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Book-5. Troyan horse, novella
Library building was located a few meters from the dining room and the reading room, where he came in, was a fragrant scent of oriental spices wafting from there.
Lyudmila Petrovna, the librarian of the center, who worked for decades as a librarian, greeted him with a charming smile, hiding, as it seemed to her age.
– Can I help you, young man? – Playfully sparkling gray eyes, she met a visitor.
– Hello, Lyudmila Petrovna! – Leonid politely said hello.
– You can just, Luda! – Clarified librarian. A smile slowly left her face and to keep the last glimpses of kindness, smile fading. Leonid had, squeezing out words like hardened toothpaste from a tube:
Lyudmila- Pet… Luda, I would library network search find something.
On the re- shining face Lyudmila Petrovna friendly display the lines around his gray eyes shining with youth: Of course, of course, young man! And if I may ask?
– Do not wait for an answer, she added: – Probably poems about passionate love, a lonely young man in a lonely suffering for it, girl?
– With her eyes rolled back in the romantic impulse to an imaginary novel about two lovers hearts.
– Yes! – He would say “Oh no!” – But in time he changed his mind, adding:
– You Lyudmila probably wrote poems in … – faltered again got better – in school.
– Yes you are, young man, I am writing them now! Listen to this:
“.. A quiet, suave, walking,
The night is filled with thee;
The street is gone!
Morning, Dark dawn,
Radiantly play of,
The trail led!
The day came on the clear light,
And the beam, dressed in amber,
Glowed with fire!
There just are not you with me!
I have not warmed thee!
Paint fade in the afternoon!..”
Lyudmila Petrovna sighed with her eyes moist. Have not seen it met the love working here in a rehabilitation center for many years librarian.
In order to comfort the poor woman, and Leonid said he also wrote poetry. The eyes have regained former librarian playfulness:
– Be sure to read! Do not be shy. I listen to you carefully! – It is a marginal, and somehow not natural for her age, curiously, stared her large gray eyes, Leonid, leaning his elbows on the counter, and his chin in the palms of both hands, prepared to listen. Leonid, embarrassed and blushing, began to recall the school poetry, once upon a time, dedicating their classmate, had a crush:
“I am, evening, I remember, we are with you!
Evening twilight lay down.
And look, girlish beauty
What kind of a captivated!
You are standing on the masonry of the stream.
And the slender poplar row.
You’re talking to me – I draw!
The trees rustle in the mood!
A, whose? Whose? Whose! —
Asked suddenly singing nightingale.
And the second song of the nightingale,
I said: – Be Mine!”
– What a lovely poem. Tell me, you did not try to print? – Recalling his bitter experience in trying, in some sort of provincial tabloid print at least something of his numerous love poems, said Lyudmila Petrovna.
Yeah me, somehow it never occurred to me. – Said Leonid – Lyudmila, so you betray me a laptop.
– Yes! Yes! Of course. Sit down over there for the best table, I’ll plug my system.
Leonid sat down at a specified location, and began to view, on a volume, shimmering bluish glow, a clear picture, information, changing it a touch of his fingers, as if pushed by an invisible keyboard.
He was interested in everything related to the nature of the gravitational attraction. Possible research in space ejection of matter, and the related phenomenon of phenomena. The desired article he found in catalog Academy of Sciences of the USSR for 1985. It Academician Valentin Kolesnikov Albertovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences has made a sensational discovery, entitled “Understanding the nature of the origin of gravitation”, dated April 24, 1985 year. Leonid read it in detail and decided to write for a deeper understanding. If you look at the forum by the comments made by scientists in the discovery and finding out there is no positive response, Leonid began to be written on sheets of writing paper with a ballpoint pen. Lyudmila Petrovna, stealthily observe the actions of Leonidas, followed by the monitor for its searches. After a while she came out from behind his counter, walked over to Leonid and put it on the table a copy of the article, which managed to capture on paper with your monitor. Krazimov looked at her surprised eyes:
– Lyudmila, thank you! But, I still will state its ordinary ballpoint pen on these sheets here in order to gain insight into the reasoning professors and may be supplemented their findings and observations.
– Sorry, Leonid, I wanted to help you. – Blushing, said the librarian.
– Let’s here, my copy handy to verify their findings.
The librarian went for a rack and delved into reading the book, and Leonid continued to rewrite the article in detail, presenting the thoughts of Professor, on paper, delving into the theory of the origin of the opening of Gravity:
“The Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR
Order of the Red
Banner Institute of Physics
24.04.1985g. №60.27- 1437
Academician, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
prof. Kolesnikov, V.A.
Presentation of the modern science of gravitational force concluded in the framework of the law of universal gravitation, according to which: two material points are attracted to each other with a force directly proportional square of the distance between them [3], p.29.
Ftyag = Kg • m1 • m2 / r ²
where: Ftyag – the force of gravity
m1- mass of the first point
m2 – mass of the second point
r – the distance between points
Kg – the gravitational constant
Based on the foregoing, we have the following: for two material points are attracted to each other with a force directly proportional square of the distance between them, you need to inform them that power.
Modern science explains the concept of gravitational force as the action of the gravitational field of the Earth, the nature of which has not been established.
To explain the nature of the origin of gravitation look at how the original, dialectical materialism, from which it follows: “… there are real space and time, which somehow” immersed “matter”, [2], page 50.
“… Fundamental is the following fact, epistemological postulate concepts and judgments are meaningful only insofar as they can be uniquely assign the observed facts.” [1], p.120.
A comparison of the previously known facts look material body with a specific density of the material mass and volume. As with any material body, it has a center of mass.
Assume that the body is composed of an infinite dense mass. Then the volume occupied by the body, with an infinitely dense mass to be equal to the amount of space occupied by this body. That is, it can be assumed that the amount of body weight, “absorb” equivalent amount of space.
However, “… space has a connection, there are no breaks,” [2], p.59. Hence: the value of the “absorption” of space are dispersed in a spherical space, with the center coinciding with the center of mass of the body, where the space is less dense, and if we assume that the density of the space increases inversely magnitude of the gravitational force from the center of mass of the body indefinitely, the material point, getting in a spatial sphere is subjected to a “tight” space with a force equal to the force of convergence of the two material bodies, and can be found (defined) by the law of universal gravitation.
Ftyag = Kg • m1 • m2 / r ² [3], p.29.
Illustrative examples of the action space on the body can be compared with the observed effect on the Earth more dense layers of air bubbles in the water, and as a result, the movement of bubbles from the denser layers of water to less dense, ie to the surface, similar lifting atmospheric probes, balloons, etc.
From the above it follows that the gravitational force – a force pushing space acting on the body in the direction of less dense state.
Illustrative examples of the action space on the matter observed in space: “Under the influence of gravitational fields is a kind of” bending “of space, which is manifested in the effects of bending of light rays in the gravitational fields. If the mass density of the system and reach a sufficiently large, then the metric space it varies so much that the light rays are beginning to move in the immediate vicinity along closed lines.”[2], p.61.
From the above conclusions follow:
1. The curvature of space is not a consequence of the action of gravitational fields, and there is a consequence of the absorption of space matter.
2. Curved space is nothing but the space is less dense than the surrounding, more compact space.
3. If the mass and density of the body reaches a large enough size, the space created around such a low density that light rays are beginning to move in the immediate vicinity, “gliding” on solid state space on closed lines.
Proof of a valid public
Suppose that space as matter has a density, and the assertion that the numerical amount of space equal to size of the amount of matter in it is located:
Vred = m mat (1)
where: Vred – Volume
m mat – the mass of matter located in this volume
From the accepted assumptions:
LimPpr Pmat = const =
LimPpr – density of space
Pmat – the density of matter
Assume that the gravitational force is the force pushing space, then, according to the law of Archimedes, [4], str.314, for a system consisting of two particles mass “m1” and mass “m2”, spaced at a distance “r”
Fvyt = Ftyag (2)
where: Fvyt – force pushing space acting on material points “m1” and “m2”
Ftyag- gravitational force acting on the material points “m1” and “m2”
Using the law of universal gravitation [3], page 29, we get:
Fvyt = Ftyag = Kg • m1 • m2 / r ² (3)
where: Kg- gravitational constant
m1- mass material point “m1”
m2- mass of the material point of “m2”
From the equation: P = Ftyag- Fts [4], p.48.
where: P – the force of gravity
Ftyag – the force of gravity
Fts – the centripetal force associated with the rotation of the Earth, in this case, Fts = “0”
Using the equation: P = Ftyag, formula (3) is transformed into:
P = Kg • m1 • m2 / r ² (4)
Transforming the formula (4), the expression P = m • g [4], p.50
Where: m – the total weight of the points “m1” and “m2” is: m = m1 + m2
g – gravitational tension
(M1 + m2) • g = Kg • m1 • m2 / r ² (5)
Replacing the expression for the mass of points through the volume and density we get:
(V1 + V2) • Pmat • g = Kg • m1 • m2 / r ²
(V1 + V2) • Pmat • g = Kg • V1 • V2 • P ² mat / r ²
Pmat = g • r ² • (V1 • V2) / Kg • V1 • V2 (6)
where: Pmat – the density of matter
V1 – volume of the material point “m1”
V2 – the amount of material point “m2”
g- gravitational tension
Kg- gravitational constant
Of the assumptions:
LimPpr = g • r ² • (Vpr1 Vpr2 +) / KG • • Vpr1 Vpr2 (7)
where: Vpr1 – the amount of space the material point “m1”
Vpr2 – the amount of space the material point “m2”
From the above formula (7) implies that an increase in the distance between two material points in the system consisting of the material points, the density of the space in these locations is increasing.
As a consequence of the above, it follows the law of the unity of existence of matter and space, or the law of conservation of matter and space.
The quantity of matter occupies a space equal to,
The numerical value of the amount of this SPACE
Mmat = Vred (1)
To prove the law consider the phenomenon of reducing the density of the space at the time the matter in it. In this case, the decrease in the density of space “RPR” filled the space occupied by the density of matter inversely:
R ¹ = 1/Rpr
where: P ¹ – the density of the space occupied by matter
RPR- density space
Of the assumptions (2) and (4) we get:
Fvyt = P ¹ • (+ Vpr1 Vpr2) • g = Kg • m1 • m2 / r ²
(Vpr1 + Vpr2) • g / LimPpr = Kg • m1 • m2 / r ²
• Vpr1 Vpr2 = m1 • m2
The product of the numerical amount of space occupied by matter, equal to the number of the numerical product of the mass of matter in space, or:
Mmat = m1 • m2;
Vred = Vpr1 • Vpr2
From the above discussion compliance with conditions (1)
Mmat = Vred (1)
On the basis of the law of conservation of space and matter, confirmed the validity of the assumption (2): Fvyt = Ftyag
From which it follows that the space affects, in a system consisting of any two material points on these points, with the force pushing applied to these points, and equal in magnitude to the force of gravity. The direction of this force, according to Newton’s third law can be proved similarly to the proof given the well- known [4], page 47.
On the basis of the law of conservation of space and matter, confirmed the validity of the received condition that space as matter has a density.
1. Strength, formerly known as the force of gravity [3]. Pp. 29 is a force which pushes the two material area point “m1” and “m2”, and is equal to:
Fvyt = (+ Vpr1 Vpr2) • g / Lim • Ppr
where: Fvyt- force pushing space
Vpr1- the amount of space occupied by the material point “m1”, equal
the volume of the material point “m1”.
Vpr2- the amount of space occupied by the material point “m2”, equal to the
the volume of the material point of “m2”
LimPpr – the ultimate density of the space, which is numerically equal to the density of matter points “m1” and “m2”. g- gravitational tension
2. With increasing distance between the two material points “m1” and “m2”,
the density of the space in these locations increases and tends to a limit equal to the numerical value of the matter density of points “m1” and “m2”.
LimPpr = g • r ² • (Vpr1 Vpr2 +) /Kg••Vpr1Vpr2
where: LimPpr – density of points in space “m1” and “m2”
g – gravitational tension
r – distance between “m1” and “m2”
Vpr1- the amount of space occupied by the material point “m1”, equal
volume of material point “m1”
Vpr2 – the amount of space occupied by the material point “m2”, equal
The volume of material points “m2”
Kg – the gravitational constant
3. The quantity of matter is the space occupied by the numerical amount of the Space:
Mmat = Vpr
INSTALLATIONS previously unknown property space affect any two material points, the system consisting of the two material points with the ejection force applied to these points and directed towards the center of mass in the direction of the less dense area.
1. The discovery radically changes the understanding of the origin of gravity and answers the question about the nature of the gravitational force.
2. On the basis of the discovery can be disputed question of the origin of the various fields of electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic, etc., not fixing them as a consequence of inducing phenomena, namely to define the interaction of one or Ina forms of matter with space.
3. On the basis of the discovery, we can give a fundamentally new view of the origin of the material world.
4. The discovery gives new concrete idea of what matter and space has a density, and hence the space is the existence of space, too, with a density that matter, the limit is equal to the density of matter. The same fact is true of matter as a space, the space under the action of concentrating the ejection force, spatial body, which displays the formula (6). Matter is the existence of a density limit is equal to the density of the space. Based on the above, the following equalities:
LimPpr = Pmat;
LimPmat = Ppr.
SO: the buoyancy of space arises from the difference of the numerical
values of the densities of matter and space, equality between
which is not, for any given density of existence
space and matter, there are limits to which those seeking
On the basis of the discovery can be concluded that the universe consists of two densities of space and matter, in which the buoyancy effect.
In the space of density, buoyancy effect of matter, which contributes to the concentration of the space in the spatial density, spatial body.
As the density of matter, the urging force of the space, which contributes to the concentration of matter in a material body.
These findings in no way contradict the philosophical interpretation of the existence of space and matter: “The space – a form of existence of matter.” [2], page 59 … 61., But only complement our understanding of the unity of space and matter.
Thus, from the foregoing, one can also conclude that there is a matter of space while achieving spatial body density limit matter, and then concentrated under the action of the ejection space in the material body.
And so it is possible to conclude that there is a space of the material when the material body density limit space, and then concentrated under the action of ejecting material, in the spatial body.
In our material density concrete confirmation of the “absorption” of matter in the universe is observed white dwarfs and black holes. Based on the above findings, it can be said that white dwarfs and black hole is material of the body where the equality substance density limit density space, which leads to the transformation of matter, in these systems, space which is then ejected matter and concentrated in the spatial body.
The emergence of the substance of the space there is in the rings of Saturn, as a good example to achieve a spatial body limit the density of matter, space and then pushed to the surface of Saturn.
5. Opening revolutionize the understanding of nuclear physics, in which there is still a lot of puzzles, one of which contains a vague understanding of the mechanism of electron motion in the nuclear orbits around atoms.
6. The opening will calculate the density limit at which the transformation of the space into matter and matter into space.
7. It is possible with the discovery, discover new forms of energy.
1. A. Einstein, “Collected Works”, Volume 2, Moscow, 1966. [1]
2. “Fundamentals of Marxist- Leninist philosophy,” Moscow, “Politizdat,” 1980. [2]
3. L.A.Setsa “units of physical quantities and their dimension”, publishing house “Nauka”
Moscow, 1977. [3]
4.B.M.Yavorsky, AA Detlaf, “Handbook on the Physics for engineers and students”
Moscow, 1979. [4]
Prof. VA Kolesnikov
The Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR Kiev – 1985.
When you have finished writing, Leonid looked thoughtfully out the window. Surprisingly, much of the past decade, and the problem of the gravitational force has not been solved. He found on the forum a couple of negative reviews on the discovery of Professor Kolesnikov. From what the scientists wrote acerbic comments on his work. Of course, the discovery radically changed the scientific world view of the nature of the universe, of course, it might not like the many who for many years made a name in the scientific world on the structure of the universe. Losing a bird feeder, and no one wanted those who were against the opening, did everything possible to prevent the course of a new view of the structure of the world. But the answers professors were correct and so smart that Merck sarcastic prick another assistant who, trying to flatter head, his professor, gave his criticisms. Here is one of these “observations”:
“The patient (patient crossed out and beyond), oops wrong, a lot of fun in his work”, the signature, Somebody. At the professor sent a reply to this forum Somebody, namely, the following:
“In a replica of the court jester:" This is nonsense, stupid!”
William Shakespeare, “King Lear” Act 1, Scene 4. “Translated from English. Sounds like,” This is nonsense, you fool!”
The professor had other answers, but they all carried the only compassion and pain for the fact that the scientific world does not understand the problem, let alone break his comfortable existence in science. Traces of the professor’s work lost in those early 80- ies of the twentieth century. During this time, and in the early twenty- first century scholars deeply into the study of the microcosm. Were built and launched powerful colliders. And the biggest of them on the border of France and Switzerland. But the answer to the nature of gravity, he never gave. On the threshold of the twenty- first half of the century, scientists around the world are struggling with the problem of the origin of the gravitational force to no avail.
Leonid sighed, his gaze stopped on a slender Cypress outside. It was 20 hours 10 minutes and diamonds. Yet the sun was shining, emitting rays of sunset fading evening on top of the crown.
Turning off your computer, it looked at a red mop of dyed hair Lyudmila Petrovna seen from behind the library counter.
– Lyudmila! – He called a librarian.
– Yes! I know! – Answered quickly woman – What you say to me?
This puzzled by Leonid: “What did she mean by that? And he hopes? "– Thinking it was found:
– What would you like to hear?
Well, – playfully, rolling his eyes, began to speak librarian. – What time later. Well, that day I had to eighteen zero, zero!
– But, the library in the evening runs to twenty zero, zero! – Tried to argue Leonid. Lyudmila P. blushed. Did not know what to say. He got up from the table, walked over to the rack:
– Thank you, Lyudmila! – Replied curtly and walked out into the hallway. Closing the door behind him, he heard the following:
– What I said to him Lyudmila? I Luda!
Chapter 5
Krazimov not topaz, followed by another alley lit by the setting sun. Did not come out of my head Lyudmila Petrovna its complexes lonely middle- aged women, which was well past this age. And just appeared, as if from brand new nurse, marching forward, broke his train of thought wheeled around an aging woman. He curiously examined the approaching figure of a slender girl in short shorts. Caught sight of the elastic swaying nipples under a light blouse. Her brown hair, heavy waves falling to the narrow shoulders, effectively set off the correct shape of the face, emphasizing the long black lashes and a fine flourish, sensual eyebrows. The girl drew near, felt his eyes and blushed. At this point, become more attractive, more brightly flashed her youthful beauty.
– Hello! – Coming up with Leonid, suddenly she said at a barely audible.
Not expecting greetings, Leonid, confusedly said,
– Hello! But we’ve already said hello! – He mumbled retreating youthful essence, dumbfounded, freezing in place. Luster youthful beauty shone in that instant, like a thunderbolt, as a moment as the perfect moment. And suddenly surging emotions flared lines:
“… I remember a wonderful moment,
In front of me was you!
Like a fleeting moment,
As an image of pure beauty!”
He stood without moving, enchanted the young creature, and only immortal lines Pushkin throbbed at his temple, combined with the quickened heartbeat.
Leonid, the remaining part of the way, could not remember woke up only at the entrance stairs to the dormitories.
At a table sat a familiar duty nurse something, writing in the logbook.
– Val, say, a brand new long you work?
– Trainee of the Medical Faculty of space medicine.
– There is no such profession. – Said Leonid.
– Something I do not understand, Leon – a nurse, a librarian and worked in a rehabilitation center for a long time and was not the first youth. But, unlike Lyudmila Petrovna, Valentina let myself unceremonious treatment of patients, it is forgiving. – What are you going to medical?
– No. Just a specialty in this area of medicine called a little differently.
Well, they do not call it porridge with butter, and butter will not spoil it.
– What is true is true.
A Varya will on duty another month, and then in Moscow for the test in practice. – While at the Valentina flashed in his eyes sparkle smile, which she tried to hide her, tilting his head over the magazine – Here is the report for her writing, I forgot I guess.