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Book-7. Edem, novella
Peter slowly and with difficulty down to the edge of the bed.
– Here I sit, and like nothing hurts.
That’s right. But you have this jerk Kecho, contact was not. – Philosophically Krazimov.
Yes, of course not. But the pain is real, as if the weights whacked me on the spine and neck.
– So you have to forget the pain.
– How is it?
– Just go and forget the pain. Well, for one, do not have it and that’s it.
– How is that?
– And just like that, then there is no injury, there is a suggestion in the distance.
Yes, there is no injury. – Peter concentration began to think that there is no pain. And a fragment of the imagination was floated in memory in two ways. Suddenly, he felt that the pain was gone. He quickly jumped up and said happily:
– You, Leon, right! No sense of pain. Very strange it all is that it generally was. – The memory returned his recent sufferings and immediately Sobinova pierced sharp cramps in his back. – Oh- oh- oh! – He grabbed his waist. Down on the bed, face contorted grimace of pain.
– What am I saying, forget the pain she’s gone. – Urged the Leonidas. Peter jumped up again and have already firmly decided not to think about incidents. And the pain for quite left him.
After checking in recovery friend Leonid hurried off to her.
When Leonid went into his room, his astonishment knew no bounds. The room was furnished exactly in exactly as in the rehabilitation center. The same furniture. The same chair and wardrobe. At the coffee table nailed to the wall bookshelf with books on it. I thought: “I am confident that the selection of books is the same!” – And he came closer with curiosity to see the volume. Was striking that adventure Eulenspiegel, here near Dumas’ The Three Musketeers “and” Twenty Years Later. “And here is the famous “Twelve Chairs” and Bulgakov’s “Master and Margarita”. Leonid sadly turned away from books, automatically looked out the window. There, oh, this cannot be a familiar landscape is exactly the same as the window of the rehabilitation center. Is seen adjacent to the windows of the park. In the rays of afternoon sun blooms spring leaves. Leonid instinctively glanced at the clock that ticked rhythmically on the wall, there was already 14- 00. Well, if there reigns a familiar environment, that is, the need to collect your thoughts and think about all the good. Understand what happened, good deal of thought to do next? With that in mind, he went into the bathroom. For a long time, there was splashing, washing off the raid today and the unpleasant impression of the meeting with the coach Kecho. Water, miraculously calmed completely shattered, despite a good exposure, the nervous system. And with the reassurance came clarity of thought and reason. The clock hands are showing 16- 00, when Leonid sat down in a chair under a bookshelf. With the book in hand, with his favorite piece Adventures of Eulenspiegel. “But he did not read. Contents and actions of the main character seemed so naive at times to primitivism stupid that he soon closed it and put it in place. Then took Dumas’ Twenty Years Later. “Here the character’s act in a coordinated and targeted, reaching its intended target with confidence and in some cases even before the senseless folly. Not so with Peter, they have no reason to act. Yeah, and what they hope for? After all, out of this world do not. But He, Leonidas, and found himself in such a situation is not to lay down their arms and desperately trying not to act in an attempt to find a way out. Vedas Two- Face in the clutches of the World, from which all seemed to be no escape, he still managed to get out in one piece. And there he was alone. Here his friend’s shoulder, his support and participation will help to sort out joint actions in the hidden situation and take action. This latency is due to unknown obstacles and uncertainty dictate their terms to the action. And Leonid decides to sort things out, namely, put all the items where they were? whom serve? Who is the real background Fiers and to whom does it serve? Who is the scientist Theo and who he is here on Earth? And many, many questions that will arise in the course of their stay with Peter this world, as well as the individual Kecho Range States and who they really are? And, to understand with all this incomprehensible jumble of community, and that the community is behind it, it will be possible to draw some conclusions and a decision will come. He would share his thoughts with Sobinova tomorrow in training. And Peter, probably just thinks like him, Leonid.
During the deliberation of his position quickly time flew by. And in those moments, as he wanted to go to Peter, to discuss the situation further joint action. His restrained only a stern warning Kecho never If not talk to each other and undeniable threat of solitary confinement, in case of disobedience. Leonid, of course, was not afraid of threats, especially from the questionable coach. But in the current situation worth behave cautiously and prudently. He went to the kitchen. There, Leonid found a set of several varieties of coffee. And even in the refrigerator find fresh milk, which astonished him. Location here in the transcendent world, milk. He opened a plastic bottle, filled his glass, took a sip. The milk was fresh- tasting and smelling herbs. Fresh bread on the table sliced cakes and groin. Amazing service hit a neat and tidy, but a sense of suspense did not leave him. In the end, Leonid, following the folk wisdom “sleep on it”, came out from the kitchen into the room. And soon in bed, after having got the alarm exactly at six in the morning.
In the morning, at six, Leonid jumped out of bed at the sound of frantic alarm. At first could not understand where he is. Very much not like to go back to reality. But, memory inexorably and steadily regained its offensive in the coming days. Finally, he figured out where they are, what with him, so, hurry, there was no point. Gym was Vkontse corridor and five minutes is more than covered that distance. But communion with Peter, it was a pressing issue, especially after the categorical prohibition Kecho, threatened to lock- in the case of disobedience. Depressed by the actual state of things, Leonid, put on his tracksuit. Wearing a suit, he decided to go to Peter in his room, but only after the usual morning routines that occupy no more than twenty- five minutes in the morning. And here he is at the door leading to another room. He firmly grasped the handle front door, immediately metallic voice was broadcast:
– Attention! Trying to break! Do you still have two more attempts! After that you will be used to measure – the cooler!
Automatic voice like clockwork, repeating the same thing without interruption. And only when Leonid away from the door, he turned off.
Hands of the clock slowly crept to the figure 6- 55, to the point where he and Peter will come out at the same time and will go a long corridor, and that’s when he can, Leonid, talk, finally, on the other. But all was not as planned, Leonid. As soon as he and Peter went out of their rooms between them, like a mushroom- ball, rose Kecho.
– Greetings, new recruits! – He spat sarcastically. – What, no waiting! – And not having to say the response word, rattled patter: – You have the room first – so he called Leonid – remained in reserve two more attempts to break the rules set by me, followed by a two- week solitary confinement. I dare say that the trial solitary confinement is included in our program, with the only difference being that the program will hold each of you out there without food and eating exactly one month, it will be only when I teach you the techniques of how to survive such a long stay in the extreme conditions without food and water. You’re number two – he emphatically looked upon Peter – have three attempts.
– And what it is for an animal such lock- up? – Could not resist Peter, stung to the quick responses, dismissive tone, and condescending manner Kecho. They moved down the hall one by one with a trainer Kecho middle. If such a motion all communication between friends were excluded. But Peter’s question Kecho answered
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