out of water. Maddie had been here almost a month and still wore silk blouses and open-toed shoes. Even Brittany had known better.
Maddie reminded him of Brittany. He knew it was unfair to judge a person on outward appearances, but he couldn’t help it. She was gloss and glamour, and he needed someone practical and down to earth. He didn’t believe it was going to work.
Of course the next one to watch Darcy wouldn’t be as pretty, he knew. Probably wouldn’t have that constant cheerful smile that had him taking a second look. And a third. He wasn’t sure what she had to smile about. She’d lost her job, found out she’d been lied to her entire life and was now temporarily hired to be a nanny. And apparently, she was alone in the world except for the Colbys as her own brothers were away and her father was not responding to her calls.
Note to the future—he’d be there for his daughter when she needed him.
* * *
Once the kitchen was spotless, Maddie and Darcy went to the barn. The horses fascinated the little girl, and Maddie was trying to get used to them. She envied Violet’s lack of trepidation when around the large animals. Together, Maddie and Darcy walked through the wide center portion, looking at the empty stalls, studying the hay stacked in the loft high overhead, wondering how the bales had made it up there. Most of the horses were either being ridden by the cowboys or were in the corral at the side of the barn.
As Maddie watched the little girl dart here and there, she wondered if she would be up to the task. A local woman would have been a better choice, someone who already knew about the ranches, about cattle, horses and cowboys. This child would soon find out all she needed as she grew up on the ranch from someone like that.
Maddie, on the other hand, believed she’d always feel awkward and out of step. It seemed to be a lifestyle one needed to be raised in to fully understand. She’d never even visited a dude ranch, much less a working ranch. And much as she loved being with her sister, learning more about her life and coming face-to-face with identical likes and dislikes, she also felt in the way.
Especially since Violet and Landon had fallen in love.
Talk about a curveball! Only two months ago Landon had been pressuring her for a wedding date. Now he was head over heels in love with her twin. Not that Maddie wanted to marry him, as she’d explained when she’d broken their engagement. He hadn’t taken no for an answer at first, claiming she was having premarital jitters. But their relationship had never felt totally right. He’d been a friend whom she’d dated for months. When he proposed, she accepted, hoping her feelings would strengthen to be what she thought a wife should feel for a husband.
What did she know? Her mother had died when she’d been five. Her father had never remarried. So she only saw married couples from a distance. Their widowed housekeeper, Rachel, had raised her and her brothers. Still, she was never able to envision herself living with Landon. She’d somehow known from the beginning the two of them wouldn’t make it.
He was a great guy, and she was delighted he’d found his true love with Violet.
Maddie once again pushed away the thought of Belle Colby. She had had weeks to get used to the idea that the woman was her mother. Yet the only interaction they’d had was when Maddie went to visit her with Violet. Despite Belle’s grim prognosis, Violet remained hopeful for recovery. Maddie spoke to her, prayed with her sister for her healing, but still she felt nothing of Belle to connect her as her mother.
She’d seen photographs of Belle with Violet and Jack from when they’d been little. There was no doubt they were her children, which had to mean she and Grayson were also her children. But the instant rapport she’d yearned for wasn’t there. Not as it had been with Violet.
“Can we ride a horse?” Darcy asked, interrupting her ruminations.
“We can ask your dad. I’m sure he’ll want you to learn to ride.”
“Then I could ride everywhere,” Darcy said, coming to stand beside Maddie. “Can you ride?”
“Not very well.”
“Maybe he can teach you, too,” she said, heading out of the barn.
Maddie smiled at that suggestion. She doubted Ty wanted to spend a minute more with her than he had to. But she had enough questions to ask him when he got home.
She smiled in anticipation. It would give her another reason to spend a bit more time with Ty—and the confusing feelings she had for him. She could hardly wait.
Chapter Two
By lunchtime, Maddie was glad to leave the barn area and return to Ty’s air-conditioned house.
“Thank You, Lord, for this,” she murmured as she and Darcy entered.
“What?” Darcy asked, looking up at her.
“I’m giving a thanks prayer to the Lord for the coolness,” she said.
“Oh.” Darcy was quiet for a moment, then asked, “Can you ask God why my mommy died?”
“Honey, it was a terrible accident.” Maddie gave her a quick hug.
From what she’d learned from Violet, the drunk driver had come from a side street and T-boned the driver’s side of Brittany Parker’s car, killing her instantly. Maddie was thankful Darcy had not been in the car.
She released Darcy with a pat on her shoulder. “You’re with your dad now, he’ll take good care of you.”
“Mommy said my dad was dead.”
“He wasn’t. He’s been here all along, waiting for you to come live with him,” Maddie said, wondering how to explain things to the child when she herself didn’t understand his ex-wife’s behavior.
“Why didn’t he ever come visit me? Especially at Christmas. My grandmama and grandpa always come to visit at Christmas. It’s time for family.”
“He didn’t know where you lived.”
Darcy considered that for a moment, then shrugged. “I don’t like it here. When can I go home?”
“This is your home now,” Maddie said as they headed for the kitchen.
“No, it’s not. I live at 2733 Aspen Street, Houston, Texas.”
“That’s the home you had with your mom. Now you live here with your dad.” Maddie switched gears to try to lift the girl’s mood. “Let’s eat lunch and we can talk about what you want to do this afternoon.”
“Are you going to spend the afternoon with me?”
“I am. In fact, I’m going to be watching you during the day while your dad’s working. How’s that?”
Darcy shrugged, pulling her mouth down. “Okay, I guess.”
What a ringing endorsement, Maddie thought, but tried not to feel discouraged.
She glanced through the wide window over the sink when she stepped into the kitchen. She loved the beautiful view.
“What would you like for lunch?” Maddie asked, rummaging around, looking for bread and dishes.
“Peanut butter and grape jam. He bought some grape jam for me ’cause I like it.”
“He?” Maddie asked.
“You know, my dad,” Darcy said in a quiet voice.
Maddie wondered what Darcy was thinking. So far she hadn’t heard the child refer to Ty as anything but “he.”
Darcy sat at the big, farm-style table, kicking the legs of the chair as she watched Maddie open cupboard doors and look into the refrigerator. By the time Maddie had found all she needed, Darcy had regained her more chatty nature. She talked about the pigs and the chickens and the goat and the fact Violet grew vegetables. That seemed to fascinate her. To Darcy, produce came from the grocery store, not the ground.
“When we finish eating we’ll check out supplies and plan on what to have for supper,” Maddie said, finding the silverware drawer.
“Are you going to cook our supper?” Darcy asked.
“I am. And breakfast in the morning.”
“He gets up very early,” Darcy said.
“Hmmm, maybe you and I don’t need to get up that early. Shall we ask? I mean, it’s not like we have to get riding before it gets hot or have hours of work in front of us.”
She needed to talk to Ty to see what he expected. Maybe he’d want her there for breakfast each morning. Getting up early wasn’t her favorite thing to do, but it would be worth it to see Ty first thing each morning. Was his attitude softening toward her? She considered it might be wishful thinking, but she was holding on to the thought.
Once she knew what he expected, she could make plans accordingly. Maddie’s boss had always said she was an expert at that.
Her former boss, she amended silently, feeling a pang that she wasn’t in Fort Worth, working frantically to get the next edition of Texas Today to bed. She missed the hectic atmosphere, the camaraderie of her coworkers. The sense of accomplishment when the issue was finally on its way to the stands.
Sighing, she cut their sandwiches, poured milk and sat to eat. Another change in her topsy-turvy world.
“What are we going to do this afternoon?” Darcy asked as she was finishing her sandwich.
“How about some artwork? Did you bring any coloring books or crayons to color with?”
Darcy shook her head. “The lady who came to tell my babysitter my mom was dead packed clothes and left everything else at our apartment. And she didn’t even pack my favorite dress.”
“No toys or books or anything?”
“I got to bring Teddy bear, that’s all,” Darcy said, kicking the legs of her chair again.
Maddie had no idea how social services worked. Surely at some point the apartment had to be vacated for the next tenant. What would happen to all of Darcy’s things? And those of her mother? Surely they’d come to Darcy.
Another item to discuss with Ty.
Once they’d finished lunch, they walked over to the main house. The large, warm, brick home easily housed the Colby family and any guests they wanted. Maddie still felt a bit like an interloper when she entered without knocking. This was the home her sister and brother lived in. A far cry from the modest house she’d been raised in. Her father had moved to a home near the university for convenience when they’d left Appleton for Fort Worth. She didn’t remember much about the house of those early years with her mother.
Rachel came to live with them after her mother died. The older woman was a widow whose only child had died of meningitis. When her father attended medical school, his hours were long and hard. Rachel was the constant adult in the household. She was retired now and living in Galveston. She loved the sea. She’d tried to answer Maddie’s questions when she’d first called and told her about her twin. Rachel knew very little, only that she’d needed the job at the perfect time and she loved her kids, as she called Maddie and her brothers, Carter and Grayson.
Maddie pulled out her cell phone and tried her father’s number again. It went straight to voice mail—and the mailbox was full. It drove her crazy. Where was he? Surely if he’d been injured the authorities would have notified her.
If her brothers weren’t out of touch as well, she’d see what strings Grayson could pull to locate their dad. But he was working undercover in some narcotics investigation for Fort Worth Police and Carter was deployed. She was about to burst with the newfound knowledge about her fractured family and had no one to share it with. Or to find out more about what had caused the siblings to split.
She led Darcy to the room the family used as an office and suggested they search online for ideas of fun art projects they could do together. Although her mind was still reeling with concern about her family, she set her worries aside and focused instead on giving Darcy her undivided attention.
It was the least that Ty’s daughter deserved after all she’d been through.
* * *
Ty walked straight into the kitchen late that afternoon. He stopped when he saw the table set, Maddie by the counter, rolling pin in hand. Darcy at her side. The aroma of dinner had his mouth watering instantly. He was hot, sweaty and tired.
“Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes,” Maddie said, “I need to finish these biscuits and pop them into the oven. Does that give you enough time to clean up?”
“Sure.” Clean up? He normally washed his hands and ate. Obviously that wasn’t going to work now. Was he supposed to dress for dinner? He walked through the kitchen and into his bedroom and bath. A hot shower sounded as good as the hot meal. He’d take one fast, to get back to the kitchen as soon as he could. He’d found the Colby cattle on the neighbor’s land and driven them back through the broken fence, then repaired it. After taking a quick tally to make sure he’d recovered all, he’d ridden the perimeter for most of the afternoon. The day had been hot, and he knew he smelled of horse, cattle, dirt and sweat.
When they sat down to dinner a short time later, Ty studied his nanny. She’d lasted the day and didn’t seem to have a hair out of place. Her clothes weren’t suitable to ranching, but they still looked as fresh as they had that morning. How did she do it?
Once seated, Maddie held out her hand to him and reached across the table to take Darcy’s. He looked at them.
“Will you bless the food?” Maddie asked.
His mind went blank for a moment. Then he glanced at Darcy who was watching him. Nodding, he took her hand and Darcy’s and bowed his head. He was not given to praying aloud, yet how would they know when he was finished if he didn’t? Clearing his throat, he began, “Lord, thank You for the food that’s been prepared for us, for providing it and sending Maddie to cook it. Thank You for bringing Darcy home. Amen.”
“This isn’t my home,” Darcy said.
“Darcy, we discussed this,” Maddie explained gently, serving the child’s plate. “You live here with your dad now.”
Ty swallowed a knot in his throat. “What did you two do today?” he asked gruffly.
“We did art projects and made cookies at Violet’s house,” Darcy piped up. “Chocolate chip. I got to help.”
Ty nodded, relieved to see his little girl smiling again. It broke his heart that she felt so displaced. He waited until they’d both filled their plates, then heaped the stew onto his own.
“What did you do?” Maddie asked after a moment of silence. This man could take the strong silent type to the highest degree.
“Checked on some fencing, got caught up on other things around.”
“I need to talk to you later,” Maddie said.
His eyes narrowed. “About?”
“The job,” she said pointedly.
“Didn’t we already talk about that?” he asked.
“If you count keeping her safe and occupying her time, yes, we did. I had in mind a bit more.” She hoped he’d agree to discuss it further. The more she was around Ty, the more she liked him. He was honest and straightforward. No artifice around him. It had an appeal that surprised her. She wanted to learn as much about him as she could.
“After Darcy’s in bed?” he suggested.
“Fine with me.” She had a mental list, maybe she should jot everything down so she didn’t forget something. She wasn’t sure she wanted two meetings back-to-back with him. One would be challenging enough.
Once dinner was finished, Maddie and Darcy made short work of cleaning the kitchen. Then Ty suggested they walk to the barn with him. Darcy looked at Maddie first, then nodded.
When they reached the corrals where some of the horses were, Darcy climbed the rail fence and, hugging the top rail, gazed at the horses.
“She needs to learn to ride,” Maddie said when Ty stood behind Darcy, watching her watch the horses.
“If you ride, too,” Darcy said quickly.
“I don’t know about that.” Though Violet urged her to ride every day, she wasn’t comfortable on the back of a horse—unlike her sister, who seemed to move as one with the large animals. The few times she’d gone riding, she’d clutched the saddle horn for dear life.
“If he would teach me, I want to ride that one,” Darcy said, pointing to a smaller horse dozing near the far fence. “It’s not so big.”
“Rambo,” Ty said in his deep voice.
“Rambo? Not a child’s horse, then,” she said, looking at the animal. Not so big? It looked huge to her.
“Misnomer. He’s a gentle ride. He’d be good to learn on—for both of you.”
She inhaled sharply. “Me?”
“You want to learn and not be so afraid, don’t you?”
So he’d seen her riding. She felt her face flush with embarrassment. “Yes, I’d like to learn.” She’d never be as at home on a horse as her sister, but if she was going to be here for a few more weeks, she might as well get some practice in.
To Maddie’s surprise, they spent a pleasant time walking around in the cooling evening. Ty didn’t talk much, but answered every question Darcy asked. Maddie was pleased the child didn’t seem at all intimidated by her father. She still looked at him like she was trying to make up her mind about him. But by the end of their walk, she held his hand heading back to the house.
When Maddie suggested a bath before bed, Darcy jumped at the chance.
“We’ll call you when she’s ready for bed,” Maddie said as they went to the part of the house that held two bedrooms and a bath.
In bed before eight-thirty, Darcy looked up at her with her big brown eyes, so like her father’s. Did Ty see that resemblance?
Maddie asked if she wanted to hear a story. “Since you don’t have any books, I’ll make one up if you like.”
“Oh, yes,” Darcy said with a surprised smile.
Maddie sat on the mattress and began one of the stories she remembered from when she’d been a child. Rachel had often read to her, but she also made up the most fascinating stories of a magical princess. Trying to remember all the ins and outs of the long-running story from her childhood, Maddie began. When Darcy’s eyes drooped, she kissed her cheek. “I’ll tell you more tomorrow night,” she whispered.
She went to find Ty before Darcy fell asleep so he could kiss her good-night and tuck her in.
He wasn’t in the house. Hesitant to leave Darcy unattended, Maddie went out the back door and walked around to the front. He sat on a chair on the small porch, working saddle soap into reins.
“She asleep?” he asked.
“No, waiting for you to tuck her in.”
He stared at her for a long moment, then looked away.
“It’s easy. Go in and kiss her good-night and smooth the covers around her,” she said a moment later when he made no move to rise.
He nodded once and stood. After placing the leather on the deck, he stepped past her to the door. “I’m not good at this,” he said, so softly she didn’t know if she was supposed to hear or not.
She listened to his footsteps as he went back to Darcy’s room. “Lord, seems we both need your help here. Please, let Ty grow more comfortable around his daughter. And help me every day I watch her that I say and do the right things.”
Maddie sat on the bench by the front wall.
Ty stepped out onto the small porch a moment later. Seeing her, he went to stand next to the bench, resting one boot on the edge, leaning an arm against his raised leg.
“So what did you want to talk about?” he asked.
“I need more specifics about my position.”
“Didn’t we already cover this at breakfast?” he asked impatiently. “You’re to watch Darcy. For however long you stay.”
“What does that mean?”
“You’re smart, you figure it out.”
She watched him in silence for a few minutes, wishing she knew what he was talking about. The man intrigued her, but puzzled her even more. She shook her head. “Sorry, you’re going to have to spell it out.”
“You’ve already lasted at the ranch longer than I thought you would.”
“There’s not a lot of excitement for a city girl. You’ll be heading back to the bright lights before long once the novelty wears off. I want to know if you can hang on long enough for Darcy to start school.”