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Highland Doc's Christmas Rescue / Festive Fling With The Single Dad
He looked over his shoulder. “I forget you’re American. Would you prefer coffee? I think I have some in the back of the pantry.” He waited, an expectant look on his face.
She mustered a slight smile. “No, tea is fine. You’ve already gone to a lot of trouble for me.”
“No trouble.” He left the room.
While listening to him moving around in another part of the house, Cass laid her head back against the cushion of the sofa and gazed into the flames. The feeling was returning to her feet. She wiggled them. This was nice. The most peaceful she had felt in weeks.
Lyle returned with a small tray. On it were two steaming mugs, a milk jug and a sugar bowl. “Do you take yours with sugar and milk?”
“I don’t know. My coffee I like with both.”
“Then let’s try it that way.” The doctor mixed the ingredients in and handed her a mug.
She wrapped her hands around it, letting the heat seep into her icy fingers.
He sank into his chair with his mug in his hand. The chair fit him perfectly. “How’re you feeling now?”
“Much better. I had no idea how cold and wet I was.”
Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on his knees with the mug between his palms. “You really need thicker socks and boots. There’s a good shop in the village for those.”
“My sturdy boots were cut off and discarded when I was taken to the medical tent. I went straight from the tent to the hospital and from the hospital to here. When I can, I’ll buy another pair. And maybe replace my cellphone.” She had said more than she had intended.
His brows went up. “Medical tent? I had no idea. Do you mind telling me what happened?”
“It wasn’t in my file?”
He pursed his lips and gave a noncommittal shake of his head. “Yes, but I’d like to hear it about it from you. I think you need to talk.”
“Being a shrink again, Doc?”
“It’s Lyle, and I was going more for being your friend.” He leaned back, looking completely comfortable. “If you don’t want to talk about it that’s fine.”
Now she was being put on the spot. If she didn’t tell him something he would think she was a head case. “There’s not much to tell. I was searching for a girl lost in the rubble of a building after a major explosion in Eastern Europe. It had been two days and there wasn’t much hope. I found her alive but in the process a wall fell on me. So now you have it.” Cass had been careful not to use the word we. She didn’t want to talk about Rufus. She refused to break down in front of this stranger, no matter how nice he was.
“Wow, that’s some story.”
And he hadn’t heard it all. Wouldn’t ever as far as she was concerned. “Yeah, makes for a great party story.”
He gave her a direct look. “I think it makes you a pretty impressive person. Your type of work can be both rewarding and very depressing.”
He was right about that. His piercing empathy made her conscious of her vulnerability. She wasn’t used to people seeing through what she said that clearly. The men she’d had relationships with certainly hadn’t—including Jim, her latest disaster. Now she had scars on her body. How would men react to them?
Lyle put the mug down. “How’re your hands and feet feeling now?”
Relieved he’d changed the subject, she answered, “Instead of being numb they feel like needles are being pushed into them.”
“That’s good. The feeling is returning.”
Giving him a wry smile, she brought the mug to her lips again. The warmth flowed through her, matching the heat in the room. “So how come the administrator of the prestigious Heatherglen Castle Clinic is living way out here in the woods?”
Looking over the edge of the mug, he gave her an indulgent look. “In the daylight it’s not that far out. This was the gamekeeper’s cottage. When I returned from serving in the Middle East I needed a place to live. Turned out this came with the administrator’s job.”
“I don’t see you as the military type.” He didn’t strike her as a squared shoulders, stand-at-attention kind of man. His smile was too quick, his manner too easygoing to fit into that strait-laced world.
“Aye. I was born and bred to it.”
The words were flat, suggesting that hadn’t been a completely good thing. There was more there but she didn’t ask. It wasn’t her business and she didn’t like him prying into hers, so she wouldn’t.
“You were overseas?”
“Aye, two tours in the Middle East.”
“That couldn’t have been much fun.” She was sure that was an understatement.
A dark look came over his face. “It wasn’t.”
He must have seen stuff similar to what she had in her work. She would never have guessed they’d have anything in common. Cass didn’t want to talk about the similarities in their backgrounds. Instead she would rather lock it away and not think about the past. Or the pain. “So you were raised around here?”
“Yes. In the village of Cluchlochry. My parents don’t live far from here. Where’re you from?”
His tone led her to believe he loved the area. “Indiana, but I live in Montana now.”
He raised his eyebrows and nodded approvingly. “I’ve been there. Beautiful scenery.”
“It is. That’s my favorite thing about it. But even with all the snow, it’s pretty around here as well.”
“In the spring it’s like living inside an emerald it’s so green.” Reverence made his Scottish accent more pronounced.
Did it do the same when he whispered in a woman’s ear when he desired her? Heaven help her! That wasn’t a thought she should be having. Where had that idea come from? She swallowed hard and wiggled her toes. Surely it was the fire making her skin so hot.
“Let me have a look at those. I want to make sure you don’t have the beginnings of frostbite.” He went down on one knee in front of her.
“Look at what?” Her mind had been in a completely different place. “Oh, my feet. I don’t think that’s necessary.”
He gave her an odd look then patted his thigh. “But I do. Put your foot up here.”
With reluctance she did as he requested. Lyle’s leg was firm beneath her bare sole, his corduroy pants soft.
He cradled her heel gently in the palm of his hand. All his touches were functional and professional, yet a streak of response zipped through her. She pulled back and sat straighter, watching the top of his head with its light, curly red hair. Were those coils as soft as they looked? She almost reached out a hand. Almost…
“Wiggle your toes for me.”
Her head jerked up. It took her a long second to comply.
His fingers traveled over her toes. She pulled back but he held her foot securely. He raised his head, a slight grin on his lips. “Ticklish.” It was more a statement than question.
“A little.” It sounded childish to admit.
Cass groaned inside.
“There’s no sign of frostbite here. That’s good.” He placed that foot on the floor. “Let me see the other one.”
Cass didn’t even try to resist this time. He gave that foot the same attention as the other, but without tickling her. For some reason that disappointed her.
“Wiggle,” he commanded.
She did.
“Good.” He rose from the floor and moved to pick up one of her socks. “These are still damp. You really are going to have to get some thicker ones when you buy those boots if you plan to take walks. When the snow melts it can get very muddy. I’ll get you some dry ones to wear back to the castle.” He left the room.
It was past time for her to get back to the clinic but his place was so cozy, so comfortable. Too much Lyle’s space. She shouldn’t be having such a reaction to him. This wasn’t the time to add more conflicting emotions to those she already had.
He soon returned and handed her a pair of thick, very masculine navy socks. She had no doubt these would keep her feet dry. He took his chair while she pulled them on. Immediately her feet were warmer.”
“These feel great. Thank you. I’ll have them laundered and returned as soon as possible.”
He poked at the fire, making sure the screen was secure around it. “No hurry. I know where to find them if I need them.”
Cass reached for her shoes. “I think it’s time for me to be going. I’ve taken up enough of your evening.”
Lyle didn’t disagree with her. Instead he rose and went into the hallway. With her shoes now on, Cass reached for her damp coat.
“Wait. You need a dry coat as well.” He had one in his hand, holding it open for her. She slipped her arms in and he settled the heavy jacket on her shoulders. There was that same smell she had caught when she’d first met him. The coat swallowed her whole but it was like being wrapped in his arms. Although that was an unsettling and unrealistic notion, it was nevertheless a reassuring one.
Lyle pulled on his own outdoor clothing while she waited. He studied her a moment. “You need a hat, scarf and some gloves as well.” Disappearing upstairs, he returned with a handful of woolen items.
“I can’t take these. Surely you need them.” She offered them back to him.
He shook his head. “I have a drawer full. My mother knits these.”
Cass ran her hand across them. The wool was so soft. “It feels wonderful.”
“Try on the hat. It may not be tight enough, but it’ll be better than nothing.” He watched her expectantly.
Cass pulled the dark tan hat over her head, tucking in stray hair around her face. She still held the scarf. “I’ll be all right without this.”
“No, you won’t.” His stern look stopped her from further argument.
Cass wasn’t used to having people tell her what to do. A bit irritated, she wrapped the scarf around her neck. It too smelled of pine and wood smoke, like him. Those scents would forever remind her of Lyle.
She forced that thought out of her head and focused on tucking the ends of the scarf inside her borrowed coat. “Your mother does a beautiful job.”
“Thank you. What I can count on is that you’ll stay warm in them. These gloves will be far too large but they will work for right now. You’ll need to buy some of those as well. Now, come on, it’s time we got you back to the castle.”
She inhaled. There was that scent again. Yes, she needed to get out of here. Something about Lyle and his home made her wish for things better left alone.
LYLE OPENED THE door and the bitter cold embraced her. Cass pulled the scarf a little tighter around her neck, glad to have it. Lyle closed the door behind them, blocking out all but the porch light.
It was cold and darkness had taken over. As they walked further away from the house she could see the stars shining brightly. She paused in awe. It was beautiful.
Cass had been to many places in the world, but few compared to how amazing it was here with the moon and the stars…and the peace. In the distance there was a rise with what looked like the ruins of an old building on its crest. She pointed. “What’s that place?”
“That’s the old castle keep. The first laird of Heatherglen build it. It’s a tumble of stones now but you can get a beautiful view of the valley, including the village, from up there. There’s a path to it, but I don’t recommend you go off on your own. The path can be a bit tricky in a number of places.”
“Are you worried about me wandering away?”
He searched her face for a moment. “I’d like to hope not, but based on the facts I have so far, I feel like you might.”
“I repeat, I was a member of a search and rescue team.” One that was broken now. She no longer had a partner.
He pulled a flashlight out of his pocket and turned it on now that they were way from the cottage. “I understand that, but surely you’ve always had help.”
She’d always had Rufus. Had relied on him to return them back home safely. Now she had no one. At this particular moment Lyle was fulfilling the role Rufus had had in her life. Still, she wasn’t sure she could ever let herself truly rely or care for anybody, whether dog or human, ever again.
“Search and rescue is an interesting vocation. How did you get started in that?”
“When I was ten my younger brother got lost in the woods while my family was on a camping trip. He was gone almost twenty-four hours. My parents and I were terrified we would never see him again. The search and rescue people saved the day. Later on in college I realized I wanted to help people like my family had been helped.” She paused. Why was she telling this virtual stranger all of this? What about Lyle had her talking so much?
He matched his pace to her slower one. “You and your kind are special people. I worked with a few of you while I was in the army. Did you do your training there?”
“No. I didn’t start that until after college. While I was in school I worked at the vet clinic at the university. I was there most weekends as a volunteer. Some of the dogs were retired search dogs. After working with them I had no doubt what I should be doing.”
“It sounds like an exciting way to make a living.” He sounded truly impressed.
Sometimes it could be too exciting. She had no interest in reliving the last few months of her life. “It can be, but it also has its downsides. It’s awful to see people desperately searching for loved ones or learn that a family member can’t be saved.”
“I know what you mean. War can do devastating things to a body. Trying to piece it back together can be the stuff of nightmares.” His sincerity convinced Cass he understood all too well.
In spite of her determined efforts to conceal her private hell, she was feeling uncomfortably vulnerable yet again. “I’d rather not compare notes on what we’ve seen.” Her last assignment was at the top of the list.
“You’re right. Some things are better left in the past.”
Cass couldn’t agree more. She’d had enough issues generated in the recent past to last her a lifetime. She wobbled when she stepped into a snow-covered dip in the ground.
His hand nestled in her elbow. “How’s that leg feeling?”
“Like a building fell on it and it had more PT than it liked.”
“I bet it does. You’re doing too much. A walk outside might have been over the top.” He moved the torch so that it illuminated the snow in front of her.
“I’m handling it.” She was, just barely though.
“I spoke to Flora and she said you might have overdone things today.”
She pulled her arm from his hold. “Are you going around checking up on me?”
“That’s part of my job.” Nothing in Lyle’s voice was apologetic.
Cass stepped as far away from him as the path would allow. “Well, I’ll have you know I don’t need a babysitter.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. I also understand you’re in a big hurry to leave us. You know, you can hurt people’s feelings with that attitude.”
When was the last time she had been teased? Her personality didn’t make people do that often. “I’m not as interested in people’s feelings as I am in getting my leg and arm well again. You do know I could’ve made it back by myself. All I had to do was come out the gate and follow the fence back.”
“That may have been so, but I couldn’t take the chance of you getting lost. It looks bad in the press for the clinic to lose a patient.”
No matter how she tried to push him away, or how close she came to rudeness, he seemed to take it in stride. She had to appreciate his sense of humor and self-assurance. He had an ability to make her smile even when she didn’t want to or feel like it.
A whimper from somewhere up ahead caught Cass’s attention. Her senses went on full alert. She searched the ground for who or what was making the noise. Her reaction came from years of being vigilant at her job. Unable to see clearly in the small amount of light, she angled her head to listen. There it was again.
Lyle turned his flashlight toward a hedge nearby. The sound came again. It was animal, not human. This time Lyle stepped in the direction of it.
“Do you hear that?”
“Yes.” She didn’t move from her spot. The noises brought back painful memories. Like the ones Rufus had made just before he’d died.
“It’s an animal in trouble.” Lyle took small steps toward the shrubbery, making the light arc back and forth. The whimper came again, and he focused the beam in that spot. “It’s a dog.”
Cass’s chest tightened. She couldn’t deal with a dog right now. Even a stray.
“Hey, buddy, do you need some help?” Lyle asked in a tender, soothing tone. His shoulder moved as if he were reaching out a hand.
There was a growl.
Cass still remained rooted where she was. She couldn’t make herself step forward.
“We can’t leave it out here in the cold. It looks like it’s starving.” Lyle reached out his hand again.
Another growl.
Lyle spoke over his shoulder. “If I can get it to come to me I’ll take it to the canine therapy center. Esme will check it out and see about it.”
Cass forced herself to take a step closer. She looked over Lyle’s back to where the light was directed. He reached forward once more.
The dog snarled, showing its teeth.
“It doesn’t look like it’s going to let me take it. I can’t just leave it here. I’m afraid it’ll freeze before morning.”
Cass was shocked back to reality. The animal was so obviously undernourished. It shook in the cold. Its big brown eyes had a pitiful, fearful look. Cass’s heart lurched. She had to do something. Everything in her that made her vulnerable to getting hurt again reached out to this pathetic animal. She didn’t want to care but couldn’t help herself.

Lyle didn’t understand Cass’s standoffishness. After all, she had worked with a dog. He glanced back at her. She just stood there, staring at him and the dog. “I don’t recognize it as anybody’s around here. I know them as well as I know their owners.”
Finally, Cass blinked and stepped forward, but there was little enthusiasm on her face. “Let me see if I can help.” She went down on her knees, paying no attention to the wetness that must be seeping into her jeans. Removing a glove, she reached out her hand, letting the small scruffy dog smell her.
The dog slowly extended its nose. It obviously liked Cass far better than him. It crawled out from under the hedge and came to Cass. Just a puppy, it was small with muddy matted hair. One of its ears stood up while the other flopped. It had an oddly patterned coat, making it look of mixed breed. Cass lifted the dog to her chest.
Lyle stood. “It figures. I’ve always been far better with people than animals. It likes you.”
Cass gave him a dry smile. When she struggled to stand he helped her.
“The canine therapy center is right down this way. Not far. Just behind the castle. It used to be the stables. It’s just through the woods.” He led them back to the path. “We’ll take it there. Esme will see to it.”
Cass didn’t say anything as she came to stand beside him. As they walked she held the dog close but not overly so. Was she afraid of the dog? Or was there more going on? Lyle would have thought she’d be the first in on a rescue.
Soon they reached the center. The lights were still on. “Esme must be keeping another late night. I’m glad I didn’t have to call and get her out in the weather again. She’s the veterinarian. This therapy center/veterinary center is Esme’s brainchild.” He hurried ahead and held the door for Cass.
She moved in past him.
“Esme, it’s Lyle,” he called as the door closed behind him.
“Hey, be there in a sec,” came Esme’s voice from another room.
She soon appeared with a broad smile on her face. Her short blonde hair was disheveled, as if she had been running her hands through it. “What’s going on?”
Lyle nodded toward Cass, who still held the dog. “We have a patient for you.”
Esme looked at the dog then gave Cass a questioning look.
“Esme, this is Cass Bellow, one of our new residents. She hasn’t made it down to meet the dogs yet, so you haven’t met her.”
“Welcome, Cass. So, who do you have there?” Esme reached for the dog.
It growled.
“Aw, I see you have that special touch,” Esme said, speaking to Cass. “Bring it back here and I’ll give it a look.” Esme led them down a short hall into an examination room. “Put it on the table.”
Cass did as she was told.
Esme went to touch the dog again and it rumbled a complaint deep in its chest.
“I’ll give him something to ease his anxiety.” Esme went to draw up a syringe of medicine.
“Apparently Cass has that special something with animals.” Lyle looked at her, expecting to see a positive expression, but instead she appeared distraught. What was wrong?
Esme quickly and efficiently gave the dog an injection. It soon rested easily in Cass’s arms. “You can put him on the table now. He shouldn’t be any trouble.”
Cass placed the dog on the metal table and backed away. “I think you have this now.” She looked at him. “I can find my way back to the castle from here.”
Cass was out the door before Lyle could stop her.
“She seemed in a hurry,” Esme murmured as she started examining the dog.
Lyle agreed. That accompanied intense curiosity about the stricken look on Cass face as she’d fled.

The next evening Lyle entered the dining room. A number of the residents were already there and engrossed in conversation. Cass wasn’t one of them. He hadn’t seen her since the night before. The few times he had left his office during the day she hadn’t been anywhere in sight. After her reaction to the dog he’d been very interested in how she was doing.
Everyone was seated at the table and the food was ready to serve when Cass entered the room. Relief washed through him. He had feared he was going to have to go and find her and he hadn’t been looking forward to the conversation that would have taken place.
She was dressed in a simple white button-down shirt and jeans. On her feet were the same boots she’d worn the night before. Her hair was brushed back and it didn’t look as if she had any makeup on. There was a fresh, simple air about Cass that appealed to him. Something he was completely unprepared for.
For too long he’d held onto Freya because she had been something safe and secure in a world he’d been unable to control. He had been too young, too unsure of life and couldn’t see that before he’d gone overseas. Still, the way their relationship had ended had colored how he viewed potential partners. He was gun-shy, and he’d be the first to admit it. The next time he got involved with a woman he wanted it to be a mature, mutual lifelong commitment. That certainly couldn’t be with a resident who would soon be gone and had her own life thousands of miles away. He needed to stop any kind of thoughts like the ones he was having now.
“We’re glad to have you join us,” he informed Cass as he stood and pulled out the chair next to him. Smiling, he added, “I was worried I might have to go out in the weather to hunt you down.”
She gave the therapy dog belonging to the resident on the other side of her a long uncertain look before taking the offered seat. “It isn’t because I didn’t think about skipping out.”
“I’m glad you changed your mind.”
She gave him a direct look. “Hunger pangs changed it for me.”
He nodded. “Whatever the reason, I’m glad you’re here. Let me introduce you to everyone.”
“You don’t—” She didn’t finish the sentence when those at the table turned to look at her.
“Everyone, this is Cass.” Lyle then went round the table, giving each person’s name. They either nodded or said hello to her as he went. She offered them all a tight smile.
The food was served family style out of large bowls and platters, passed around the table. Cass only took small amounts of a few items. At this rate she would never gain back the weight he suspected she had lost.