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Book-2. Hilt novella

Book-2. Hilt novella
V. Speys
© V. Speys, 2021
ISBN 978-5-0053-4958-3 (т. 2)
ISBN 978-5-0053-4959-0
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
Book-2, is a continuation of the story set out in the book – 1 “Tir”. The development of events occurring on the planet Fayeton in prehistoric times of the Earth. The heroes of the book participate in a scientific experiment on Earth. Survive incredible adventures. Pleasant readings, your author.
Book—2. Hilt novella
Chapter 1
At the table, littered with papers, sat Misar. The shimmering green light came from the walls of the room, lighting up immersed in the thoughts of man. And black business suit and a pale shadow of the person with the seal of heavy thoughts, and the empty silence of the palace – all induce the belief that the state of affairs is not the best. Tottering power of the President, meeting with the forces of the people who are in the Armistice Union, argued the idea that the reign of the Mirage coming to an end. Loneliness, likening the ghost pallor suggesting that this weak-willed person. The huge palace was empty, but it is securely guarded detention. Black overalls guards of the palace guard flashed here and there on the soft tracks corridors. Under the bright light of the stars twinkled in the courtyards of their helmets. The table was gay with a scattering of colorful stamps on the set of envelopes scattered in disarray over the green cloth. The contents of the letter they brought grim news from the remote corners of the world. Yes, it was something to think about Adviser. The nations, burdened with all the tax increases and rising prices have become a fait accompli well-fed and rich life overarching state, Lakia. Since coming to power of Tir has been twenty years, that has changed over this period? Yes, to end hunger and devastation by spreading
National income countries. Yes, no more wars and unrest – there is a single rail power system state Mirage over the world, including a set of disenfranchised laws severely restrict the rights of citizens in the Allied countries. On the contrary, the citizens enjoyed Lakia comprehensive benefits.
From the dreams of the peoples of a certain democratic Union Armistice has disappeared. Build your empire of Tir World Domination by putting the people in front of more sinister reality – the danger of a new war with the use of the quark weapons. Counselor knew that Tir will stop at nothing to saving power, to subdue nations. On Saturday afternoon, the President spoke to the Cabinet of Ministers to draft new laws, one ruinous for other subordinates of giving enormous profits Mirage. With particularly strong criticism made by ministers of the Southern Hemisphere. After the speech, the President went to his villa. Waving the flags and bright bouquets of flowers, his people crowded country on the way. The people of the same hundred fifty states, frozen at the TV screens, they hated him even more. In the address of the Adviser swept the telegram: – Dear Mr. President. We managed to decipher information about a “quasi-quark weapons.” Tir wary clenched fingers entwined speaking to blue.
– Do not pull, report!
– Information about how to obtain this bomb is now on the way out…
– Why ran she not report?
– They did not want to disturb your sleep…
Yeah, what the hell’s sleep! Are you there pawns playing with me! Tyr has long carried the “along and across the” laboratory staff, but even so broke grateful speech and concluded: – Wait promotions!…
– You hear, Renee? – Rishi overheard conversation with undisguised glee. – He still launch a bomb in production and will help us to gain besides more and force!
– You said Providence, Mr. Counsel. – Agreed lackey.
– Today, remove this puppy! – Angrily said Rishi.
– My men are ready. Folding rifle with optical sights they will be held in boxes for plumbing tools. Have penetrated objects under the guise of fitters and repairers.
– Act, Reni, Providence bless you!
At the same time in the lab Azon and Hilt, bent over amplifier receiver, tried in vain to catch a wave transmitter installed in the office of Hilt Rishi microphones. In addition to cod ether yes whistling noise did not bugged.
– As I had thought! – Exclaimed Azon! – Rishi is not as fool-proof as we think.
– What’s the matter?
– It includes a noise every time you talk to someone.
– Azon, look, I saw yesterday on his desk Mirage map showing some marks on it.
– It’s interesting, and where are they here? – Azon’s unfolded approached hanging on the wall map.
– Here, where our hotel, the red cross. Here’s where this skyscraper on Fifth Street, is also a cross, and on the other the street from the palace to the villa of the President of the red line.
– Yes this is the route that every day at exactly 16:00 President travels. Good for you, Hilt!
– What does it mean? – Naively asked.
– Anything. And the worst – an ambush. You do not touched on the table?
– No, it’s all there on the spot.
– Immediately, Hilt, rush to the skyscraper, and I’m on the roof of the hotel. If it’s an ambush, consider that you are saving for the second time Tir life. Come on, friend!
Hilt looked dumbfounded at Azon, “he jokes or laugh at the naivetés shepherd”, but in the entire appearance of Lieutenant did not have and shadow ridicule. And Hilt rushed after him…
They ran out of the lab, each rushing to his side on the crowded street. There was a rush hour. Motorcade has left the palace, heading down Fifth Street toward the Cathedral of the Ort Star.
The killer was driving the trigger when Hilt jumped on the thirtieth floor skyscraper under construction and has appeared behind him. He shuddered by surprise. A bullet whizzed past at the head of Tir and plopped to open the door of the car. The President immediately stopped tuple.
– Immediately up! Cordon off the block! No one out! Check all! – He commanded the guard. Dumar, who was sitting next to driver radioed Major Zhevil about the incident. Police immediately cordoned off the street, passers-by began searches. Hilt in two strides he found himself next to his massive back gunman. He spun around, aiming the gun at him. But it was it’s too late. Hilt was standing close to the long barrel; the right hand lay his iron grip on the barrel. Before him stood a huge growth bruiser. His heavy jaw and a broken nose flat, almost bulged into the skull, suggested the alterations he had visited their owner. Hanging shaggy eyebrows nearly closed spiky little eyes and bald head turned purple from the strain. Hands with the slowness of a bear began to raise the gun to strike. Curl of the lips contorted ugly face of the killer, who spoke about the fact that its owner is valid for sure. Hilt coolly, taking advantage of the slowness of the enemy, his head struck the first blow in the solar plexus. Goof off balance with all the fluff back and hit his head on the Brickwork. Hilt tried to stun the culprit fist on his bald head. But other than biting cotton nothing came of it. Vanished was a smile from the face of the killer once again took his place and strong as plowshares plow, hand raked his fingers through his poor sergeant by the collar uniform jacket. Crosswise squeezing the collar, the killer began to strangle the victim. Fighting the Killer delayed the time to retreat. Police came to the rescue quickly tied the criminal, put him on a stretcher and carried him down. Hilt was close to conclusive evidence of the assassination – a gun. Suffered in this story only Hilt, his voice changed and hissed, but his story is still seriously listened to the devil and jokes from the guards…
– Lieutenant Azon! – Solemn voice said Tir, referring to the stagnation of the guard standing at attention. Nearby stood Hilt.
– I submit to you my personal thanks to you and add salary for defusing attempt and capture the killers.
– Glad to serve the Mirage! – Blurted Azon.
– You, Hilt, for the capture of the killer stand thanks and also add salary.
– Glad to serve the Mirage! – Said in his turn Hilt.
– And now, my friends, I may reward you for your desired.
– Mr. President! – Azon said. – I would like to ask you Hilt increase in rank. It is worthy to wear the insignia of lieutenant your personal protection.
– I’m sorry, Lieutenant, but it helped you, not you to him.
– That’s not … – Azon told how Hilt failed to disclose conspiracy.
– So you’re a sergeant, a true hero! Worth a farthing to the President, who does not notice the sharp-witted men. I raise you the title, now you Lieutenant!
– Serve the Mirage! – Exclaimed enthusiastically Hilt.
– Come, my friends! – Ordered Tir. And both came out of the office.
– Anything, Mr. President? – Tier experiencing watched the newcomer Dumar.
– I called you to deliver orders to President Arkii Vick. This job extreme national importance.
– I’m all ears, Mr. President!
– To deliver the contents of the capsule, and live to see the answer. Then immediately to me.
– Yes, Mr. President! – Dumar went to the table and Tir taken out of his hands capsule.
– Go!
– Yes! Dumar left. Immediately adjutant entered.
– Anything, Mr. President?
– Major Zhevil to me!
– There is. Three minutes later, Major Zhevil came into the office.
– Pass the official order Adviser on his dismissal from his post and send orally that the President considers his services to the state and grant him a pension benefit. Let him live in his mansion and do not go anywhere beyond Lakia!
– And what about his personal bodyguard?
– Security at anything, will be the new Adviser, will be new orders.
– Clearly, Mr. President.
– Go!
Zhevil out of the office. Tir still a long walk from corner to corner with the put behind
hands, with frozen fingers weave…
Rishi was sitting in his office, pondering a new attempt when the threshold the head of the palace guard, Major Zhevil. Adviser raised his eyebrows in surprise: “What rudeness to enter without knocking.” – He thought, and opened the his mouth to morals, but Zhevil first started:
– By the will of the President, you step back from his position and go on a well-deserved retirement. – With that, he handed the sheet of the Rishi with the order of signature of Tir.
– Who-oh-oh! – Pale and jumping up from his chair, said Rishi falsetto.
– Tir asked to convey that, given your service to the state…
But these words are not heard Rishi. Gasping, he fell unconscious on the carpet at the desktop. Zhevil stuck his head out of the office: – The adjutant! a doctor! Sam rushed to the Rishis. He wheezed, with thin lips made yellow foam. Zhevil raised his head and put a former adviser his heart in his mouth pill solution, then poured the water. Faithful Renee stood by indifferently watching fainting is the common man, already a faceless, already transformed by servile standards, to nothing. There was a doctor with two nurses. He listened to and examined Rishi, then made the shot. Medics gently laid him on a stretcher and taken to the palace hospital… Dumar returned the next day in the evening with a strange man scowl.
– I’ve been waiting for you, Captain! – The first to speak of Tir. “Free from the dictates of the Council of the Armistice of Tir!”
“The people of self-determination!”
“The Council of the Armistice Tir turned into an instrument of violence!”
“Down!.. Down!…” – Flashed before my eyes the words telegrams, cut into the brain, causing heart tremble in panic anticipation of trouble. So, morning, Sunday. Rapidly up the stairs, agitated and irritated, the President went to his office. The walls of the dark room suddenly lit up with pink light, a favorite color of Tir, sculptured hair massive table with a control panel bezel, and a huge screen, ghostly outlined in the air in the middle of the office. He sat down in a comfortable chair at the table. Strong face with eyes, steel-gray hue, with a feverish glitter in them, belonged to a smart and beautiful head. Thoughts were replaced with extraordinary speed and clarity. Hand, finding the right key, froze. The screen suddenly flickered. Revived. Three-dimensional image of the mayor Kyi, Capital rebellious Southern Hemisphere, appeared before the eyes of the President. He immediately, without waiting for the question, Tir report that if no further increase in taxes and prices rise, then inevitably break out the rebellion. Next, an image of Major Zhevil, Chief palace guards sent to Tir cue to subdue the rebels. Through the broken helmet over his face bleeding. Overall color “khaki” was tattered, his story confirmed the report of the mayor: case was judged serious events, why the President gave Councilor order to ensure safety.
Misar not wait. On his orders troops to six morning were strapped to the borders of the Southern Hemisphere. And the protection of the palace was ordered to strengthen the positions. The park and the lower floors of the guards on duty. This morning dawn found Adviser at your desk. In the quiet of his study there was a sudden slow chimes. Misar sharply looked up. Hand searched the ranks of the keyboard button on the left, stopped with the ninth fight. The door to the office wall silently opened. It seemed man in red livery and white gloves.
– Who is on duty today? – Ask our Misar logged lackey.
– Guards Major Zhevil.
– Renee, call any of the officers more reliable!
– Yes, Sir!
– Wait a minute! – Delayed Misar lackey! – Help me change. Lackey silently brought the field form a guard. After changing clothes, Misar said: – Well, call me now!
Renee shadow slipped through the front door of the office. Taking advantage of a moment, became Adviser to wear a seat belt holster wide beam weapons. Caught in the act of its officer entered.
– Lieutenant Hilt! – Introduced himself entered.
It was a man of medium height, trim, with an aquiline nose, a black beard, with graceful arched eyebrows above the brown-green intelligent eyes. He was dressed in an officer’s field uniform security guard. From the former shepherd in appearance, not left gone. In his appearance felt a calmness that has been acquired over the years. The officer looked at Misar disguise, assessing the seriousness of the situation, forcing himself to get into the Adviser “skin” simple guards. Misar gave him a quick glance:
– How old are you?
– Thirty-nine! – Answered Hilt.
– Well, that’s forty. Yes no matter the age, Mr. Hilt, times have changed! – Making allusion to the masquerade, the adviser said. – Go! Hilt was closer to the table. Misar handed a sealed envelope
Hilt with the words: – There warrant, take the armored car guard and deliver me from the city jail inmate. Three minutes later, accompanied by two armored car guards on ant gravitational motorcycles, rustling tires, rolled toward the city outskirts Mirage…
– Renee! – Misar turned to the waiter! – You have more than thirty years in the service.
– Yes, it is. – Not without a hint of pride, flattered by the attention highborn personages, said the footman.
– And have a good memory?
– At a lackey no memory. – Renee replied evasively, thinking: “He wants to find out the secret bunker.”
– You, Renee, loyal and faithful servant, and many secrets of the palace opened to you.
– Yes, Sir, one of the advantages of footman – the ability to store
entrusted secrets.
– Then tell me what kind of person Hilt?
Renee sighed with relief: “So, on the bunker Rishi did not have time report of death. Now, no one but me knows about it existence. “idea of superiority and power over Adviser even over by the President himself pleasantly tickled vanity. Silence delayed, but did not interrupt Misar pause, giving Renee gather his thoughts. Finally servant replied: – Sir, this is a dedicated and brave soldier. Mr. Zhevil it is very appreciated since then, as the President has abolished bodyguard.
– But I heard that the President of Hilt had saved lives, and more than once!
– Yes, it is.
– And could you, Renee, call me a man who would was knowledgeable about all things personal security of the President?
– Ort, Sir. He was a dedicated man of your predecessor. Misar nodded his head, he was not mistaken in his calculations by sending a prisoner of Hilt. Gesture Misar released
lackey. He took a leisurely movement tray with an empty cup coffee and slipped out from under the door. Misar lost in thought…
Vehicle start is scheduled for half of the ninth. Ort, dressed in heavy space suit that can withstand all the trouble of space, standing near the ship in anticipation lift. Next, addressing his pet and faithful servant, was Adviser to the President, the predecessor Misar, Rishi. This flight is scheduled to secrecy not only from the President, but also from government circles.
– You have to do it! – With unconcealed excitement Rishi said, resting his hooked carried a bearded cheek Ort. – Whatever happened to deliver the material sooner the better for both of us.
Gusts steppe wind howled high in the metal structure supports, drowning out the words.
Finally, the elevator doors opened mouth, which disappeared astronaut, and quickly ascended to the round hole entrance to the space ship. Rishi statue stood and watched the little mouse eyes, as the elevator is removed rectangle. And when Ort entered into a rocket, he went to the waiting nearby aircraft. Ort already counting the last seconds before the start. Plane Rishi has managed to escape over the horizon, as the site appeared armored car. A powerful jet blast threw the car as a grain of sand. All who were in it were killed, except one, it was Hilt. Rocket flight passed without communication path where there is no monitoring stations by space, so to find a ship in space failed. Going beyond the solar system. Ort brought the ship to the flight path of the comet Gall with the rotation period of 400 light-years. Meanwhile, in the chapel of Hilt itself. Finding that accompanied the capture age group died, he decided to get out of this the case without waiting for assistance. Getting out of the piles of metal, which turned the car, he moved in a northwesterly direction, hoping to get to the first corridor of passenger aircraft in order to call for help, and most importantly, to hide traces of the rocket launch, because he acted in strict confidence by
personal mission of the President… So, the commandant of the city jail to learn that Hilt sent
Misar himself, bowed before him, even invited for a cup of tea But the guard and raised an eyebrow, handing the package was left waiting at the gate. Tollbooth was a dark building, stuffed novelties electronics like pie filling. Prisoners of such prison, though not seen a sharp eye warden, but felt no less free than to have visited their counterparts. The prisoner appeared to open the doors almost simultaneously with the battle of vintage watches on Fire Tower, a monument of antiques. Hilt started to learn it Ort, but mastering them, missed it in the car, he sat beside her.
– To the palace! – In the car, Hilt, does not help feeling grabbed the prisoner’s shoulders.
– Ort! – Exclaimed in excitement! – Is this you?
– Hilt! – Ort surprise knew no bounds.
– I thought that you are no longer alive.
– Almost buried, as you see, alive.
– So what you train? Damn it!
– Since the death of Rishi, I did not care about their safety – and lo!
– Yeah, right, I did not know it was there it seemed to me you withdrew.
– Where are we going?
– To the Adviser.
– I wonder why I needed him?
– God knows why, I do not know what it will be you.
– You approached it?
– I’m the same as in the days of our acquaintance, remember?
– Yes, it took a lot of time since then. Misar still walks in the pets?
– They say it even affects the President. If you Misar wait, so they’ll have you. This to me is not the present case.
– What are you havoc. Hilt?
– I’ll do anything for you, and you, if given case for me. – Said Hilt.
– It’s a deal…
– It’s a deal … – And former enemies became friends.
The car stopped in the courtyard of the palace. The wide staircase they entered the front door into the hallway. Hilt led the prisoner to the office Misar.
– Report to the Minister about me! – Said the adjutant on duty at the desk in the reception area.
He disappeared through the door cabinet, three seconds later, the door opened: – Please! – He was invited to enter. – And you! – Asked the adjutant to Hilt! – Asked to wait. This alerted Ort. The feeling is even more entrenched, Misar when he saw who was sitting at his desk and did not raise the head from the market. Well-groomed, with a delicate blush face of the minister, flawlessly
curled up his mustache so prim and proper beard attached that indescribable look of the exterior, which puts complacency over the years the authorities. After a rather long silence Minister finally
deign to look.
– Ah, well, it’s you! – Trying as much as possible viper said Misar. Ort barely restrained myself from pleasure to smash his head minister still strong fist.
– Why did you put me in jail? – He growled angrily.
– Oh, yeah, it’s been so long! – Pulled Misar words. – You seem to be. do not refuse service to Rishi.
– Ah! So that’s what you baked me.
– I ask you, did you fly into space in the case of the Ministry of or the President?
– I flew there in a difficult moment for our country. It was Come time to be not be war. And, as you know, due to the fact that we have become a hundred times stronger than the other, our country has remained makes it a strong president. But Hilt with his friends saved the authority of the President. As I said, they got to the rocket itself, and the best of them died. Hilt set off alone. Soon I spotted tracking station. Hilt he took out of my hands and carefully record delivered to the President, of course, it is costly. Then you know. In front of representatives of the governments subservient was produced an explosion at the South Pole. A thick layer of ice deposited over the centuries in this vast continent, in a few moments was swept into the ocean. A huge water bank three times attacked the coastal states, causing death and resignation before the power our country. The power of the President was saved. Rishi paid disease and died. An Hilt and goes to the lieutenants. Here it – the generosity of Lords.
– Tell me, Ort, who has been with Hilt at the time of your return?
– This you can ask him. Well, that’s all. So What will happen to me?
– Hey, watch! Take him away! – Ordered Misar. Ort brought back entrance to the car, parked in the yard, and, pushed rough inside, slammed the door…
Renee filed a strict formal dress and helped to change Adviser form, as befits in such cases. Adviser, as well as members of the government, it is rarely used modern means of communication, preferring personal contacts with the President. Dressed and examined herself in the mirror, pleased Misar said: – Take me. Renee, lighting a lantern narrow corridor had Misar to the secret door of the President’s office. The office of the adjutant on duty when the remote his desk lit red button means “let no one, no one to connect.” Noticing key aide turned signal accurately determine the end of the ban. When the door opened in the wall, letting the Adviser, the President was sitting in a large chair, chin propped on his hands. His steel-gray eyes reflected the impenetrable walls of pinkish shimmer.
– Audience is scheduled for twenty-two zero. Running late, Misar. – Without looking, firm voice said Tir.
– Excuse me, Mr. President. – Leaning in obeisance, Misar waited. “Cunning fox! – Thought Tir, – he still hopes to fight me.”
– I need reliable dedicated people who are able to fulfill any order in a critical situation. Where are they? – Barked lord. Misar rapidly blinking eye lids, then screwing them into the slits of cunning, said with undisguised flattery:
– Mr. President, you were pleased to know where they are?
– Look, Co-vet is intimately, I’m not going to listen to, let alone more to tell you a fable. Answer on the merits!
– Mr. Hilt. – Briefly stated Misar.
– Fine. – The president nodded his head. He long known the courage and bravery of devotional officer. His agility and resourcefulness, but as a person who is used to rake in another’s hands glow, gave the opportunity to come to the same conclusion to his advisers.