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Book-9. Coalition, novella
Garinov stared at this athletic young man thinking
“Wow, where to stop! So lofty is not allowed to speak even Theo!” – Meanwhile said aloud, knowing that his thoughts are already known to Guy:
– I’m all like some obscure fairy tale, a dream, or something like that. For example, the fact that you took refuge in the center of the Earth, where even schoolchildren know what was on the temperature and especially pressure. What kind of habitat it is all about?
– First, we settled in the supposed center of the Earth’s distant past. Manage time continuum we know even better than Theo. Second, tell me, Garinov, and where do you set Eden is the home of Theo? – Garinov paused, then continued. – As every schoolboy knows that a solid crust of the Earth is molten magma and nothing more, until the Earth’s core?
– I never for a moment doubted that Theo has proved its in secluded tropical Eden on the surface of the Earth, to mislead anyone who for some reason is on the continent and not blurt out all over the world where it’s hiding place.
– Well, you are wrong and, General. By controlling the time, Theo, compartment space inside the planet fallen in the past for many millions of years, even when the world did not exist, and the place of the earth shone white dwarf star, which now serves as the sun in his underground kingdom, which can penetrate only us and those Theo himself who wish to see it. Knowledge management technology time continuum Theo, as you see, is not enough. He cannot penetrate the center of the Earth, because the white dwarf there are temporary curvature of space, that’s why we are feeling relatively safe there. The only way how to get us out of this is to attract the Space Coalition. But the system of civilization Sirius will not allow it. Coalition forces are calculated and pursuing violations of the laws of equilibrium of the universal continuum, and strictly monitor these violations, eliminating even minor changes.
– Then what about the unbalanced energy systems? – Garinov said.
– The problem is that the energy balance of the systems, unbalanced and cause disturbance of the laws of balance in the universe. The only disturbance was caused by the opening balance in your department, General, this chain reaction that nearly destroyed our universe. But the timely intervention of coalition forces saved the situation. You probably remember the visit of Carlos Miguel Aglientu to you?
– Yes, I remember very well. – Confirmed General.
– So, you think your earthly precautionary who saved it? If so, then you, General, you are grossly mistaken. Coalition forces had prevented this impending cataclysm, and you had installed and planted the video, so a blind not to sow panic among the population of the planet, the Earth has long been under the supervision of the Coalition.
– Tell me, Mr. Guy, and what kind of technology Sirius, which will open infinite possibilities to man?
– Modified gray matter in brain tissue is white. The brain starts to work a hundred percent, and not just for five or ten, as it is now.
– And that it will be effective?
– Here’s to you living embodiment in my face. Look, I actually immortal and possess super- powers.
Garinov looked questioningly at Gaya. That cleared up the situation, why Crilly, with green frail little body and a huge head on a thin neck suddenly appears in the bedroom cabins, flats allotted by the Coalition to stay Garinov with Dina in the image of this handsome man with athletic figure.
– So you, Guy can penetrate through walls and sit in solitary confinement for the Coalition forces, posing a puny Crilly? Tell me, why you need it?
– We need to know the motives presence Theo here? His plans and actions, and then, at the end of it all, with the help of the same coalition forces, persuaded him to allow to help a person get rid of the selection of anyone, now, is not required energy unbalanced systems, generators, which serves people with gray mass brain cells.
Garinov wanted to say something more to Gaius, but Guy in front of him began to fade and become transparent ghostly figure of a man. Fifteen seconds later disappeared. The general was left alone with his thoughts for a measured breath sweetly sleeping Dina…
In the morning, when the Earth, Moscow time the clock struck six zero Garinov opened his eyes. Dina next was not, she was busy in the kitchen. And knowing the habit of getting up Alexis at six, she called him out:
– Alex, let’s get up, coffee is waiting for you.
Garinov sweet stretched in bed. Threw crisp rustling blanket and jumped to his feet.
Dean- I to the bathroom, and fast!
The kitchen came the slamming of the closing the bathroom door and the rustling of jet showers. Ten minutes later, Garinov freshly shaven and appeared cheerful in pink terry- cloth robe Dina at the kitchen table, where steamed cup of coffee “Arabica”.
– You like this robe, I do not know what to say? – Jokingly said Dean.
– No, Dean, I’m normal orientation, and I really like you.
With these words, Garinov jumped from his chair and picked up on Dean’s hand. Spun her squeal and laugh at the woman he adored. Both got excited, agitated with each other, but the sober mind won, and woke up the first Dean
– Let’s have coffee! Cool! A’re on it in the evening when you come to the next meeting. Go!
Garinov carefully placed on Dean’s leg.
– I’m sorry, Dean. But, as you can see I did not get out to Carlos.
– And let’s go together? – She asked suddenly.
– Well, first of all, an uninvited guest – worse than a Tatar.
– Yes, I know, like you, this Russian proverb, the times of Ivan the Terrible.
Quickly and without hesitation, replied in the same tone of Dean Alexei. Her voice sounded notes of persistent stubbornness. Everything showed that Dean is not going to back down. Garinov understood this, and do not yet know what to do in such a case, not ordinary. Seated at the table, he hesitated, looking at his beloved, sipping from a cup of flavored drink. Dean flashing green eyes, like two olives, eyes, looked at him questioningly. In order to somehow gain time, Alex began to make excuses:
– Well, because you should know that this is purely a private meeting and not all will be there. But when you need a team of reliable people who I can trust, like myself, that’s when…
– Well, now I’m just going with you! – Girl interrupted his insistence. She immediately jumped up and ran away from the kitchen to the bedroom. There was a rustling of clothes, pawing at the cupboard.
Soon she was already dressed and appeared impatient before, drank more coffee, Garinov.
By Carlos on reception they came along.
Chapter 3
Theo in this “night” in the cosmic center of the Coalition did not close his eyes. Before his mind’s eye floated pictures of memories of bygone times in their native land of Gaia in the constellation Canis Betelgeuse. Finding a way out of the impending catastrophe, as if it happened yesterday, with new vigor stirred up his mind. Now by accident almost 20 million years, when their sun Betelgeuse become a red giant and is about to explode, and the surviving planets Gee, media, Tyria and Su have long ceased life, what would happen to his unbalanced energy complex systems, enveloped the whole Planet Earth and the life- giving energy to pump out humanity on Earth. When to dig this coalition that will be with him, with his immortality, existing only through the life- giving power of the nutritional power feeding him, Theo, and the whole planetary system of Betelgeuse. Of course, he did not know about the meeting with Guy Garinov‵, posing as a helpless captive Crilly Coalition forces, and how would he know about the existence of the Guy? When he return from space flight offered him on Earth to begin this experiment to introduce energy complex unbalanced systems in Earth orbit. Theo did not accept his proposal in earnest, saying:
“If you, Guy, so smart, you can make sail. Indeed, with the current state of your body you certainly will not get lost!” – And slammed the door to the lab.
Theo is very worried that the coalition intends to deal with Betelgeuse. Until now, Theo was concerned that allegedly some aliens from the constellation Canis planetary system Betelgeuse are trying to take over Earth. This tale was for him as a shield against what it unbalanced complex energy systems simply steals energy from the Earth’s inhabitants. And now that the Coalition understands that the flow of energy directed at the desolate expanse of planet Gaia, media, Tyria and Su are simply nowhere to be with him. And do not take Theo to place next to the geek Crilly in prison space complex coalition forces? And Theo has decided to delay as possible on a larger and indefinite time on the issue of Betelgeuse. And then, if so, nevertheless, recognizes the Coalition on this account provides a backup plan that saves him. This version he came up at the last moment to save his position and place in the Universal continuum of life. As all great, and it’s including, he will announce Carlos Miguel Aglientu the meeting. The red- eyed from lack of sleep, he appeared in the office of Carlos. There have already been Garinov Dina Kecho, and a representative of his faithful in the face of the commander of the guards, Dumar. Theo Carlos greeted and sat down in his place at the center of those present, and between Garinov Kecho. Carlos waited for Theo takes his seat, and began meeting with the words:
– So, gentlemen, let’s continue yesterday’s briefing on the issue of Betelgeuse!
He paused. Around present its clingy look. Continued:
– So, who wants to comment on yesterday’s meeting?
Another pause. In the deep silence that came in the office of the representative of the Coalition of Carlos Miguel Aglientu, heard only the breathing of people invited. Theo realized that his hour had come. It is urgent to take action in their favor, which will save him and his method of immortality. And he began to speak without delay:
– Mr Carlos, do you really have nothing to do unbalanced energy systems, surrounded by planet Earth and is pumped out of the world’s population healing currents of energy, which is in resonance with the energy of the universe can cause powerful and unpredictable burst, destroying at least the planet, if not all planetary system of a star.
– Your happiness is that the energy is unbalanced systems are properly balanced and does not harm the universe. Because, after the disaster Fayeton you, the High Priest of the Union of Scientists planet Gaia, media, and Su Tyria, the planetary system of Betelgeuse. You eliminate the imbalance of resonance by transferring the problem to the relic of the dropped you, Theo, a man from the planet Earth, on the genetic code Fayetontsev. – Begin to sound accusatory tone in his voice Carlos.
– And it saved the public media, Tyria, Su and including my planet Gaia. – Parried Theo.
– Mr Theo, do you like no other, you know that selecting the generated energy from the Earth’s people and giving it to the other people of other worlds, you are robbed of their own representatives of Betelgeuse.
– In what way? – Literally cried Theo. He decided, that there would not prove their case on the issue of the survival of the population of planetary systems Betelgeuse in distress. On the other hand, it was a great occasion for Theo to buy time until the final sentence him as a representative of Betelgeuse. Expulsion, which, from the planet Earth and has been the focus of this briefing, the Coalition of advanced civilizations of the universe.
For Garinov, and he knew for his team, it will be a complete surprise that their leader, Theo himself, is nothing other than itself representative of Gaia, planet, fading star Betelgeuse, in the constellation Canis.
“Well, well!” – Garinov surprise knew no bounds. He casually glanced at the sitting Dumar the right. The one with the tight, you can say, “wooden” face, no emotion, looking straight at Carlos, without expressing any feelings.
“How is it that the same people, the same as I do, the same as Theo, and now Dean, there was sheltered from the edge of where we sit?” – I think the general. He could not understand that the laws of the universe is a tenet of which is not altered and cannot be changed to the Biblical “End of the World.”
Meanwhile, Theo acted to save their own, as they say, the skin:
– I, the High Priest of the Union of Scientists of the planetary system of Betelgeuse, please give an opportunity respected Coalition, to prove the unique performance of unbalanced power systems for the benefit and for the benefit of the population of planet Betelgeuse.
– Dear, the High Priest of the Union of Scientists of the planetary system of Betelgeuse. – He began to speak Carlos Miguel Aglientu! – You underestimate the possibility of the Coalition of highly developed civilizations of the universe. And what do you mean, referring to the unbalanced energy systems for our Coalition does not matter much, except for one. This released energy unprecedented download The Man from Earth to nowhere!
Theo turned red with surprise. His lower jaw trembled, wave to the beat of his chin, his beard shook like an autumn leaf in the wind. He sat in a chair, forced a word:
– When the scale and grand experiment with the population of the Earth has given positive results, you curator of the Milky Way galaxy and a representative of the Coalition, Carlos Miguel Aglientu you instead acceptance speech, almost accuse me of evil intentions against the earthlings. What does that mean?
– You know, Mr. Theo did not realize that your child, unbalanced power systems has led to devastating consequences planet Fayeton. And the people of the planet Earth in endless wars, religious inequality and intolerance.
– Where was your coalition when dying planet Fayeton, when finally our sun Betelgeuse turned into a giant red monster that has stopped warming our planet and we were forced to flee. And, as you know, drowning man clutches at a straw! So we jumped at the unknown by scientists anyone unbalanced energy systems, for doing experiments we ran out of time. Implementation began with no studies directly and immediately result was obtained.
– The consequences appeared later. Do not I tell you what. I just want to focus your attention on the fact that the energy system is unbalanced and balanced closed system of separation and absorption of energy, and does not conflict with any laws of the universe, and therefore generated little interest in the Coalition. Now, when it comes to the quality of the new structure of man, to whom are not you, Mr. Theo, and your opponent His Supreme Highness Krill, it is of particular interest to the Coalition. Because rebuilding a person to a higher quality level of human possibilities, because of its bitterness caused by the selection of unbalanced power systems it, the person will carry this anger into the universe. This virus is dangerous to other civilizations, which is alien to man and do not understand in principle and will be destroyed as a carrier of the virus. Therefore, the Coalition has decided to free the Earth from a civilization of Betelgeuse. Remove the pumping energy systems with unbalanced earth. And evict Theo and Crilly and his team at Gaia.
Theo angrily jumped up, shouting:
– It’s not fair to me as the savior of civilization Fayeton! It’s not fair to me, as a curator revival Fayetontsev in man of the Earth!
– And now you, Theo will return to his planet Gaia, there creating new habitat. There is nothing you will not be detrimental, and you’ll even deal with its research.
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